Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Michael Patrick,

Four years - how can it be possible?????
Your parents and I share you and Patrick loss, your names -a bond created by our sons amd the lives you both lead.
Patrick even attended your wake - not knowing four months later he would be joining you.
My heart goes out to your family during this holiday season - I know they missed you daily but this time of year is tough when someone you love is missing from the festivities.

Cathy Barnard
Mother of Burbank PD Officer Patrick Michael Righi Barnard

December 2, 2008

Dear Mike,

It was our fifth Thanksgiving without you but you were in our hearts. Uncle Joe got to eat all the dark meat of the turkey since you and Grandma Gordon aren't here. As Dad says watch over the Clan Gordon.

Love you always and forever.

Carol Gordon

November 28, 2008

RIP.You are never forgotten.


November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, Dad.
We love you and we miss you very much.

Love always,
Malik and Cullen

Malik and Cullen Gordon

November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Mike.
Keep watch for me over the Clan, I'll be back soon. Love and miss you everyday.


November 26, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving.... Your in my thoughts everyday.. Miss you always...

There Are No Good byes Only Love


November 26, 2008

Mike, even though we have never met, this message is to you. By the sound of it, you are everything I want to be in a Police Officer. Everywhere anyone needed you, at all times(that's why they called you Flash) you where there. I look up to you for my work ethic. Besides for my Dad; who was shot on the job, you are the person I look up to the most. Just so you know, you live on though all of us, your brothers and sisters in blue. You will never be forgotten!

P.O. Flaherty
Chicago Police 006 District

November 21, 2008

I just wanted to say that you are still not forgotten and Thank You for the service that you gave to our country. I know you are loved and missed by your wonderful family and friends very much. Continue to keep watch over your family and friends. Thank you for a job well done.

Tammy Persin
Mother of Pfc. Brian Thomas Gleason
Military Police 8/9/2000


November 11, 2008

Dear Mike,

Thinking of you this Veterans Day and thinking back when you were at Ft. McClellan, Ft. Bragg, Korea & Bosnia.

We love and miss you.

Bob & Carol Gordon

November 11, 2008

Dear Mike...As today is Veterans Day...I am remembering prayer...and with gratitude...for your military behalf of our country.

God Bless you...and all our servicemen...and women.

Keep watching over your loving family.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

November 11, 2008

My dad was Patrolman Harl G. Meister. Thank you for remembering and I'm very saddened by your loss also. Very Truely yours, Harry Meister.

Harry C. Meister

November 10, 2008

I just met your Dad, well kinda, I met him through one of his reflections he left my son as he expressed his heart felt grief as I also know too well. I can tell from the many reflections that you were well loved and are truly missed, and may your friends and loved ones know you will never be forgotten. Hero's go down in history and their memory lives for ever, just look at John Wayne, Mat Dillon, Tex Ritter and all the rest. Now we can add one more name to that beloved American Hero list, Michael P. Gordon. Rest in peace and watch over all who carry on the job you did so well.

James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

November 6, 2008

Michael P. Gordon, True Blue Awards Nov. 2, 2008

Another great True Blue Awards event was held in your honor last night. Several Heroes were honored. Your brother John and his wife Heather and the members of the Committee did another great job in pulling this off for your Foundation so that we can continue the work in helping so many others. A number of your friends from the 11th District were there, nutty as always and very special to me and your Mother as they have always been there for us and remember you. They have moved on to other specialty jobs or districts but they still come to honor you. I thank all of them for their support and everyone else that came, including a number of your friends from Riverside. Continue to keep watch over all the little ones for me, espcially your two brothers and Mom. We think of you all the time and love and miss you. I'll be back soon. Always in my thoughs:


November 3, 2008

Dear Mike...You were remembered in a special prayer today...All Souls Day...and I included your the nine day novena.

Rest in His perpetual light.

God bless you and your dear family.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween Mike:

