Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Thank you Sir for your service to our country and to the citizens of Chicago. You will never be forgotten, nor will your family. I pray that the house resolution becomes law. I will also pray that God allows you to watch over all of your brothers and sisters here while we continue your work.

I will continue to pray for your family that they may find strength and comfort in God's loving arms.

God Speed Brother.....

SGT Phil Abdoo
Macomb County Sheriff's Office (MI)

March 21, 2005

Dear Mike,
Today we celebrated Jeff's birthday here on earth. We spent the day with him at the cemetary and later ate at one of his favorite places. It gave us comfort to know he was celebrating in heaven and he had a friend with him. Soon we'll be going to D.C. to honor you and Jeff, along with all of your other fallen brothers as your names are placed upon the wall. While there we hope to see your parents. We feel so close to them. The pain we share is like no other and is felt only when a parent loses a child. When we trace Jeff's name, we will also trace yours and bring it home to be placed along side Jeff's because you are now brothers in oh so many ways. God bless you. Please give Jeff our love.
Patricia Hewitt
mother of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt
Buncombe County Sheriff's Office
eow 04/04/04

March 20, 2005


HB 1471, the Michael Gordon Law has passed the Illinois House of Representatives and has been sent to the State Senate. Don't know how long it will take to come up in front of them as you know how fast polititians work. There are allot of us pushing to get this new DUI Law passed and we won't give up. Also, On May 21st, you will be awarded the Riverside Police Officer of the Year Award 2004. Your old Riverside Badge #215 will also be retired that day. Two honors that everyone at the department agreed upon. They even have you honored in their 2004 Yearly Report on the last page with a really nice writeup and your photograph. You have not been forgotten. Love and miss you terribly.

Love Dad


March 18, 2005


Had a really bad day today, most of the days are anyway since we lost you. I guess it's probably because I'm putting together photo albums for the 3 little ones showing your life from the time you were born to the last picture I froze frame off of a video the day of my birthday when I last saw you on 8/5. If I could only go back in time to my birthday as you walked out the back door and I said be careful and got the answer I always did from you, "Always" The photo albums I'm making are so the kids can have something they can look at and remember you. We got a great video of you, your training tape from the Police Academy, Police Training Institute, you're in it talking, laughing and goofing around doing scenario training, firearms, building entry etc. I guess we have allot more than other people do, video, photographs, even a video of you making arrests, can tell its you by the Irish Jersey you wore that day. But it's not you here with us. Long after I am dust, your name will live on. You will be on memorials in Chicago, Cook County, FOP Chicago, Washington D.C, and at the Police Museum in Florida. They will be there as long as this country stands. You earned your place with all the other heros whose names are on those walls. Your friends and family will never forget you. A day does not go by that I don't think of you, talk to you and wish you were here. I love you son and miss you terribly.

Love, Dad


March 10, 2005

whats up brother, hows life in paradise. miss you out here, a little slow now, you'd be groing crazy with all the tips down. but we still try to hit em. sometimes machine just out of nowhere starts to talk and says that he still cant believe that youre not with us, and then theres a moment of silence, buts thats just our way of saying to you that youre not forgotten.
there are some hard days coming up in may and a lot of us are gonna be crying like hell because we miss you. but thats ok.

take care flash


p.s happy belated birthday


March 10, 2005

a little late, sorry, happy belated birthday brother. still hard to realize that youre not around, but i find comfort knowing that youre up up there watching over us. you take care and i still have that shot of tequila for you when i see you soon. up to you to get the lime and salt.

always with us
your brother in blue

police officer

March 10, 2005


I have a Hero,
This person is one who gets dressed for work each day just like everyone else
I have a Hero,
Who kisses their spouse and children before they leave for work not knowing if they will return at the end of the day to hold them once again
I have a Hero,
Who must confort the scared, console the troubled, and protect even the gulity
I have a Hero,
Who arrives to a situation where a child has been killed and must remember that the suspect has "rights"
I have a Hero,
That puts on a uniform each day with a vow to Serve and Protect
I have a Hero,
Who was killed in the Line of Duty today, and with him a part of America died
I have a Hero,
Who goes by the name of Police Officer....

May God Bless all of Our Fallen Brothers and Sisters in Blue. While we honor the lives of those no longer with us.-
Your Brothers
Put-in-Bay Police

Officer Put-in-Bay
Put-in-Bay Police

March 5, 2005

Hey Mike,

I was watching the academy awards tonight and during the “in memoriam” segment, I couldn’t help but think of you among all of those stars. One in particular stood out – Marlon Brando. You & The Godfather left this earth at the same time. So I can only imagine that you two are reciting lines back & forth right now.

