Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Happy Father’s Day, Mike!

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve left an update. Please know that there’s not a day that goes by that the boys and I don’t think about you.

Things have been going well for us lately. School is now finished and summer has officially begun. The boys are attending day camp at the Park District and they seem to enjoy it. They do different activities each week and it keeps them occupied.

They’re both finishing their baseball seasons, Malik’s team (the Florida Marlins) came in 3rd place in the Bronco League and Cullen’s team (the Chicago White Sox) came in 1st place in the Mustang League. Cullen was selected to play in the 10-year-old All-Star game on the 4th of July. This is the first time he’s been selected and he’s very excited. As long as he stays positive, he really is a very good baseball player.

Malik’s attending the Junior Police Academy at the Darien Police Department. It’s a two week program and he loves it! They’ve been learning so many things and it’s given him a much better understanding of what it’s like on the job. At least in the Suburbs, anyway :) I was a little worried he’d walk in there using some of the “lingo” he’s heard around your Dad, your Brother’s and John but as far as I know there hasn’t been anything yet. I can just see it now, “Excuse me, Officer Skweres, what’s a hype?” The funniest thing was when they were doing their mock traffic stops. Malik insisted on wearing your old school aviator glasses. He looked like a cross between Super Troopers and Reno 911. You would have loved it!

Well, that’s about it for now. I'll try to stop by and write more soon.

As always,

India S. Gordon

June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day, Mike. I wish you were here to see how big your boys have gotten. Malik is almost as tall as me and Cullen is your clone. Malik is at a Police Academy sponsored by the Darien Police Dept. for two weeks. I guess he's learning alot and he seems to like it.

As Dad said the Clan will be here tomorrow and it will be hectic. Holidays will never be the same without you but I know you would want us to go on and be there for the family.

Love you always & forever.

Carol Gordon

June 20, 2009

Happy Fathers Day Mike,

Stopping in to wish you a Happy Fathers Day. You already know how mine will be, not the most favorite holiday of the year for me. The grand kids will be here tearing up the yard, but thats what the yard and grandparents homes are all about anyway. I want all of them to have great memories of their grandparents when they get older. I know your mother gets aggravated with me with some of the things I buy for the kids for the yard. The big swing set, the giant water slide. I almost bought another water slide the other day, bigger than the one I have now, but I figured I'll let them wear this one out first. As I said, grandparents are here to spoil the grand kids. I still remember your great gramma Gordon sitting in her rocking chair, smoking her corn cob pipe, telling me stories about the old days in Missouri when they all lived on a farm. Today your sons want me to tell them stories about when I was a kid and stress knowing about all the goofy things we use to do. I try not to give them a bad impression of their grandpa and tell them about baseball and sports. Hope you're showing Murph the ropes where ever you guys are, remember, he only likes Miller Lite so treat him to a cold one. Keep watch over your brothers for me and the entire Gordon Clan. Think about you all the time and we will never let your memory be forgotten.


June 20, 2009

Officer Gordon, I know how proud you must be of your family that has been left behind to wonder why and to struggle daily with your loss, even though we must go on our kids are forever and always on our minds and in our hearts, the pain we feel each and every day will never be gone. I know that you are standing right there with your mom and dad and helping them through these times. I also want to thank your dad once again for always leaving kind words on my daughter's site, these words help me through each and every day. My heart is with your family as they face a new day today and everyday.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02


June 18, 2009

You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers, you will never be forgotten.

Connie B
Mother of Clint Walker Prattville P.D. E.O.W. 1-14-04

June 5, 2009

Dear Mike,

Your brother Bob lost a good friend today - I hope you were there to welcome Murph. Another nice guy who died too young.

Carol Gordon

May 30, 2009

I hope this message gets through, a number of us have been leaving reflections and they haven't been posted but I'll keep trying.
This morning Murf passed away. If there is another place and you are there, please welcome him home and take him out for a beer. He has been very supportive of your brother, his daughter, our entire family and your foundation. There are no words to express what type of friend he was or the person he was to all who came in contact with him. Continue to keep watch over the Clan for me. Think of you all the time. We all miss you.


May 30, 2009

May is almost to an end which means all the Memorials for Fallen Officers have come to a conclusion for another year. While in Springfield for the Illinois Memorial the Videographer that filmed your funeral came up to us and said he had some footage that he was going to send me. It arrived and I went through the disc. It's really hard to get through the material as I see your Chicago flag drapped casket with the honor guard and relive that awful day of your funeral, August 13, 2004. He had more footage of the cemetery which I didn't have, especially the officers from the 11th District standing at your gravesite in the background. Your brother had all of them come forward and stand in a place of honor as they were the ones that fought in the trenches with you on those filthy streets in the City and deserved to be near you and out of the sea of blue uniforms that were present that day. Life seems to go on for others, but me and your Mom are stuck in this rut as there is nothing worse than losing a child, no matter how old that child may be. We love and miss you every day and I assure you that you are in our thoughts every day. Continue to watch over the Clan for me, protect everyone and stand at their sides as they continue their walk through life. We love and miss you.


May 28, 2009

Thinking of you and your family today. Thank you for your service to our country and just know that you and the
sacrifice that you made will never be forgotten.

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000


May 25, 2009

Dear Mike,

Today, Memorial Day we honor you and all who served in the military. We know how much honor meant to you in the military and on the job. Dad & I went to the cemetery to make sure you and Grandpa had flags and to make sure your grave would be a stand out from the road. I was disappointed to see that the flags flying by the monument were tattered and worn. Bobby said a veterans group came out and gave a 21 gun salute.

