Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Dear Officer Gordon,
I just thought I'd drop you a quick line. I was working the evening shift tonight, when I almost hit this car head on in my lane. I stopped her and expressed how lucky we were because we could have been killed, then she received her ticket. She was really ticked off but I don't care. She was so selfish, she's only thinking about her money and not my life. She may have received a ticket but she still has her life. Your life was taken by another selfish individual who is probably out of jail by now. I'm telling you this because I want you and your wonderful family to know that you are not forgotten my friend, YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN. I think about you, Officer Irma Lozada(ny transit pd), Courtney Dickerson(Danville pd Virginia), Deputy Maria Cecilia Rosa L.A. Sheriff) and so many other officers whose lives were taken from them. Sleep now Officer Gordon, we'll talk soon.

Pfc. Denny Washington#1714
Prince George's County Police

February 20, 2008

Today...I will make a visit to my parish church...St. Michael's...and I will kneel before the statue of the Blessed say a prayer for remembrance of your birthday.

Rest in peace Mike...

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

February 20, 2008

Dearest Mike,
Wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Birthday. To let you know you are in our heart and memories today as you are every day. You are missed by so many people. Your family,friends and those who worked with you. You will live forever with us in spirit. Mike,I know that all of the Fallen Officer will be celebrating you today in Heaven. And know that those you left behind will be celebrating the man and Officer,son,father,brother and friend that you were. You will stay alive in memory. And a candle will be burning in my home for you today. So be sure and look at it. Watch over all of your loved ones, stay especially close to Bobby, and your Brothers and Sisters in Blue. I salute you today Mike, your Birthday, a very special day we will all remember. Sending you hugs and love for a very Special person, a Special Hero that is loved dearly. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!! Carolyn

Carolyn Moore
Mother-in-law of Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt EOW 04-04-04

February 19, 2008

Happy 34th birthday, Mike. We miss you so much and wish you could be here to see your children. We watched the boys yesterday since they were off school and Dad was showing them old videos of you and them when they were younger. It is very hard to see those videos because at times it seems you are still here with us.

Last week when we attended your brother Bob's graduation from Chicago it was hard for Dad and I because we also remembered yours. I was very numb through the whole ceremony and tried to be as happy as I could be for your brother. Commander Jackson came over to see us and took pictures with your boys and Bobby. Little did we know that he was going to be promoted the next day to the No.2 man in the department.

Love you always and forever,

Carol Gordon

February 19, 2008

Michael, Feb 20th 2008

Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Birthday.. You are always in my heart... Miss you

There Are No Good Byes Only Love.....

February 19, 2008


February 20th is your 34th Birthday, Happy Birthday Mike.
I remember your 21st Birthday like it was yesterday. You turned 21 on graduation day from Basic Training at Ft. McClellan, Alabama. Me and Mom drove down, brought a little cake with us. Attended graduation and later that night we sang happy birthday. We forgot to bring a candle so you made a makeshift one out of a paper napkin. About 2 am the next morning I was hugging you goodbye as you got on a bus to take you to the airport where you took off for Korea for a year.
I've been transferring old video tapes to DVD's so that your children will have copies of these memories. It is really hard for me to sit through them as I hear you talking, joking, see that notorious crooked smile of yours along with your laugh. I can only do it for a short time as it breaks my heart to sit through them. Little did I know from when we sat there that night at your 21st Birthday 13 years ago that we would all be at this junction in our lives without you. Keep watch over your brothers and all the kids and Mom too. Happy Birthday. I'll be back in a few days with a Michael story as I thought of one this morning when you were younger and how I almost drove off the mountain top in Colorado because of you. We all miss you terribly.


February 19, 2008

I saw on the news the swearing in of the new Chicago Officers yesterday, and I thought of you and your family.

Please keep a watch over Bob and all the new officers as they hit the streets. I can't imagine the mixed feelings of Pride but also worry your family is going through, please watch over them also!