Most of the feelings in my heart have already been expressed by others on this page. But, I want to tell you myself how proud I was of you and how funny you were and how privileged I feel that we became family. When John & I were dating and you were still in Bosnia, he said – “if you think I’m funny, wait until you meet my brother, Mike - he’s the funniest person I know.” I wasn’t really sure if you could top John & Bob. But you cracked me up. We had some good times when you moved back home & when we worked together. And I was so thrilled for you when your children were born and you found your true love (and bonus for me that it was someone I could hang out with) and you landed your dream job.

The hardest part of each day is seeing or hearing something that you would appreciate and wanting to tell you about it. Even though I still “tell” you – your reaction is missing – and that is unbearable. It’s also unbearable not to see you on the occasions when we would normally all be together.

We are all going through the same thing – struggling each day and seeing the world through tears. But thank God we have each other. And I don’t even have to ask - I know you are keeping watch on all of us. We’ll make you proud & honor your memory, brother-in-law.

I miss you. And that will never go away.


Heather Gordon

February 28, 2005



February 27, 2005


I just got back from the State Capital where I testified in front of the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee concerning what we have been calling the Michael Gordon law. The enhancement of Driving While Intoxicated will be aggravated DWI if the individual has no license, no insurance and is driving intoxicated, it is enhanced to a class 4 felony. First hurdle is done, they voted 16-0 to send Illinois HB 1741 to the House of Representatives for a vote. From there it will go to the Senate. I may have to go down to the capital a few more times to testify, but you know I'll be there. I had you with me facing the Committee, a Poster sized picture of you on an easel facing them while I spoke about you and what you accomplished in your short lifetime and all the devastation this has caused our family. We love and miss you so much.

Love, Dad


February 25, 2005

May the lord bless and comfort Officer Gordon's wife and family. May the lord bless your family with strength and courage to carry on. Josua 1:9 reads Don't be scared or mismayed for I the lord will be with you where ever you go. I vist this web site often ,Since the time of officer Gordon death. Many times I wanted to leave a message, but couldn't find the words. when you lose a loved one words can't bring them back.The pain never goes away. But the one thing that will live on is the memories we share with our loved ones. God Bless, The gordon family and all the Men and Women in uniform that keeps us safe. Sorry for your loss.

wife of CPD 11th district

February 25, 2005


The marker for the cemetery is in it's final stage of being completed. It will be the BEST in the cemetery and should be in place this spring. For all those friends of yours that wish to visit you in the future, it will be at Mt Vernon Memorial Gardens, Veterans Section, Lemont, IL. The marker will be a flat bronze marker, blue background, gold lettering and will have the following information:

Top Left a cast of your Chicago Police Badge with #18751

Center Top: Picture of you in uniform lazered onto Stainless steel.

Top Right: Set of Airborne Wings.

Below the above applications will read:


FEBRUARY 20, 1974 AUGUST 8, 2004


Dear Mike,

You accomplished more in your short 30 years than most individuals do in their entire life time. Devoted husband, father, son, brother, grandson, uncle, Eagle Scout, Amry Airborne Military M.P., Chicago Police Officer; are just some of your accomplishements while you walked this earth. Everyone will forever remember your crooked smile, story telling ability, always making others laught, impeccable uniform and spit shined shoes, love of bag pipe music with "Amazing Grace" a favorite. You loved being Irish, shooting pool and being a devoted Chicago Cub's fan. You were known by your peers as "Super Cop" because you were not a slacker. You were relentless and tireless in your pursuit of cathing the bad buys. You believed in what your were doing, like a knight riding out of the mist to right a wrong, putting yourself in harm's way simply because there was no other way for you to be. Your were an idealist at heart but recognized there was darkness in the world and you had to be the one to carry the torch to bring light into that darkness. There is no question as to what kind of man or police officer you would have grown to be, for you were already that individual. We will never forget you.

Your Loving Family,

Husband of Guin; Father of David, Malik, Cullen and Grace; Son of Robert Jr. and Carol; Brother of John and Robert III.

I hope you like it son, like I said, it will be the Best one there and you being a hero deserve it. I miss and love you. Dad


February 22, 2005

Happy Birthday Mike, sorry it’s late but our computer at home is not working.

I wanted to let you know that the boys celebrated your birthday in full style. It was pretty much their day to call the shots and they took full advantage of it. First they wanted to go to Peter Piper Pizza because you just can’t have a birthday without greasy pizza and video games. Then they wanted to go to the sports store and buy everything in it that had the Chicago Cubs on it. Thank God baseball season hasn’t started yet so they haven’t stocked up on the jerseys. All they could find were teddy bears and baseballs. After that, we bought a cat, went home and watched Rookie of the Year, then ate some ice cream cake. I’m not sure if it was the healthiest of days but my thinking was whatever got them through it without crying was good. I’m just grateful they didn’t want a goat!

Please continue to look after us all.

