Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

We miss you, love you and remember you always.

India, Malik and Cullen Gordon

April 15, 2011

I've never met you, yet through reading what your Dad writes and messages he's kind enough to leave for my son, I feel as though I do know you. My son's name is also Michael. Again, reading what is written here, you two seem to be alot alike. St. Patrick's Day was always his favorite too. And like your mom....I have a decoration for any and all holidays for the cemetery. I guess like me, that's the only way we can feel we're still taking care of our baby boys. I know you must be proud of your family and know your dad is a special he writes to others and can make us smile with his caring. We're all family now and have a special bond between us, especially us parents. Please keep watch over your family, keep them safe and give your parents those "special" signs to let them know your close by.
With deepest respect,
Kim Weigand
Mom of Sgt. Michael C. Weigand
E.O.W. 9/14/2008

Kim Weigand

April 11, 2011

Hey Flash, just got both kids to take a nap and had some quite time and was thinking about you. Hope all's well upstairs, keep watching over us and your family. I miss ya man.- Tim Kinsella,CPD.


April 10, 2011

Your dad, a stranger to me, has given me comfort in the words he has expressed to the family and the friends of slain officer Joe Sapinoso. I know you are missed every day and I want you to know that I, too, pray for law enforcement officers every day. Keep watching over your family so that they can feel you and see you and hear you in all that they do.

Thinking of you this day,

Cathe Tripp, Deputy Sheriff
Greenville County Sheriff's Office

Deputy Cathe Tripp
Greenville County Sheriff's Office

April 3, 2011


You are always on my mind, continue to watch over your family and friends and let them know you are there for them.. May God continue to watch over all the Officers in blue, and all the Angels in blue.. Know you will never be forgotten, and my thoughts and prayers are with your family as always... God Bless...

Sister of Ofc. John P Harris EOW 8/19/1994

March 22, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day Mike,

No more south side Irish Parade, was only a matter of time that it was done away with. I know you use attend the parade but it eventually got out of control with people who didn't know how to act.
We put some Irish Green out at the cemetery for you. You name the holiday, Mom has the decorations for it.
The CPD Run to Remember for the Memorial is coming up quickly. Your brother John has put together another "Team Gordon" this year with a number of sponsors. Watch over both of your brothers and the friends that will be running in your honor at this event. Continue to keep watch over everyone for me. I can't tell you in words how much we all miss you. Every day is a challenge for me and people will just have to understand that losing a child, no matter what their age may be, a piece of you dies with that child and our lives are changed forever. All any of us can do is take one day at a time. Love and miss you.


March 17, 2011

Happy St. Prtrick's Day Mike, I know this was one of your favorite day's. So I guess Heaven was green today for you and all of the Irish. Love you Mike

Carolyn Moore

March 17, 2011

I am not sure where time goes, but it certainly flies by. Was just thinking of you and all the officers that gave everything for us and of your parents and the heaviness in their hearts. Continue to rest in peace.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02
Union County SO, Lake Butler, FL


March 13, 2011

I thank you for leaving poignant and uplifting messages. Because of the depth of your loss, you understand the depth of our pain. May both of our sons share God's everlasting love.

Jared's Mom

Debby Hudson
Mother of Jared S. Jensen EOW 02/22/2006

March 5, 2011

Mike you are not forgotten brother.

LTC Mike Breslin
US Army

February 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Mike! Love & miss you everyday not just on your birthday.

Love, Mom

Carol Gordon

February 20, 2011

You will never be forgotten brother! Never!!

Ken Flaherty
Chicago Police 006

February 20, 2011

Dear Michael...Wishing you...a Very Blessed I remember you...and your dear prayer...on this special day.

God bless you keep watch...over your wonderful family...who love and miss you...each and every day.

You are not forgotten.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

February 20, 2011

February 20th.

Happy Birthday Michael. I still remember that day in 1974 when you arrived in this world. One of our great stories of your birth is that you came flying out and our wonderful doctor at the time, Dr. Bolino, went to grab you but being slippery he dropped you and thankfully the intern was there to catch you. I was able to spend the day with Mom at the hospital, see you and I had to leave for work for the 4-12 shift that day. Bought my box of cigars on the way to work and passed them out. Today, officers at my old place of employment now get 3 days off when their wives give birth. Imagine that, time off. There was no such thing when you were born. Thinking of you on your 37th birthday and every day. Miss you terribly and always have you in my thoughts. Thanks for looking after your mother for me when she needed you this week.


