Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

You crossed my mind today. You see...never forgotten.


February 14, 2009

I just wanted to stop and say hi, and also to thank your Dad he wrote on my brothers site. It means so much to me Mr. Gordon that you took the time to write, and your kind words are so appreciated.. I know your Mike and my John are watching over all of us today and always....
God Bless you all...

Sister of Ofc. John P Harris EOW 8/19/1994 Henrico PD Virginia

February 9, 2009

I wanted to stop by and say Hi to you and your Dad he left a message on my sons page. Your Dad is so right in saying that some days is just to hard to right on this site. Can't say just why, but we are all in the say boat, and some days it just seems like it's sinking.... We all know that we miss you guys so much, that we sometimes wonder how we will every make it through too the next day, and then we do.... Your parents always get all the signs that you send there way, so please keep sending them, I know they cherish all of them.
I know that your parents miss you every minute of everyday, just let them know you are near. And look Clint up for me and let him know we miss him....

Connie Barker F.W.B. Fl
Mother of Clint Walker Prattville P.D. E.O.W. 1-14-04

February 7, 2009

My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family. Rest Easy.

Cindy, Arkansas
Sister of slain Officer Randy Basnett, EOW 9-24-1976

February 7, 2009

To the family and friends of Officer Gordon:
"I pray that the Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom."
~ Abraham Lincoln

Lt. Peter Salzberg
Walpole Police Department

January 28, 2009

Mr.& Mrs. Gordon, I wrote this for my brother a little while ago and, I wanted to share it with you also:

It is said that wherever there is love
there is life,
and your memory lives on in the hearts of
your family and friends;
it shines like an eternal flame........
they will love you will
never be forgotten.....................


January 16, 2009

At last
my love has come along
my lonely days over
and life is like a song

Ooh, yeah, yeah
At last
the skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover
the night I looked at you

I found a dream
that I could speak to
A dream that I
can call my own
I found a thrill
to press my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known
Ohh, yeah, yeah

You smile
you smile
Ooh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
for you are mine at last


January 9, 2009


Well, Hawks lost that game at Wrigley. Would you believe they had 42,000 sitting in that cold watching the game. Guess the players all agreed that it reminded them of when they were kids with the outside hockey games they would play on ponds up in Canada. I'm still tracing our family genealogy and when I look at all the names, you have a pretty big group up there to exchange stories with. Your Great Great Grams (Grampa Gordon's Mother) family has been in this country a long time, since about 1600. A few were Revolutionary War soldiers. One of these days I'lll finish it and distribute it to whoever wants it in the family. I know some people think it's a waste of time, but it keeps me busy plus we get to know about out past relative, good and bad.
I just came in from taking down all the blue Christmas lights outside. I'm still a little frozen as its cold out there and my hands aren't what they use to be so excuse any typos. It's worth the time and effort as it's a tribute to all police officers. Well, time to pack a few more things away until next year. Keep watch over the Clan for me. We think of you every day and miss you. I'll be badk soon. Always in our hearts.


January 5, 2009

Hi Michael,

Well the holidays are over and we are starting a new year. It's another year that we will be missing you but never forgetting you. I'm sure your well aware of this, but I thought I would share it. It has been a tradition with your Riverside crew, that anytime we are out, we play your favorite Kid Rock song Bawitdaba and hold our glasses up high for you. Anybody that is out with us or sometimes even strangers will join in. Sometimes we will have that moment of silence for you and sometimes we start sharing some Michael stories. The point is, you are always with us. I miss you very much Michael. Please keep watch over all of us.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

January 4, 2009

Officer Michael Gordon,
Although I don't know you I felt the need to write you a reflection because every page I visit of every fallen officer your dad has taken the time to write a heartfelt message of compassion, then I read your reflections and through your dad's michael stories I have come to feel like I could know you. Your dad does such a good job of making sure you are remembered I felt compelled to let him know that what he is doing is working, now when I come to odmp to visit officer Kenneth Santucci EOW 9-6-08 I also stop by ur page to see how u and ur family are. I am the wife of a LEO and have 2 sons, I truly feel for ur family and please Mr. Bob Gordon please know u are a very special person. Michael will also live on in your heart and soul and know be will never be forgotten.
Wife of LEO


January 1, 2009

Dear Mike,

Today starts a New Year but it seems like any other day to your Dad and I. Nothing will ever be the same without you.

