Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Guen,Joh,Bob,and kids: I dont have any clue what to say. Since the day Phil died i have not learned how to deal with it. The only thing i can tell u guys is remember everything and dont be afraid of it. although he's gone mike can still see and here all of us.

Somthing tells me there watching us and they have it all covered.

Love another Gold Star member
Michael O'Reilly

Michael O'Reilly

May 18, 2005

Although we never met, we share the same age. I read where your dad mentioned the billboard in your district that has your image. Out of respect for you and your family I drove there one night(probably an area I shouldn't really be driving around in at night, but I work 2 full time jobs right now and it was the only time I had to see it). I wanted to see it and stop and say a prayer for you, your family, and your fellow comrades. I aspire to be the caliber of police officer that you were. As the new recruits begin on their beats I have no doubt that you're watching down on them and keeping an eye on them. Someone like you will never be forgotten and that I can guarantee. When I think of the word CPD it almost seems synonymous with Mike "Flash" Gordon. God bless you and yours.

Soon to be CPD

May 17, 2005


We made it back from Washington, DC. Was very emotional for us all being our first time there. I know you were looking down on us all and saw how wonderful we were treated. I know you got a laugh out of the honor guard that met us at the gate at the airport, six officers surround us, people began to move out of the way probably thinking me and Mom were under arrest. Your brother yelled out, "We love ya Mike" as they read your name off, caught me off guard. Mom was able to make her way up to the President where she put little Grace up in front of him and told the President who you were, he kissed little Grace and then asked what about Mom and kissed her too. I wasn't able to get the boys to meet him, I could only get about 3 feet from him. Your brothers got to meet him and gave him one of your T shirts, maybe he'll wear it bike riding but he turned it over and read your name off the front out loud. There were allot of your friends there from 11 and Riverside plus other departments and I ask that you continue to watch over them as well as all of us. On our way in and out of the Memorial Service on Sunday, Chicago PD had their group salute all of us which was nice of them. Your name on the wall is across the courtyard from Jeff's so you guys can watch over one another. I also met a woman who is a volunteer at the wall and is there just about everyday, as she passes she will be saying hi to you guys on a daily basis as a way of someone being there with you both. Keep watching over us all and know that we love and miss you so much and think of you every day.

Love Dad


May 17, 2005

I never met you, but I met your brother, wife, and kids this past weekend in DC. They are great and caring people. We all light a candle for you and the vigil and raised our glasses high, several times in fact. Hearing of your death hurt me twice as bad. Not only were you my brother in blue, you were my Airborne Brother. I know of one thing though, Heavens Gate is safer now, because God has another Paratrooper standing watch. I'll look for you when my time comes, on that great big DZ in the sky. Until that time comes, you will be missed here. I will wear your memorial shirt proudly and never tarnish it's image. Rest in Peace Brother.


Mitch Hardin D-1
Oakland County Sheriff's Office

May 17, 2005

Dear Mike,

I never met you in person, but I did get to meet your beautiful daughter, Grace. I was honored to be able to care for her during the National Police Week activities. She is truly a great little girl and so pleasant spirited. I was also at the Cubs game versus the Nationals during Police Week and was extremely pleased that they honored you during the game and had the Color Guard from your department display the colors. Your Mom said you were a big Cubs fan. Please know that you will be forever remembered and reflected in beautiful Grace,


May 15, 2005

I never met you, however I know you died doing what you loved, helping the people who couldnt help themselves. As a "real cop," I know you are in a better place now. To the family, I offer my prayers to you. Im from Minnesota and love the city of Chicago. I am now considering becoming CPD, and could only hope to be half the man Mike is.

Police Officer
Atlanta Police

May 4, 2005

I knew Mike Gordon.He was a good man and a fine police officer.

April 30, 2005

On Monday, 25 April 05, Officer Michael Gordon #18751 was memorialized at a Cubs rooftop event. On behalf of the attending members of Lombard PD, it was an honor and a privilege to be in the company of the fine Gordon family, his genuine friends, and his great law enforcement brothers and sisters. We'll never forget that evening and we'll NEVER forget him.

Ofc. G. Klunk
Lombard PD

April 29, 2005


It was great to be a part of another incredible event for you. Everyone had a great time. It also felt good to spend some time with your family and your friends from the 11th. I saw Gracie and she is just beautiful. I won Cubs tickets in the raffle and when I'm at Wrigley Field on that day, I will make sure that everyone that will listen to me knows why I'm there. Michael, I miss so much and I do promise that I will do my part to make sure you are remembered always.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

April 26, 2005


Just got back from the Cubs Rooftop benefit. Everyone had a great time and in your words, "Dude, totally awesome." All your friends from 11 were there, some still have the black morning bands on their badges since you passed last August, a great tribue and show of friendship since they are only suppose to be on for 7 days and then again in May. We had your picture up on the bar so you could watch everyone and the game and yes, the Cubs even won. I got a rendition of your billboard in the mail today, HUGE picture of you going up in the neighborhood. Spoke with some of the guys, they are going to keep an eye on it. Who would have known that one of the first pictures I took with my new camera of you in uniform last May would be the one that was immortalized on everything from buttons to plaques to a billboard of you. As you can see, you will never be forgotten son. I can not tell you in words how much I miss and love you. Say hi to Jeff as he's your new Sgt now and tell him that we think of him also every day. Love Dad


April 26, 2005

What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pike

Mike: You will NEVER be forgotten!

