Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Mike, I just stumbled past this page and I wanted to look you up. I have thought of you since I last saw you in 1999. I valued your friendship and comradeship while we were deployed together in Bosnia. I am hundreds of miles away and I can still feel the loss for your family. Your the one person that could keep our spirits up when we were cold, wet, muddy, and tired while patrolling Bosnia. I miss that smirk you got, and the laughter that ensued as soon as you entered the room. I am glad to have had you as a friend.
AIRBORNE my brother!
God Speed!
The Grunyon

SSG Thomas Moore
65th Military police company (ABN)

May 30, 2008

Dear Mike,

Yesterday Dad, me and Aunt Kathy remembered you and Grandpa Gordon by donating a flag to Our Lady of Charity Church. A little ceremony was performed while they hung the flag in honor of both you and Grandpa's service to your country. It was a fitting tribute to you and your grandfather. We also left pictures of you both in uniform at the base of the flag.

Love you always & forever.

Carol Gordon

May 27, 2008

Dear Officer Mike, I just want to say thank you and that you and my brother would have been good friends due to the fact that he was military also and he loved his war movies.He is the one that got me started on them also. He was my hero and will always be. Thank you for your service. Sister of officer Bill Jones EOW 5-11-06

Lynn Jones
sis of fallen officer Bill Jones EOW 5-11-06

May 26, 2008

Just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in our thoughts today. Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his friends John 15:13. That speaks volumes of the kind of person you are. Thank you for your service and sacrifice to us all.

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000

May 26, 2008

Mike...I will be remembering I always do...especially on this Memorial thanks for your our country. God Bless You...and your Dear Family.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

May 24, 2008


Memorial Day has always been special to me as it was 15 years ago on that day that we met and started are friendship. Now it has become a day of heartache and tears for me and everyone else who's life you have touched.

Forever in my heart is where you will be, but you already knew that...

There Are No Good-Byes Only Love.....

May 23, 2008


Memorial Day weekend is here again, wanted to stop at your page and thank you for your dedicated service to our Country. I know this was one of your favorite weekends to watch televison because all the war movies will be on. This morning the History channel had the great story of the 101st Airborne (Screaming Eagles) during WWII and the D Day Invasion, the group that they made that series about, "Band of Brothers" that you loved to watch. I know you being Airborne, you can relate to that brotherhood just like the law enforcement brotherhood. Hook up with all the other Vets this weekend and trade war stories as I'm sure there are many of the Screaming Eagles up there you can talk too first hand. Continue to keep watch over everyone for me. We all love and miss you.


May 23, 2008

I just returned from police week in DC. As the administrator of my fallen friend's website, I came back to find a nice note left by your father. I'm so glad he left your name at the bottom- because it caused me to seek you and your story out. Ironically as i type this, I wear a Chicago Police shirt I got from your brother officer's in DC.

Your loss has touched many far and wide. I read your reflections and can see a genuine loving son to parents who miss you greatly. You served as a cop in one of the toughest cities in the US and were greatly respected. I'm glad your father left your name because every year- i go to DC to honor our fallen brothers.My office is filled with framed rubbings from The Wall, and next year- I will honor you.

God speed, keep watch over us all and remember- you will never be forgotten.

Det. George Taylor
Westport PD (CT)
Honor of Matthew Morelli EOW 3/21/08

Det. George Taylor
Westport Police Department CT

May 17, 2008

Dear Michael,
We wanted you and your family to know that all of you have been in our thoughts this week. You are loved by so many and will never be forgotten. We bought red, white, and blue balloons to Honor You along with all the Law Enforcement Officers and Brian this week. Thank you for the Great work that you accomplished and the sacrifice you gave to protect us all.

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000

May 16, 2008

Mike...National Police Memorial not over until the 17th...and if it wasn't for your parents...without meaning to...I almost let this one get by me...having lots on my mind...but I want you to know...I never fail to pray for you...and your wonderful family...along with my son... and my are held in my thoughts daily.

