Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Dear Michael,
Three years today you had to leave your loved ones. But the one thing that wasn't taken when you left was the love and admiration that we all have for you. I let the Balloons with the cards attached go a little while ago. Sure hope you saw them coming your way. And I hope so much that someone will find one of them, and contact me. When we did this for Jeff, we never heard from anyone. So hope we get a return from just one person A candle has been lit beside your picture today, you are not forgotten Mike, nor will you ever be. A Hero, in every sence of the word. And a man even more. Thank you Mike for your sacrifice for the rest of us. We lost a Hero, Heaven gained an Angel. One that now keeps watch over everyone He loved.
Mike we love and miss you, it doesn't seem as if Three years have passed already, when it seams like yesterday your life was taken. But your spirit stays with us forever. So, know that you are forever in our hearts and minds. With love and prayers to your family. Carolyn

Carolyn Moore
mother-in-law of Sgt.Jeffrey T. Hewitt EOW: 4-4-04

August 8, 2007


Your loved ones are in my thoughts as they remember the day, three years ago, that changed their lives forever. Three years is such a very long time to be without someone you love.

Norie Haas
Mother of Brian Haas (EOW 4/24/04)

Norie Haas

August 8, 2007

Thinking of you and your family on the 3rd anniversary of your tragic death. Rest in peace Michael.


August 8, 2007

August 8, 2007


Today is the 3rd year we have had to go on without you and we all miss you terribly. There are no words to express how we feel but we all strive to keep your memory alive. Today we had a mass said for you over at your old stomping grounds in Cicero, some of the old ladies that were at Mass still remember you and your brothers. I want to thank your friends who showed up from Chicago PD and also Riverside PD to show support and remembering you. They still have your mass card with your picture hanging on the wall in the sanctuary where the priests dress before mass and it's been there since the day you were buried from that Church. I also want to thank the woman from ODMP, the Illinois Liason person who always shows up for memorials for you and for other officers that have fallen in the line of duty both in Chicago and Cook County and I'm sure in the Chicago Metro area. Every day is a challenge for us without you, but we go on. Thank you for all the wonderful memories. I don't think many realize just how much you loved being a police officer and what that badge meant to you. I had the chance to have your badge swapped out with a replica to hang in its place in the Honor Case at CPD Headquarters but my feelings are that it should be where it can be seen by everyone, a place with honor where it hangs with the over 500 other heroes who served the City. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones, your children and especially your two brothers. You are always in our hearts and thoughts every day. We love and miss you. I'll have another Michael story at my next visit.


August 8, 2007


It has been three long years without you. You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday and I know you are watching over all of us that love and miss you. Your picture remains at the window in the lobby of the PD and I talk about you as much as I can to people that come in. You will never be forgotten, Michael. That has been and always will be my promise to you. I miss you terribly!!


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

August 8, 2007

My thoughts and prayers to the family, friends and co-workers of Officer Gordon on the anniversary of his passing. Another Hero taken too young. May God continue to give you all comfort. Rest in peace.

911 Dispatcher

August 8, 2007

In remembrance of this day...I will go to make a visit in front of the Blessed Sacrament...and I will pray for Mike...and the Gordon family.

May God bless all of you.

You are not forgotten.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

August 8, 2007

Michael, August 8th
I know they say time heals all wounds and it's a nice thought but it's just not true. The truth is you were a remarkable person who over your 30 short years on this earth touched so many people with your charm and personality and that smile oh how I loved that smile. They really did break the mold when they made you. Someone recently asked me if I could go back and do my life up until this point over again would I and I quickly said not in a million years do I have regrets sure, but if I went back and changed just one thing I might risk the chance that we would have never met and I thank god everyday for bringing you into my life, your a great friend I cherish all the memories and will carry you with me always.

There Are No Good-Byes Only Love...

August 7, 2007

Dear Michael,
Three years ago tomorrow, August the 8th, you were taken from your family and friends in such a sensless act of violence.Our prayers and thoughts are with your mom, dad and the rest of your family. Watch over them and help to ease their pain. We know first hand what they're going thru. So many "brothers and sisters" have joined you and Jeff in the past three years. The thin blue line continues to grow and with each death comes so many broken hearts. We pray the violence will stop but in our hearts we know it will only get worse.
You're in our hearts always,
Pat and Bill Hewitt,
Parents of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt, EOW 040404
Buncombe County Sheriff's Dept, NC

August 7, 2007

Dear Michael and Family,

Sometimes I just feel like I have no more words to say to anyone or about anything. Just silence, in my heart, my head, and my life. People want to know how we go on. I don't know. We just do. Waiting, watching, wanting.....
always. I love reading your dad's stories about you, just like I love hearing and telling Matt stories. It's just not ever enough and never will be. You beautiful boys, sons, and daughters, that lived and loved, made us laugh, and made us cry, filled us with more pride than the word can even describe.......and still do.... We love you, we need you, we honor you, we ache for you. Thank you for being born.

