Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Thanks for remembering Dad and all the other precious lost heros in your Christmas lights~ what a beautiful way to honor their memories! Dad never went to Chicago, but a light burns for him tonight half-way across the country. I wish I could see your light display. We have decorated in blue, including a blue angel in the front window. The list of LOD deaths continues to grow as the thin blue line gets thinner. We just have to keep praying for those out there now and remember that God is still in control. Take care during the Christmas Season, and know I'm praying for you and your family.
Much love and respect~ Lori

Lori Johnson Rowley, wife of NC LEO
Daughter of Sgt. James Johnson, EOW 11/11/04

December 15, 2007

You and your family are remembered in prayer as the fourth Christmas without you approaches. The blue lights in our windows shine for you, our son Jay, and all of the officers who gave their lives to make this world a better place. You are not forgotten.

Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04

December 14, 2007

You will never be forgotten, as you are a true hero and now a Angel for all those who are left behind. I don't visit many reflections but your dad left the most wonderful message on my brothers site, that touched my heart. I needed to come to your site. You touched so many lives, you are so very missed and loved. You will never be forgotten....You are an Angel in blue...God Bless you and your family and friends...

Sister of Officer John P Harris EOW 8/19/1994

December 13, 2007


Put up the blue lights outside last week for Christmas. One of them is lit for you and a few thousand for other officers to be remembered this holiday season. I try and leave a message on their memorial pages but there are times it is just too hard for me to write.

It's is so hard for me to believe you are gone from us. How I miss that crooked smile of yours and especially those early morning phone calls to tell me about a bust you had during the night. Believe me, the area you worked there could be one every night if one dug for it and you were that kind of officer.

Today we were shopping and I was in an aisle and there were coffee mugs. One was a white mug with Tweety Bird on it, I reached for it and for a split second I thought, "Mike would love this for Christmas." We all know how you loved Tweety and I had to come to reality that you are not here. Then, checking out at the register I look over and here is a PEZ dispenser with a football and the Notre Dame little Irish guy on it. I immediately thought of that favorite jersey of yours that you always wore, Fighting Irish.

Well, I better end. Please watch out for all the little ones for me and also Mom and your two brothers. Keep riding on Bob's shoulder and help him with his PT. Miss you terribly.


December 7, 2007

Hey Mike, I left a reflection the other night, but for some reason it didn't go through. So I'm trying again. And I guess it is just as well it didn't go through, because I was just going on and on. Did you have that deleted? HA...I bet you and Jeff was saying what in the world is she doing. She is writing you a book.

Well, I guess all of you Fallen Officers are getting ready to have a great time celebrating the birth of our Saviour. And my mind tries to imagine how awsome it must be there. And I bet that all of you Officers are Called to attention by God to stand at attention in rows of two as Jesus walks to the front of the lines. I guess that's why God called you, Jeff and the very best Officer's out there home. He always wants the best. And that's what you were. A TOP COP. But it sure leaves a big hole in the hearts of those who are left behind. But for me, there will a candle burning for all of you on Christmas Eve and Day. We will always Honor each of you who gave your lives for us.So I wish you all a very Blessesd Christmas, Mike. Your family will miss you at the dinner table but you will be with them in spirit. And Jeff will be with us. But all of you will be with us. We remember our Hero's every day. Forever in our heart and memories. Like a spoke missing from a wooden wheel. Every one notices it, but it's a wheel that can't be mended. Not by human hands. Only as another spoke is taken until we are all united again. You are loved and thought of always.
By the way, the tree is up with the blue lights on it and the blue strobe light shines for all of Our Fallen Officers. Also for those who are still out there patrolling our streets. We thank those of you have finished their race, and for those who are still brave enough to continue the work of your Dad your brother and you. You are loved and appreciated Mike. Keep watch over your family and let them feel your spirt around them. So, Have a Merry Christmas Mike. And I'll stop back by before Christmas. Love you, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

December 5, 2007

Officer Gordon,
I come here often, always looking forward to reading another "Michael" story that your dad so generously shares. Though I do not always leave a reflection, I want your dad to know how profoundly he has impacted so many lives, not just people involved in law enforcement, but the average citizen like me, as well.

As this very difficult time of year gets underway, know that I am thinking of you as you prepare for your fourth Christmas in heaven. Thank you for allowing your dad the opportunity to share with us the gift of friendship, consolation and wisdom that he is so richly blessed with. I am sure you were an outstanding son, husband, father, officer and friend. May your legacy continue on forever.

K. Wanninger
Lehigh Valley, PA

Pennsylvania citizen

December 4, 2007

Michal, You are a part of our family. I know you are missed by all who knew you Thank you fro your service to Law enforcement.

I too have blue light around my home to remember our officers. God Bless your family.

As Christians we beleve to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

Lyndell Taylor Concerns of Police Survivors & Father of Deputy Morris Taylor EOW 9/14/2002

Lyndell M. Taylor
Texas Sherrif Association

December 1, 2007

Dear Michael Patrick

Rodney Atkins song was thinking of you and your dad in his son "Watching You". Thank you for honoring your Dad and all fathers of Law Enforcement.

