Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Just visiting and reading your dad's post. They always make me sad but then at the end I am happy because I know you lived a life full of love. It brings some sort of comfort to your senseless death. Rest in peace Michael.


March 25, 2007


Just can't sleep tonight so I thought I'd stop at your page and do some writing. It seems like an eternity since I last heard your voice with that funny laugh of yours. I sure do miss those early morning calls from you after you would get off the midnights shift and on your way home you'd call and always ask, "What ya doin?" This grief thing hasn't been getting any easier and May is fast approaching which means all those Memorials. I visit as many fallen police officers pages as I can and leave reflections to loved ones to let them know that they are not alone in this journey without their Blue Angels. Well, before I go, maybe I better tell a Michael story. Lets see, since St Patrick's Day just ended and it was a favorite holiday of yours, I do remember you being out with your Brother Bob, can't remember if it was St Pat's Day or not, but you two were out til the early morning hours and tried sneaking into the house. You were both out on the town that night and weren't feeling any pain. You both entered through the back door off the garage and were feeling your way along the wall. It sure wasn't because it was dark in the house, it was more like support to keep from falling. Well, to describe the back entry from the garage, the hallway is about six feet long and then there is a doorway that leads into the living room/dining room area of the house. Your Brother made it into the house, propped you up against the wall and let you feel your way along the right hand side of the hallway. You were doing fine until you ran out of wall and ended up in that doorway where there was no wall and nothing but air and fell into the room. That was the end of sneaking in when you hit the floor. Needless to say, Mom got up as she is a light sleeper as most mothers are when their sons are out, even when they are grown men, parents still worry about their children. I look back on this now and its funny to us, as hard as you two tried sneaking in, two grown men, it didn't work.
Keep watching over everyone for us. I can guarantee you that we have not forgotten you and think of you every single day. We love and miss you. Watch over all the kids for me. Also, pay me another visit one of these nights, it's been a long time.


March 23, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day Mike.
Hope you enjoy the Jameson and Guinness Rhoda and I left you this morning!

Talk to you soon,

India S. Gordon

March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

March 17, 2007


Happy St. Patrick's Day. I know this is your favorite holiday of the year. I went to the FOP store with Mom yesterday, hard for us to drive down there as I know part of the way we drive into the City is in your old District plus we have to go past the Hospital where you taken. I can't believe that your mother grew up there but luckily left when she was in first grade. I made my famous meatloaf the other night, the only person in the family that use to really rave about it was you, I sure miss that. There are some days I feel the phone is going to ring and it will be you telling me about your big bust or just a funny story of what happened during the night. I seems like a lifetime since we last talked. Baseball season starts for your two boys soon, looks like I'll be in the park. Hope they don't think Grampa can still pitch batting practice as it's been too many years. The two boys still wear your old Championship Baseball jacket from 1986. Malik has outgrown it so it will be Cullen's turn. I wish Mom would have saved mine, it was like brand new and I think she gave it to a charity. The boys could have worn it. Hey, you are in a new book. Honor Our Fallen. They have a few things wrong in your part of the write up. Hell of a way to be in a book isn't it? Well, you take care, watch over everyone for me. We'll be thinking of you on your special holiday.


March 16, 2007

Hey Mike,
Your Dad just sent me the Video that was put together for the Chicago Police Run, for fallen officers. It was awsome. I know that you are proud of how your family keeps the memory of you and other Fallen Hero's alive. And I wanted to get this to you also to wish you a Happy St. Patrick's day... I know you will be watching over everything going on, and I know Jeff will be right there beside you. So just wanted you to know that we all will be thinking of you and sending our love your way. Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

March 14, 2007

Officer Gordon,

I can only assume you had the same care and concern for others as your father Bob has.

Which leads me to the same thought every time - We never meet the officer, only the family.
But through the remaining family,... we can put the pieces together to form an imperfect picture.

Although I don't believe I've ever met anybody from your family, I really don't need to to understand that you were a man we could not afford to lose.

Rest in peace, 18751.

Brother, William P. Davis, EOW 11/03/2003

March 13, 2007

We offer our heartfelt sympathy to the family, friends and colleagues of Officer Gordon and we honor his distinguished service to the cause of justice and peace. Sadly, our nation has lost one of its finest citizens, a community has lost a friend and protector, and a family has lost an example of character and courage who they will love and respect forever. Today, because of the sacrifice Officer Gordon has made, the house of freedom is stronger, sturdier, and more secure.

