Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Dear Mike,
Sorry I haven't stopped by in a few days. Just busy going to therapy. Could you and Jeff talk to God and see if He would send some of that rain this way...It is so dry here in the mountains of North Carolina. They keep saying we may get a thunder storm but it passes by us every time.The days are really getting hot here. I know it has to be hard on your Mom and Dad to see where your Jeep was parked. I know things we didn't notice before you and Jeff left us, seem to just stand out now. When I go over to Tracie's and just see where Jeff parked his truck hurts me. It's like I can still see that green truck with the big orange "T" on it.
But I know you two are together enjoying walking on Heaven's streets. And I know that we will see you again one day. One of my favorite Southern Gospel Songs is "Gonna Have the time of My Life, When the Time of My Life is Over" And I know without a doubt, that's exactly what you,Jeff and The rest of our Hero's are doing. Wish you or Jeff would come to me in a dream and tell me what it's realy like in Heaven. I read my Bible and it tells me what Heaven is like, but would love to hear about it from one of you.
Michael, you are missed so much by those who loved you so, but by people who never met you in person like me,and feel as if they had known you all your life. Thanks to the stories your Dad tells about you, but also through talking to your Mom. Mike I have never had a friendship with anyone like your Mom and Dad, like you, it's as if we had known each other all of our lives. Your Mom is always there for me when I need someone to talk to, and your Dad sends e-mails that make me laugh, which I need to do a lot more of.
Well I'll go for now, but know you are thought of everyday. Keep watch over all of your family,friends and your brother' and sister's in BLUE. Love, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

June 4, 2007


Raining outside right now. While out in the garage I looked down the driveway and there are the permanent stains at the end of my driveway from your Jeep tires. You would always park at the end of the drive so the birds in the trees wouldn't go on your Jeep while you were washing it. Then, the final top off was to use my Tire Shine Cleaner on those big oversize tires of yours. The spray would drip onto the cement at the base of your tires and stain the driveway. You can't see the stains unless the cement is wet. Today all four wheel marks from your Jeep are present right now and there when ever the driveway is wet. They have been there over three years now.

I guess it's time for a Michael story. This one has roots back to 2004 but also just the other day. We'll start in May of 2004 when you were out in Vegas visiting your two sons. While there you some how lost your Chicago PD Star. In Chicago the reporting of a lost Star is an automatic 30 day suspension. No wonder you immediately freaked out as you couldn't find it. You told your two sons that whoever found it that you would give them $20. They began to search along with you. Cullen found it inside the couch where you had evidently laid down and it dropped into the couch. You gave him a $20 bill. A few days ago he was here and talking with his Grandma. He said to her, "Gradma, the only thing I have left of my father is a $20." We both tried to tell him that he has more and mostly in the way of good memories. It's hard right now to explain to him as he was only 5 when this all began. Things that comes from the mouths of babes. The moral of this story for anyone reading it is that you should always hug your loved ones before you walk out that door and head for work as in this profession you never know if you are going to come home after your tour of duty.

Keep watch over everyone for me and those still out on patrol. Love and miss you.


May 31, 2007

Dear Michael & family

Mr Gordon thank you for leaving a reflectoin on our son's site. Your family really knows our pain. I only wish that were'nt the case. Your son obviouly love what he did, from what I've read he was a clone of his dad. Bob we have alot to be proud of, our son's were the best of the best. It all starts with family values, what great role models our boys had.
This site gives great comfort to us left behind. It lets us express our private thoughts on line, instead of bottling them all up inside. I see that is also the case with you. The last 3 years? It doesn't get easier but, time does heal the wounds.
Father's Day is upon us, you will be in our prayers. I know that Michael will be shinning down on you from heaven. Angels on your shoulders!

Stay Strong!
Nancy Litz

Nancy Litz
Mother -Deputy Brian Robert Litz EOW 2-7-2004

May 29, 2007

Mike, I remembered you today, Memorial Day, as I attended Mass, received Communion and prayed. I know you served in the military before becoming a law enforcement officer, and I commend you for having such love for our country.

I hope you have met both my brother, a leo who also served in the military, and my son. I know you would enjoy their company.

May God Bless you, and your parents for raising young men who answered the call to protect and serve.

Rest in peace.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. S.J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day, Mike. Thank you for your service to your country, both in the U.S. Army and as a Police Officer. And thank you also for your immeasurable sacrifice - God bless you.

Be sure to have a cold one with Jesse.

