Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

I wanted to take the time and wish you and your family a MERRY CHRISTMAS! I know they miss you so much not just this time of year but every day that comes. Holidays are just harder to get through with the empty spot that you should be at. My prayers are with them today and everyday. You have a wonderful and caring family who give so much of themselves to other hurting people. May God bless them all and help them to get through this time without you here. I do know in spirit your with them in their hearts and memories!

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000


December 25, 2010

I wanted to stop by and wish you a Merry Christmas Officer Gordon, I know that the pain in your parent's heart is heavy today as they miss you so much. We will never forget.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02


December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Mike,

That time of the year is here once again. This will be Christmas #7 without you here with us. Funny how I can look back to 2003 and know almost everything from that night. It's just not the same without you here with us and it never will be the same. Tonight will be for the grand kids and the excitement they experience as they tear through the wrapping paper to get to their gifts. I'll have the Blue Light on and a candle burning so you can pay us a visit. We love and miss you, continue to keep watch over everyone for me.


December 24, 2010

I wanted to leave a Christmas greeting for you and your family. I know that you are in heaven watching out for all of us. Please use your influence with God and ask him to ease the pain and sorrow felt by all those who mourn your passing. Hopefully we all will be joining you in heaven. God bless you Mike.

Retired Chief of Police Gene Karczewski
CPD and Riverside PD (retired)

December 19, 2010


First, I want to thank everyone who stops here and leave reflections. They mean alot to me.

December is almost half over and Christmas is not far off. Had our first snow already. I remember how much you loved Christmas and would play the game of searching the house for your presents. I'm sure your two brothers helped push you to continue the never ending search for the gifts. The past 6 Christmas' just haven't been the same without you here with us. I look at it this way, the holiday is now for all the grandkids and I like to watch their faces light up as they open their presents on Christmas Eve and the shouts that come from them when they see their gifts. I didn't get the blue lights up outside this year due to getting sick and the length of time getting well again. The older one gets, the longer it takes to get well. It doesn't help being around grand kids who are nothing but little petri dishes of every known disease that they can get rid of in a few days after they are infected. I better end, keep watch over everyone for me. I'll be back on Christmas. Miss you.


December 10, 2010


Our time in the service together was an interesting time to say the least. So much has changed in the last ten years. Schwartz and I now live less than a mile or so from each other after he went to Germany when I was getting out of Bragg. We ran into each other at a hockey game of all places.

Life has been interesting out here. After some challenges here I have finally made it to a motor officer position. I am also a DRE and seveal times per quarter I spend three hours in front of teens in a driver's education class. My topic is that of impaired driving. I share with these kids how serious this choice really is, and how people across the country are affected by this selfish decision in just one event.

We would like to send our best wishes to your family this time of year. Merry Christmas to everyone.


Master Police Officer Kris Ford
Longmont Police Officer

December 9, 2010

Mike, Malik celebrated his 14th birthday today - he had ice cream cake your favorite. Love you, Mom

Carol Gordon

December 2, 2010

Thinking of you today and always, your mom and dad are in my prayers are they face another holiday season without you with them.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02


November 28, 2010

Thinking of you and your family this Thanksgiving Day. I know the wonderful memories that your family has helps to get them through the day without you there. I know they miss you every day just not Holidays but those days just seem harder to get through.

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000


November 25, 2010


Thinking about you and your family with the holidays coming up. This time of year is the hardest for the ones you love. Keep a watch over your friends and family, and know you are always in their hearts.... We are forever grateful for your service to our country...

