Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Dear Mike,

Last Tuesday was the candlelight vigil for the CPD Memorial and as Dad said it was draining for us, as are all the memorials we attend. I wasn't feeling well but I knew I needed to go because Bobby was holding your picture and John was doing a reading of the names. I cried when I saw Bobby carry your picture and I couldn't believe the changes in our lives the past three years.

I once told our bereavement group (Bereaved Parents of the USA) that I wished you were plain old Mike Gordon so I could mourn only you. The majority of the people in our group have no grandchildren and tell us how fortunate we are to have your legacy. That may be true but they don't know the heartache we feel knowing you will never see their accomplishments. The boys are in fall baseball and soccer and have come a long way in two years. Of course Cullen can't stand to lose but we try to tell him about sportsmanship and he's doing better. Malik has grown so much and is in middle school already and in band. He started with the french horn but went to the clarinet. I'm sure you remember when he started kindergarten at Hitch and now he's in 5th grade.

Next Saturday we will attend "Cemetery Day" with our group. We will go to the different cemeteries and honor our children. Some people would think this quite odd but for us it's just the norm. I think of how the boys have played ball near your monument or the times Gracie was there she would just plop on your stone and sit down and look at your picture. I guess to them that will be their norm. Your nephew John also leaves things for you on your monument and recently told Heather he wanted to be a police officer when he grows up. Like you, he loves that bagpipe music.

Mike, watch over your children and the rest of your family and friends.

I love and miss you so much.


Carol Gordon

September 23, 2007

When it rains it pours and opens doors
That flood the floors we thought would always
Keep us safe and dry
And in the midst of sailing ships
We sink our lips into the ones we love
That have to say goodbye

And as I float along this ocean
I can feel you like a notion that won’t seem to let me go

Cause when I look to the sky
Something tells me you’re here with me
And you make everything alright
And when I feel like I’m lost
Something tells me you’re here with me
And I can always find my way when you are here

And every word I didn’t say
That caught up in some busy day
And every dance on the kitchen floor
We didn’t have before
And every sunset that we’ll miss
I’ll wrap them all up in a kiss
And pick you up in all of this when I sail away

And while I float upon this ocean
I can feel you like a notion that I hope will never leave

Whether I am up or down or in or out
Or just plane overhead
Instead it just feels like it is impossible To fly
But with you I can spread my wings
to see me over everything
That life may send me when I am hoping it won’t pass me by

And when I feel like there is no one
That will ever know me
There you are to show me

When I look to the sky
Something tells me you’re here with me
And you make everything alright
And when I feel like I’m lost
Something tells me you’re here with me
And I can always find my way when you are here

September 20, 2007

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, you must be so very proud of your son. From all the reflections on here, you must have a wonderful family. So many people to support you and so many for both of you to brag on. May you both find peace and solace somehow in this huge cold world.

Officer Gordon, you already know this, but your dad has left reflection after reflection on so many pages. I read them and cry. I look at your page for an odd reason. You see you met God on the same day that God gave the world my dad. He is my hero like I know you are your dad's hero. How lucky you and I are for having such wonderful parents.

I wont take up any more time on here, but I wanted you to know that God will watch over everyone down here that you touched. May you rest easy sir and enjoy your time on the golden highway. I hope to be able to stand among heros such as you when I get there.

Heather D
Larry Cox's Friend EOW 4-21-05

September 19, 2007

We are totally emotionally drained today as last night Chicago PD held a candle light vigil to honor 5 new names they are adding to the memorial. Your brother Bob carried your picture in the procession of fallen officers and your brother John was a reader and was able to read your name aloud. Two female officers from your district came up to us and thanked us for the type of officer you were, especially being there when they needed backup. Todays Suntimes had an article about you, we are keeping your memory alive and making others aware that there are good officers out there. Continue to keep watch over everyone for me.


September 19, 2007


I haven't written anything in almost a month, but that doesn't mean I don't stop in at your page numerous times every day. It's always nice to find that friends and complete strangers stop in and leave reflections and thats why I try and write on as many pages for other fallen heroes as I can as I know it means allot to other families to let them know that their heroes have not been forgotten and that I understand what they are going through. Things are the same around here, taking one day at a time. People ask how are you doing or how are you enjoying retirement? I guess they just don't know what to ask. Sometimes I just don't understand life as I would trade places with you in a heartbeat if I could as you had so much more to accomplish here. Another line I love that people say is that the Almighty had more important plans for you. I come back with, "What could be more important than for you to be here with your children." That usually stops them in their tracks and they retreat. I guess I should tell a Michael story before I go for those that follow your page. So, in ending before I write the story, please watch over the kids, the grand kids, Mom, your brothers and for now especially your brother Bob who needs someone to sit on his shoulder for the next 22 weeks and help him out. We all miss you beyond words.