Matt's Mom always

Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04

August 7, 2007

The Broken Badge

He put on the blue
Late one warm summer night,
His badge upon his chest
Polished so bright,
Though his badge was old
It shined like new,
For it was much loved
By this man in blue.

His badge was his promise
To all who came his way,
“I’m here to serve you,”
It seemed to say,
A silver star
With edges straight and true,
Just like the heart
Of this man in blue.

He didn’t see the car
That took his life,
He slipped away
Crying out for his wife,
His broken badge
Clung bravely to his chest,
A shattered witness
To his last breath.

His badge
Once shiny, bright, and new,
Now lies broken,
Bent, and blue,
A silver star,
Now broken in two,
Just like the hearts,
Of his brothers in blue.

Mike, I miss you terribly. Rest easy...Never forgotten!

John E. Gordon

August 7, 2007

You live on in the hearts of all who love you and all who's life you have touched. A hero's legacy will always live on.

Sharing the pain of having lost so much,
Roger and Ingrid Wyatt
Parents of BCA SA Tom Wyatt

Roger and Ingrid Wyatt
Parents of Tom Wyatt, EOW 3-3-04

August 7, 2007

Dear Mike,

It's three years since you left us and the hurt and pain are still the same. We will never get over this but we go on for your brothers and all our grandchildren. I always felt bad for people who lost their children but unless you have lost a child no one knows the pain and grief. Our bereavement group helps us because everyone there has lost a child. Your father always says he is quitting the group but he's still going (he likes the goodies they serve).

On the 8th we are having mass said as we have done these past three years. Charity is different since you and your brothers attended but that is the Church you made your communiun and confirmation in, where your boys were baptized and where we had your funeral mass. It just seems fitting to continue to go there.

On your Dad's birthday we had the usual barbeque even though he hates celebrating as that was the last day we saw you. It's a good memory but we would love to have more than a memory. All the kids kept Dad busy because he had to put up the water slide. His comment to me was, "I cooked the meal, made my own cake and took the pictures and video". Some things never change, we are still the Costanza's (your knickname for us). Even at your grave we fight over how things should be done (I'm sure your listening). He says I have OCD.

You once told me that the Gordon's weren't real lucky but things always came out okay in the end. That all changed with that early morning phone call on 8-8-04. I worried when you went into the military. I still remember the recruiter waiting for you at the end of our driveway and you walking to meet him and how much I hurt and when you had to go to Korea and Bosnia. I always felt you would come back but never dreamed you would die here in the streets.

A reporter once asked me if I regretted you being a policeman and I said yes but also said it was your dream and you can't take dreams away from someone.

As a mother I have no regrets for I love all three of you boys the same. I know you loved us and respected us and we could ask for no more.

Love you always,

Carol Gordon

August 7, 2007

Dear Officer Gordon,

Thank you for your dedication and service. As the 3-year mark approches, please know that you will NEVER be forgotton. You are a Hero and your wonderful imprint is upon the earth ... forever.

I have not met your Dad yet, but I will. I live in the same metro area and I need to meet him face to face to personally thank him for all he does to console families of other fallen officers. His concern & compassion for others is extraordinary and so very much appreciated.

Your family is, I know, so rightfully proud of you. I pray that God's comforting hand will be upon them.

The following is to your Dad: Bob, on that blessed day, when each of us ... you & me ... when each of us enters Heaven, we will be able to place our arms around our boys and hug them, kiss them ... then we will have peace for we will be with them again, for eternity.