Halloween was one of your favorite days of the year, especially when you were younger. Thought about you all day and all the costumes you had over the years. Mom even brought out some picutres and showed them to your nephews who visited us to trick or treat. When you and your brothers were young teenagers, the "Bombing" started over at Lincoln School on the playground. No, not the exploding kind, but running around on the playground with shaving cream and eggs throwing it on each other and you guys named it "Bombing." There would always be a big crowd of kids running around on the playground doing it. I know the neighborhood store never had any eggs, shaving cream or toilet paper on Halloween so people had to plan ahead if they didn't want to be caught short.
Anyone from the Cicero neighborhood will know the next little tid bit and I won't use the officers name because he is still in law enforcement and now works out near here with a County department. He use to really give the young teens a hard time. He would park his squad in the alley behind the White Hen Store, darked out and watching across the street and all the kids "Bombing" one another with eggs and shaving cream. You and your two brothers and your friends would sneak up behind his darked out squad car and everyone on the count of 3 would throw as many eggs as they could which ended up on his squad. He couldn't back up as he'd end up striking something in the narrow alley. Guess you kids weren't as dumb as he thought you were. Plus, how could he identify any of you, all of you wore dark hooded sweat shirts like everyone else on the playground. I stil remember you and your brothers finally coming home, covered in shaving cream and eggs from head to toe and Mom would make all of you undress in the basement and throw all your clothes into the sink. It kept you kids from doing damage to others property on Halloween and you had fun, except for maybe egging the Officer and his squad car. This Sunday is the Michael P. Gordon True Blue Awards. A number of brave and hard working cops will be honored in your name and I know a number of your friends that you worked with in the 11th District will be there. The Officer receiving the award for Heroism is the CPD Officer that got involved out in Utah and stopped the guy that was attacking a married couple outside of a restaurant. Looking forward to seeing the guys from the 11th District. They are really Nuts. Last year one of them purchased an autographed football, autographed by 3 Hall of Famers, actual signatures with a certificate of authenticity at the silent auction. Next thing we know they are out in the parking lot playing football with it.
I'll be back soon. Miss you and think of you every day. Please watch over the family for me, especially all the little ones and your brothers and Mom. We all miss you. Each day is a real challenge to get through, but we do. Love and miss you.


October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween, Dad.

Tonight we went trick or treating around our neighborhood and one of our friends went with us. We received a lot of candy, a fortune cookie and some cough drops. We went to see Grandma and Grandpa and we made sure to hit up the house next door (the one that gives the full sized candy bars). I dressed up as a 7 ft. tall Bobble Head Grim Reaper. Most of the really old people and little kids in the neighborhood were scared. It was a lot of fun.

I also wanted to tell you that our school football team came in first place this year and they gave me an award today. I was the youngest player on the team and the only one in 6th grade that made it.

I love you and I miss you,

Malik Gordon

October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween, Daddy.

I really wish you got to see my costume today. I dressed up as a werewolf. Our cat, Willie was so scared when he saw me. It was funny.

Today I told my class about you. I told them that you were a Sergeant in the Army and a Policeman in Chicago. I also told them how you died. My teacher said you were very special man.

I miss you and I love you,

Cullen Gordon

October 31, 2008

Dear Gordon Family;

I came across Michael's story while reading through the reflections left for friends/acquaintances. I decided to look him up and was astounded at the number of lengthy reflections left for him--those reflections are evidence that he was a special man and is deeply loved. I think it's wonderfully generous of you to leave notes for others. The stories you write about Michael are absolutely great! Even though I never met him--have never, in fact, even been to Chicago--reading your stories about him reminds me of my own brothers. All of us in law enforcement are already brothers and sisters, so I guess that's not too far of a reach. May God bless and keep you; you and your beloved Mike are in my prayers.


October 30, 2008

Thank you officer Gordon for your service and dedication, for not only your city but your country as well. It's clear that you have a loving family and a wonderful father who care about you a lot and miss you even more as the days go by. It's a shame that one person's stupid decision ended up costing not only his life but yours and all of your loved ones for the rest of their lives.

Correctional Officer
Vancouver, B.C

October 27, 2008

I visit this website from time to time to read the reflections of friends that were lost in the line of duty. I often come across messages left from this officer's father. I was curious, so I looked you up. I was sad to read how your life ended. I wish things could've happened differently. From reading your page, I know that you are truely missed! I just wanted to thank your father for all the nice words that are left on the other pages. It does mean alot to know the time he takes to write a small note here or there. Please know my prayers are with you and your family... and please watch over us to make sure we are safe! P.S. Had a good laugh reading the "carpet runner" story!

Sister in Blue
San Antonio PD

October 22, 2008


Hard to believe that this week marks 14 years ago I hugged you goodbye and you walked down the driveway with the Army Recruiter and you were on your way to Basic Training at Ft. McClellan, Alabama. I tried writing you every day during your training to give you insight as to what mind games the DI's would be playing to mentally strip you of everything you learned in life and rebuild you into a soldier. You did end up becoming a good soldier and MP and finally Airborne. I didn't realize until later on that all those letters I wrote you while in Basic or overseas were saved by you. I still have them but just can't bring myself to read them. Mom saved all the cards and letters you sent to us and we haven't read those either. Maybe someday we will and we will save them for your children as they are more memories that were touched and written by your own hands. I always remember when I was in the military that mail from home was one thing you looked forward to receiving and thats one of the reasons I tried to write you every day.
Well, better get going. Wanted to write a short note to let you know what I was thinking about over the past few days. We all love and miss you and think of you all the time. Continue to watch over everyone for me.


