Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Remember today, you are in my thoughts everyday.

Tina Yoshimura
~forever friend~

April 1, 2008

Officer Michael P. Gordon,

Rest in peace brother and know that you are not forgotten even by other Police Officers who did not know you. I know the pain your brother and sister officers are going through. I can only imagine what your family is going through. May God bless you and give your family the strength to carry on. God speed Officer Gordon.

Retired Police Officer Art Seelig
El Paso, TX. Police Dept.

March 28, 2008

God bless your family, Officer Gordon, and all those who miss you so much. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten and our society is grateful for your commitment, for without committed officers like you, this country would be a terrible place to be. You were so young...too soon to leave your loved ones. Keep your watch over them.
Donna Rundell; mother of Officer Richard Scalf, DPD, E.O.W. 2/5/99

Donna Rundell

March 27, 2008

Mike...I missed wishing you a Happy Name addition to a Happy St. Patrick's Day...and he is your patron saint...and the one whose name you carry.

Don't want to miss another Blessed and Happy Easter to you and your family.

With my prayers.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

March 23, 2008

Remembering Easter 2003 when you were with your boys at John's house helping them with the Easter egg hunt. A happier time and I guess I should be happy to have a memory but it doesn't always help when your heart is so heavy with grief.

Watch over your children.

Love you always and forever.

Carol Gordon

March 22, 2008


Wishing you a Happy Easter. You will be on our minds all day, just like all holidays and everyday of our lives. Can't tell you in words how much we miss you.


March 22, 2008

Uncle Mike,

Happy Easter. I miss you. I went to the cemetery today to visit you. I left a Pokeman card there for you.

Miss and Love you,
Your Nephew, Alec

March 22, 2008

Dear Michael,
I talked with your parents the other day and you have such a wonderful family. We found out that you and Brian had a lot in common and would have made great friends. I'm sure you two have met by now and are family in heaven keeping watch over us all. I wanted to wish you a Happy Easter and you will always be remembered in our family's hearts. So many pages of loved ones and so many stories behind the beautiful faces to tell.

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason

March 19, 2008

Happy St. Paddy's Day, bro. You are always in my thoughts.

John E. Gordon

March 17, 2008

Happy St Patrick's day Michael, keep watch over your family and bring them peace


March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day Mike. We love and miss you.

Carol Gordon

March 17, 2008

Happy St. Pratrick's Day, Mike,
I know you always enjoyed this day and all the festivities happening in Chicago. So I know you will be looking down and seeing everything going on and watching everyone. And I bet the River of Life that flows through Heaven will be green today for all the Irish, and those who are not Irish. So I hope you and Jeff have a great day, and I bet you know some of my Irish ancestors by now. My Dad's family came from Ireland. There were two brothers, about seven generations ago who came to America. One settled in S.C and the other here in N.C.. So I know I have a lot of cousins around that I have never met. I would love to be able to travel to Ireland, and try to trace them, but there was really very little I knew about them as my Grandfather passed away when my Dad was only seven years old. But someday I will be able to meet them.
Always know that you are with us in our hearts and memories. And we know that your spirit lingers on with us.
I had a sweet note from your brother Bobby. He is in my prayers daily along with the rest of your family. They are very dear to my heart. So keep close watch over all of them.
Mike, I'll check back in with you soon. Just wanted to wish you a Happy St. Patty's Day. Love and miss you so much. Carolyn

Carolyn Moore
Mother-in-law of Sgt. Jeffery T.Hewitt EOW 04-04-04

March 17, 2008

Happy St. Pat's Day Michael Patrick

One of your favorite holidays has arrived, the day you loved being Irish. This year it's St. Pat's Day and the next thing we know it will be Easter in less than a week. Last weekend was the southside Irish Parade, I know you use to enjoy that parade. This weekend they dyed the Chicago River Green like they do every year.
Had the two boys last week and me and Mom were driving with them in the car. Cullen comes up with a question about Heaven and if it real. Mom said yes it is. So he says, "Well gramma and grampa, which ever one of you goes first and makes it there, come back and let me know if it's real." Things from the mouthes of babes. Continue to keep a watch over your children, Mom and your brothers. Miss you as much as we always do and not a day goes by we don't think of you. I'll be back soon with another Michael Story.