Craig Figgins
Brother - SGT Dan Figgins St Charles, IL EOW 4/9/05

February 14, 2008

Dear Mike,
Haven't checked in with you for a while, but that doesn't mean that your not in my thoughts. I talk to your Mom at least once a week, and always enjoy our talks. We can laugh a little more now but there are still the tears. The memories we have of you and Jeff. The shared stories of how much you two were so much alike in your ways. The way you both gave all that you were to the Military and you being a top cop for the Chicago Police Dept. and Jeff for the Buncombe County Sheriff's Dept. I know neither of you slacked anywhere you were. How the Military taught you both to wear those uniforms proudly. Always having everything spotless. You know I can look at an Officer and pick out the ones who had the Military training. Top Notch.
I know that you are so proud of Bobby. And I know when he is sworn in for the Chicago Police Dept., he will be thinking of you. Watch over him, you and Jeff. Stand close beside him at all times. And put in a word to God to send a few extra angels for him. Mike,how I wish I could have met you, because I feel so close to you,Bobby, John and the rest of your family. They are all so very proud of you and miss you so very much. Your Dad sent me some pictures of you holding your beautiful little Gracie. And my favorite is the one where you are holding her and you with that crooked smile and her looking up at you, with the same smile. And I know you watch over all of your children. I know they are proud of their Dad. But how I wish you and Jeff had not been Hero's. That your names were not carved on a wall, that you both were still here with your families. And only when I get to Heaven can I ask God why. But I know at that point, there won't be any questions,because we will all be together again.
By the way, Happy Valentines Day!!! Hope you feel all the love and hugs coming your way. Always know you are in my heart where you are very much alive. After all, HERO'S live forever.. My love to you Mike. Carolyn

Carolyn Moore
Mother-in-law of Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt EOW 04-04-04

February 13, 2008



February 12, 2008 have an amazing father...he touches my heart...I see how proud he is of you...thank you for sending him to help heal so many.

Chrissy Henley

February 12, 2008


Thinking about you all morning. Funny how certain things can trigger memories. The other night it was the movie Red Dawn that I channel surfed past on cable, one you loved when you were younger. Today I'm making my famous meat loaf, the one you use to call the "Killer Meat Loaf." No one else but you really bragged about it.
Mom is right about the videos. I'm trying to take some off of VHS tape and get them onto DVD's so they won't get lost for about 5 more years when they change formats again. VHS is now going by the wayside. I came across one of the Christmas tapes and I could hear you talking, laughing and then make one of your brief appearances and move off camera. I bet you were headed back to the bedroom to play Play Station, which I know you loved. In the past I use to concentrate the camera on all the kids and really didn't bother with the adults like you. You can hear the adults talking as the kids are in the shots. That has all changed after we lost you. I now make sure that everyone is in the shot, even if it's for a short time. Hope if anyone reads this they learn from my past experience about getting everyone on the tape for more than a few seconds. Time for me to end for now. Will think about you when the meatloaf is finished. We miss you terribly. Watch over everyone for me and that includes both of your brothers as Bob will be out of the Academy if a few days and then the worries start again. Next time I come back, maybe it will be time for another Michael Story. For those that follow your stories, I'll have to go back and find out on what page they start. We all Love and miss you.


February 10, 2008

To Michael's Family,
Remembering your family as a new year begins. I pray that the pain and loss you feel that will never go away be a little lighter to bear in some way. Thank God for videos to go back and watch and for those precious memories we carry in our hearts.

keeping you in our prayers
Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000

February 5, 2008

Dear Mike,

I watched the Super Bowl this evening with your sons. It reminded me of when you and your brothers would watch a game and all I could hear was screaming. It was a close game but the Giants pulled it out.

I remember when you and your brother John went to St. Louis for the NFC Championship game (Rams vs. ?) back in 2000. You called us from your cell phone telling us you were on the field standing near Terry Bradshaw and I could hear
the roar of the crowd in the background.