To the family and friends of Officer Gordon, I would like you to know that a lot of people pray for you, and my hope is that their prayers will give you the strength necessary to move on. Just as you were always with him when he walked the beat or patrolled the streets, know that he will always be with you - wherever you may be. In the days to follow, may you be strengthened by the fact that Officer Gordon is a man distinguished by exceptional courage and will always be admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. You, your family and your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

SA Thomas Doyle
FBI New York City

March 10, 2007

Dear Mike,
Just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten you, as a matter of fact I think of you every single day. Wondering what all you Hero's are doing. Watching over all of us, I know. I talk to your Mom at least once a week, and your Dad and I exchange e-mails all the time. Some we laugh at, some we cry, and some are just pictures.
Mike I go to this years ODM page every day, and I hurt so bad for the families who have lost a loved one. Only those who have gone through it, can really know what they are feeling. I hurt when I hear of any one losing a loved one, but especially when it had to be one of our officers in blue. One who was out there putting their life on the line for the rest of us. Our forever Hero's..Never forgotten by the Blue Line family. I will never understand why????????? All I know that each one of you were a rare breed, knowing the profession you chose, was to make our country a better place to live, to make us feel safe.
Wonder what our country would be like if all the officer's threw down their badges, and guns, and say I quit. I'm not going out there and risk my life for all the jerks out there. If only for one hour, can you just imagine. Bet some of the people would be down on their knees begging for them to come back. Maybe those in uniform would get a little more respect that they so deserve. You know, they don't appreciate our officers, until something hits home, then they call 911 as fast as they can. But things are just getting worse in this world. I know God is beginning to get burnt out with the way people are today..
Well I'll finish my sermon for today. Thanks for listening, continue to keep watch over your family and the rest of us. Remember I love you and miss you, and Thank you for being the fine man and Officer you were. Be sure to give my love to Jeff and all the other Hero's love and miss you, Mike, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

March 8, 2007

Hi Flash Gordon!

Just discovered this site and looked for your son on the list. Our condolences to you and your family on the loss of your son Mike. Although I never met him, all of us band of police brothers mourn at the loss of a brother. I remember you well when we worked the same shifts, you in Riverside and myself in Lyons! God Bless!

Tom Rosati (Ross)
Lyons PD retired
Cook County Sheriff Investigator (Still serving)

Inv. Tom Rosati (formerly Ross)
Cook County Sheriff (Lyons PD retired)

March 3, 2007

Dear Mike,
Haven't stopped by since your Birthday, well I have been by to read the reflections,but my arm had been giving me such a hard time and since it's in a sling now I,m not typing to well. I left a reflection for Jeff last night,another Hero came to be with you guys, he was from Spartanburg, S.C. (I lived there when I was 15).He was shot,but didn't die until he returned fire and killed the suspect. I know he has already told the rest of you Hero's about it. Mike, I guess I sound terrible,but I'm glad he was able to shoot the guy.Since you and Jeff were taken from us, and as fair as I have always tried to be,I have no sympathy for these people who take the lives of our Officer's. All of you were out there trying to make this world a better place for the rest of us. I just want to take each one of their family members in my arms and tell them, it will be okay. But it isn't!!!!!!! And it never will be for the ones left behind. We miss our loved ones and want you back, we want to hug you again, and tell you how much we appreciate you and what you stood for. Frankly Mike, I think a law should be passed, that the bad guys have to go fight the war in Iraq, and the ones willing to lay down their lives, come back home. Well you can tell I'm getting angry, can't you? It's just that sometimes I have a hard time not understanding.
Mike, forgive me, you know that for your family and friends, the hurt just never goes away. Some day's are easier than others, but those of us that have lost loved ones in the line of duty,will never forget our Hero's.
And Mike, I am so thankful for your parent's, I've told you that so many times. So many reflections were left for Jeff and oh how we appreciate every single one, but for some reason,you,Jeff and God meant for me and your parent's to know each other. And my prayers are with them every day,and your Dad is so needed by the families who have lost a child. Mike, when this life is over for us all and God has His own roll call to give out His rewards, I know that all who wore the uniforms that stood for our protection, will be the first names called out.
Well sweetie, I'll go for now, but not before I tell you I love and miss you, think of you every day and please continue to keep watch over the rest of us. Love, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

March 1, 2007

Mr. Gordon ~

My husband has been gone almost 2 years - how could that be?

I see your reflections everywhere on this site, and I am in such awe of you - of your determination and your strength, of your love, of your ability to reach out to others and offer comfort.

Would you please take a moment to offer some words of comfort to me? Would you please tell me what I can do to ease the pain in my heart, in my children's hearts? I could really use some of your insight right now.

Your son was lucky to have you. You have made him proud, certainly as proud as he made you.