We'll be just alike, hey, won't we dad
When I can do everything you do. "put on that uniform too"
cause' I've been watching' you.

Thank You Bob Gordon All gave some, Some gave ALL

Dean Hop

November 28, 2007

Hi Michael
You served proudly and now are home. I know my father is with you. He has has been there for many years and has greeted many of his fellow officers. It has been extremely hard for your family. A father should never have to bury a son. I know all to well of that empty void that never can be filled till the end of our days. I learned you were an AIRBORNE solider. So was I. The 82nd. Americas guard of honor. Airborne!!! My fellow comrade. See you someday.

Mr. Bob Gordon

My family would like to thank you for writing a letter to the Prisoner Review Board to deny parole for the coward who killed my father. As you know all to well, the pain never subsides. We just learn to live with it.
I hope you and your family have a good Christmas. Your son would want that. I can tell by the stories of Michael what kind of man he was. He was a man of action. Many sit and talk about problems and physical do nothing, thinking they have done everything. Your son let his actions speak for him. Soldier, police officer, he gave and gave. He is a true hero.

P.O. Kurt Kaner
Chicago Police Dept.

November 27, 2007

I just wanted to thank your dad for leaving a reflection on my son's site, and Bob thank you for remembering my son with the blue lights. We haven't put our blue lights up outside this year yet, but we do have the blue candles and our landscape lights are blue and they all stay up year round, the candles burn 24/7. We will never forget the sacrifice that you made and the sacrifice your family has had to make everyday with out you.
Bob I do come to Michael's site often just to read your Michael stories, I didn't know Michael but reading your stories I have to laugh and cry, memories that will last forever. Thank you for sharing Michael and your memories with us all.
Everyday is hard, but some just harder than others, my family and I will be thinking of your family during this holiday season. Just watch over all of them, and look Clint up for me let him know his mother misses him.

Connie Barker
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04

November 27, 2007

What a wonderful family you have! You will never be forgotten and I always think of your family and others during special holidays that are so hard to get through. We all have that void we share together. Mr Gordon I do not have the words to say how much it means to our family that you are honoring our son. What a wonderful way to honor those we love and miss so much. You have brought such joy to others in your reaching out even through your pain. Michael would be so PROUD of you and all that you are doing. Thank you so very much and we will do the same for Michael.

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
PFC Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000

November 26, 2007

Dear Mr. Gordon,
Thank you so much for remembering Bryan and his family during this time. I wanted to also thank you for the blue light in honor and remembrance of Bryan's EOW. You are truly a wonderful person to memorialize all of the Fallen Officers and Heroes, but I'm sure your son, Michael is especially proud of his Dad. May we get through this Holiday Season by keeping their memories alive in our hearts forever.

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler, EOW 12/13/03

November 26, 2007


Thought I would drop in and leave a Michael Story as it's been awhile. The holiday season is here and probably the worst time of the year for me and everyone else in the family, but every day since 8/8/04 has been terrible for me. Put up the outside blue lights today to honor all the fallen officers across this great country of ours. We have not forgotten any of you. Continue to look down on all of us and protect the kids and your brothers for me.

Michael Story:

Traveling back to the early 90's, Michael was about 17 years old and had a job working as a PSO, (Park Service Officer) at Brookfield Zoo. It was more or less an unarmed security job where youth were employed to help with security, traffic control, animal exhibit security, etc. There was one area in the zoo where Michael did not like to be assigned and that was over at the gorilla exhibit where a PSO would be assigned to advise people about not feeding the gorillas and also the danger of challenging them as the gorillas were very protective of their little area. The exhibit would always draw a big crowd. Michael said he didn't like working there because of this one large gorilla which would stare at him no matter where he would stand around the exhibit. I guess it was because Mike was tall and stood out in the crowd and could be seen from the gorilla enclosure. One gorilla really had a problem with people staring at him and this gorilla had no love for Mike nor did Mike have any love for this animal and I'll explain why later. Since there was always a big crowd around the gorilla exhibit, that meant girls, probably the only good thing in pulling this gorilla security detail. Mike went on to tell this story that three very cute girls were at the exhibit, laughing, giggling and making faces at the gorilla, the one with the human problem. Mike went over to the girls and warned them not to stare at this particular gorilla as he definately did not like it as would consider the staring as a threat toward him and to stop taunting him. Well, the girls just stared even more and laughing and carrying on. Mike ran for shelter as he knew what was going to happen next. The gorilla in question, scooped up a whole gorilla handful of his fresh pooh and flung it at the girls hitting all three of them. He heard the girls screaming and running from the exhibit. When they ran up to him, all three were splattered with this fresh gorilla pooh. Mike pointed the direction of the nearest ladies room for them to try and clean up their faces, arms and clothing the best they could. The reason Mike had no love for this gorilla is that this gorilla would make eye contact with Mike and not break eye contact and would scoop up the fresh gorilla pooh and throw it in an attempt to hit Mike, even when he was far away from the enclosure. Do I know this story to be true, yes, as I've talked with the Brookfield Zoo Police and they did have a problem with this one gorilla that would love surprising the crowd with his pooh ball pitching.