I watched a video of you yesterday just to hear your voice and for a second it seemed like you were still here. Tomorrow is your daughter's birthday, she will be four.

Love and miss you.


Carol Gordon

February 3, 2008

we just want to say Happy birthday to your granddaughter she is 4.Thank you for thinking of us on this day . The Rolniak Family eow 2-4-04

February 2, 2008

whatsup? brother, you keep an eye, ur in the best place and in da best hands? sleep well and talk to u soon?

p.o. abraham lara

February 1, 2008

Officer Gordon, I read your bio and the terrible accident that took your life. Time runs short for us now and a another good and honest police officer has been selfishly taken from this world. Your family is very strong and they miss you terribly. I read the reflections from your Mom and Dad and it is safe to say they are so very proud of you and your unselfish dedication to people. Your Dad reminds me of Jock Ewing from the television show "DALLAS". The strong one who keeps the family together and on the right track. Don't worry Officer Gordon, your Dad has taken over the watch. Dad, you did a great job! You raised an honest and ethical son whose sole existence was to make the wrongs of the world right. What more can a Mother and Father ask for? HE ACCOMPLISHED WHAT HE SET OUT TO DO. I salute you sir for taking care of your family. Officer Gordon, rest now for your tour of duty has ended.

Pfc. Denny Washington#1714
Prince George's County Police(Maryland)/
former Maryland State Trooper

Pfc. Denny Washington#1714
Prince George's County Police

January 25, 2008

To Michael's father:

May your beloved Michael rest in peace.

Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater, Pittsburg Police Dept. eow 4/24/05

January 24, 2008


Last night the Riverside Village Board swore Tom in as the new Chief with "Chief K" retiring. Funny, how I can relate back and remember being a patrolman with Tom and eventually his supervisor. A number of your old friends from the suburbs were there including some of the guys from Riverside. I ended up being the last one to leave along with Bill and Pam at almost 11 pm. We talked over old times and old stories about you, especially your stories and those movie lines you and Bill would quote. Bill did bring up a point how a diverse section of people knew you, loved you, honor you, respect you. More like the "Good, the Bad and the Ugly." We are all proud of the individual you became, I only wish you could have been here longer to see your children grow up, see your grand children. As any father that loves a son, I would trade places with you in a New York Minute as the expression goes and that is the truth. Continue to watch over everyone for me, especially your brothers and the grand kids and Mom. Your brother Bob wants to go to the 15th Dist., keep a special watch over him over there. We Love and Miss you terribly.


January 23, 2008

Hey Mike,
Just left Jeff a reflection and came straight to you. Wanted you to know that I was thinking of you. But there isn't a day That I don't. Keep watch over Taylor for me. He has been so upset. A girl that went to school with him, then moved away was shot and killed by her Mother's boyfriend, along with her Mom and sister. The police shot the man and he is in the hospital. Taylor had just received an e-mail from his friend, telling him she was moving back and would be back in school with him. The man even killed his own daughter. He shot another and she lay still and pretended to be dead, until she could slip out of the house to call 911. She ran barefoot in the snow to try and get help. I think she was 16. But thank God she survived. You just never know what makes a person do such a horrible thing to inocent people. Especially when it involves children.
Mike it is as cold as a well diggers wallet here, so I can imagine what it's like in Chicago. Could you Hero's see if God would send a little warm weather to us? And then when Summer get's here, I'll be saying "Mike, could you talk to God and see if He will send a little cool weather to us." We humans are never satisfied, are we?
Well I'll go for now, please keep watch over all of your loved ones and the rest of us who love,miss and will forever honor you with our memories of your sacrifice for us.

