Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

You are obviously a very loved man. I pray that God continues to keep your family strong. God bless, and watch over us all as we go 10-8 each day.


November 8, 2007

Hi Michael,

The True Blue Awards was another great success. John, Heather and all of the people involved did an incredible job. It was a great to see so many people show there support for you and all the honored officers. You are always in my heart Michael and I miss you every day. Please continue to watch over your family and all that love you.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

November 7, 2007


I never had the chance to meet you, but the last couple years I have had the chance to get to know your family through the foundation and reading these odmp pages. Sunday was a great event, not only to remember you, but to salute the officers living up to your high standards. You should be so proud of John and the family for the work it takes to pull off that event. It was a honor to attend. Take care of watching over your family and Bob while he is in the Academy.

Craig Figgins
Brother - SGT Dan Figgins St Charles, IL EOW 4/9/05

November 7, 2007

Mike, (Michael P. Gordon, True Blue Awards)

Last night was the 3rd Annual True Blue Awards where your foundation honored Chicago and Suburban Officers for their service above and beyond the call of duty. Was really hard this year deciding the winners as we received some great nominations. Many of your friends, co workers and naturally your family were there to honor these individuals in your name. We must have had close to 300 people that showed up. Your brother John and his wife Heather did another great job and we can't forget the other committee members who help out by volunteering their time and getting such great gifts for the silent auction. Your buddies from the 11th District are just as crazy as ever. One of them bid on one of the NFL Hall of Fame Autographed footballs, I don't know which Hall of Famer he had, but there they were, playing football with this ball in the banquet room. Cops will be cops no matter where you go in this great country of ours. Other family members attened that have lost officers, the past Superintendant came in to visit, I have to give him credit, he was always there for me and your mother where others in Chicago failed us. A rep from ODMP was also there, I made sure to give a plug to this website and for people to visit ODMP and see what its all about if they didn't know already. I want to thank everyone who came to honor the officers and also you. Yes, there were tears, especially from me and Mom and being your parents we will never forget you, nor will those that love you ever let your memory die. Continue to watch over everyone for me as I worry every day about your brothers, the grand kids, Mom, and the list goes on and on. So, please stand at their sides, as well as all those officers still out on patrol in Chicago and everywhere. We love and miss you.


November 5, 2007

Dear Mike,
Just heard from your Dad and he said they had a great turn out for the Michael Gordon True Blue Memorial today. You know Mike I don't know of another family that does more than your family does in your honor. I know the one who received the award will do their best to live up to your expectations. And they have some big shoes to fill. I pray God's protection over them
I know it had to be a hard day on your Mom and Dad, along with the rest of your loved ones. But I know that this Honor in your name will continue for years to come. It will be passed down from John and Bobby to your children and their children. Such an honor for them, but one thing I know is that the Gordon Family will forever keep your name and memory alive. You are in the heart's of so many Mike. Thanks to your Dad, because he never fails to leave a reflection for the families of Fallen Officer's and I know you are so very proud of all of your family. They are wonderful in my eyes. I still think you and Jeff got together on our meeting. Thanks!!! Well I'll go for now and try to stop by soon. Love,

Carolyn Moore

November 5, 2007

Hi Mike,
Thought I had forgotten you, didn't you? NO WAY !!!! You are in my thoughts every day as I wonder what you and Jeff are up to.
Tracie,Taylor,my Sis Pat and myself went to Morehead City,N.C. this past weekend for a Memorial for Jeff. It is where he took his police training. There were 13 names on the memorial, and the first officer's life was taken in 1941. There is that feeling of being proud of Jeff, yet the sadness of feeling you are reliving that night he was taken from us. I know your Family go through the same thing everytime you are honored. All of you Fallen Officer's deserve every memorial they have for you,and I feel you deseve more. There are never words to say enough about all of you. Any one who sacrificed their life for me and my family to have a better chance to live, cannot be honored enough.
I know that if it were up to your family and Jeff's something would be done every day. For sure you guys are very much alive in our hearts and memories. We know you keep watch over all of us. You are missed so very much Mike. I know you will always be remembered by John, Bobby and your children as they get older will be involved in keeping your memory alive.
Mike we will meet again one day, and spend forever together. Well, I'll go for now and try not to take so long in stoping back by to chat for awhile. Keep watch over your family and friends. And your Brother's and Sister's in Blue. Love you, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