Laura S
Riverside PD

April 23, 2005

To All the Officers of the 11th District

I have a special request for all of you while you are out on patrol in the District. Beginning on April 25th or 26th, Cook County will be honoring Mike by placing his picture on a Bill Board on Western Ave near Fillmore. Please keep a special watch on it as you know how that neighborhood can be at times, we don't need a mustache drawn on Mike's face. All of you be safe out there. Mike, you have not been forgotten and never will.

Love, Dad


April 22, 2005

To All Michael's Family Blue

I heard that some of you are still having some guilt feelings about Mike. Please don't feel that way. None of you caused this nightmare, it was the individual that killed him. If the City wants to give you awards, promotions, new duty assignments, etc, take them and know that Mike is proud of you because thats how he was. He is out there on patrol every night with you because you know he loved being the "Real Police" as he called it. When stuff starts hitting the fan out there, ask him to help you out. I want to thank each and every one of you for being there for him as he was there for you. I consider each and every one of you my sons and daughters and I'm always here for you if you need to talk to someone, no matter what time of the day or night it is. I ask only one thing from you, just don't ever forget Mike. Please be Careful Out There and remember as Mike would always say, "The Best Are From the West." Love Dad


April 21, 2005

Hey Mike,

We had Cullen’s birthday party last weekend and everyone had a really good time. Cullen told all of his friends from his class that he wanted a metal baseball bat, so he ended up with five of them. He thinks he’s in the pros now. He keeps saying he’s just like Babe Ruth. It’s hilarious. The boys play baseball in the backyard everyday after school. Sometimes the neighborhood kids join in but mostly it’s just the two of them. No windows have been broken yet so I can’t complain. They keep saying they can’t wait until this summer. They want to play ball with their Uncles in Chicago. Cullen says he’s gotten so good at batting because you’re in his heart now and you were such a good baseball player. I’m just waiting to see what other traits he says he gets from you! :-) He told the counselor that he was all better because he can talk about you now and not feel so sad and that you eat whatever he eats because you’re in his heart. It was really cute. Malik still doesn’t talk about it. He’s taking everything differently. You know how he is; he always acts like he’s a grown up. Do me a favor and keep and eye on him. Although I know he’s strong he’s still our baby boy and I know he really hurts.
They are both growing up so fast. I don’t want to take my eyes off them. I’m afraid I’ll miss something. Malik lost another tooth on Saturday but it wasn’t even loose on Friday. I told him I wasn’t sure if that one was supposed to fall out and if it didn’t grow back I would buy him some glue. He was scared. He wrote a letter to the tooth fairy asking if he could keep his tooth just in case a new one didn’t grow and whether or not the tooth was supposed to have fallen out to begin with. I finally broke down and told him I was only kidding but he couldn’t keep pulling out his teeth for money. I don’t think he believes me, but I don’t think he’ll be pulling anymore teeth out before they’re ready.
The boys entered a safety poster contest from work. They both had to make a safety themed picture with a safety related caption. Malik drew a picture of a boy walking outside eating an apple that said, “Exercise everyday and eat healthy foods!” Cullen’s picture says, “Please don’t drink and drive and wear your seatbelt”. He came up with that one on his own.

Talk to you soon-

India S. Gordon

April 18, 2005

On March 27, 2005, the agency I work for experienced the loss of an officer, Sergeant Kevin Kight. Since the day of Kevins death, many emotions have come upon me, but none as bad as I am sure the Gordon family has been through. I was at Michael's funeral in Chicago, as that I am a semi-native of Chicago. I was extremely touched to see that Michael's father left a reflection.

Michael, you are not forgotten. Enjoy your patrol in the heavenly district, we will take the watch now.

Officer A. Foster
Panama City Beach Police Deartment, FL

April 15, 2005

Gob bless you and your family Mike. Class #1866 won't forget you.

Ofc. Chris Miller
Lake in the Hills P.D. PTI Class 1866

April 14, 2005


Thank you for your recent reflection on my late fiancée's memorial page. It means a lot that you were able to take time in the midst of your grief to reach out to me. After reading Michael's reflections on this site and his memorial site it's easy to see how great Micheal was. A "great" man could have only picked a "great" woman to share his life with. You were blessed to have him in your life even for a short time. Know that Michael lives on in your heart - today and everyday. As long as you continue to remember him he will not die. Treasure the memories and use the love you shared as strength to continue on in life.

Thank you again for reaching out to me Guin. I look forward to getting to know you better. My condolences to the rest of the Gordon family and the Chicago PD. If you ever need anything you know how to reach me.