February 19, 2011

Dear Mike,
Sorry it's been a while since I stopped by, but just a lot going on. But Mike there isn't a day goes by that I don't look at yours and Jeff's picture's and wonder WHY!!!But as I look at the list of all the officer's and how it breaks my heart that so many heart's had to break to lose a loved one. I know that you are looking down on your Mom today. Tell God to take good care of her and your Dad.
Mike, I wanted to be sure and wish you a Happy Birthday. It's just hard to beleive the years have passed so fast. I guess to all of us, it will forever seem like yesterday that you were called away. The emptiness will never be filled, the longing your family has, to hear your voice and laughter once again. Only in their memories. And that is something that no one can ever take away. Mike I never got to meet you in person, but knowing your Mom and Dad as I do now, I know you. I know the goodness that is in them was passed down to their son's. I know that Bobby holds your memory as he works as an Officer of the Law. And your Brother John, as he continues to keep the memory of you as he plans events in your honor.
Mike, how I wish I had known you when you were stationed at FT. Bragg. You would have been so welcome in my home on weekends you couldn't make it to IL. Here you were in N.C., and could have made it to Asheville. You and my son Darren would have really hit it off,as you were both Airborne..I would have loved to have heard your stories.
Mike, I just hope you know that you are in my thought's every day. And if I don't write for a while, don't think that I'm not remembering you and Jeff. But on the 20th, I'll be wishing you HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and I will be honoring you for your sacrifice for me and everyone else out there. Forever the thin blue line glows, but how it hurt's to know, that the thin blue line still grows. Too many of those in Blue, have left us. And left us with a hole in our heart's. I love you Mike, I stand with shoulder's straight and I salute you. Happy Birthday

Carolyn Moore
Mother-in-law of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt EOW 04-04-04

February 16, 2011

I just wanted to stop by the site and say thank you for your serve and sacrifice! I am from Indianapolis, Indiana and we just lost another brother here. I want you to know that you and your family will never be forgotten as long as I have breath in me. I pray for your family every night and have added them to the brothers and sisters who walk the streets with a badge to ensure that our streets are safe. I wanted to also say thank you to your father for always pisting in sites of fallen officers. I was friends with Jake Laird E.O.W 8-18-04 and reading his reflections after the shooting has really helped me try to heal. Mr. Gordon, I want to say to you that everyone processes these things in their own time. It's been 6 years and almost 6 months since I lost Jake and the inly thing I can say is that it doesn't get easier, it just gets different. Thank you for all the support you have given to the family and friends of fallen officers! You are making a difference. God Bless Officer Gordon and his family!


February 12, 2011

It has been a bit since I stopped by your page, so I decided today I was going to make time to do that. I wanted to just let you and your family know that you are not forgotten...

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02


February 11, 2011

Today is your daughter's 7th birthday. I still remember that panic call from you, "Get here now." Being a Preemie, she was a sick little girl when she came into this world. Continue to look after her and your sons. I think of you every day and like all bereaved parents, I live with a void that can never be filled and a broken heart that will never mend. A few people will say to me that I should get on with my life. I am getting on with it, they have no idea what it is like unless they walk in my shoes and live a life that changed for me on 8/8/04.
We survived the blizzard. I could have used you to shovel some of the snow. I bet you would have loved driving your 4 wheel Jeep through the deep snow on the streets. Well, time to end, please continue to watch over everyone for me including Mom. We all love and miss you. We will never let you be forgotten.


February 4, 2011

Please continue to keep watch over us as we carry on the mission. Airborne!


January 21, 2011


The New Year has arrived. Doesn't feel any different than 2010, but we will see what this year brings. It has been almost 6.5 years sinced we lost you and each day is still a challenge. Today I had your 5 year old niece in the car with me and we were driving past a park that had yellow ribbons tied up on trees and fences and all around a school. She asked me what they were for and I told her that they meant that a soldier was coming home. She then said, "My Uncle Mike was a soldier, but he's not coming home, he was killed." The only thing I could say was yes you were. I had some tears rolling down my cheek and then she said, "I wish I could have met him." In one more week one of your nephews turns 7 and he was only 6 months old when we lost you and he has also said that he wishes he could remember you and to have met you. As you can tell, we are keeping your memory alive and also know that I wish I could trade places with you so you could be here with all of them, including your children. Well, I'll be back later, look after everyone for me, especially Mom. We all love and miss you.


January 6, 2011

Thank you Officer Gordon for your service, dedication and sacrifice. I never had the opportunity to meet you but I wanted to let you, and your family know, that clear across this country, people like me appreciate who you are and what you did. You are a true hero.

Sgt. T. Henshaw
Bell Gardens Police Dept., CA

December 30, 2010

Wishing you all a Merry christmas and a Happy New Year. The Rolniak family William 'Wally' Rolniak eow 2/4/04


December 28, 2010


Merry Christmas thinking of you today, tomorrow, always...

There are no good byes only love...


December 25, 2010

Dear Mike...Just want to wish you...a Blessed Christmas Day.

I know...that while your family misses you...each and every's the "special times" and "seasons" of the year...that hit the hardest. I my heart goes out to them.

You...and your wonderful family...are in my thoughts...and remain in my daily prayers.

God bless are not forgotten.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

December 25, 2010

Mike, Another Christmas without you and the hurting never ends. We did the traditional Christmas Eve but you were sorely missed.

I love and miss you. Mom

Carol Gordon

December 25, 2010

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