Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon


I'm writing this note to you from the Hilton Springfield, IL, home of this years explorer conference. Hopefully Riverside can do well and make you proud.

Its hard to believe that it has been 7 years since we lost you at the hands of a drunk driver, especially a driver that shouldn't have been driving in the first place. I hope that you are keeping your parents and brothers under your wings as they work hard to ensure that your memory remains alive. As our Post walks to the Police Memorial tomorrow, I will be telling everyone that will listen about you, your family and your career. Rest assured that no matter how much time passes, you will never be forgotten.

Ofc Brian Greenenwald
Riverside PD

August 8, 2011

We all miss ya brother! Thanks for always watching over us!

Chicago Police Department

August 8, 2011


Got home from the cemetery a short while ago. The family all met there and also some of your 11th District buddies were there. It means alot to me that they remember you. Especially when they have their own lives and careers in the department to go on with. I know other bereaved parents can relate to what I am going to say, it's as if I am stuck in a time warp, living in the past and my description of time is defined by two types, 1 before your death and 2 after your death. I miss you every day and will continue to do so for as long as I live. Continue to keep watch over all the family for me. Miss you and love you.


August 8, 2011

Dear Mike ~ Another year has passed without you here, but your memory continues to live on. Your dad is truly amazing with his tireless effort in remembering and honoring other officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. He may not realize it, but he is an inspiration to so many and his words of support and encouragement are like beacons of light shining through the darkness. Please continue to be with your family and friends - especially your mom and dad - and help to ease the pain in their hearts. God bless you Mike, may you continue to rest in eternal peace, forever safe in the arms of the angels.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ~ Your son was a hero, and he will never be forgotten. I am thinking about you both today. I wish there was something I could say to make things better, but I know that your hearts are forever broken. Please know that your continued support of other officers' families is invaluable, and is a testament to your love for your son. He will never be forgotten. His sacrifice will never be forgotten. God bless you both. With much love ~ Carin

Carin E. Sollman-Radogna
widow, Officer Jesse E. Sollman EOW 3/25/05

August 8, 2011

Officer Gordon, I just want your loving family and friends to know that I will continue to pray that God may grant them strength and that the wonderful memories they have of you will sustain them. Even in their own grief, your family reaches out to others who are hurting. You have a very special family.

Ingrid Wyatt
Mother of SA Thomas Wyatt

August 8, 2011

Hey Michael,

Another year passes that you are not with us and although you may be physically gone, you will always remain in my heart. I made a promise to your family that I would do whatever I can to keep your Memory alive and I will keep that promise to you and them. I miss you everyday Michael. Please keep watch over your family and all of us that love and miss you!! NEVER FORGET!!

Sheryl Palermo

August 8, 2011

Hey Gordo, just wanted to let your family know we are thinking about you today. Your loss is tragic to everyone and we wish hope and prayers to your family.
You were a great soldier Mike. God Speed Airborne!!!!

Thomas Moore
16th MP BDE Airborne

August 8, 2011

Officer Gordon, we will never forget the HEROES who gave their all for us, and you sir are a hero.... My heart and prayers are with you mom and dad today as they face another EOW, I know that the pain in their hearts is as strong today as it was in 2004. They say that time helps heal the pain, but I know that your parents hearts are broken and hurting today and forever. May you continue to rest in peace Michael and watch over your parents and walk with them each step they take. You will never be forgotten.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02
Union County SO, Lake Butler, FL


August 8, 2011

Dearest Mike,
Seven years have passed, since you left your Family, Friends and Co-Workers. The years have passed, but your memory is as alive as it was then. You will forever be in our heart's and memories, Mike. Time cannot take that away. I know how very much you are missed, by those who loved you so dearly. Thank you Mike for the sacrifice you made for the rest of us.
My thought's and prayer's are with your family today. I know the years does not take away the pain, loss or the heartache they will forever carry. As I spoke with your Mom tonight, I can still hear the hurt in her voice, and know when a tear is falling from her eye. Mike I would bring you back for them if I could. But I know that you are in such a beautiful place now.I know that you left your love behind for each of them. Our forever Hero...Time will never change that. The only thing that will change, is our meeting you again some day. Until then, Mike, know that you are loved and missed so very much. Keep watch over your loved ones and friend's Mike, and if you would, sorta watch out over my loved ones too. You and Jeff..I will alway's feel in my heart, that with your having to leave your family, that you sent your wonderful parent's my way..You knew that we would need each other...Love you Mike, and on Angel Wings we will come to you and spend eternity with you.