This month was Law Enforcement month and we went to Springfield to help honor the three officers who died this year in Chicago and their families. Your Dad was asked to come and speak at Oswego High School regarding drunk driving and and for a firemens survival group . He is always willing to go wherever he is asked. John was in Washington this year, the first time since we were there to honor you. He was representing the Memorial in honor of the three officers who gave their lives.

We will never forget you and how much you meant to this family.

Love always.

Carol Gordon

May 25, 2009

To the Gordon family, please know that Michael is not forgotten, as we were at the wall on the night of the candle light memorial my candle was lit not only for my little girl, but your son and all the other heroes who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Mr. Gordon, thank you sir for leaving messages on Renee's page often, I know that the streets of heaven are well protect with your son and my daughter patrolling above. As we are facing another year coming up soon when our babies left us, we will forever have them in our hearts and memories. We will never forget.

God bless you and your family.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02


May 24, 2009

Hey Mike,
Thought I wasn't ever going to stop by again, didn't you? Not true, You are very much alive in my heart on Memorial Day and every other day of the year. Thank you Mike for the ultimate sacrifice you gave for us.
There are two blue candles burning in my window for you and Jeff. There isn't a day goes by that I don't look at your picture and wish you were still here with your family and friends. You are missed so very much, Mike. But as I wrote to Jeff, you wouldn't beleive the shape this country is in today. There is so much heartache. Time has changed so much since you and Jeff went home to live forever.
Mike as we celebrate the lives of those who gave their lives for us, as we bow our heads in prayer for those of us that were left behind, always know that you are never forgotten and will forever be alive in our heart's. That you are remembered, admired and loved so very much.
Please keep looking down on those of your family and friends that are left behind. And my love and appreciation for you and Jeff making it posible for my finding the dearest friends I have ever had in your Mom and Dad. They are very special to me.
Thank you Mike, for your Sacrifice for your country, you will forever be in my heart.
One day we will be together again.
With love and appreciation, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

May 24, 2009

This Memorial Day, I wanted to thank you for your service to this country and to your community. You are missed by all who had the good fortune to have known you, and even those who only know you through your Dad's stories! May God watch over all your brothers in blue, and all of our military.


May 23, 2009

Thinking of you on Memorial Day and every day.


May 23, 2009

I just wanted to thank you for your dedication and the sacrifice you gave to make this world a better place. You will never be forgotten! Remembering you and your family this special week.

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000


May 17, 2009


I am thinking of you on this Mothers Day and hold you in thought and prayer.

Phyllis Loya


May 10, 2009

As Police Memorial Day draws near, I wanted to let you know that your dedication and sacrifice will always be remembered. You and your family remain in my prayers.

Linda Lamm - LEO wife and sister of
jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04

May 7, 2009

Michael, we never met but I am a Trooper out here in Texas and recently visited family out there in Chicago. I visited Soldier Field and saw the Officers Memorial across the way. I saw your picture and wanted to leave a reflection thanking your for your service. I hadn't been back in my old neighborhood in over 20 years and couldn't feel any safer than when I saw a Chicago PD Officer driving around or picking up a report. Your family has made great strides to keep your work alive and to keep the citizens of Illinois safe. Take care, and God Bless brother.

Trooper Luis M. Rosales
Texas Department of Public Safety

April 22, 2009

Another successful rooftop and fun was had by all. Most important, the rooftops are 5 and 0 when it comes to wins. Cubs won the game with a homerun in the 11th Inning. Weather was great too. Many of your friends were there from the PD and a number of family friends and friends we have met along this long and rough road we have been on since your EOW. I want to thank all those that support your foundation. Watch over all of them, especially your family. Miss you every day. I'll be back soon.


April 19, 2009

Mike...During this Octave of Easter...and Divine Mercy...I am keeping you...and your my prayers.

Keep watching over them...they all love...and miss you...especially your parents...truth be told...they are the ones...who hurt the most...because of your loss.

God's Blessings on the Gordon Family.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

April 15, 2009

This Saturday is the Cub Rooftop. Many of your friends will be there to support your foundation and for that I am thankful that many have not forgotten you. Bring us some good weather for the game. In a few hours I'm out the door to drive down to the State Capital where I will be a guest speaker for a DUI seminar where I will be one of the impact speakers to talk about the devastation that DUI drivers cause families. I will be playing your Photo DVD of your life compressed into four and a half minutes with Frank Sinatra singing, "My Way." Funny how you liked all types of music, even Sinatra. I always like to put a face to a name. Just finished polishing my shoes and while completing the task I remembered how you were with your work shoes, spit shining those boots. No one can ever say you were sloppy in your uniform. Time to get going, watch over the Clan for me, especially your two brothers. Miss and think of you every day.


April 15, 2009

Dear Mike,

Happy Easter! We went to John's and had the usual Easter egg hunt for the kids. Malik and Cullen are the oldest of the five boys but they made sure they helped the younger ones find their eggs. Alec was shaking the eggs to see which ones had candy and which ones had money.

Love you always & forever.

Carol Gordon

April 12, 2009

HAPPY EASTER Michael!!! You have not been forgotten and you and your wonderful family are always in our thoughts and prayers. I know that it is a hard time for all your family in missing you there with them and the humor and joy that you would bring into all their lives. They will see you again one day to share that love and joy of being with you forever and never to be a part again!!!!

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason


April 12, 2009

Happy Easter Mike. You are always in our thoughts and we all miss you every day.


April 12, 2009

Mike, Just wanted to say hi and thanks for watching over us! I'm looking forward to the rooftop game in your memory!

Andy Cuomo
Chicago Police Department

April 9, 2009

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