Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Me and Mom went to the Police Memorial Candle Lighting Ceremony last night. Was a really nice ceremony as usual. A group was there from the Horse Unit and we went up to them to ask about us hearing that they had named one of the new horses in your honor. The Lieutenant we spoke with said it was true and that hopefully soon the horse would be fully trained and out working in public. I guess the horse had an attitude problem. He also joked and said the horse was big and fat, we said the opposite from you, tall and thin. Maybe they named the horse after me? I will be back soon to tell a story your partner told not long ago about you, sure sounded like something you would do. Take care of everyone for me. We all miss you every day.


September 18, 2009

Officer Gordon- Thank you for your service. Your commitment, willingness to serve and sacrifice make you a true Hero and will never go unforgotten. Judging by your backround in Law Enforcement and Military and other reflections left here, you are the type of person I can only hope to be. Your Family and Friends will continue to remain in my thoughts and prayers. Rest easy Brother.

Cheif Gordon- I also feel obliged to thank you for your service. Not only did you serve and raise a great officer, but offering your kind words to others in their time of need, without doubt, makes you a hero in the eyes of many. It is understood that no one can truly feel the pain of losing a fallen family member in the line of duty until you have to live it yourself. I know your condolences to all the heart-broken Parents, Wives, Children and other Family members have been greatly appreciated, and perhaps has helped the healing process, especially coming from you. Your son left us a True Hero helping other people, and you are continuing his legacy. Thank you Chief, You and the entire Gordon Family will remain in my prayers until all of you are once again reunited with eachother.

Deputy and Firefighter
Southwest Florida

September 17, 2009

Officer Gordon I am sorry I am late writing to you and your family, but may you know that as you have had your 5th anniversary in heaven that you are not forgotten and will forever hold a special place in many peoples hearts and prayers. I know that you walk side by side with your dad daily, but keep him close as these days are still as difficult today as they were 5 years ago, the pain in his heart is just as strong as ever. My prayers are with your family, friends and all those who will never forget.

A hug to you and my daughter from afar...

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02


August 23, 2009

Today it has been 7 years since we lost your gram Gordon. I never dreamed in a million years that we would lose you two years later. I still remember you leaning over her after she had passed away and you kissed her goodbye. We still talk about how you were her favorite grand child. I know that may sound terrible to some people, but being a grand parent I can relate to that. You love all the grand children but then there may be one special one and to her you were that special one. The kids still play with all your GI Joe toys, some of which Gram bought for you. Boy, how she use to stick for you when you got yourself into mischief. I hope you are both together and keeping watch over all of us. Miss you and think of you every day. I'll be back soon, maybe with another Michael story.


August 20, 2009

Dear Michael and Gordon Family,

How can it be 5 years....I ask myself that constantly about Matthew, how has that much time passed without seeing and holding our precious sons. I know the knot in the pit of your stomach and the pain in your heart is still there. We think of you often. May your memories be clear and your dreams often.

Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse, EOW 9/16/2004

August 12, 2009


Today marks the 5th year without you and our hearts are still heavy with grief but as everyone says "Life goes on" and it does but not in the same way for us.

I found your old mix records the other day and showed Malik. He didn't know what a phonograph was and definitely found the records interesting. He listened to the older rap music and I asked him if it sounded wierd but he actually liked it. He couln't believe you had ICE-T's Colors album. I'll bring out your mix cassettes next - he might even think his Dad was cool back in the day.

Your family and brother officers were at Gold Star Park yesterday to honor you. A lot of the guys from 11 have gone elsewhere but they showed up even in the rain. Dad and I were very touched to see everyone - Riverside, Father Jose, Phil Cline & even some Brass. I still find it hard to see your name up on the marble wall. Your favorite songs were played by the pipers - Amazing Grace & Balmoral. The honor guard then took us to the waterfall where we placed a wreath that Karen made for you. All done in kind of military fashion just like you would have liked. I want to thank your brother, John, for making all the arrangements.

Son, you are loved and missed everyday.

Carol Gordon

August 8, 2009

Mike, your friends and family continue to honor your memory. Always remembered.

John Gordon

August 8, 2009

Michael...On this fifth year remembrance...of the day... that changed your family they...are in my thoughts...and prayers.

I know they miss you...beyond what mere words...can express...and they hurt time seems to stand still...and yet flies by...but it is not time affects the pain…that families feel…due to these tragic circumstances…because...there is no healing process...that time truly affords…but is always and only... about the loss...of our loved friend. The grief...the love...and the the absence…of our loved ones' presence…in our an absolute constant.

Those of us...who share the bond...of this site...have many questions...about the ‘why’… each of you...has been stolen...from your life...and ours. With only our cherished memories…of loved ones…called back home…far too soon…and far too young…we go forward…with broken hearts…coping as best we day at a time…while being ever mindful…of the promise…that someday…we all will be together again.