Thank you so much.
Carin E. Sollman
wife of Officer Jesse E. Sollman, EOW 3/25/05

February 25, 2007


Thank you. Thank you for your service to your Country, State, County, And City. You will always be remembered! I read what your dad leave here and it brings me to tears, your father is a good man. I started as a security guard and now I work for the Sheriff’s Department in Miami County Kansas as a Dispatcher. My goal it to be an over the road officer. I do not have any family in law enforcement so I look up to you and the other fallen brothers. I will need work my hardest to even come close to being the man you are. Please watch over me as I start my career as a Law Enforcement Officer! God Bless, Brother.

Ryan S. Thompson
Sheriff’s Office
Miami County Kansas
[email protected]

Ryan S. Thompson
Sheriff's Office, Miami County Kansas

February 25, 2007

This is for your father who left a reflection for my son, Ofc. Jimmy Mac Donald, E.O.W. 2/22/1993. Only another parent can know the pain we feel with the loss of our child. Jimmy was also our youngest son. I know your Michael and our Jimmy are two of a kind now, angels in blue walking the streets of Heaven.
We miss you boys and pray for you every night. We love all our men and women in blue.
Toni Mac Donald

Toni Mac Donald

February 24, 2007

Michael, you are so dearly loved and missed by your family and friends. Someone posted a phrase on my husband’s site that said “If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I’d walk right up to heaven and bring you home again”. We know this is not possible, but we have faith that we will meet our love ones again. God bless your family - Surviving Spouse

February 22, 2007


Was in church yesterday at good old Our Lady of Charity. The Church you and your brothers grew up in. Mom had a mass to celebrate your 33rd birthday. Funny, how the lady that runs the office hears the name Gordon and knows us. I believe that is from when you and your brothers use to go to CCD (Religion Class) there on Saturdays. I can imagine the stories that I can get from your two brothers concerning the Church and what you guys did there. Anyway, what was funny at mass was that the organist/choir lady began to play her last hymn, it was "Amazing Grace." I almost lost it entirely as I know that was a favorite song of yours played on bagpipes and I have never heard that played there during a regular mass. I have been asked about a Michael story involving your older brother John, well here goes one that Mom reminded me of.

Michael Story: I believe you were in 8th grade and your two brothers were in high school. John decided he was going to have a big party over at his friend John's house, we won't mention a last name. Your brother Bob brought you to the party and ended up getting you intoxicated. You eventually made it home and he said you were sick, which you were but it wasn't sick-sick. The police broke up the party and John's friend went to jail. The next Ma knew you had been drinking so she took you over to Gram and Grampa Gordon's house. Grampa was retired but Gram had already went to work. Mom told Grandpa you had been drinking and your excuse when Grandma got home was that you, "Ate too much Jello at the Party." Gram believed you, but Grampa said, "Jello, I think he was drinking and got sick." Of course Grandma didn't believe her favorite would do such a thing and yelled at Grandpa.

I think they still talk about that party in Cicero.

We ask that you, Gram and Grampa Gordon, watch over everyone


February 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Cullen Gordon

February 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad.
From your loving son,

Malik Gordon

February 20, 2007

I went and said a prayer at the Blessed Mother's statue today in remembrance of your 33rd birthday.

You will not be forgotten...on this or any day.

Anita Culosi

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. S.J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

February 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Mike. Just wanted to let you know I am still on the southside. My wife and I are going to get two new puppy's. I want an American Bull Dog she wants a Boxer. We will name the Boxer "Flash" or "Gordo" in honor of you. The reason being is that those dogs are loyal, trustworthy, and always around when you need them. Just like you. I love you brother, you will not be forgotten! Your friend, JJ

JJ Rodgers
Lyons PD

February 20, 2007

Dear Mike,

Although the last several months have been the most difficult in dealing with your loss I will try not to mourn you today. Instead, I will reflect on your short life and instill in my sons, the next generation of 'the Gordon boys,' the kind of man you were. Hard-working, confident, a leader among your peers. Like me, you didn't always have the most positive outlook on life, but you made the best of a very difficult profession. You were never afraid to speak your mind.

I will also stress the importance of brotherhood! I have many friends, but you and Bob were truly my closest. I had the most fun with you guys and we were ALWAYS there for each other. I find peace knowing that we had that closeness. No regrets.

Happy Birthday...Rest easy, brother...Never forgotten.


February 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Mike!!! I miss you and love you. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Please keep watch over all that love you.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

February 20, 2007

Happy 33rd Birthday Mike.
We miss you.


India S. Gordon

February 20, 2007

Michael, Feb 20th 2007

Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Birthday, Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and your family. I miss you more then words can say.

Truddels, Oodels, Noodels, Trundels, Bundels...

February 19, 2007

Dear Mike,

Happy 33rd Birthday! Although I don't write very often you are always in my thoughts everyday. We are going to Our Lady of Charity for mass and later in the day Malik and Cullen want to have a birthday cake for you.

I miss you sooooo very much.


February 19, 2007

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