Watch over your parents..loss takes its them to find the celebrate your life...and be an all of us...who have lost loved ones...especially we parents...who miss our children...beyond words.

God bless you Mike...and God bless your Parents...and Family.

With my prayers...always.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

May 15, 2008

Mr. Gordon~ Your last reflection broke my heart when I read it. Please keep yourself healthy for your loved ones that are left, they need you! Your heart is broken and a piece of that heart will forever be wounded but you have to stay strong for your wife and family here! Mike is so in a better place then we can imagine! He is happy and there is no pain there, we are the ones that are left with all the pain and devastation. Know you will be united one day but it is not your time now your family here needs you too =) God bless you sir and know that we think of you and your family and Mike often.

Wife of LEO
Melbourne, Florida

May 15, 2008

Mike, thinking of you today as I do every day...Never forgotten!

John Gordon

May 15, 2008


May 15th is National Police Memorial Day. Mom is down in Tutusville, Florida at the American Police Hall of Fame to honor you and a number of other fallen officers at the ceremony they are having to remember you and all your fallen brothers. She will be placing a small picture card with a blue rose through it of officers we have come to know through their families. What a terrible way to meet such nice people. Today I will be going out to the cemetery to place the black memorial flag at your gravesite as a way to remember you tomorrow. None of us need a special day to remember you as you are in our thoughts every day. You are all over this house because you were forever bringing me little things that range from a staple gun to police coffee mugs. Every time I go to look for something, there you are, one of those little things. If anyone who has not lost a child, I hope they read this and remember to always save all those little things as they have all become treasures later on. Also, to hug their kids before they walk out that door for work. Look after everyone for me as I'm starting to slow down and as someone told your oldest brother recently, "Your Dad Looks Really Beaten." Your loss has taken it's toll on all of us, but we keep going every day and remember you always and keep your memory alive. Love and miss you.


May 14, 2008

Dear Mike,

The family got together for Mother's Day and as always you were missed. Your sons, nephews and niece were running around having a good time playing hide and seek in my closets.

I remember that last Mother's Day when you walked through the back door holding an antique typewriter and you saying "Look what I got you Ma". You knew I was looking for an old typewriter and you happened to find this one at the last minute. I will always treasure it along with all the trinkets you gave me when you were growing up.
Watch over the family.

Love you always and forever.

Carol Gordon

May 11, 2008

I met Mike aobut 13 years ago when he was working on the CBOE and I was working for the same firm as his brother John. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to know Mike. I was 19 and I guess he was just a year older but I really looked up to Mike and John like cool older brothers at the time. To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon I would like to say that the wonderful job you did as parents is obvious in the character all 3 of your sons possess. I just had my second child and I would feel blessed if I could do half as well.

Chad H.

May 2, 2008

Hi Michael,

We went down to Springfield for the Annual Memorial honoring all of our fallen heroes. We had a good size group from Riverside and our surrounding towns that made the trip. The Memorial was very nice and we had beautiful weather which allowed us to have the service outside in front of the monument. As always, the tears were flowing when the pipers played your favorite, Ava Maria. I miss you every day Michael and will always keep you in my heart. You will never be forgotten!!!


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

May 2, 2008

For all those that are wondering what the phrase, "What Up Scared" is all about. The only thing I can think of is that it is from the reality tv show that was on before Michael was killed, "Scare Tactics," hosted by Shannen Doherty. It was on the Sci Fi channel and the gist of the show was to scare the heck out of people with the help of friends setting them up. Right at the climax of being so scared someone would ask, "Are You Scared." They would always answer yes, and the next thing they would say was "Welcome to Scare Tactics." Michael use to bust stones by going around the locker room or roll call room and lean over to people and say, "Are You Scared?" Just to bust stones. Mike, there are no words to express how much we all miss you and I'm glad some of your close friends who know what it's like to work in the ghetto and to be scared at times is really like. Protect all of them and watch over your two brothers, especially Bob.