Sister of Ofc. John P Harris EOW 8/19/1994

November 24, 2010

I wanted to thank you for your service to our country on this Veterans Day. You or your family will never be forgotten! I think of you and your precious family often. I know they love and miss you so very much. You gave your all and a job well done. You left behind so many wonderful memories for your family and children to be so very proud of you! Again thank you

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000


November 12, 2010

Dear Mike, I am so sorry it's been so long since I have been able to stop by, but this past year has been really tough. My parent's have been very sick along with myself. My Dad is failing really fast.
Today is Veteran's Day, and I wanted to Thank you Mike for your service to our Country. It is really sad when our men and women go and fight for our Country, only for their lives to taken on home soil. I just don't understand sometimes. But I'm here to honor you today. To let you know you are always in my heart and memories. That will never change,Mike.
Yesterday, Tracie had the honor of Skydiving with the Golden Knight's in memory of Fallen Officer's. This is the first time the Golden Knight's have done this for family survivors. But they plan to start doing it every year. I wish I could have seen her do it. I told Tracie she would have to get your Mom,Dad,John,Bobby and the Grandchildren down here next year. And they were just outside of FT. Bragg where you were stationed for your basic training. And you being Airborne,we all thought of you. Tonight, Tracie came over to bring the DVD they made of the jump, and I got the DVD out of you with the Airborne logo tattoed on your back. And Couldn't help a few tears falling. And especially the song playing "I DID IT MY WAY". And my son Darren who also was Airborne, told Tracie he would have to give her his "Jump Wing's". Those out ther in uniform are a special breed in my eyes and I respect each of them. And I know that every day they are taking a chance for the rest of us. But those, like you Mike who gave their lives for us, can never be honored as you should be. But today I thank you for your service to our Country. Mike keep watching over your family,friends and those of us who will forever keep you alive in our heart's and memories.

Carolyn Moore
Mother-in-Law of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt EOW 04-04-04

November 11, 2010

Thinking of you on Veterans Day. Tomorrow I will be giving a program to 5th graders at your old school. You wouldn't know it was the same school as it has been completely rebuilt with all the bells and whisles as far as computer equipment. I made a Video, with music, to show the kids and at one point I have a short video showing the troops Parachuting at Ft Bragg with you and you son talking in the background. That was about April of 1999. It was really hard to hear you talking. There are no words to describe the pain of losing you. Funny, of all the family veterans in this video, I'm the only one still alive! Basketball season is here, your boys are both in basketball now. Cullen keeps asking when is he going to begin to skyrocket up like you did. Malik is as tall as your brothers now, or maybe even taller. Not much else new around here, taking one day at a time, thats about all I can do. I'll see you in my dreams tonight as I dream about you all the time. The last one I remember was that you, me and all the Explorers were out camping and you guys were goofing around as usual and getting me into trouble. Keep watch over everyone for me, love and miss you.


November 10, 2010

Dear Michael...I have added you the All Soul's Day Novena list.

With my prayers...and God's are not forgotten.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

November 2, 2010

Officer Gordon, I am just stopping by to let you know that you have not and will not be forgotten. There really are no words to let you know how much your dedication, service, protection and ultimately your sacrifice means to all of us, thank you is not enough. Your parents are in my prayers today and always, I understand the pain in their hearts and the struggles they face daily with the loss of their child, but I also know that you are watching over them and walking with them each and every step of the way.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02


October 8, 2010

Officer Gordon, I came across your page after reading many post your loving dad has left on other officers memorial pages. You must have been living your dream working for one of the finest police departments in the world. Keep watching over all of us.

Police Officer - Logan

October 8, 2010

Reading through the reflections left here for you I can tell how very special, loved and missed you are by everyone. I know you and my son are probably together along with all your other brothers and sisters and you'll never be forgotten.
I was reading your Dad's reflections and Mr. Gordon, your right, we'll never get over the loss of our sons, it's something people don't understand unless they walk in our shoes, also I know what you mean about keeping every little item..... they are truely treasures to us parents. Thank you for having such a wonderful son, I'm sorry I never met him.
Michael, keep watch over your family, as I know you are and always will.

With deepest respect,
Kim Weigand
Mom of Sgt. Michael C. Weigand
E.O.W. 9/14/2008

Kim Weigand

October 7, 2010

Dearest Michael...Another which to wish you...on your name day...God's we celebrate...the feast of St. Michael the Archangel...who is the patron saint...and protector of police officers.