Michael Story:

Michael was a great story teller as anyone who knew him can attest too. Heres one concerning one of his arrests in Chicago as he told it to me.
He was asked to assist a tactical unit that was going to serve a drug warrant in his district. Tactical officers told him to cover the rear door and that they were going to go in the front door and make the arrest. He was outside the back door and all of a sudden the back door bursts open and heres this man, weighing about 450 pounds with one of the tactical officer on the wanted bad guys back running out the back door of the residence. The individual they were attempting to arrest was dressed from head to foot in an all red jump suit. Mike described the individual with the cop on his back as the "Kool Aid Man" after the famous kids powder drink mix with the big Kool Aid Pitcher running around. Mike gave chase and jumped onto the back of the tactical officer which now had two cops on the bad guys back and he finally fell to the ground and they arrested the subject, also having a hard time getting handcuffs onto his oversized wrists. I know the story doesn't sound funny, but you had to be in the room when Mike told the story as he could embellish the story beyond me trying to write it down. We love you Mike.


September 11, 2007

Dear Mike,

I happened to find your father's retirement album today and at the back of the book were pictures of your graduation from Chicago. There was also a picture of you and Dad in your Riverside uniforms. You looked so handsome and as usual your uniform was impeccable.

I know how much you loved being in Chicago but I sometimes wish you had stayed in Riverside thinking maybe this tragedy wouldn't have happened there. I know being a police officer in this day and age is dangerous anywhere but maybe Riverside would have been for you what it was for your father. We'll never know.

Malik and Cullen are doing well in school and like their teachers. I hope Grace is doing well also. The boys had soccer games Saturday and they both won, Malik was MVP of his game. Dad brought the boys back to the house and they played with their toys making the same sounds you did when you were young. I know you would be proud of all of them and especially how the boy's have progressed in baseball and soccer.

Malik wore your Cardinal's jacket from Vittum Park last spring and even though it was getting small on him I don't know if he will let Cullen wear it. They fight the way you and your brothers did but Saturday they were little angels.

I miss and love you so much.

Love, Mom

Carol Gordon

September 10, 2007

Mr. Gordon-

Thank you for thinking of our family on my brother's 5th anniversary. We are thankful to other survivor's families that can understand our loss.

God Bless

Christina Gernale
Sister Patrolman Conrad Gernale EOW 9/6/02

September 9, 2007

Mr. Gordon,
I am a heart-broken friend of Jake Laird (E.O.W 8/18/04) and I just wanted to say that it means alot to all of us that you take the time to make sure that our loved ones are not forgotten. You are a true inspiration and I just wanted to send out my deepest thanks for your enormous heart... I will continue to pray for you and your family!

friend of Jake Laird

September 9, 2007

Hey Brother. I'm sorry to hear of your passing. I just found out when I made contact with Garza. I want to thank you for all the great times we had. Remember AirAssault school? I still tell my guys about us rolling into the parking lot with the doors of you van open conducting door checks!
I know you've kept an eye on all of us here, thanks Brother.


SSG John F. Payne
Military Police buddy

September 6, 2007


Thank you for leaving a message on my father's memorial site. As you know, it hurts so much to come here. I will pray for your son. Thank you for remembering all others. May your son rest in peace. I will say a pray for him.

Kimberly-Daughter of Slain CPD Officer

Kimberly-Daughter Of Slain CPD Officer
Chicago Police Department

August 30, 2007

Hi Mike,
Well you've met Jeff's dog Teddy by now. I know that Jeff was glad to see him. It was hard on Tracie and Taylor to have him put down. But it was time, he had suffered a long time, but Tracie tried her best. She took him to the Vet so many times. But I guess you and Jeff have had fun throwing the tennis balls for him. Or he either has you both worn out.
Mike, you are missed so much. But the stories your Dad keeps writing about you,John and Bobby,keeps all of us laughing. And I can just imagine some of the stories that John and Bobby could write about you, that your Dad and Mom don't know about. Sometimes Tracie and Darren will get together and talk of some of the things I didn't know about. It is so funny now, but if I had known back then, I would have skinned their hides.
I am proud of them, through all the hard times,they were good children. Andrew, Darren's son is playing football for his school,he is eight years old and not big as a minute, but he thinks he is. The grandchildren are back at school now. Marcie, Darren's daughter is a Senior in High School now. And Taylor started High School in the nineth grade now. Boy, they are making me old fast.
But your Mom and Dad stay busy with Cullen and Malik, along with the little ones. They are great Grandparents. But you already know that. And you know that your Dad will do everything to teach them to be just like their Dad. You are loved and missed by everyone who knew you Mike. But we know that you keep watch over all of them, and your brothers and sister's in Blue. Every time we hear of another Hero going home, we hurt with their families, as there is nothing we can say or do to ease the pain that will stay with them, until they meet again. All of you are in our heart's and will remain there until we are reunited for the greatest reunion ever. Till then, know how much you are loved,remembered and honored, every day. Love You,Carolyn