~ Carin

May 27, 2007

Happy Memorial Day Michael. Thank you for your dedicated service to our Country. After you served in two hot spots on the globe, who would have thought that you would come home, become a police officer and serve the public only to be struck down by an individual that should not even have been in this country, nor did he ever serve his country or ours. Yes, I am bitter because of all this because at times it seems our polititians just don't care. Miss you terribly


May 27, 2007

Dear Mike,
Wanted you to know that I will be thinking of you on Memorial Day and Honoring your memory. I will be saluting you Mike for your ultimate sacrifice. I will be thinking of your family and lifting them up in my prayers, along with all who lost a loved one on foreign and American soil.
I put flags out for you and Jeff yesterday and will burn a candle for you both on Monday. It will also be in memory of all who gave their lives for the rest of us. But you know how very special you and Jeff are to me. Thank you Mike, for your service and sacrifice for all of us. And know that you will be remembered every day with much love and respect. I salute you Mike. Thank you for being the veteran, Police Officer and person that you were and always will be in our hearts.
With gratitude and appreciation to you for keeping our streets safe. Always in my memory, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

May 26, 2007

Dear Mr. Gordon,

I am writing to honor your son Michael. He died in a fatal accident as did my husband, Officer James Knapp (Cook Co. Sheriff EOW:1/4/06. I am so heartfully sorry for your loss.

You have written dedications to Jim more than once. It is about time that I wrote one for Michael. I wish you and your family peace and many blessings from God. I know how difficult it is to grieve such a beloved one.

Gone but not forgotten is so true. I attended the Cook County memorial, the State memorial, and finally, the Fderal memorial in Jim's honor this year. It is so hard to leave that name on a wall. I felt like I left a piece of me there with him.

Getting the Medal of Valor in Washington was amazing. The love and support to me in respect of Jim has been unending. I am sure that your family has experienced the same. I will, like you Mr. Gordon, spend my time paying that respct and honor forward to all of theors that I can reach. Words are so powerful.

My sincere condolences to all of the Gordons. I'm sure that Mike and Jim have met by now in that beautiful place we call Heaven, forever friends.

They never really leave us you know.


Lt. Grace M. Knapp - Retired
Cook CO. Sheriff
Survivng Spouse 2006

Lt. Grace M. Knapp - Retired
Surviving Spouse Officer James Knapp

May 23, 2007


Riverside PD had their Memorial today. Thankfully, this is the last one for me for May. Your name was brought up and the Chief told the story how he first met you back in 1996 at the first Memorial we had. You were home on leave dressed in your uniform and he said you were this young, tall and handsome soldier. You helped with the explorers that year and the 21 gun salute at the ceremony. I have to agree, you always did look good in a uniform. I know the guys in the ghetto use to kid you about coming to work with spit shined shoes but thats how you were, impeccable in your uniform. Chief is retiring but I'm sure they will continue with the memorials. Freddie the piper was there. He piped at your CPD Graduation in Chicago and then had to pipe at your funeral. He's been a good friend to me for many years and to our family. Well, you take care, love and miss you. Keep watch for me. Also, wecome home the 4 recent officers that paid the ultimate sacrifice this past week.


May 19, 2007

Mike, After reading your fathers messages to you I am reminded to go home and hug my kids a little tighter. You sacrifices will always be remembered and rest well, we'll take it from here.

Petaluma PD

May 18, 2007

Michael, your Dad left a beautiful reflection for my son (in-law) yesterday, the date that Jon was killed in a vehicular assault two years ago. Bless him, he knows too well the pain we feel. May God bless and keep him and your wife and children, and keep your family members and all who walk that thin blue line safe.

Debbie Brewer
citizen and COPS member

May 17, 2007

One more memorial and I am finished for this May. Don't know how many more May's I have on this earth but I will be there at the memorials. I try and attend as many baseball games for the boys as I can, but there are days they are both playing at the same time. Funny, I sit in my chair and think how I use to coach you and your brothers and that I was playing baseball before your two sons coaches were even born-guess I'm getting old. I was channel surfing the TV the last two nights and two of your old favorite movies were on the classic cable network, "Platoon" and of course good old "Red Dawn" WOLVERINES!!!! I miss those early morning phone calls after you would get of midnights and on your way home call me to tell me about a bust in Filmo. Still remember the call a few days before we lost you about the car jacker you guys came across. You'd always start the call with, "Are You UP?" I usually was. For all the times I may have cut you short, I wish I had the time back just to hear your voice again and that unmistakable funny laugh, and of course all the ghetto slang you would use that I didn't understand at times. We all miss you and on Saturday your name will be brought up as a true hero. We love and miss you, watch over everyone for me as Grampa is starting to wear down. Miss you.


May 16, 2007

I think about you every day, Mikey. Keep your picture in my truck. God bless.

joe sinopoli

Joe Sinopoli

May 16, 2007

I miss you Dad.
I wish you were still here with us.
I wish you could watch me play baseball. I'm on the Blue Jays and I'm just like Babe Ruth (I eat 15 hot dogs before the game). I hit a triple a few weeks ago. John and Grandpa were there. I hope I can hit a home run before the season is over.

Love your son,
Malik aka Ling Ho

Malik Gordon

May 15, 2007

Cullen wanted to leave his own poem.

So, here it goes:
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Candy is Sweet
and so are you.
I miss you very much,
I wish you were still here to keep me company and play games with me.


Cullen Gordon

May 15, 2007

We little knew that morning that
God was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly.
In death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you.
You did not go alone,
for part of us went with you
the day God called you home.

You left us peaceful memories.
Your love is still our guide.
And though we cannot see you,
you are always at our side.