Wishing you brighter and better days,

Jocelyne :)

Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancée of Deputy Sheriff Dennis Ray McElderry - EOW (01/03/03)

April 11, 2005

Hi Mike,

Looking through the many reflections that family, friends, co-workers and strangers have left you made me think of the short times we shared while you worked at Riverside PD and I worked at North Riverside PD. The times we talked while parked in the woods off of 31st/First Ave. You telling me your ambition to go to Chicago PD and my ambition to go to the Illinois State Police. Both of us finally reached our goal. I really enjoyed meeting you and working next to you! I learned somethings from you starting off that I still carry on.

I still keep you in my prayers!!!! Your picture hangs proudly in my squad car. You will be remembered by many this year at the Illinois memorial for you dedication to the career you and everyone in law enforcement has chosen. You have made the ALTIMATE sacrifice and for that you will never be forgotten!!!!!!

Take care and watch over us everytime we put on the uniform!

Trooper Edward Nowak
Illinois State Police

April 11, 2005

Hi Mike,
On Monday night(04/04/04) we honored Jeff at a Memorial Service and singing at a church in Asheville. From there we all gathered at the Sheriff's Dept. for a candle light service, the sounding of the tones and observed a minute of radio silence by all Deputies on duty at 22:11, the time he was taken from us. Blue candle lights filled the windows of the dept. We gathered around the memorial stone the Dept. has placed in his honor in front of the Dept. A large picture was placed behind the stone. We know Jeff was watching and we hope you were with him. There were so many tears and broken hearts. Our hearts go out to you parents because we know they still have this heart breaking time before them. God Bless you Mike. We will be with your parents in D.C. as we honor you and Jeff. Understand the tears as they fall. You will never be forgotten.
Patricia Hewitt
Mother of Jeff Hewitt
Sgt. Buncombe County Sheriff's Dept.

April 7, 2005



April 6, 2005


Can't believe it, but our old house in Cicero is up for sale. Heather, the boys and I took a trip to the old neighborhood to check it out. It really brought me back looking at the old place. I know that if you were here you'd be rallying us together to buy her.

While it was great to reminisce, your loss hits home all the more. I miss you Mike, and I struggle every day trying to understand why you were taken from us. Maybe someday I'll have some answers. I love you baby brother.

John Gordon

April 5, 2005


Thought I'd drop in and pay you a visit. Your son Cullen turns 6 today, how time has seemed to gone by so fast. I can still remember him as a chubby little baby. He went to a Cubs practice game yesterday out in Nevada, he was so upset thinking they were going to lose, but the Cubs pulled out a win so he was happy. He said you were with him at the ball park. Your brother Bob had his baby last month, you have a niece. John Jr. talks about you when he is here as we have your picture just about in every room of the house. Little Alec for just being over one yearold knows you as all you have to do is ask him where is Uncle Mike and he points to your picture. I can't tell you how much we all miss you. Every day is a real challenge to get through. Please watch over the kids including your niece and nephews. Try and comfort Guin, Mom and your brothers. Yes, I'll have to include myself as I have to admit I may be the worst. Really not looking forward to May as we have all kinds of Memorials to attend, but we are doing it for you as a tribute. Take care, we love and miss you so much.

Love, Dad


April 3, 2005

Hey Mike,

The boys had a fun-filled Easter weekend. I took them to an Easter egg hunt at a friend’s house on Saturday night. It was one of the coolest things. They hid all of the Eggs in the backyard after the sun went down and then sent all of the kids out there with flash lights to find them. They really enjoyed themselves. Another thing that was good for the boys was that my friend had her two nieces and nephew visiting from California. They are 12, 9, and 6 and they lost their mother to cancer back in December ‘03. Even though it wasn’t due to the same circumstances they got to see that they are not the only kids, aside from Gracie and David whose parent has been taken from them.

I never told you about Cullen’s report card. He did really well. The teacher said that he still has some issues with his impulsiveness but she is enjoying getting to know him. His grades were all E’s and S’s. He’s starting to read and he is very good at spelling words phonetically. The teacher said he is right where he needs to be.

Malik made the Honor Roll again. That makes it two trimesters in a row! He received another certificate and will get to go to a pizza party at lunch when Spring Break is over. He is excited and we are all very proud of him. He was worried that he wasn’t going to get it this trimester; you should have heard him talking about getting a “B” as if it was an “F”. He still says he’s doing it for you and I make sure he knows you’re proud.

Cullen’s birthday is coming up next Sunday. I ended up getting tickets to an exhibition game on April 2 between the Cubs and the Mariners. They are horrible seats, but they will be shocked. Would you believe the tickets sold out within 45 minutes? I guess there are a lot of Cubs fans in Las Vegas. So we will celebrate his birthday on Saturday at the game and then maybe follow it up with bowling or Joe’s Crab Shack. We are not going to have his actual birthday party until the following weekend. I figured we would wait until April 9 that way all of his friends from school are back from spring break so they can come. He wants to have his party at home, but I am trying to convince him that Chuck E. Cheese is still cool. I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle all those little kids running around the house.

Talk to you soon,


India S. Gordon

March 28, 2005

Happy Easter Mike. We miss you terribly. We'll have the candle lit at dinner tonight for you so you can find us. Love Dad


March 27, 2005

Happy Easter Michael. Please continue to watch over all of us who love you and miss you. You are forever in our hearts.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside Police Dept

March 27, 2005

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