God bless you are carried in the hearts...of all who love you...and by those of us...who now know about you. You are not forgotten

May God's perpetual light shine upon you rest in His eternal peace...and...may God bless your dear family.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

August 8, 2009


I returned today from Springfield, Illinois and the Illinois Law Enforcement Exploring Conference. No trophies for Riverside this year unfortunately, but the kids had a blast and learned a ton which is what it is all about anyways. They all talked about how they would love to go to Nationals next summer in Atlanta. Guess I have some planning to do.

On Tuesday night, the Explorers marched in formation to the Illinois Police Memorial where a wreath was dedicated to all the Law Enforcement Officer's from Illinois killed in the Line of Duty. Many explorers, and their advisors, shed a tear thinking of loved ones and friends that were lost. I told anyone who would listen your story and the way you began with your dad in our Post, going off to the Military, coming back to Riverside, heading to Chicago and finally of the heartbreak in losing you.

It's hard to believe it's been 5 years already since that night but I suppose that time sneaks by like that. A lot has changed but a lot has stayed the same. I know you are looking over your family, friends and loved ones but just know that not a day goes by that you are not missed. Rest in Peace Mike.

Ofc. Brian Greenenwald
Riverside Police Department

August 8, 2009

Hey Gordo, just dropping by to show some love and give your family my support. I will never forget you man. We had good times together in Bosnia. Thanks for always lifting my spirits.
May your family live strong and happy. I hope they can get through this day thinking of all the greatness you brought to the world.
Take care Brother. God speed to you and Airborne.

Tom Moore

SSG Thomas Moore
Former Member of the 65th MP Co. Airborne

August 8, 2009

Michael ~

Today is the 5 year anniversary of your EOW and I wanted to let you know that your service and ultimate sacrifice have not been forgotten. Your memory and legacy lives on in the hearts of everyone who knew and loved you. Please continue to watch over your family, friends and brothers in blue as they all continue this journey without you in their lives. God bless you Michael.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ~

You are both in my thoughts and prayers every day but especially on this most difficult day. The EOW day never gets easier - each one is a painful reminder of what we've lost, of how much time has passed and of how long we have to wait to see our loved one again. I know the void in your lives left by Michael's absence can never be filled. God bless you both and your Clan, and may you feel the warmth of Michael's love surrounding you today. Take care.

With much love,

Carin, widow
Officer Jesse E. Sollman EOW 3/25/05

August 8, 2009

Michael -

On this anniversary, take comfort in knowing that your life and purpose have not been forgotten. Your memory lives on not only in the ones that knew you but also in everyone who has had the privledge to get to know you through your family and co-workers.

Rest in Peace and like all your commrades before and after you - You Will Never Be Forgotten.

Karen Figgins
Sister-In-Law - Sgt. Dan Figgins EOW 4-9-05

August 8, 2009

On this 5th anniversary, we remember and honor you, your awesome family and we will never forget!


Craig Figgins
Brother - Sgt Daniel P Figgins, St. Charles PD, IL EOW 4/9/05

August 8, 2009

Today it has been 5 years and not one day during that time have I not thought of you and will continue to remember you every day that I walk this earth. We had a small memorial last night at the Chicago PD memorial at the wall by your name and placed a wreath at the water fall wall in your honor. It was a very moving ceremony and a way to let you know that you have not been forgotten as many of your friends that you worked with were there to remember you. I thank all of them for remembering you. Continue to keep watch over everyone for me. We all love and miss you.


August 8, 2009

Thinking of your family today on your EOW.
I pray they will be comforted in a small way to help them continue on without you here.
I know what a challange it is.
Thank-you for your service and sacrifice Officer Gordon.

Holley Orr
Wife of Kevin Orr EOW 11-22-06

August 8, 2009


I can't believe it's been 5 yrs since we lost you. I miss you so very much. I still miss all the laughs and story telling we had at the station. You were always a good friend and I will keep you in my heart forever. You will never be forgotten Michael.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

August 8, 2009

Just a short note to say hello and let you and your family know that I am remembering you and the ultimate sacrifice you made to keep us safe. Thank you for your dedication and your sevice.