October 31, 2007

It's funny I never met you but we're brothers in many different ways. I've read that you were an Airborn M.P., I myself am an infanrtry Marine. You layed down your like for the people of Chicago as did my father. In my line of work I've lost many brothers and people often ask me...isn't it sad to loose men at such a young age, They'll never understand, it would be sad if you never got the chance to do what you believed so strongly in. Thank you and all the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for giving us role models. From one warrior to another, Semper Fidelis brother. Walk your heavenly beat with pride for you've done your duty. I look forward to the day we will serve side by side.

Staff Sergeant John W. Klacza
Marine Corps

October 28, 2007


We went to Missouri this past weekend to visit your Dad's cousin. We hadn't been there in a little over three years, right after you passed. All we did was cry that weekend and I think we scared them. We talked of you often this visit but were able to control our emotions.

The biggest thing in Utica, MO is the post office. Your Dad had to mail something and they actually had to put stamps on the small package as they have no meter. It is definitely different from our life here but we had a nice time and they always treat us well. Your Dad actually seemed happy, something we see very little of anymore. He wants to know why the scum bags of this world are still here and you are gone.

Dad decided he wanted to go to the cemetery to see his grandparents' graves so off we went. This cemetery is so off the beaten path even some of the funeral directors don't know exactly where it is. Your Dad's family actually helped build the road to the cemetery and were promised plots for their family members, hence all the Gordon's buried there. I bent down by your great-grandmother's grave and on top was a green marble. Who knows how it got there but there it was. We brought it home and Dad plans to put it on Grandpa's grave.

Your brother John is attending his 20th High School reunion this Saturday. I'm getting old and so is he. He's keeping busy with the True Blue Awards and Bob is trying his best to get through the academy. Keep watch over them.

I miss your early morning phone calls but most of all I miss hearing your voice. Watch over your children.

Love you always and forever,


October 24, 2007

To the Father of Michael Patrick Gordon:

I saw the reflection you left on my Best Friends memorial page, Sr. Trooper Charles Mark Cosslett, today.

It was five years ago today, and it still seems like yesterday to me that he was here. I can tell you must feel the same about your son. I have plenty of Mark stories, but not many I can share here!

Mark loved the Cubs and flew to Chicago many times to see a game. I remember one of his trips he had a great time talking to a Beat Cop at a local bar while the officer was checking his route. He talked of that trip many times!

He loved Chicago, and I wished I had been able to make one of the trips, but Military or the State always got in the way. I would like to come to Chicago sometime, maybe catch a game and have a beer with a one of Chicago's Finest!

Thank you again for your kind words, your son is proud I'm sure, of you. His memory also, will never be forgotten. God bless Michael and all his family, and every fellow "Brother" who wears the "Shield"!

Sr. Trooper P.H. Boland
Virginia State Police "Motor Squad"

October 23, 2007


thanks Bob Gordon for the reflection on my fathers memorial


October 18, 2007

Dear Officer Gordon,

Yesterday I had the distinct pleasure of meeting your Dad. Over breakfast we had the opportunity to share wonderful memories of our Police Officer sons who are in Heaven. While you walked this earth, Michael, you were one unique, dedicated, courageous man. We, who are left, are cheated out of the continued "good" that you were always willing to give but was taken from us on that August day in 2004.

I, of course, never had the opportunity to meet you. I wish I had. Through your Dad, I have learned what a remarkable young man you are. Thank you again, for your service ... both in the Military and in Law enforcement. Your memory and legacy will always continue to favorably impact others. You will NEVER be forgotten.

Tom Jensen

Father of Detective Jared Scott Jensen
Colorado Springs Police Department, EOW 2/22/2006

Thomas Jensen

October 11, 2007

Hey Mike,

I just wanted to stop by and let you know that our little guy hit a Grand Slam tonight! As I'm sure you can imagine, he was grinning from ear to ear. He told two of his teammates that he wished you could have been there. I reassured him that you were. His team is going to be playing in the Championship game next Wednesday. I'll let you know how it goes.