April 30, 2008

what up scared


That's right. 11th Dist. Midnights!

Police Officer
Chicago Police

April 29, 2008

what up scared


April 26, 2008

To Michael's Dad,
Thank you for the wonderful story about your son. I am wiping away tears as I type this reflection. With the birth of my son almost two years ago, I know what you are saying. I remember everything and keep everything. My word's alone will not take your pain away I just wanted to say thanks to someone who has lived it. You and your family are in my prayers. 11 years on the job and I could not do this except for two things: 1. The grace of God 2. My family. They are my backbone and keep me in the game.
Just know that thousands of officers just like me honor your son's sacrifice and honor you because you were his backbone and made him what he was. God Bless his memory and God Bless you, sir.

Corporal Scott Wright
Mount Holly Police Department, NC

April 23, 2008

R.I.P. Officer Gordon, you will never be forgotten.

Deputy Sheriff
El Paso County (Coloardo)

April 21, 2008


Thought I would stop and leave a reflection. First, thanks for being at your brother's side last week when you stuck out your foot and tripped the guy he was chasing who began to turn on him with a Tech 9. The guy fell, dropped the weapon which rolled out of the bad guys reach. Most important was no harm came to your brother and he didn't have to shoot the scum bag. I thought I would leave a Michael Story as it's been awhile. People don't know what a sentimental or caring person you were so I thought I would go back in your life and repeat one here.

Michael Story:

You were a very sensitive and loving person. You would always hit us up for money, most of the time Mom, as all kids do, to go to the neighborhood store to purchase whatever. On a Saturday before Mothers Day, you asked Mom for some money and she asked why you needed it and you said it was a surprise. She gave you the money which was about a dollar and you were out the door on your bike for parts unknown. The following day, Mothers Day, you handed Mom a little tissue wrapped present. She opened the little package and inside she found what you needed that money for the day before. It was a Rinestone Broach, something that a 90 year old woman would wear to church. We found out that you purchased the gift at a garage sale. The best way I could describe it, well, being honest, Gypsy Jewelry that was really gaudy. Mom thanked her little boy for the present and put it on. She put that broach away and she saved it all these years. She recently took it out of her jewelry box, held it close to her heart and the tears began to flow. That little Ugly Duckling Broach has turned into a Beautiful Swan and is worth more to her than the Hope Diamond. It is now in her Memory Box with all the special items you gave to her through the years or little hand crafted things you made for her. Next time I'll leave another story about bravery when you were younger. Thanks for all the wondefful memories. We love and miss you terribly. Continue to watch over everyone for me, we love you and think of you every day.


April 21, 2008

Hi Michael,

Another successful rooftop game in your honor has past. Everyone had a great time. It's always great seeing your family and friends together telling our best Michael stories. I'm sure we should all be thanking you for the great weather and the Cubs WIN also!!! I miss you and love you. Your always in my heart.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

April 7, 2008

Just got home from Wrigley Field and the Cubs Rooftop benefit for your foundation. Weather was great and we had another sell out crowd, largest one yet. Everyone this year was up in the bleachers on the roof, very few downstairs in the lounge area. All your old friends were there and it is always great to see them. We talk about you and your story telling ability or your "Runnin and Gunnin" type of work. I know some of them think I don't want to hear things or talk about you but thats far from the truth. All of us on these many pages who have lost officers always want to talk about you guys as it is our way of keeping your memory alive and that you are not forgotten. Well, time for me to relax, I get completely worn out going up and down those stairs. Oh, the Cubs beat Houston. We all love and miss you.


April 5, 2008


We celebrated Cullen's ninth birthday today, although his party won't be for another week. Your Dad made him a cake, he had to have white cake and vanilla frosting. Your sons' are growing up very fast and I wish you could be here to see their accomplishments - you would be very proud of them.

Love you always & forever.

Carol Gordon

April 3, 2008

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