The Hawks are playing at Wrigley today and I know you will be watching.

Love you always & forever.

Carol Gordon

January 1, 2009

Never forgotten!

That's it, nice and sweet.

Happy Holidays and a blessed New Year, Gordon Family.

Never forgotten....

Police Officer
Chicago Police Department-011th

December 31, 2008

Mike...I pray...that your that far better place...was blessed and peaceful.

May God bless you keep watch...over your dear family.

You are prayed for...and remembered.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

December 26, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon:
It has been seven years since my son was murdered and I wanted you to know that this time of the year has alot of memories. They are good memories but the emptiness of one person missing is always with you.
It has been four years since you lost your precious son, I wish I could say it gets easier, it does in some ways but the holiday's are always bitter/sweet.
I am glad Mr. Gordon that you tell the stories, they tell us alot about Michael.
God bless you at this time of the year and may He always give you strenght for each day.
Missing our sons terribly,
Lorraine Bond (Mother)
Hamilton Co. Tn. Sheriff Deputy:
Donald K. Bond, Jr.
EOW: 09.06.01


December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas Michael,
As we celebrate Christmas we pray for both our family and yours that we might make it thru another day without you and Jeff. We know the two of you are having a wonderful time and we know you are at peace. Watch over your family and watch for the blue candles in our windows. There are now three of them. One for Jeff, one for you and one for Joe. Joe was a friend of Jeffs who lost his life in Iraq.
Rest in peace. You and your family are always in our heart and in our prayers,
Pat and Bill Hewitt
Parents of Sqt. Jeff Hewitt
Buncombe County Sheriff's Dept., N.C.


December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas... Lastnight as I was watching It's a Wonderful life and when your favorite parts came on I couldn't help but smile as I remember how you would say the lines " I wish I had a million dollars, Hot Dog!!! and " George Bailey I'll love you til the day I die" It might sound silly to some people but they would have to know you to understand you always quoted lines from movies.

Well just wanted to stop by and let you know you are always in my thoughts and your missed something aweful..

There Are no Good-byes Only Love....


December 25, 2008

Dear Mike,

Well the Clan just left and I'm exhausted but it is what Christmas is all about, the kids - I hope they all walked away with what they wanted. Your sons, your nephews and niece all running through the house having fun. Hopefully when your Dad and I are gone they will remember these times.

Malik and Dad did a gingerbread house together and as I watched them I know Malik will remember their time together fondly. Of course Cullen was busy watching a hockey game so he would run by and steal some candy. John took the boys to a Hawks game a few weeks ago so Cullen is gung-ho hockey now. The Hawks are actually having a hockey game at Wrigley Field - that would have been up your alley I'm sure.

Mike, you are loved and missed every hour of everyday.

Love you always and forever.

Carol Gordon

December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Mike,

I know how much you loved Christmas, especially when you were a child. This is a really hard day for me to get through, but then again all of them are as it doesn't have to be a holiday. The grand kids will be here running all over the place tonight so that should keep me occupied but I will be thinking about you.
Someone sent me a song by Kenny Chesney, "Spirit of A Storm" and it sure describes what I feel every day.
Mr and Mrs. Santa were out with the CPD Memorial group delivering presents to all the kids of Chicago Fallen Officers last night. Weather was terrible and it took them about 12 hours to make the 15 stops. I thank them for what they do. Also, the Policeman's Hall of Fame as they send gifts to the kids.
At your grave site we made a wreath, it's the BIGGEST in the cemetery, also, it's lit up at night with solar lights. A true hero should have his grave site being the best in the cemetery.