Caarolyn Moore

August 30, 2007

I was not able to get to a computer on the 8th but the guys and I were able to find a few moments to reflect on you and the great police officer you were. As we were sitting in the desert somewhere in Afghanistan I realized that you would like to be here. I told the guys I am with here all about you and shed a few tears and I have to admit that sometimes the Army isn't that bad (just don't make me repeat that!). Thanks for watching over all of us over here.

Chicago Police Department

August 29, 2007

My heart and prayers are with your family, especially this month, as they remember the life, love, joy and enrgy that you brought to their lives. May God bless you, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, as you continue to honor Michael's life and legacy. Thank you, Mr. Gordon, for your kind reflection on Jay's memorial page. You touched my heart.

Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04

August 24, 2007

Michael ~ So many people are thinking of and remembering you as this 3 year anniversary has passed and as you begin your fourth year in Heaven. Please continue to be with your family and friends and help to ease the pain in their hearts - especially your mom and dad. You are missed so very much.

Mr. Gordon ~ I burned my candle for Mike on the 8th and thought of all the Michael stories you have posted on here. I've enjoyed them all so much, as I'm sure many people have, and feel that I know your son from reading about him. You are a true testament to the unconditional, never-ending love that a father has for his child - my heart just aches at your loss. I read Chrissy Henley's reflection and echo her thoughts here - we love seeing your name on our husband's sites, it brings such a sense of comfort, and we see your comments left for so many officers. Your support is amazing and we are all in awe of you - and we are here to support you as well.

Thank you, Officer Gordon, for your service and ultimate sacrifice - you will never be forgotten. May God bless you and may you continue to rest in eternal peace, forever safe in the arms of the angels.

Carin E. Sollman
wife of Officer Jesse E. Sollman EOW 3/25/05

August 23, 2007

Mr sir are a true inspiration. You have lost your son, and yet you take time to bring words of comfort to others. I lost my husband, and it has been a difficult 2 1/2 years, but to loose a child...that must be the greatest pain ever. Some days I think how awesome it would be to have one of our boys grow to be a cop like their Dad, but then I could be one of them on these pages. The only good thing would be the honor that comes with this page. It seems that all of the officers here were extraordinary officers. It is the good, true, honest officers that find their way to these pages. For they are the ones who are passionate about their responsibilities. They are the ones who truly believe in the job that they have taken on. That is how they find themselves in harms way. That is how they end up here. I believe I was blessed to have known Drew, and to have been his wife. He was a most amazing man, and humble to a fault. I know you would have been proud to know him. I am sure he would have been honored to know you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your constant encouragement and presence on these pages. Please don't ever stop. You may not know me, but I sure know you! I look for your reflections on all the new officers as well, and I know you will be there. I am sure you have been told before, but we really enjoy hearing from you!! I know you probably enjoy hearing back from us too!

To your son, Michael...I know you are looking down and are very proud of your Dad. He has such strength and he shares it with everyone! Thank you for your sacrifice...I shall always know your name!

Much love,
Chrissy Henley
Wife of William A Henley, Suffolk VA PD, EOW 3/19/05

August 21, 2007

RIP Brother - never forgotten

Clearwater PD, Fl

August 19, 2007

Officer Gordon, I am so sure you're up there hanging out with my dad right now having yourselves a good old time. After all, you guys were cops and I have a feeling that most of you cops were all the same.

We all miss you both, but we know you were doing what you loved. I heard you and my dad are memorial monument neighbors. That seems to be appropriate since you two seemed to both be Super Cops and daredevils.

You have not been forgotten, and you never EVER will be.
Rest Easy, Angel.

Lori Brooks
Daughter of Fallen Officer Richard Brooks

August 15, 2007

I wondered why you left a reflection at my dad's sight. Now I know. They are almost the same. I am sorry for your loss. It has been 41 years today and I can't shake my loss. My life continues but void of that person that helped mold me to who I am. I pray Michael's children find comfort in his family in Blue as I have through the years. My husband is a Sergeant with the Det. Police Narcotics division and my son is now a candidate. Thanks for your kind words to my dad. You have my email.