Tom Jensen
Father of Det. Jared Scott Jensen
Colorado Springs Police Dept. EOW 2/22/06

Thomas Jensen

August 7, 2007

Well Mike, today is the very last day I have in my 20’s and I know if you were here, you’d be busting my bells left and right (although your brother Bobby does a great job- it’s still not the same!). You know what’s crazy? It still hurts that I didn’t get to talk to you on my birthday the day before your accident. I’m sure I would have forgotten all about it by now if the circumstances would have been different. Nevertheless, it really bothers me that I can’t remember the last conversation we had. I guess I’m just trying to hold on to every little detail for as long as I can. Other then the boys- those details are the only things I really have left of you. You really were a great father and friend and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. You’d think after three years some of this would be a little easier to get through- but it’s not and I’m convinced it never will be. Then again, this pain/grief is a small price to pay for having such a great person in my life. I will never forget you nor will I let the boys forget how much you loved them and how fortunate they were to have you as their Dad. I’ve explained to them that they received more love in the 5 and 7 years that they had with you then what some kids have their entire lifetime. It’s so hard sometimes but I’m trying my best and I hope you’re proud.

The boys are doing well. They’re excited to start school in a few weeks. Malik’s going into Junior High (Junior High is 5-8th grade out here- but still, Junior High!?!) and Cullen’s going into 3rd. They are both anxiously awaiting the start of Fall Ball. I think that starts sometime around the end of the month. I can’t lie- the schedule is a pain sometimes but it’s a lot of fun watching them play. I’m curious to see how cold it’s going to be towards the end of the season. I guess we’re going to have to bring some Irish Coffee just to keep us warm :-) We were over at your Mom and Dad’s yesterday for your Dad’s birthday. The boys had a lot of fun running around and goofing off with their cousins. I know yesterday was hard on your Dad but he hung in there. Then again, he really had no choice, all of his grandsons were there keeping him VERY busy! It was a nice time.

Well, that’s about it for now. Take care and I’ll talk to you soon-

India S. Gordon

August 6, 2007

Officer Gordon,

I wanted to stop by and say that you are not forgotten and your family is in our prayers especially on the 8th. These are harder days to get through. Your dates are kinda like our sons dates. I noticed your fathers birthday was the fifth. Our sons passing was the 9th of Aug and our wedding anniversary is the 10th. It just seems so hard with these dates so close to each other to get through. There are so many good memories and thank God for them to help see us through. I think the greatest pain in the world is to loose a child and I always find myself counting down the days during the last week. Life moves on but for us as parents we find ourselves still in the year of your passing. I know for me it was when a part of my world stopped. I thank God for pictures and video cameras that we can always go and look at. We as parents who have loss a child understand the heartache we share when others cannot begin to understand. Life is not always fair and we feel cheated at times, but I know that God does not make mistakes and you were needed more and called to a higher calling from this world. Officer Gordon thank you for your SACRIFICE that you gave and may God hold your family up in His strength during these special days. Romans 8/37

Tammy Persin
Mother of Military Police Officer
PFC Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000

August 5, 2007

Officer Gordon,
You and your family have been on my mind as the third anniversary of your EOW approaches. I wanted to be sure I left this reflection early, in the event that August 8th. comes and I do not submit this in time.

I'm sure you know how great your family is. I'm sure you know how many lives you have touched, and how many lives continue to be touched through your father's diligent and dedicated reflection writing.

It is simply amazing how your dad reaches out to so many fallen heros and their families in their time of need. I'm just the average person who does not have a particular story to tell about losing someone in law enforcement. However, reading the heartfelt messages sent by your dad to others inspires me to be a better person. He has truly put heart and soul into ODMP, as anyone can back me up on this. So, I will continue to mourn the loss of each and every fallen officer and leave a message to heartbroken families and friends as often as time allows.

Thank you for the sacrifice you made in order to leave the world a better place, which you did in spades. Thank you for making people like myself stop to really think about what is involved in law enforcement work. The awareness you have provided is more than a gift. It has become a way of life for me now.

I will think of you and your family today, as they remember every wonderful thing about you. Thank you for choosing a profession that so few can commit to, knowing the precarious nature of the job, but doing it anyway, and doing it so well. I hope you know how grateful I am for this.

a Lehigh Valley citizen

Pennsylvania citizen

August 5, 2007

August 5th.