Michael Story:

Mom didn't want me to tell this one of what your brothers did to you one Christmas. Oh, what the heck, I'll tell it anyway. Mom and I would have you and your brothers make up a Christmas list of what you wanted, a "Dream List." You came crying hysterically to Mom yelling "Look what they did to my Christmas Lis, and what was added to it!" Evidently, your two older brothers conspired and thought it would be funny. The page said, Michael's list, what I want for Christmas, and it had GI Joe and wrestling dolls and other things that you had written down on it, but your brothers added, "I would like a new Penis for Christmas." I look back now and laugh, but I wanted to tan both of your brothers rear ends, something that is un heard of today with parents. Well, time for me to get ready for the Clan. Please watch over all of them for me, all the kids and especially your two brothers. I'll have the candle burning for you and all your brothers and sisters in blue. Love and miss you terribly, Dad.


December 24, 2008

Just a note to your family to let them know that they are remembered during this christmas season. I do not know you or your family but read on your site and your dad has let alot of people come to know you with his Michael stories.
May they be bless today and always.
You will never be forgotten by your family and all that love you.

Holley Orr
Wife of Kevin Orr EOW 11-22-06

December 20, 2008

We did a Christmas Tree this year in Honor and Memory of our Military and Law Enforcement Officers. It is done in red,white,and blue. It has flags, soldiers, stars, eagles, police Santas and police car ornaments all over it and one huge gold star on the top. One of the police cars is in your name and honor. You will never be forgotten or your wonderful family. Merry Christmas!

Ken,Tammy,Kendall Persin
and memory of our son
Pfc. Brian Thomas Gleason
Military Police Officer 8/9/2000


December 17, 2008


Christmas is almost here, another holiday to get through. Having all the grand kids running around will keep me occupied on Christmas Eve. This will be our 5th Christmas without you here with us, seems like a lifetime since our last Christmas Eve together.
I was with your brother John today at the 18th District filling CPD Memorial T shirt orders. A number of people came in, one of your old sergeants and the son of your old Captain and all had nothing but good things to say about you and the type of officer you were. I found myself telling old war stories about my career and the contact I had with the old timer Chicago Officers. I began to realize how times have changed and my career was known as "The Good Old Days." I look back now and my 30 years seemed like they flew by. Didn't feel like that while working all those rotating shifts and all the holidays I wasn't home because of work.
The outside is all decorated in blue lights in your honor and all fallen officers. Our way of remembering all of you for the holiday. Someone said they knew that it's hard for us around the holidays, I told them that it doesn't have to be a holiday as every day is a hard day. Well, thought I'd drop in and leave a short note. I'll be back for Christmas and will maybe leave a Michael story. We all love and miss you. Keep watch over the Clan for me.


December 11, 2008

I just wanted to let you and your family know that we have been thinking about you and them. We added our blue light to our Christmas decorations as we have since our son was killed. We just wanted you to know that we will be thinking about you and your family this holiday season.
Thanks Bob for the beautiful reflection you left for my son, you are one of the ones I can always count on not only on my sons site but everyone's.
Officer Gordon I know you will have a beautiful Christmas in Heaven, but continue to watch over your family, and let them know you are near, they get all your signs. Please let Clint know that we still miss him and love the signs he sends.

Connie Barker F.W.B. Fl.
Mother of Clint Walker Prattville Al. E.O.W. 1-14-04

December 10, 2008

Well Michael it's almost Christmas and the holiday season is upon us. May you continue to watch over your family and may they know that you have not been forgotten nor will you.
We also decorate for christmas using all Blue lights now and one of them is there in Honor of you. I pray your family finds peace and happiness during the holidays.

James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

December 10, 2008

You will never be forgotten. Happy holidays to you. Keep watching over your family!!!

Naperville Police Department

December 8, 2008

I was recently made aware of Gordon's "Gordo" passing. I served with him in the 65th Military Police Company (Airborne), Ft. Bragg, NC. I must say Chicago Police Department lost a great guy. You can always count on "Gordo" to make you laugh when things are down. To his family, my prayers are with you and If there is anything you should ever need please feel free to reach out to me.
To a fellow Soldier and Officer, you will be missed but, never forgotten.


December 5, 2008

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