October 9, 2008

Mike, Mr.Gordon, we think about Mike all the time!!!! We also have been thinkiing alot about you as well. We miss your reflections. We understand that the time comes that reflection do not necessarily have to be written down for all of us to read and you are probably at the point in your grief process of letting go of this page and keeping it within your family. Know we are always thinking of your family and we miss your positive words and stories you used to leave. God Bless you and your family. Know that this Christmas I will leave a blue light on in memory of Mike and all others who have passed on in the line of duty.


September 30, 2008


It's been awhile since I've written, but I visit your page several times a day and read any new reflections that are left by others. I appreciate all those that don't know us and that take the time to write on your page and worry about how we are all doing. I appreciate and thank them for their concern. I also visit as many pages of other officers as I can and leave reflections for them and their loved ones. I can only do so many as it is very heart breaking to read the pain others feel and I know there are many stories behind their loss and what has transpired because of the loss of their loved one. All any of us can do is take one day at a time and do all we can to keep your memory alive. I would trade places with you in a heart beat if I could and I know you know that. I have contacted one of your Army buddies who was in Korea with you and he said he has a number of "Michael Stories" and will attempt to make them a "G" rating for all of us to enjoy. I can only imagine. If he sends me a few I'll post them. I will leave one today and this one will go way back about 30 years ago when you were just a toddler.

Michael Story:

You were about 3 years old and your Mom's close friend Barb and her mother Emma use to babysit you periodically. Before I get to the ending of this story, I have to add how I use to take you and your brothers to the Zoo and in one of the exhibition halls was a glass case with a step up so children could stand and observe inside the exhibit. Located in this one case were Brazilian Cockroaches, GIANTS compared to a normal sized roach. You would stand there and gaze at these giant insects and wonder at their size and would ask what there were. Naturally, I told you they were Giant Roaches from Brazil. Every time we visited the zoo you had to visit the Giant Cockroach display.
Now, getting back to Barb who one day Mom dropped you off at Barb's as Mom had some errands to run. Barb had some food shopping to do and took you along. I know she took you a few times and didn't learn her lesson the one time she took you and found you in her car after the shopping visit, chewing gum. She didn't see you help yourself to the gum rack on the way out of the store and open it in her car and begin chewing gum. Anyway, she had you sitting in the seat in the cart. She made it to the produce department and a number of people were there also shopping. You observed a bug crawling across the floor and began to yell, "Look at the Giant Cockroach." Barb kept telling you to keep quiet but that only made you yell it louder. Other shoppers began to take notice of you and what you were saying. I know they all wondered, how does a little boy know what a roach looks like unless he has them in his home and lives with them. Barb was so embarassed, she left the store with you in tow and went home. When Mom went to pick you up, she got an ear full of what you were yelling and how everyone must think that she has Giant Cockroaches in her house and how could she ever go back to that store and shop. As they say, "Words that come from the mouths of babes."
We love and miss you Mike and it seems like a lifetime ago that we talked. Please watch over everyone for me.


September 30, 2008

Mike...Today is the feast day of St. Michael the Archangel...your namesake. So I wish you a blessed name day...and I will remember Mass this morning.

Watch over that marvelous family of yours. They love and miss you dearly.

God bless are not forgotten.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

September 28, 2008

Dear Mike,

Dad and I were recently at the cemetery when a woman walking her dog came up to us and asked if we were related to you. We told her who we were and she wanted to know more about you and of course we told her.

Her home was being built behind the cemetery at the time of your funeral and she couldn't believe all the squads, police and people who were at the cemetery that day. She says she often stops and says a prayer for you. We are grateful for all the people who remember you as it brings some comfort to your father and I.

Both your sons are being kept busy with sports and Dad tries to attend games as much as possible. You know how I hate sports so he's going solo.

We just got back from your Dad's cousin in Missouri since we both needed a little down time. We are now both sixty years old and the last four years have taken their toll so we go to Missouri for some tranquility.

Today another Chicago police officer was killed, please welcome him.

Love you always and forever.

Carol Gordon

September 28, 2008

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