Malik's baseball team finished up their season last night. Towards the end of the game they let him pitch. He did pretty well for it being his first time. You could tell he was a little nervous. I told him if he really wants to be a pitcher he just needs to practice at it. I know he can do it.

Well, that's about it for now. It's late and I have to get up early for work. I promise I'll stop by and write more soon.

As always,

India S. Gordon

October 10, 2007

Hi Mr. & Mrs Gordon,
I just wanted to stop by and say "hello". I think about you all often, but I don't find myself with a lot of time to write. It's difficult being a single mom sometimes. I wouldn't take anything in the world for it, but it gets crazy sometimes. Taylor is in High School and is about 5'11" now. I have to look up at him, but mind you I could still turn him over my knee. LOL Who am I kidding!! ha ha

I recently found myself in the middle of a "situation" and had to call on the Sheriff's Dept. Many of deputy's came to my aid. After it was all over...I realized just how easily a situation can turn bad putting the officers at risk. I guess I'll never know just how many times Jeff and Michael faced death during their service. I wonder just how many times they slipped out of "death's" grip. So many people neglect the fact that officer's are faced with such great dangers each day in order to protect us. I am greatful for Michael and Jeff...they are heros, but didn't have to lose their lives to prove that to me.

Well, I just wanted you to know you are on my mind every day. I hope I can get up to Chicago to visit you guys sometime. Bob, keep the Michael stories coming. I love hearing about " A day in the life of Michael Gordon". I can just picture the "Kool Aid Guy".

Love you all,
Tracie & Taylor

Tracie Hewitt
Wife of Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt E.O.W 04/04/04

October 10, 2007

Mr. Gordon, you are an angel yourself! I come here alot and
read your reflections and as a parent cry along with you! I
too am married to an LEO and pray each day that I do not have to go through pain like you and your family have endured. Know that your stories of Mike are wonderful and help tremendously and it also shows that we have to go
on for our other children and grandchildren and one day you
will be reunited with Mike and it will be a wonderful day! God Bless you Mr. Gordon and your wife and family.

LEO Wife
Melbourne Florida

October 9, 2007

Officer Michael Gordon,
Your dad shares with us such great "Michael stories". It almost feels like we have known you forever through these reflections. What a tremendous way to keep your memory alive, to keep your legacy going.

So, to Dad Gordon, thank you for sharing these glimpses of your son with us. You really have a gift of reaching out to people who need it the most.

Pennsylvania citizen

October 8, 2007

I see your father's name on other pages Michael..I am sure you are very proud of him and what he has done..even lighting up his house with blue dad was a Deputy for over 30 years...I am proud to be a law enforcement family member..peace to you and those that love you...

Charlotte Olson

October 6, 2007


Just got back from the cemetery to check on things. When I look down at your grave, I still can't believe you are gone and then I think that it should be you visiting me and not me visiting you. As I enter the cemetery the grounds keepers always waive, I don't know if it's good or bad that they know me. I guess it's a good thing as they know someone is watching out for you. We are in the midst of Indian Summer and I know your old District must be hopping with this warm weather still here. Mostly everyone is gone from 11 and moved on. I sometimes wonder where your career would have led you and what unit you would be with now. I recently bought some Blue Tulip bulbs. I want to start a memorial garden for you and other fallen officers in the yard. Don't know if they will come up as you know I'm no green thumb, I also have some red and white so it will also be partriotic if it all comes up this coming spring. Continue to watch over everyone for me, keep sitting on your brother Bob's shoulder as he's the old man plugging along with his new career. Watch over the kids and John and Mom for me too.
I guess it's time for a Michael story as we have a following who stop in to read them, so here it goes.