With Love to "one top cop"

Carolyn Moore
Mother-in-Law of Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt EOW 04-04-04

August 8, 2011

You and your family our in our thoughts and prayers as tomorrow approaches. Every day is a struggle and when those dates come it seems extra hard just to get through the day. So many memories good and bad flood our minds. Hold on to all the good memories and remember the joy that was shared. You will never be forgotten!

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000

Tammy Persin

August 7, 2011

Officer Gordon, I am sorry to say that unfortunately my posts to you have not been submitted due to my error in not filling out the information needed. I have not forgotten you or your family. They are in my prayers every day. HEROES live forever and you sir are a hero to us all...

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02


July 27, 2011

Mr. Bob,
How proud you must have been of your son and the family tradition. I want to thank you for always remembering families of fallen officers. May God Bless you and continue to comfort you through your journey. You are definetly a blessing to others.

Elena Wagstaff Kelley
Texas Game Warden Wesley Wagstaff, EOW 8/3/03

June 27, 2011

I wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Fathers Day. Today, Mom, me and your two sons will be visiting the cemetery. Each day is a challenge for me to get through without you here. Continue to watch over everyone for me as it's a big job and I can't do it alone. Love and miss you.


June 19, 2011

Mike, Remembering you this Memorial Day and for all those who have paid a price to keep this country free.

The Memorial Street sign with your name on it was a very touching time for your Dad and I. The fact that it is on your Grandparent's street and that it was Grandma Gordon's birthday made it all the more special. The children from Our Lady of Snows came and sang a few songs, which was so cute because they were probably only in first grade.

I wanted the sign where we had happy times not sad. You were baptized down the street, played baseball a few blocks away (Vittum Park) and were able to enjoy being with both sets of our family (living within blocks of each other) makes it all the more special for us. (I still had your Cardinal's jacket when your team went 19-0).

Again, you were well represented with about 100 people on all four corners. Chicago, Riverside, Berwyn and Darien PD's, family, friends and people from the neighborhood. I think the most touching time was when your children held the duplicate street sign together - Malik, Cullen & Grace. How they have grown these past 7 years - you would be proud.

Love you always & forever. Mom

Carol Gordon

May 30, 2011

On May 24th, your Gram Gordon's birthday, we had the ceremony to dedicate the 5100 block of South Leamington in your Name. "Officer Michael Gordon Way." It was a bright sunny morning with dozens of people there. A bunch of your friends were there that you worked with in the 11th District were on hand as were other Chicago Officers and Command Staff and even neighbors who came out of their homes to honor you. People asked why we had the sign placed on that street, the answer is because that was your second home when you were a child. You were always at your Gramma's house, riding your hot wheels as a child with the other kids on the block. You played baseball a few block away. Mom even brought your Vittum Park Cardinal's Jacket with the 19-0 record written on the back-that was back in 1986, we had a great team that year. I'm the only coach left from that team, the others have since joined you and I hope they are still coaching younger ball players. The ex Mayor in Chicago gave Oprah a sign a few weeks ago and we finally got yours. Someone quoted on a blog site that she got hers from the Mayor and you had to Die for yours. We are glad that that small area in the City will carry your name and people will remember you, especially your friends and family as we drive past that corner. Continue to keep watch over everyone for me, we miss and love you.


