Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Mike we will NEVER forget!!!!!!! Rest in peace blue angel!


September 28, 2008

Mr. Gordon, Alot of people have been wondering why you have not come here to share your loving stories with all of us. We hope your ok!!! If you have decided to talk to Mike in private that is very much respected! But we would all like to know if you and your family are ok. You are the #1 officer down supporter and we really do miss you on here. Your name is left on almost every reflection especially at christmas!! Your one hell of a person!!!!! God bless and just let us know your ok!

LEO Family member

September 27, 2008

Mr. Gordon, I too have wondered why you have not been on. Please know that we have not forgotten your son. Reading your reflections makes me appreciate the little things in life.

police wife

September 26, 2008

Dear Mr. Gordon, I hope this reflection finds you healthy and keeping up your wonderful ways. You have not written in awhile and that is not like you. Please know that we will never forget what Michael gave up for all of us!!! God bless you and hope to read your reflections soon. God bless you and your family.


September 20, 2008


As a police officer and a father I can think of two people that I would like to meet one day. One is Mr. Walsh from America's most wanted. The other is your father. It breaks my heart to hear of the pain they endure, and at the same time I marval at the way they have helped so many others.


September 16, 2008

God bless you and all fallen officers. I never met you but I worked a short time with your brother and I can see that your parents did a great job raising good kids. I get the chills everytime I read your fathers posts and it makes me feel good that you nor other fallen officers will never be forgotten!

Cicero P.D.

September 10, 2008

Yesterday our Bay area community lost another fine officer to gunfire resulting from a domestic violence incident. Each new death of a fallen officer brings our own nightmares back and we mourn for yet another line of duty death, and remember and honor all those fallen brothers and sisters before. Remembering you today, Michael, and your family who lives with your painful loss every minute of every day.

Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05


September 7, 2008

Rest in peace Michael. You are not forgotten.


August 29, 2008

Thanks for getting me through last week. It was really hard to stand up in front of all those Assistant States Attorneys as a DUI Impact speaker to try and get across to them how important it is to prosecute DUI's and to always remember those of us left behind and what we deal with every single day. I took the train downtown as you know how parking is and how expensive it is. My scheduled train didn't stop as it was over loaded with Cubs Fans going to the game both days I had to go down there. People at all the stops had on their Cubs jersies so I thought of you and how you loved it at Wrigley Field and you always haveing one of those Cubs jersies on. To make the ride even harder, the train stopped in Berwyn in front of the Hospital where you were born and just up the street is the restaurant where you worked as a bus boy when you were about 16 and the ride continued through the edge of your old district in the City. The talk went over well, I just hope I was able to get through to at least one prosecutor as it would be well worth it. Well, better end, thought of you all day as I was out in the garage cleaning up my work bench and every time I reached for something, there was one of those little things you would always bring me in the way of little gifts. I still hear your voice, "Day, look what I brought you." I wouldn't part with any of them. Continue to watch over everyone for me, we all love and miss you and think of you all the time.


August 25, 2008

I just wanted to let you and your family know that I am thinking about you. "No greater love has anyone than this that he lay down his life for a friend". Thank you! We don't understand it now, but we will understand it later, (John 13:7).

Carol Espinoza
Mother of Officer Isaac Espinoza, EOW 4/10/04

August 19, 2008

Officer Gordon, I know that you are smiling down on your wonderful family. You are a gem with a life long legacy that will never be forgotten. Your family is carrying on the love you had in your heart and for that, your memory lives. Love and blessings to your family and friends!

Mrs. Shawn Lee


August 18, 2008

To the family of Officer Michael Patrick Gordon,
It's hard to believe four years have gone by. I'm sure it seems like it was just yesterday when you saw Michael's smiling face walking through the doors of your home. It does not get easier as people said it would, instead we learn how to live with the void in our life. Your son will always be remembered.
Sister of Fallen SF Police Officer Isaac Espinoza EOW 04/10/04

Regina Espinoza

August 14, 2008

Today is another one of those bad days as we laid you to rest 4 years ago today. Funny how we refer to time now, it's either "Before Michael died" or "After Michael died." I've tried to keep busy but that doesn't help much as you are always in and out of ny thoughts no matter what I may be doing or how hard I try to keep busy. Maybe to help brighten the day I'll leave a Michael story.


I believe you and your brothers were in your younger teens and as brothers, you would always be pulling pranks on one another. I know you ended up getting pranked the most because you were the youngest. In the hallway Mom had a long clear plastic runner to protect the carpeting from ware. On the bottom of this plastic runner were long spikes which are designed to inbed into the rugging to keep the plastic runner from sliding as people walk on it. Your two brothers would always flip it over in an attempt to have you walk on it in your bare feet on your way to the bathroom and have the bottom of your feet stuck by the spikes. I came home from work after working the 4-12 shift and entered the house and took off my boots as I always did. I headed for the bedroom and was in the stocking feet when I hit that upside down runner. I didn't expect what was going to happen next, I hit those spikes and I began to yell and scream and tried making it to the end of the runner by jumping but when I landed it was even worse as I didn't make it to the end. The best I can describe the feeling on the bottom of my feet is that it felt like I was walking on a bed of nails. I know the 3 of you boys thought it was hysterical but at the time you were all lucky you were in bed and I know not sleeping because of all the noise with me yelling. So Mike, that early morning I took that one for you.