Keep watch over your family. You Dad has it never get over the loss of a child. Life for a parent can never be the same.

I know you are thought about...and carried in their hearts...each and every day. You are are missed...and you are not forgotten.

You are all in my daily prayers.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

September 29, 2010


Fall is here once again, leaves are beginning to turn colors and fall from the trees. Halloween is just around the corner. I still remember you taking your son Cullen trick or treating in that costume you bought him. Tweety Bird. The costume still exists. Believe me and I am not alone as I've talked to others about this, material things that we have that were yours or purchased by you prior to losing you we would have given away or thrown them out and not think about it. Now, these items are like little treasures to us.
Your two boys are real jocks now. Both are playing on the school football team, both are also on the same soccer team. Malik will be involved in a traveling basketball team. Funny, Cullen keeps asking us when will he get bigger and we tell him how you were small like him and all of a sudden, boom, you shot up to 6'5". I went to their football game the other day, there was Cullen, even with his equipment on he didn't look very big but he'll grow. Malik is a pretty big kid now, plays both offense and defense on the line. Sports are good for the both of them, hopefully it will help them keep thier grades up because the teachers must sign off saying they are passing for them to play.
It's been over six years and every day is a challenge for me to get through. Some people just have no clue about losing a child and think you just pick up and go on with your life like nothing happened. I am going on with my life but it will never be the same. Well, I better end, keep watch over everyone for me. We love and miss you.


September 24, 2010

I am just sitting here this morning thinking of you and your family as I read the posts your dad has left on Renee's page, like you he is such a true hero. I know that the pain in your parents heart is so strong and no words can ease that pain. Officer Gordon, I will never forget you and the true hero that you are...

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02


September 11, 2010

Officer Gordon,

I'm so sorry I missed your EOW date. I've been reading your messages left by family and friends and know how deeply their pain runs. Please continue to watch over them. Your Dad is such a special man, he never fails to reach out to me on my son Michael's, page. I know your proud of him and your Mom and someday I hope to meet them in person to thank them for how they've helped me......just by messages and letting me know I'm not alone. Rest in peace Hero, your a very special man.

Kim Weigand
Mom of Sgt. Michael C. Weigand
E.O.W. 9/14/2008

Kim WEigand

August 27, 2010

Michael ~

I am thinking of you and your family as yet another year has begun without you here. 6 years is such a long time for you to be gone, so many memories and milestones have passed without you, but it is also just a blink of an eye. No amount of time can ease the pain of your family, epecially of your mom and dad, so please stay with them and comfort them as they do their best to continue on without you.

Mr. and Mrs Gordon ~

I know nothing will ever fill the void in your hearts, but hopefully the thoughts and prayers of those who care will help soften the pain. Your son was a hero, and he will never be forgotten.

With much love,

Carin E. Sollman, widow
Officer Jesse E. Sollman, EOW 3/25/05

August 24, 2010


Missed the day, but not the heartache, that never changes for your family as it does not for ours. Time, time spent remembering, missing, longing for the ones we love and need always. Thank God for memories. Thank you again for the man and were and are. It is so obvious. St. Michael keep you and your family.


Linda Rittenhouse
Matt's Mom

August 18, 2010

I have been thinking of you Mike and what a good police officer you were. I said some prayers for you and your family over the past couple of days and wanted you to know you are not forgotten. Keep watch over all of us from your spot in heaven.

Retired Chief Gene Karczewski
Riverside- Chicago PD's

August 13, 2010

Michael Patrick,
Six year without you, what a loss for your family and friends. I pray that their memories will sustain them. Watch over your family - they need to know you're near.
With admiration and respect for all you gave,

Cathy Barnard
Mother of Burbank Officer Patrick Michael Righi Barnard EOW 11/25/04

August 12, 2010

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