Carol Espinoza

August 8, 2009

Dearest Mike,
It is so hard to beleive that you have been gone from us for Five years now. And each day that has passed, seem's like only yesterday.
Your family becomes more dear to me with each passing day and there isn't a week goes by, that your Mom and I aren't in touch with one another. So we will always beleive that you and Jeff got together in Heaven and decided we would need each to laugh, cry and help each other along our journey until we see you again.
And your Dad is doing your family ancestry and can you beleive that we both have Creasman's in our family background. Now that is wild. So either I am little bit Yankee or your Dad is a little bit hillbilly. Now he is really gonna get me for letting that little secret out. His friends will start calling him a Tar Hill.
Mike I can still tell you that there isn't a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts and very much alive in my heart. I'll be burning a blue candle for you, in honor of the ultimate sacrifice you gave. You left, like Jeff without a chance to say goodby or at least one last hug. Or a chance for your family to say one more I Love You. But I know the day is coming when we will see you again, and I will get to meet you in person.
Tell Jeff how very much I love and miss him. Continue to watch over your brother and sister's in blue and your family that loves and misses you so very much
Mike when I look at your picture, I can see both your Mom and Dad in you, so it took two beautiful people on the inside and out, to have three handsome son's and beautiful grandchildren.
So Mike, just know that you are forever in our heart's and memories and will forever be. So remember you are being thought of every single day and are being missed by all those who love you.
Until we meet again I salute you, for your courage. thank you Mike for sharing your family with me, I love them dearly.
With Love, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

August 7, 2009

I am holding you and your family tightly in my heart, especially on the day you started your watch in heaven.

Ingrid Wyatt
Mother of SA Tom Wyatt, Mn BCA

August 7, 2009

August 5, 2009, 2130hrs

It has been 5 years to the date and time as I write this entry that you were here for my birthday and the last one of the family to leave as you left here for work. I can remember everything we talked about that night. There are times when it feels like just yesterday we were talking and I heard your funny laugh as you walked out the door on you way to work with the same reply to me when I would tell you to be careful, "Always!" Then there are the times it feels like a lifetime ago that we last talked. Not a day has gone by these past 5 years that I have not thought about you several times during each day. I will be back in a few days to write again. Love and miss you beyond words.


August 5, 2009


I never had the honor of meeting you but having met your Dad for breakfast 2 years ago, hearing him proudly and lovingly talk about you .... having read his words and those of so many others on this website - those who knew you - it is so utterly clear; you are one remarkable young man. I use present tense because your life continues. It continues, for eternity, and in the presence of Almighty God.

My thoughts and prayers, as is the case with thousands of others, are for your parents and other family members. May God continue to extend his loving hand of comfort to them.

As your Dad wrote on these pages a few days ago ..."not a day goes by..." You will never be forgotten, you will always be honored.

Tom Jensen

Father of Detective Jared Scott Jensen
Colorado Springs Police Department, EOW 2/22/06

Tom Jensen

August 3, 2009

I wanted to stop by and let you know that our family is thinking of you and yours.I know it is always a hard time for the family, but this week will be extra hard. I know for a parent you are never off their mind and how much they miss and love you. I know a lot of memories flood the mind during this time and thank God we have more good precious memories than bad to think about. We will be praying for your family, children and friends and thank you for your service and a job well done.

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc. Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000


August 2, 2009

“Missing someone isn’t about how long it has been since you have seen them or the amount of time since you’ve talked. It’s about that very moment when you’re doing something and you wish that they were right there with you”

Wish you were here...

India S. Gordon

July 29, 2009

The day you were called home is coming fast, and some might say it seems like yesterday, but believe me to your family it feels like forever.. You should be so proud of your Dad, it is such and honor to have met him through your site, he checks your site and always sends good thoughts to other sites, it means so much to me.. Your Dad is such a special Man and the way he speaks about You I know the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You are a HERO to everyone,Michael continue to watch over your family and friends as I know you are.. Rest in Peace Michael, you are forever in all of our hearts..

Sister of Ofc. John P Harris EOW 8/19/94

July 21, 2009


I haven't been here in a few weeks, but I do stop every day to check your page. The 5th anniversary of your death is fast approaching. Some will say the time has passed very quickly and it doesn't seem that long. For me it has felt like a lifetime since I saw you walk out the door on my birthday in 2004, laughing with that funny laugh of yours. That one day is locked into my mind as I can remember everything we talked about, even the chair you sat in waiting for your piece of birthday cake. If I could only go back in time to that last night, maybe I could change things but they say you can't change the future. You know in a heart beat I would change places with you so you could be here for the kids. I was talking to your brother John the other day and he reminded me of that day you and your brothers were out walking in the woods. Good Michael Story I guess.
Anyway, nature called and you with your Boy Scout and Army training decided you would do what a "Bear does in the Woods." There were no public outhouses in the area so you did it out in the forest. But, the Gordon luck as always, a Forest Ranger came strolling by and caught you with your pants down and was about to arrest you but you told him how you were on leave and would be leaving for Bosnia with the first Peace Keeping Force. He gave you a warning and didn't issued a summons. What do they write on one of those anyway? Violation of deficating in the woods?
I'll be back soon, keep watch over the Clan for me. We all miss you and think of you every day. I even tell the little ones that were born after we lost you stories about you and they know you by your picture as Uncle Mike.


July 16, 2009

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