Well, another birthday for me has arrived and you know that the 5th is a terrible day for me and has been since you spent the day with me on my birthday in 2004 and it was the last time I was able to hear your voice, your laugh and see that special smile. We still talk about you racing down the street on Mom's bike with the kids racing behind you and yo with a cigarette dangling out of your mouth saying you looked like Pee Wee Herman on that bike. It was a funny site to see those long legs of yours coming up over the handle bars as you pedaled. Funny how I can remember everything about that last day with you here with us, the chair you sat in, where you were standing while playing ball with the kids. All are very precious memories for me and now a very hard day to get through and then to repeat the grief again on the 8th.
Thanks for being with your brother Bob today, I know you were right there with him and you both know what I'm talking about. I know you were laughing your butt off too. Continue to keep watch over both of your brothers for a fear after losing you is losing another child or a grandchild, something I don't think I could go through again. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of you and we will continue to do so for as long as we walk this earth. On the 8th we are having a Mass said for you at Our Lady of Charity, your old stomping grounds. Funny, they still remember you and your brothers there when you were talking the religious classes. I hope thats a good thing that some of the people remember you, but knowing you and your two brothers it probably is because you guys goofed around. I think there will be a large crowd there for you in church this year, normally that early morning mass has only a few people, but this time the church will be crowded, won't they be surprised. Well, time for me to go and get things ready for the 5th and I hope it doesn't rain as the kids want me to put up the water slide for them. The grand kids help me get through the day. Take care, we all love and miss you.


August 4, 2007

Dear Mike,
Sorry I haven't been by in a while, but I think of you everyday. I want you to know that I will be celebrating your life on the 8th. It's hard to beleive that's it's been three years now. And Mike, not one day has gone by that everyone who loves you doesn't think of you. From the stories your Dad has left on your site,we all feel like we knew you all of your life. And who knew when two young Officer's gave their lives for us, that I would meet two of the finest people I have ever known. Your Mom and Dad. Mike I would give my own life to have you and Jeff back with your parent's and wives and families. Mike you were one of a kind Officer, a Hero that will forever live inside our hearts.
Mike, I know that you now live in Heaven and that someday I will meet you face to face.
Mike I want to tell your children Malik,Cullen,Gracie and David that you love them very much and that I know that each of them you are so proud of,and always will be. That you are keeping watch over all of your family. That you would want your children to do the very best they can in everything they attempt to do. And that you are standing beside them at all times.
Mike you are being honored for the Hero you are, you are loved and missed by so many people. May you feel our love coming your way today and everyday. I will be back before the 8th, okay? But always know, you are in my heart every day. Love Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

August 2, 2007

Dear Bob, Carol and Family
I've had you all on my mind so much today. I know Mike's anniversary will be here in a few days. I know the pain you all are going through. It doesn't get any easier to bear. I don't have any magic words to get you through this time...I can only offer my love and prayers. My thoughts are with you every day. Know that a candle will be burning here for Michael.

Tracie Hewitt

Tracie Hewitt
Wife of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt EOW 04/04/04

August 1, 2007

As the anniversary of your son,brother,father,friend and so much more is approaching lean on one another remember the good,the fun and the laughter Michael brought to each of you. My heart is full of hurt knowing how hard this approaching day and every day is for you all.

Grand Prairie Police,Tx
Sgt Greg Hunter/EOW 06/18/04

August 1, 2007

Mr. Bob Gordon,

Thank YOU for your gift to this world in Michael. He will always be remembered for the hero he is. God Bless you !

Sgt Robert Lindsy
St. Johns County Sheriffs Office

July 31, 2007

Dear Bob Gordon,
My thoughts are with you and your family in the loss of your son Michael. I know your sense of loss if profound. I loved my husband greatly, but do not know how I would handle the loss of one of my sons. Your son was a handsome young man. I am sure a wonderful father and police officer. May God and Michael surround you with their loving arms and give you some sense of peace. Thank you for stopping by Mark's page and leaving your heartfelt reflections. It is good to know they will never be forgotten.

Patricia Tucker, President NC COPS
wife, Mark R. Tucker, EOW 02/12/20/04

July 23, 2007

God bless you all - What a good looking man Officer Gordon was! My thoughts & prayers go out to you and remember, time helps to heal the pain, but we never forget.

Rest Easy.

Cindy, Arkansas
sister of slain Officer Randy Basnett, eow 9/24/76

July 14, 2007

Michael.. you have a wonderful father.
Mr. Gordon,
I just wanted to let you know that I get on this website often. Jake Laird was my best friend (Indpls Police officer killed 8/18/04) and I think its amazing how much support you give to your police family. I pray everyday that my husband comes home, but I know that it is reality that one day he may not. I just wanted to say thank you for all your support, it is much needed and appreciated! My thoughts are with you and your family!

Wife of an Indpls metro police officer

July 8, 2007

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