May 27, 2011

Mike, it was a beautiful sunny day yesterday, 24May11 as the City of Chicago finally dedicated a street sign in your honor. I'm sure you were smiling down on all of us who were there. You are never forgotten and your friends and former co workers miss you greatly.

Police Officer David Rodriguez
Chicago Police Department

May 25, 2011

Dear Michael,
I wanted to THANK YOU for your service and let you know that YOU have NOT BEEN FORGOTTEN. I know that this week brings back a lot of memories for your family. We all have the same feelings in common who have lost our loved ones in the line of DUTY! YOU gave your all and I wanted to thank you and let you know you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. MR. Gordon the saying you left on my sons page that I could not have said it better myself and thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason 8/9/2000

Tammy Persin
family friend

May 19, 2011

Dear Mike...Remembering this 23rd NLEOM underway. You are not forgotten...and both you...and your family...remain in my thoughts...and in my prayers.
God bless each of you.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

May 16, 2011

You are loved and missed every single day Michael!

Patty DiCastro-Gajdzinski
Lyons PD

May 16, 2011

May 15th, Law Enforcement Memorial Day

Attended Riverside's ceremony today. I stood with the old retired guys, us old timers. Me and Chief K were together. Funny, I remember putting this ceremony together for several years and now I stand there in the audience and think about you, especially when that pipe starts playing Amazing Grace after the taps and 21 gun salute. Not a day passes that you are not in my thoughts and most nights in my dreams. I don't know why, but I was even mad at you one night and I have no idea why or what you did to make me made. Crazy. Continue to keep watch over everyone for me as I'm starting to slow down. Grief and stress sure does take a toll on a person but we wake up every morning and face another day, thats about all we can do. Saw a number of your friends and even people that didn't know you at the Cubs Rooftop. Fun was had by all. Love and Miss you.


May 14, 2011

Dearest Mike,
Hope you know that you are in my heart today. Forever A HERO. You will live forever in my heart and memories Mike. Thank you for being one of our TOP COP"s. I have you posted on my FB reminding other's of the sacrifice you made for the rest of us. May we never forget those who gave their lives for us. I know that your Brother John is in DC, at the Memorial in Honor of you and other's who gave the ultimate sacrifice for us. Tracie is there also. Keep watch over your Brother's and Sister's in Blue, Friends and Famlies who will be traveling back to their homes, that they get home safely.
Mike, I have the blue candle burning for you and Jeff. It is for all of the Officer's who now rest in their Heavenly Homes, and for those still out there, protecting our streets. Thank you, Mike for leaving a great legacy for your children. Thank you for being the man that you were. And I want your Family to know that they gave this world three wonderful son's. It has been an Honor for me to have met and become friends with them. FOREVER and ALWAY"S Mike, you will remain alive in my heart. I again, SALUTE you Mike. You are loved and remembered.

Carolyn Moore
Friend of your Family

May 14, 2011

I was in Springfield this year for the Police Memorial. Five names were added this year from Chicago. Another sad year.
You are in my thoughts and no more so that when in Springfield. I cannot believe that is is seven years already. Know that you are missed.

Retired Sgt. Karen Brozynski
Chicago Police Dept

May 10, 2011

Today was your 7th Annual Cubs Rooftop and for 7 straight years the Cubs have won. You must have been looking down giving them some good mojo.

CPD, Berwyn and Riverside PD guys and gals were in attendance along with the regulars. Fun was had by all.

Tomorrow will be hard because its another Mother's Day without you.

Love you - Mom

Carol Gordon

May 7, 2011

Dear Michael...

Wishing you...and your dear family...a Very Blessed Easter.

Watch over each of them...and know all are in my prayers.

God bless are not forgotten.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

April 24, 2011

I just wanted to stop by and say Hello. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers this Easter Season. I know how much your family and children are missing you today! May God surround you with his love in a special way today and to remember all the good times. God bless you and your family and thank you for your Honorable Service to this Nation.

Tammy Persin
Mother of Fallen Military Police Officer
Pfc Brian Thomas Gleason


April 24, 2011

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