Paula Bell Meinke
Daughter fallen officer in Detroit

August 14, 2007

Although we never met during your lifetime, it says a lot about you to see the pages of reflections left for you. It is obvious that you were loved, and are now missed so much. 2004 will be a year we will never forget either. I want to thank your Dad for all the messages he leaves to families and especially for the one he recently left on my Dad's page. Yesterday was Daddy's birthday, and those are especially hard days. When Daddy died, we lost so much. As an adult child, you can expect to bury your parents, but I wasn't ready to let my father go at the hands of a murderer. No one is expected to do that. The person who made the choice to drink excessively and drive drunk also made the choice to take a life, and it happened to be yours. The pain is still so real, so fresh.
I have 3 sons and 2 daughters, and my oldest son is almost 16. Since he was in preschool, he has wanted to be a State Trooper and has never wavered from that dream. His name is Matt and I never want to see his piture on this site, just as your parents never wanted to see yours. But as your mother told the reporter that she couldn't take your dream away, neither can I take my son's dream. I'll just pray. I do pray now- for my husband, a sergeant, who narrowly survived being shot by the same assailant who killed my Dad. He is well now and back at work, so I'm back to praying he keeps coming home. I pray for the thousands of other officers still working, that they get to come home. I visit the ones in the hospital nearby who managed to survive a "near miss" and rejoice when they go home. And I pray for all of us who visit this site, and grieve. Continue to watch over all those who knew and loved you, and all those who are still serving. Thank you for the service you gave and the sacrifice you made 3 years ago. God bless us all...

Lori Johnson Rowley, wife of NC LEO
Daughter of James Johnson, EOW 11/11/04, FCSO, NC

August 14, 2007

August 13, 2007

Three years ago today we laid you to rest. I was at the cemetery today and it was very quiet and peaceful, not like 3 years ago when there where 2 1/2 miles of squad cars in the motorcade, mounted horse patrol and the Harley escort and a sea of blue police uniforms honoring you on that day. We made anyone that was there from the 011 District to come out and stand at your casket as those men and women we consider your close family too because they were the ones covering your ass every day. To me it seems a lifetime ago that it all happened. I was cleaning up your grave site, I have to admit, it's the greenest and cleanest in the cemetery except as is your grandparents that lie next to you. I kept thinking, like any parent, it should be you visiting and cleaning my grave site and not me visiting you. Continue to keep watch over everyone for me and those still out there guarding the Thin Blue Line. Greet those officers that arrive and show them the ropes. Say hi to Jeff and Jesse for me too. I'll end with another Mike story.

Mike Memory:

You and your brothers were out celebrating and somewhat a tradition is to stop and get something to eat before heading home. Sometimes you guys would stop at White Castle, (People living in the south, White Castle is the same as Crystal Burgers). You stepped up to the counter to place your order. People have to visualize you, 6'5" tall, standing at the counter which means your waist is above the counter top. You begin to order and one of your brothers reaches down and pulls down your pants at the counter exposing the sun the moon and the stars. You politely told the person taking the order, "Ahhhh, cancel that order," and pulled up your pants and calmly walked out. As to which of your brothers did it, I don't know as you guys would do it to one another and others on a regular basis, meaning you also did it to your brothers.
Take care Mike, we love and miss you terribly.


August 13, 2007

G'day mate,

As I sit reading the (many) reflections for you whilst working a cold nightshift I feel I have got to know you very well. Your family are clearly very proud to honour you and now I wish to do the same. I have especially felt the reflections from your Dad, your wife and your boys. I too have two boys of a similar age, and you and I are similar in age as well. From what I have read about you from your family, friends and work mates I feel that we could have easily sat down for a few beers and swapped war stories. Perhaps another time.
I wish your family the best in the future.

Cheers mate.

Western Australia Police

August 12, 2007

Officer Gordon,

I thank God for your service to our city, family and friends! You will never be forgotten nor will your wonderful family who honor you and your legacy daily! There are few men and women willing to give as you have and for that I am eternally grateful!

S. Lee

August 11, 2007

Rest in peace my brother

Ptlm. George S. Galish
Smith Twp. Police Dept. Washington CO. Pennsylvania

August 9, 2007

I don't believe 3 years....just to let you know You will never be forgotten. I'm proud to say I know you and remember how much you love being an officer. Watch out for all of us but don't laugh to hard at our mistakes...Ok, go ahead and laugh they are pretty funny....

Gone but never forgotten...

M Wilk
former co-worker

August 8, 2007

We miss you Dad.
Malik and Cullen

Malik and Cullen Gordon

August 8, 2007

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