We love you Mike and miss you terribly. It is hard for me to believe that there will be no more future memories, thus we cherish the ones from the past.


November 25, 2007


We made it through another Thanksgiving. House was really wild with 5 grandsons running around and playing. I had two candles burning this holiday, one for you at your picture and a large one for all the fallen officers and families we have come to know on this grief journey of ours that all of us share through no choice of our own. No one was here to eat the dark meat from the turkey. I never had the problem in the past as you and Gram Gordon use to polish it off, now that you are both together somewhere else, I hope there are enough turkey legs for the both of you. Please keep watch over all the grand kids for me. Take care, we love and miss you every day.


November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Daddy. We wish you could have been at Grandma and Grandpa's house with us today. We miss you and we love you very much.

Malik and Cullen

Malik and Cullen Gordon

November 22, 2007 is Thanksgiving Day...and I prayed for you and your family.

I know how much your parents miss over them.
They are very loving and kind people...and I am grateful for their friendship.

I hope in that better are happy and at peace.

God bless you.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

November 22, 2007

Hey Mike, Wanted to wish you and all of you Hero's a Happy Thanksgiving. I know the Holiday's are the hardest for your family as it is for us. We try to be thankful for all things, but it's a little hard when you are not with us. Along with all of the other Hero' who have sacrificed their lives for us. What we can be thankful for is for all of you who were men and women enough to take a stand, and stand up for the rest of us. That doesn't help our heart's from hurting and missing you. But you are in our thought's and heart every day and will forever be our one of a kind Hero. Sweet,kind,thoughtful,funny,and most of all, a Man among men. You are misses and loved very much, and forever will be. Mike you and Jeff, continue to keep watch over your loved one's, and your brother's and sister's in Blue. Especially you Brother Bobby. Love you much, Carolyn


November 22, 2007

Dear Mike,

I don't want to say Happy Thanksgiving because it will never really be happy for your Dad and I because you will never be able to share the holidays with us. The family will be here and we will celebrate Thanksgiving but there will be a void. We always toast you and try to tell some sort of Mike story. I remember how you always liked the leg of the turkey.

Love you forever,

Carol Gordon

November 21, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving.. Thinking of you and missing you..

There Are No Good-Byes Only Love

November 21, 2007

happy thanksgiving uncle mike. I miss you.

John Jr.

November 20, 2007

what up scared. we was at the true blue awards and they was the bomb. they were great. your brother asked me one time why you called me "scared" and i told him that you and i and paco and a couple of other guys, we were not afraid, thats why we called each other scared. its all good though, no one would understand except those of us that called each other scared. it wasnt many.
take care keep an eye open



November 13, 2007

Dear Mike,

I watched the boys on Friday as they had the day off. Cullen and I watched one of your favorite movies, Red Dawn, and of course he kept me up to date on what was going to happen next. He's also big on Hamburger Hill, another of your favorites. They did well on their report cards so we're happy about that.

Dad found your old hockey game in the attic and Malik and Cullen thought it was cool. Something different than the video games they usually play. Malik mastered it right away and of course Cullen said he was cheating. He's got to win all the time or he get's mad. They also liked playing in the tree house with their homemade swords. Bob broke one of Malik's swords so he wasn't happy. Dad of course fixed it and now Bob's not on his list.

The True Blue Awards turned out well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Commander Jackson and the guys from 11 were there still remembering you. Dad had a candlelighting for you and other fallen officers, you could have heard a pin drop while the music played. Andy C. stood and actually held the candle in the air.

Watch over your children and the rest of the family. Dad recently had a dream about Grace. I'm hoping one day Guin will let us see her.

Love you always and forever.

Carol Gordon

November 12, 2007

Happy Veterans Day Mike,

The old Movie Channel is running a number of war movies and we all know how much you enjoyed military type movies. Was out to the cemetery to place a flag on your grave as well as your Grampa's as a salute to both of you serving our Country.


November 11, 2007

I just read Mike's memorial page and the various articles related to his life. His service to the Chicago Police Department, as well as his time in the United States military, is just two examples of what a great man he was. I created the NYPD Memorial 5K Run in 2002 to honor men and women just like Mike. Their lives, and the ultimate sacrifice they made, will never be forgotten.
Hopefully myself, and other fellow NYPD members, will be attending the 2008 Run to Remember to honor Mike and all other CPD members who have been killed in the Line-Of-Duty.

Sergeant (Ret) Tom Biggers

November 10, 2007

Dear Gordon Family its been awhile your always in our thoughts and prays.The holidays are coming upon us fast.We just wanted to say hello.Happy Holidays .Micheal you and Wally have been working hard up there .Keep up the good work. The Rolniak Family

November 8, 2007

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