Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

A Gentleman offered this statement
as they laid my dad to rest,
"Today your dad's a Hero son,
and truly nothing less!"

Into his eyes I peered,
as the tears rolled gently down.
My response was kind and simple
the only words that could be found.

My dad was an officer
and a Hero every day.
He made this world a safer place
for you an...d me to stay.

A Hero who sadly offered
the news too hard to give.
A Hero who prevented tragedy,
allowing us to live.

A Hero you asked directions from
when lost or out of town.
A Hero who aided those in need,
allowing ease to get around.

A Hero who returned your child
when danger threatened near.
A Hero who protected freedom
so we'd have less to fear.

Yes, my dad was a Hero sir,
which he showed in every way.
But, today he is a Hero sir,
because of the price he had to pay.

Thank you for your service. God Bless your family.

Jessica Orr
Daughter of Det. Kevin Orr EOW 11/22/06

March 20, 2010

Mike, Just wanted to wish you a Happy St. Pat's Day. I know how much you loved being Irish.

Love, Mom

Carol Gordon

March 17, 2010

Dear Michael...Today is St. Patrick's Day...and so I wish you a blessed name day.

You are in my thoughts...and in my are not forgotten.

God Bless you...and your dear family.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Trpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

March 17, 2010

Michael, I did not know you but your father posted a lovely message on my son Matthew Melchionda's memorial page. Only the parent of a lost child can know the terrible broken heart one feels upon losing a child. You will never be forgotten. My heart goes out to your family. No words can comfort, I know that because nothing can give me any comfort, but just knowing that someone remembers and will not let your memory fade helps to ease the pain.

Jane Melchionda
Mother of Fallen Officer Matthew Melchionda

March 16, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day Mike.

I know it was one of your favorite holidays of the year. Those that love you dearly have not forgotten you nor will we ever let that happen. You are in my thoughts every day and we all miss and love you. Continue to watch over everyone for me.


March 16, 2010

Dearest Mike,
I wanted to let you know that you are in my thought's every single day. If I don't get by here often, that doen't mean that I have forgotten you. I never will. And How could I, when I became friends with your Mom and Dad. Mike they will never know how very much they mean to me. I know that you, Jeff and God had to have your hands in it. But I had rather they still had you with them, and had never had met them, but Being God called you home, I thank Him daily that I was the one chosen to meet them. And your Mom and I have talked about that so much. God knew that we would need each other to share our good day's and the bad. I just hope your Mom doesn't get tired of my moaning and groaning some day's. Now who am I kidding, it's every time I talk to her. Glad she has a strong shoulder because sometimes I cry alot. Like she needs me, when she is so busy with the rest of her family. But Mike, I do think of them as my family to. I only wish I could carry their hurt's for them sometime. You are missed so very much Mike. But never forgotten. For those who loved you truly, you will always be alive in our heart's. Well I don't know why I have rambled on so. What I really came by for, was to wish you a Happy St. Patrick's Day. I know your Mom say's that was one of your favorite day's, so I'll always remember you especially then. And think of you when they are playing "When Irish Eye's Are Smiling". I have that Irish blood flowing through my vein's. And yep, Full of the Blarney sometimes too. But most of all I hope I can always keep the Irish part of me honest and sincere. Well "ME LOVE" know that you are one of my forever HERO"S. And someday, I'll get to meet you face to face. Mike you and Jeff continue to watch over the ones who loved you dearly and keep watch over your Brother's and Sister's in Blue. Happy St. Patty's Day. My Chicago Hero. With much Love.

Carolyn Moore
Mother-in-Law of Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt EOW 04/04/04

March 13, 2010

Just wanted to stop in and say not a day goes by that I don't think of you and wish I could have one of those morning phones calls from you. Continue to watch over everyone for me.
Someone sent this to me, how true:

Thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday and days before that too.
I think of you in silence,I often speak your name.
All I have are memories and a picture in a frame.
Your memory is a keepsake, with which I'll never part.
God has you in his keeping, I have you in my heart.

by: Therese


March 5, 2010

Rest in Peace Mike. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

Special Agent
U.S. Postal Service

February 25, 2010

wassup, sorry for the delay, happy belated birthday. dont celebrate too much. take care and see you later.

p.o. lara

February 24, 2010

Happy Birthday ! The Rolniak's


February 21, 2010

Happy Birthday a day late Mike.
Sorry I Didn't get this on here before your birthday, but you know how hectic things are right now. But That doesn't mean I wasn't thinking of you. I do every day. There has never been a day that I haven't. You are always in my heart, along with your family. No the days still don't take away the memory of you and how very much you are still loved and missed. But we know you are always with us in spirit and we have the consulation of knowing we will see you again one day. I know that those in blue who are with you and the angels in Heaven Sang "Happy Birthday" to you. Keep looking down on all of us you left behind and watch over us. Say a special prayer for my Dad, and give my love to Jeff. I know you two really celebrated. Thank you Mike for all you gave for the rest of us. And Happy Belated Birthday, Hero. Love you and miss you. Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

February 21, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!

We love you and we miss you very much.

Love always,

Malik and Cullen

Malik and Cullen Gordon

February 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Michael!!! Love you and miss you everyday!!!