Talk to you soon,


India S. Gordon

February 22, 2005

Happy birthday Mike. The guys at Riverside continue to think about you and your family everday. The ribbon magnets look very nice on the squads. I miss hearing your war stories when you would call on the ride home from work. God Bless you and your family forever.

Ofc. M. A. Yanez #212
Riverside PD

February 21, 2005

Happy Birthday Mike


February 20, 2005


Happy Birthday. I can't tell you how much we all miss you and wish you were here. Every morning I wake and wait for that call from you to tell me about a big bust or how a CR was in the works and what to do. Stopped at the cemetery today to drop off some red roses Karen and Mike gave us for you. Your brothers were there before me and Mom and I see there was a Blue rose there, a small cake with the famous "Bird" written on it and a nice cigar. Uncle Jerry and Aunt Aggie were there today to see you too. Was in Church today for a Mass in your Honor, Father Bob refers to you as "Officer" which means more than just announcing a name in church. After Mass we met him at the back of the church and gave him one of your picture buttons that he wanted and he began to tell people about the day they held your funeral at the church and that it was unbelieveable the number of police officers at the church and outside, he estimated at a 1,000. Don't know if it was that many but it was a sea blue uniforms that day at the church and at the cemetery. Well son, please look down on your children, Guin, Mom and your two brothers. Don't worry about me, I will be okay if you watch over them. Happy Birthday Mike. I love and miss you.



February 20, 2005

Today marks your 31st Birthday, a day that should be full of celebration, but instead is full of sadness. I miss you so very much, Michael. I visit your web page every day just to have some type of contact with you. Your name and memory are still part of our everyday life at the station also. We always have either a funny story that we are remembering about you or one of the great stories that you would bring to us from CPD. I miss you walking in the back door of the station in your CPD blues (usually coming home from court) and spending a little time with us. Those days will always be remembered. Michael, you will always be in my heart and prayers. Watch over your family and friends. Happy Birthday!!

Sheryl Palermo
Riverside Police Deptment

February 20, 2005

Well Baby Boy, almost your birthday, and it's ripping me apart. Tomorrow I will go to Ira’s and celebrate the first 6 months and mourn the last 6 of your 31st year. It all seems harder now then it did in the beginning. I know people say to expect it to be that way but it doesn't make it any easier.

The kids are doing great, David joined the wrestling team and is doing well in school. He brings you up often....its how I know he misses you, but like everyone else, he's trying to be strong.

Gracie is growing like a weed. Everyone says she's going to be tall like her Daddy. She looks so much like you, and she has your beautiful eyes and your crooked smile. At times it seems she remembers you; she can point you out in a picture and gets so excited whenever she sees someone in uniform. It’s all so bittersweet.

I try to speak to Cullen and Malik as often as my grief will allow, it's hard because I miss them almost as much as I miss you. But they are doing well and seem to be handling this better then the rest of us. They definitely have the Gordon strength and courage.

We just celebrated Gracie's and Alec's first birthday, there were moments were I could almost feel you there, relieved that Gracie was in good health and smiling watching the two of them eat their cake.

I have so much more to talk to you about but I will save it for our nightly chat. I just hope you know how much you are missed and how much you are loved. I promise to keep trying to be a police wife you can be proud of.

You are still and will always be My Moon and My Stars….For-ev-er.

Happy Birthday Darling.
I hope they are throwing you an awesome party up there.

Guin Gordon, Wife

February 19, 2005

Today is a sad day. I was just informed of the death of a friend. Mike was a good friend. He always spoke of his family and how much he loved them. He always accomplished the mission by giving more than 100%. He always spoke about going back home and becoming a police officer. He always made things better when we were out in the field by making every one laugh. I am honored to have served with you and to have you as a friend. I know that you are watching over us now. May god bless your family. We will never forget you.

SSG Jorge L. Reynoso
65th Military Police Co. ABN

February 16, 2005


As the day marking your loss passes the six month mark I try to focus on the positives of your life, but I am overwhelmed with sadness and grief. From the moment I wake up in the morning until I go to sleep my day is consumed with thoughts of you, both good and bad. I am still haunted by that day...getting the call...going to the hospital...viewing your broken body...being forced to tell you things in death that I should have told you in life. I play the accident over in my head and wonder what were the last words you spoke? What were your last thoughts? Were you afraid? The only answer I am quite certain of is that you were not afraid. Baby brother or not, you were the toughest sonofabitch I knew. Your colleagues and the west-side thugs can attest to that.

Somehow we will get through this, but we will NEVER get over your loss. I look at my boys and think back on our days growing up. We fought like crazy almost to the point of hating each other. We got older and wiser and something just clicked. That little pain in the ass became my best friend. We had the same interests, same attitude and even the same sick sense of humor.

Rest in peace knowing I will carry on your good name. Know too, that I will be there for your wife and kids no matter what. That's the easy part. The hard part is growing old without my best friend. I miss you brother.