Our family chain is broken
and nothing seems the same,
but as God calls us one by one,
the Chain will link again.

We miss you,
India, Malik, and Cullen Gordon

India, Malik, and Cullen Gordon

May 15, 2007

Mike: In this police memorial week 2007 you should know that you have not been forgotten. Your dedication to the law enforcement profession is an example for all to follow. Put in a good word with God for those of us left behind and ask him to watch over your family and all those in law enforcement.

Chief Karczewski
Riverside Police Department

May 15, 2007

Dear Bob, thank you for always leaving such beautiful reflections in our loved ones page, I know Mike is very proud of his dad. I love to read everytime you leave a reflection on my husbands Officer Emilio Miyares, page..

God Bless you and your family

Terry Miyares, surviving spouse
Officer Emilio Miyares, Hialeah PD, Fl 11/6/86

May 15, 2007


I met your parents this month at the St. Jude parade. They are wonderful people. They were by the memorial wall, your name and my brother's, Benjamin Perez are near each other. There is so much pain that is never going to go away, but we live on to give both of you honor and always remember your memory. God bless you both.

Hermelinda Alvarez

May 15, 2007

Mike ~

Your dad is an amazing man. I feel like I know you just from stories that he has told - he is truly keeping your memory alive for everyone from people who never met you to your precious children who miss you every moment of every day. This month has been so hard for your mom and dad - please be with them and give their hearts some peace. They miss you so much.

Tomorrow is Peace Officer's Memorial Day and I will burn a candle in honor of you, my wonderful husband and all the other brave officers who gave their lives in service to their communities and country. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

We miss you so much and wish you could be here......Life just isn't the same without you. Please spend some time with Jesse - share a cup of coffee or a glass of whiskey or maybe a nice cold beer - enjoy each other's company and know that your families miss and love you so very, very much and we wait for the day when we will see you again. We love you and can't wait to hold you in our arms. Until then.....

Warmly and with much appreciation
Carin Sollman
wife of Jesse E. Sollman EOW 3/25/05

May 14, 2007

Dear Mike,
Wanted you to know that I will be thinking of you tomorrow. As it is our day to celebrate the lives of our Fallen Officer's. But you and Jeff know that I think of you every single day. You are missed so much by your family,friends and all whose life you touched while you were here on earth. You are one of my forever Hero's Mike, please continue to keep watch over those you left behind and your brothers and sisters in Blue. Love, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

May 14, 2007


May 15th is National Law Enforcement Memorial Day. Me and Mom went out to the cemetery and have a Police Memorial Flag flying there for you and we will have the big one flying outside the house in your memory and in the memory of all fallen officers. Just about finished with all these May memorials that really take it's toll on us, but we do it for your honor and memory. Mom got through Mother's Day, which is a hard day for all mothers that have lost a child. She pulled out all the jewelry you use to buy for her at garage sales when you were a young boy and give to her as Mothers Day gifts. The pieces are so ornate and flashy and something a small boy would pick out for his Mom. To Mom they are priceless treasures that will be cherished always. Continue to watch over everyone for me. Me love and miss you terribly.


May 14, 2007


I just wanted to let you and your family members know that there is not a day that goes by that we don't miss you on the watch and will never forget your hardwork and dedication. When I lost my son is was comforing to me to think that you and all my other family members will be watching after him. Thank you

D. Fontaine

May 4, 2007


Got back from Springfield yesterday from the State Memorial. Saw a number of your suburban friends from the surrounding Police Departments around Riverside, all there in your honor. Didn't see anyone from Chicago that personally knew you. Cullen had his first baseball game last night, he struck out but the next time up he got a single and was really happy. He has a red uniform shirt and says its like the one you had when you played ball for the Cardinals at Vittum Park. His plays on the Angles. Doesn't really fit him, ha ha. The coaches change the kids positions every inning and he got o the chance to picth, struck out two batters and he was really excited. I can find him with ease out on the field, he has the same body movements as you had at his age. Stands the same, squats the same and so on, so no matter where he goes each inning he's easy to find out on the field. Time to end, keep watch over everyone for me. We still can't believe your gone and some days expect to get that phone call or have you walk through the back door and hear that funny laugh lof yours. Love,


May 4, 2007

Dearest Mike,
Well Mike here it is May again, the month that honor's our Fallen officer's. Most people are celebrating that Spring is here and flowers are starting to bloom. But those who have lost a loved one have our minds on you,Jeff and all the Hero's who lay down their life for us.
I will always hold you in my heart Mike. Thank you for your service to Chicago, in trying to keep the drugs and bad guys off the streets..Mike you served your country proudly. You were faithful in every area of your life, whatever you set out to do, you did it with all of your heart. Son,Brother,Grandson,nephew,Father,Soldier,Officer.
You are remembered for all of these things Mike. Thank you for all you did, thank you for all that you were. And you will always be one of our forever Hero's. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones and your brothers and sisters in BLUE...You are loved and missed very much. Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

May 2, 2007

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