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

February 20, 2010


You are always in my thoughts... Never Forgotten...
Happy Birthday.

There Are No Goodbyes Only Love...


February 20, 2010

Dear Mike, Happy 36th Birthday! I just came across the time of your birth yesterday-8:56A. I remember Dr. Bolino wasn't at the hospital yet and I thought the intern would have to deliver.

I wish you were here to see how your children have grown and the things they have accomplished. Cullen-(10)scored three goals in soccer the other night. Malik-(13)is a ref for soccer and is now taking a class learning to ump for baseball, besides playing both sports. You would be proud of both of them. Grace is no longer that preemie baby you knew but is a healthy 6 year old.

Love you always and forever.

Carol Gordon

February 20, 2010

Dear Mike...I am offering my prayers...that you have a Blessed Birthday the company of family and friends... who are with you...resting peacefully...while enjoying...God's eternity.

I much you are loved...and your family...each and every day. So from that far better place...keep watching over them...sending them signs... that touch their hearts...and help them to cope...and trust in God's promise...knowing that all will be...together again.

God Bless you Mike...and God bless your dear parents...and your family.

You are not forgotten...

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Trpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

February 20, 2010

Happy birthday, Mike. Today we will celebrate your life and honor your memory. Rest easy.

John E. Gordon

February 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Mike, February 20th

You would have been 36. You were born in the morning, giving me time to make it to work that day as I was on the 4-12 shift. I dropped your two brothers off at grammas and off to work I went. Now they actually give guys time off when their wives have a baby. Back in the old days, we didn't have that priviledge.
I don't have to tell you how much we all miss you, especially me.
Chicago PD Mounted Unit is still training the horse they named in your honor. Have no idea when it will be put out on the street as it has an attitude problem. Hopefully, once it gets a little warmer I'd like to go down there and see the horse. Mom wants to bring the old photo we have of you and your brother standing in front of the mounted CPD Officer and his horse and leave it there. You were about 4 when that picture was taken.
Your two sons are playing indoor soccer again. Cullen scored 3 goals the other night and after the game he came and asked me if they call it a Hat Trick. I said in Hockey they do. So, he said he had a Hat Trick and wanted to know why I didn't throw my hat out onto the playing surface. I said because it was one of your hats I was wearing and there is no way I would part with it. He understood.
Keep looking over Clan Gordon for me. We love and miss you. Think of you all the time. Once again, Happy Birthday.


February 19, 2010

I've heard so much about you (and your parents) and I just wanted to stop by and wish you an early Happy Birthday! And, to thank you for your service, both here and abroad. Actually, I think we are distantly related... so I am very proud to call you family - even if it is extended family.
You will forever be a Hero in our hearts and memories! Rest easy and I hope to meet you someday!

Edwina Todd Garrison
Cousin of Carolyn Taylor Moore

February 17, 2010

To Mike's family
Your son is still in our thoughts and will never be forgoten. Take care and God bess

P,O, Unit#153
CPD# 14535

February 11, 2010

Hi Mike,

Just wanted to check in and say hi. Sorry I haven't left you a message in awhile, but please know that I'm always thinking about you. It's that time of year again, that the calls are coming in about the roof top game. Everyone always has a great time and they know it's for a great cause. We will always honor you Michael and we will never forget you. I miss you!! Please keep watch over the family and all of us that love and miss you!!


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

February 6, 2010

Just wanted to stop by and say happy birthday to the baby who now is 6 years old.( gracie)


February 4, 2010

Today will make it 6 years ago that we received that panic phone call from you requeting me and your Mom come to the hospital immediately as your daughter was being born. It was not the first child for you, but it was the first that was almost 3 months premature. Little Grace came into the world very sickly and fought her fight and recovered. All those trips you made to the hospital Chapel must have paid off. I can still remember watching that DVD you had at the hospital, "Super Troopers." What a goofy movie that was and now I see it from time to time on regualar television and you know where my mind immediately drifts off too. We talk about your sense of humor all the time and also how you would play that game of one liners from movies with other people. Now I know why you and one of the guys from Riverside PD were so close as he was the only other person I knew that played the same game and could give you some competition. I can imagine what you two did on the midnight shift all night. Watch over your daughter today and every day,lsoo your two boys. I will be back soon as your birthday is coming up this month. We all love and miss you. Watch over the Clan Gordon for me.


February 4, 2010

Just stopping in to say hi, and read some Michael stories...

Keep watch over your family and all of your brothers and sisters in blue.

You are a true hero!


February 3, 2010

I want to thank your Dad for always remembering the anniversary of my son's death.. Bob it is a wonderful thing to do. I'm not sure how you keep track , but it is appreciated. As a parent you understand the shoes all of us parents walk in. What a good looking young man !! I hope you and his family are coping .. I would give anything to have Jim back. We talked over the holidays about what he has missed in these 5 years, grandcildren, and his youngest becoming a Deputy 2 days after the verdict came back and now proudly wears his Dad's badge number.. My other son is also a Deputy I pray a lot . Thank you again for being such a caring man..I'm sure your son would be as proud of you as you are of him. Maybe they are all together up there watching over us. I like to think that.

Maureen Tutino
Mom of Deputy James Tutino EOW 1/26/05

February 2, 2010

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