We love and miss you every day and think of you always. Continue to keep watch over everyone for me.


August 13, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon.... I did not know your son, never met him, yet I feel as if I know him from the loving stories left by his father. I think your way of keeping Mike's memory alive has touched more people than you know because even though I can not go to his grave and I do not know any of you, I think of your son, his sacrafice, his children and all of you. I remember his EOW like I'd remember one of my siblings birthdays. I truly believe your son's sacrafice and your loss is felt and remembered by more people than you can fathom because of this website and your dedication to sharing his life stories through the eyes of a father. MAy god bless you and comfort you until you see Mike again.

LEO wife, Detroit

August 11, 2008

Flash, Carol and family ~

You have been in my thoughts all week and I'm sure you are all in disbelief that 4 years have passed. People say that things like this get easier with time, but I'm not entirely sure that is true - it seems that while some days may be alright there are still the days when things just seem horrible. I hope it helps a little to know that so many people still think of you and remember your wonderful son.

Mike ~ 4 years is a long time for your family to live without your crooked smile, your laugh, the sound of your voice and all the crazy things you would do (the things that have produced so many "Michael stories"). Please be with them as they begin another year without you here. Continue to watch over them, protect them with your angel wings and love them as only you can until you can all be together again.

Always thinking of you,

Carin E. Sollman, widow
Officer Jesse E. Sollman, EOW 3/25/05

August 10, 2008

Dear Michael and Family,

Remembering you and your family as this saddest of sad days is upon them again. It's unexplainable how it is to live without one of your children. My girls gave me flowers this week and included Matthew's name (as they always do), it was a moment of perfection to look at the three names written like they always were........for a moment I could pretend.....

Anyway, I just wanted you to know you are in our thoughts so often. We have not forgotten.

Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/2004

August 9, 2008

Thinking of you always.


India S. Gordon

August 8, 2008

Today is the 4th anniversary of your EOW. Your memory lives on in those who love and served with you. Your father is faithful to leave condolences for those who also experience a similar loss. No one can relate like someone who has walked in those shoes and regretably, the list continues to grow daily. For all those who continue to serve and for those who have paid the greatest sacrifice, there are many more grateful Americans who care and appreciate what you do so bravely and honorably. Thank you is just not adequate.
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA


August 8, 2008

Hi Dad,

We visited your grave today and left you two of the best baseball cards in the world. I hope you like them.

I love you and I miss you,

Malik Gordon

August 8, 2008

To Officer Gordon's family, may God be with you today as you face another anniversary. I know how difficult it is and just wanted to let you know that you are all in my prayers today and always, and that Patrick will NOT be forgotten. Rest in peace Officer and continue to watch over us all from above.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02


August 8, 2008

Dear Officer Gordon,

You have been on my mind throughout this day. I know your Mother and Father, other family members, friends and fellow Law Enforcement Officers were at the Memorial Mass today which was celebrated in your honor. I am in Colorado now where I have visited my son's grave or I would have been there as well.

I had the privilege of meeting your Dad and having breakfast with him previously and when I get back to the Chicago area, I will contact him, as we had discussed earlier, so he, your Mom and my wife and I can meet for breakfast. When I met your Dad, he shared so many wonderful stories about you ... your service to our Country has been long, honorable and exemplary. I join a legion of others in thanking you for your service. You are ( and that is present tense because your Spirit lives and always will)... you are one phenomenal young man.


Tom Jensen,

Father of Detective Jared Scott Jensen
Colorado Springs Police Department, EOW 2/22/06

Thomas Jensen

August 8, 2008

Michael...I will be in church your memory.

Watch over your family...they love and miss you immeasurably...and I know that particularly difficult for them.

I send my support...of all of the Gordons...on this special day.

God Bless you Michael...and your family.

You are not forgotten.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

August 8, 2008

While I celebrate your life and ask that people 'Never Forget' I truly dread this day and the terrible memories it holds. Getting that early morning phonecall...the shock and father-in-law hugging me and crying...walking through a wall of blue shirts, your brothers, to enter the hospital...realizing that the Chicago officer guarding your broken body was a high school friend of mine (thank you again Dave)...pulling back the curtain and knowing that you were GONE...whispering to you the things I should have told you in life...Phil and staff, true coppers standing by your bedside...sitting on the floor with my face in my hands sobbing...a stranger, a copper telling me how sorry he was...finding out the fate of the offender...THE AFTERMATH.

Yes, life goes on and the Gordons did make it through a very difficult time. However, as a family we will never recover. Especially, mom and dad. Some understand, but many truly don't get it.

Today, I'll say a prayer, tell a story or three and raise a glass in your memory. I hope you come through for me tonight. Rest easy.

John E. Gordon

August 8, 2008

I love you and I miss you, Papa Bear.

Baby Bear

Cullen Gordon

August 8, 2008

Hi Michael,

I can't believe it's been 4 yrs since we lost you. It's been tough not having you around, but we all take it day by day. I was at 11 a couple weeks ago for the Area 4 ride. They had around 700 hundred motorcycles in the procession. It was incredible. CPD did a great job with the event. I miss you every day Michael and will keep you in my heart always. Please keep watching over all of us that love you.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

August 8, 2008

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