Carolyn Moore
Family Friend

January 23, 2008

Hi Michael,

Today's the day! I start my first shift on FTO in just about 2 hours. I graduated from PTI on Thursday, where I saw your picture hanging among the graduated officers. I know I wouldn't be here without the firm support of you and especially your dad, who got me into post #390 to begin with, 6+ years ago. I owe it to both of you for making a dream of mine come true. Keep an eye on your family and make sure your brother stays safe in his new job. I know your mom and dad are really worried about him. Thank you again for being one of my inspirations and allowing me to ride with you whenever I wanted. It's time to pay it back and hopefully let someone who wants to be a police officer ride with ME soon.

Ofc. Brian Greenenwald
Riverside P.D.

January 19, 2008

I love coming to review your reflections. They make me feel better. You have such a strong family bond. Make sure you look out for your brother. I know your dad has it under control. He is the guardian angel on earth. Your brother has to be ok with this many angels watching over him. Your smile and dimple make me laugh. What a good looking guy. I will continue to pray for your family. The holidays will never be the same, but you will never be forgotten.

From Sharon Atkins Identical Twin Sis of Officer Sheila Herring NPD EOW 01-16-03

Sharon Atkins

January 16, 2008


Was down at the Academy today to pin on your brother Bob's badge at a small ceremony they held. He has about a month left and he's finished. He picked his district, being Class Commander he gets first choice. Of course he piced one of the ghetto districts, but then again, the whole city is just about that way. I said just about, so I hope I didn't offend anyone.
As soon as I walked in I looked to my right to view the displays in the glass cases as I walked down the hallway to the room and there you were, your picture in the case along with other fallen officers and firemen that the CPD Pipes and Drums Unit played at their funerals.
Bob ended up with a 4 digit badge number, one of the guys busted his stones and said that the dumb guys get those and not the 5 number star like yours because the dumb guys have a hard time remembering 5 numbers compared to 4. They love busting stones and I know you were the King of the Stone Busters. Ceremony was nice, now he can get rid of that dumb brown shirt they make you wear and he's now in a regular CPD Uniform with his firearm.
It's hard for me to look way back on my career and think I was once young like that and in the Police Academy, 36 years ago, guess I'm what you young cops call the Dinosuer.
Keep watch over your two brothers for me and all the grand kids, also Mom. Miss you every day and think of you all the time.


January 10, 2008

Rest in peace my brother in blue.

Ofc. Ortiz
Middletown P.D. CT

January 5, 2008

My thoughts came of you as I was going through
some of my photos from this year's St. Jude's Parade and I took a lovely picture of a small boy kneeling behind a framed photo of you. He looks just like you. The pride
in his heart just glows through his eyes.
And this small boy...
holding your picture, Michael, is why...
We Will... Always Remember!!
Thank you for your services
to our City and it's People!

N. DeCook, Forensic Investigator
Chicago Police Department, Forensic Services

January 3, 2008

Happy New Year Mike, Sorry I a little late leaving you a reflection, but you know that with the fybro, I am in what I call my coma's. But to be honest, it's so hard to wish you and Jeff a Happy New Year. I know that you both are happy where you are, but I don't think there will ever be a really Happy Year again without you guys here. We try, and there are the good days, but never will our lives be the same. When having you here is what made us happy. But we keep you alive in our thoughts, memories and our hearts.
By the way, we are getting our first snow today, as you know I'm up half of the night. It started around 12:15 am. And it's that real fine snow that starts out slow and then gets bigger. So we are suppose to get around 2-4 inches today. I just hope it goes away soon. but by the end of the week the temp is suppose to be back in the 60's. You never know what the weather will be in the mountains of NC. I know you and Jeff are okay and that where you are there is always light. Never darknes, as Jesus' face is the light. Mike, continue to keep watch over your family and fellow officers along with the rest of us. Always know how very much you are loved and missed. But I know in my heart that you and Jeff are forever close beside us in Spirit. Take special care over your Brother Bobby as he takes his training for the Chicago Police. I know he will be a great Officer just like you and your Dad.
Well Hon, know we all love you and thank you for the sacrifice you gave for us. Remembering you with love and appreciation..

Carolyn Moore

January 2, 2008

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