John Gordon

February 11, 2005

Gordo, Words can't even explain what I felt when I heard about what happened. I couldn't stop looking at your picture when I saw it on this web page. You were one of the first guys I met when I arrived at the unit in Fort Bragg. I'll never forget all the good times that we spent together and talking about the places we had been and things we had seen. I read a lot of the reflections that the people you used to work with post and I can tell that you were just as good as a cop as you were a soldier. All you ever talked about was being a Chicago Police Officer and you accomplished it just like I knew you would. May God Bless all of your family and may you always be watching over us. Airborne All The Way.

SPC David Garza III
65th MP Co. Fort Bragg, N.C.

February 10, 2005

Dear Mike,

Today makes it 26 weeks (6 months) ago that you had to leave us. It seems longer than that. There has not been a day that we have not thought of you or cried and I'm sure the days will continue. We are taking one day at a time. Grace had her first birthday party with Alec and you would have been proud of her the way she dug right into that cake and ate it. I know you were there in spirit. I have a favor to ask of you, please watch over your children, Guin, Mom and your two brothers. It would mean allot to me if you could comfort them and help get them through the rough days. I just wanted to drop in and leave a short note to tell you we all love you and miss you so much. I can not tell you how this has devastated all of us and broken allot of hearts. Oh, before I go, your old buddies at the Riverside PD wrote 29 DUI's in December and dedicated the arrests in your honor. You take care son, I love you, miss you and will have you in my thoughts every day. Next time I visit this site I will tell you about your marker for the cemetery that is being made. It will take some time to complete as it is the BEST in the cemetery and everyone will be able to find it. You deserve the best for being a Hero.

Love, Dad


February 6, 2005

Dear Gordon Family,
Althought we have never met, I feel that we have somehow always been connected. My mother speaks of you all often. She passes on all of the wonderful stories about Michael and what an exemplary officer he was. It is amazing to hear of all the qualities that Michael and Jeff shared and all of the similarities. Their birth dates being exactly one month apart. Jeff's date of death 04/04 and Michael's 08/08. It is so very strange, but also comforting. For some reason, I think Michael and Jeff are "best friends" now. Maybe their patrol partners. I know in my heart that they are together! I just know it! My heart does break for each of you. I know every thought and feeling that is going through your mind. Everything from asking "Why?" to being sad to being angry. Sometimes all at the same time. Sometimes I'm mad at Jeff for going to work that night. He was supposed to be off that night, but he went ahead to work so he would have more "comp" time for us to use for a beach trip that had been planned for the next month to celebrate our 3rd anniversary. Sometimes I even get angry at God for taking him. But then I have to stop and think...that God knows so much more than I do. Although I don't know the reason right now...I will someday. And you bettcha I'm gonna ask God someday...and I know he'll have a good reason. So just know that God has a plan...although it wasn't in our plan. He is working all things for our good. I wish I could say something to ease your pain, but I'm afraid I have to say that nothing ever will. But that's good in a way...because as long as there is still "pain" there is also still "love". For as long as we hurt, we will also remember the joy we once had when they were in our lives here on earth. I will keep you all in my prayers.. a prayer that God will send you comfort. Although the pain will not go can have his peace.

I look forward to meeting you all very soon! Thank you for remembering Jeff as we will always remember Michael. Please contact me if there is ever anything I can do for your family.

Tracie M. Hewitt

Tracie M. Hewitt
Wife of Sgt. Jeff T. Hewitt BCSD E.O.W 04/04/04

February 5, 2005

Gordon, Although I did not know you very well, I enjoyed sitting next to at PTI academy. You were so hilarious, you made everyone laugh. You always talked of becoming part of Chicago PD. You finally made it. Everyone I am sure was very proud of you. Wherever you are, I am sure you will keep them smiling. This is a little late, because I just heard about your accident while reading American Police Beat. Best wishes to your family.
Darrin Frommeyer

Darrin Frommeyer
Formerly Decatur PD

February 4, 2005

Hey Gordon, I am real sorry to hear about your unnecessary passing. I served with Gordo while stationed at Ft. Bragg in the 65th MP Co(ABN). I always enjoyed being around him even though I was the new cherry, he had a way to make anyone laugh. Those nights at guardmount where he would just crack everyone up, or the morning he went to show up for Air Assault school. I have many memories of his good humor and knowledge while we where on the road patrolling Ft. Bragg. He always talked about becoming a Chicago Police Officer one day when he was out of the military and able to move back home to watch the Cubs. I am glad to hear that his dreams came true but for a short time. My heart goes out to the whole Gordon family and don't worry Gordo has spent his time in hell and now walks the beat in heaven. From one police officer to another, may you rest in peace and keep us all safe from the evil on our streets.
Airborne....All The Way

Rodney Wright
Gainesville Police

February 2, 2005

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