Michael Story:

Michael told me this story, again, it may be embellished as he loved telling great stories.
Michael was an Airborne MP stationed at Ft. Bragg N.C. his last duty station. He was given the assignment to go to a small town in N.C. to pick up an A.W.O.L. soldier and bring him back to Ft. Bragg. He and another MP traveled to this small town and found the Sheriff's Office. He told me it was just like Mayberry with Andy Taylor and Barney when they found the office/jail. They entered and there was the sheriff sitting behind one of those push open wooden gates and an old desk. He had on Bib overalls with his police badge pinned on the front of his bibs. He was a big man, red faced, sitting there with a big jar of pickled pigs feet eating up a storm. He greeted you both, put out his greasy hand that was digging in that jar to shake your hand. He was sociable enough to even offer you some of his pigs feet. You said "No thankyou." You shook hands with him but I know you were dying to find the bathroom to wash off the greasy smell that was now on your right hand. You asked for the restroom, washed your hands and picked up your prisoner and you were on your way back to the modern world.

We love you Mike and I can't tell you in words how much we miss you every single day.


October 4, 2007

You are still a legend here at 011. Please look after all of us during this tumultuous time to be in law enforcement.

CPD 011

October 4, 2007

Your father has left two very nice postings on my late husband's ODMP page and so after this 2nd message I thought it would be nice to leave one on your page for you and your family. My husband was a CPD officer, but CPD in Ohio and he died in 1995. I know the pain your family has gone through in dealing with your loss. I also know how much love and support they have received from this wonderful family of law enforcement as I have received the same. Watch over them as they go about their lives and know you are not now, nor will you ever be forgotten.

Becky Muncy, widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Franklin County

October 2, 2007

Hey Mike - how about little help with the Cubs, OK? Enjoy your front row seats!

October 1, 2007

If there is one thing grievers know it is how changeable our moods can be. One moment I relatively calm and in control the next moment I'm overwhelmed and like all of us who have loss someone we love so much ,it never gets easier.I think about you your mom and dad often and hope one day we can wake up one morning and just remember all the good times with our sons.Just like your family my family are all Police Officers and I'm very proud of them.I hope to see your mom and dad in Springfield again.2008

Diane mother of Jeremy Chambers E.O.W.04-24-06

Diane Chambers

October 1, 2007

September 29th is the feast day of St. Michael the today I said a special Mike's memory..since it is his "name day."

I keep him and all the Gordons in my daily prayers...

God's blessings on all of you.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

September 29, 2007

keep those michael stories coming, Mr. gordon. My baby brother is mikel, so i have alot of mikel storeies, too. haha. You uplift my heart and my spirits. Some day i hope to meetr you and your family. You are an inspiration for us all. There is no place I would rather go after a long day than to your Michael stories. You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you, Mr. Gordon. This is what the Lord put you on earth to do.

kimberly kidwell
daughter of fallen stanford ky officer gary kidwell

September 27, 2007

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon:
Sorry I did not see you in Springfield at the Memorial. I was there to honor Eric Solorio another of my "jump out boys" who also was killed in a traffic accident.
I met you once at the dedication of the ground where the memorial now stands. Michael's class passed through our unit. I could see that there would be many good police officers from that class. Michael and his "crew" gave me some gray hairs, but they also did exceptional work. It came as no surprise to me that he would turn out to be an excellent officer. The group of officers that went through that unit are scattered all over the city. Most of them are now on Tact Teams, Gang Teams, TRU and SOS. Some pass through the place I work and although the unit at time was chaotic I think that in reflection we actually taught them how to be the police, at least I hope we did. I think about Michael and I have his memorial button sitting on my desk at home. I know he looks down on you and his family and that he keeps a special eye on his police family. May God Bless you at all times.

Sgt. B

September 24, 2007

I ran acroos your memorial today and have been reading mostly the coments from your parents. They miss and love you very much as I am sure you know. I am truly sorry that you are no longer here but in a way I know you are in Heaven where noone can ever hurt you again. That thought alone brings me through the darkest of times. To the Family I am truly sorry this has happened. I kinda put a saying together that came to me as my K-9 partner died in my arms. He saved my life and days later my son was born. So this saying has a very special meaning that I would have the Honor to share it about your son and you. Truly God waits with open arms for such a Valiant warrior.The rain falling is mearly the tears of angels as they carry you home.
God Speed until we are all home and my prayers are with you all always.
Trp D Osborne

State Trooper D Osborne
Tennessee Highway Patrol

September 24, 2007

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