March 16, 2008


We were taking care of your sons today (another Teacher Institute Day) and tried to take them sledding. The snow wasn't packed down enough so they went down the hill very slowly. Your Dad and I are exhausted and the old bones are hurting. The boys eventually just played in the snow and threw snowballs.

We asked if they wanted to go to the cemetery and they were okay with that. We brushed the snow off your monument to see your picture and the boys made miniature snowmen for you. It was a tender moment for Dad and I to see but also very heartbreaking.

Love you always and forever.

Carol Gordon

February 29, 2008

Happy belated birthday Flash,thinking of you every day when I look at your locker next to mine.We still feel you over here in 011,stay with us man.

011 Dist. C.P.D.

February 25, 2008


I'm back as promised. I'll end this reflection with a Michael Story. Today we were out at the cemetery, trying to beat another snow storm that is suppose to be headed our way. Mom of course has to not only clean up the area around your grave, but also a number of graves around yours. She would do the whole cemetery if she could. I'm still working on transfering allot of my video to DVD's and you pop in and out on some of the tapes talking, smiling and laughing. One was from Ft. Bragg where you were making a parachute jump, which one was you I don't know but you were in that group coming down. We all miss you and it's a real struggele to get through some days. Continue to keep watch over everyone for me as this whole ordeal seems to just be wearing me down like an old watch. We love and miss you.

Michael Story

You were about 6 years old and we drove on vacation to visit Barbara (Your God Mother) and her family who were living in Alma, Colorado at the time. Alma is a small town with a population of about 100 people, up in the Mountains. I took you, your brothers, Mom, Barb and her daughters on a site seeing tour that Barb had set up for us. She had me driving up the side of a mountain on a very rocky and narrow road. All of a sudden, in front of us on this narrow road was a large squirrel in the middle of road. A large bird appeared on the scene and jumped onto the back of the squirrel and began to peck at the squirrel's head. You were in the front seat next to me and you yelled out "LOOK AT THAT BIRD BEATING THAT SQUIRREL OVER THE HEAD WITH HIS PECKER." Well, needless to say, all the adults in the car, especially me, began to laugh hysterically and I almost lost control of the car and had to slam on the brakes for fear of driving down the side of the mountain into the valley below. You and the other kids were too little to understand what the adults were laughing about, but you kept repeating the same line over and over to see if you could still get the same reaction out of us as you did the first time you said it. Thank you for another great memory. We love you and miss you.


February 25, 2008

Mike, Happy belated birthday and thanks for keeping a watch over us! Thanks for fighting a good fight out there !It's just not the same.

Andy C
Chicago Police Department

February 23, 2008

This comment is for Mr. Bob Gordon-

Mr. Gordon, I come here several times a week to pay my respects to the officers who have fallen in the line of duty. Every time I come, I see your name expressing condolences and speaking so eloquently to the men and women on here.

Your voice is one of reason, compassion, honor, and respect. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for what you do. You take a moment out of your life to thank those who have given theirs for the betterment of mankind. That moment may not seem like much to you, but I can assure you that it means VERY much to those who read your words.

Your love for Michael is evident in your words to others. I can only imagine that he was as amazing as you seem to be. God bless you and your family. God bless Michael and his children. God bless our men and women in blue.

Employee of Buncombe County Sheriff's Office
Asheville, NC
In memory of Jeffery T Hewitt EOW 04/04/2004

February 22, 2008

Dear Michael,
Just wanted to wish you a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!It may be a day late but still comes just as meaningful as yesterday. Time goes on but you are never forgotten for you are carried in the hearts of those who love you.

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000

February 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Bird. Miss you alot. Miss your stories and all the goofy things you did. Think about you all the time.

Sgt Frank Lara
Riverside PD

February 21, 2008

I miss you Dad. I'm a man of very few words but I wanted to tell you that I love you very much.

Your son,
Ling Ho

Malik Gordon

February 20, 2008

Dear Daddy,

I miss you so much. Today is your 34th birthday and I wish you were here with us. We're going to have birthday cake to celebrate. I love you.


Cullen Gordon

February 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Michael!!! I miss you every day!!!


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

February 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mike. Birthdays were always big nights out for you, Bob and I. We always had a blast and I have a ton of great memories.

Rest easy...Never forgotten!

John E. Gordon

February 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Mike. We miss you.
As always,

India S. Gordon

February 20, 2008

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