Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Officer Gordon,

Everytime I visit your site my heart just breaks even though I never met you. Reading the memories on this reflection and stories told by your family. You are an honorable man. May god comfort and guide your family..Keep watching them they really need you.

Wife of a Chicago Police Officer

August 7, 2005

Although I never met you I pray for you and your family often. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten, You will forever be a hero. Please watch over the guys and be their angel now. We know you and Jon are probably having a blast up there!

wife of a joliet officer

August 7, 2005

In the few years I've been visiting this site I've always been extremely moved by how each Officer touched so many other people's lives.

This site is a tremendous tool for me. I've often visited just to remind me how very dangerous our jobs are and how to learn from the misfortune that has befallen the brave men and women reflected here.

No matter how well trained we are it can happen to any and all of us. We all say, "It won't happen to us, it happens to other officers." I have no doubt that every officer on the pages reflected here thought the same thing. It does and can happen to any one of us at anytime.

Officer Gordon, thank you for your extreme sacrifice. Thank you for reminding me as I go out on patrol tonight to be more aware of my surroundings so that I may have a chance to avoid the reckless, drunk driver that doesn't care about anyone else on the road. In your death you've made me a better cop. I can't thank you enough for that. Please continue to watch over all of us from above. I look forward to meeting you when it's my turn to sit beside you in heaven. God Bless You.

Deputy Sheriff (Northern California)
Contra Costa County Sheriff's Dept.

August 6, 2005

On August 8th, Mike will be remembered in thought and prayer by the family and friends of Officer Bob Stanze who was killed in the line of duty on August 8th as well. God Bless you all and Peace,Officer!

August 6, 2005

Michael: I am thinking of all you guys today. I know from your Dad's reflections to you that this is a day to be recognized and remembered. You are forever in our hearts ---all you gallant heroes who lost your lives so needlessly, including my son Larry. Today was another wrenching day in California when our morning news was about another officer down. A Fish and Game Lt.was shot twice in the legs during a multi-force drug eradication sweep in the Santa Cruz mountains. I cried and cried when I first heard the news, but said such a prayer of thanks when I saw him waving from the helicopter gurney. His family gets to see again, and I so glad that brother in blue is not joining all of you today. Thanks to your wonderful father for remembering our Larry while he struggles with his own searing pain. Rest in peace. Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater, PPD eow 4/24/05

Phyllis Loya, Mother of fallen officer

August 5, 2005

August 5th.

Today makes it exactly one year ago that I last saw you, heard you laugh, tell us stories, play wiffle ball with the kids and your famous Pee Wee Herman impression on Ma's bike that had us all laughing. August is a bad month for me, today is my birthday and will always be remembered as the last time I saw you. The 8th is the anniversary of your death and the 20th for Gram Gordon, who really spoiled you when you were little. She always stuck up for you and you were there for her in the end which I really appreciate. We all miss you so much, there are no words for our pain and the many broken hearts that have been left behind. Please keep watch over your family, especially the kids. We all love and miss you and by the reflections being left for you by people that don't even know you are keeping your memory alive.

Love Dad


August 5, 2005

Everyday that I come to this website, its so hard to believe that the list gets longer and longer. I was friends with Jake Laird, who was killed 10 days after you last year.
From some of the reflections that people wrote, I can just imagine you and Jake up there making everyone laugh.
I just wanted to tell your family that you will never be forgotten. My family use to take trip to Chicago twice a year...Christmas time and summer. I miss the store windows at Christmas time and the summers I was always so mesmerized by all the police officers on horses, in cars on the street...
I read your days reflection about the "ghetto smell" I had to laugh bc I know exactly what he is talking about. Your family will be in the thoughts and prayers especially this next week. You are a true hero and will not be forgotten.
Please let your father know that I am so happy that he with the help of your friends were able to get that law passed. Thank him for his hard work, his dedication and his spirit!
God Bless!

August 4, 2005

Just wanted to send a little email to let you know my family and I always are thinking about Mike and his wonderful family. Hard to beleive its already going to be a year. Its almost seems like yesterday we were reading the head lines about the senceless tragedy that struck your family. God Bless and stay strong..Kristen Dunow and Family

Naperville Pd

August 4, 2005

To Michael. I was thinking of you today as I know your anniversary date is fast approaching. This is a hard week for your family, but then every week is hard. I was proud to see that the Michael Gordon Law was passed by the legislature in your home state. I hope that I can be like your father and do something of significance in tribute to my son. Michael, you and the rest of our crew are not forgotten and are always loved and honored. I am crying today for you, my Larry, Jeff Hewitt, Larry Cox, and Dan Niemi and all of other heroes in heaven. Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater, PPD eow 4/24/05

Phyllis Loya, Mother of fallen officer

August 3, 2005

You were a great friend and remain a true hero. We had a blast together in Korea, you really kept us laughing and made the tour go by quick. My heart goes out to your family. Rest assured that if I'm ever in a position to help them it's a done deal. I'm in the desert flying MEDEVAC again, but when I get out of here and back home I will visit you. In the meantime watch over your family and fellow warriors both Soldiers and Policemen. You will never be forgotten.

MAJ Mike Breslin
U.S. Army

July 31, 2005

"Michael Gordon Law"

Well Mike, the Governor signed the new law on July 26th and it will take affect on January 1, 2006. Anyone now driving in Illinois who is DUI, with No License and no insurance can now be charged with a class 3 felony. Entails up to 3 years in prison and a fine up to $25,000. We have allot of people to thank for it, starting with your ex bosses in Riverside, Chief Karczewski and AC Weitzel who went to the State capital with me to help push it through and the many hours of drawing it up, plus the support of the Illinois Chiefs Association who named it in your honor and other lobbyists who worked hard on this bill. Miss you and love you beyond words.

Love Dad


July 29, 2005

Mike you are very loved by all anf forgotten by none!

July 29, 2005


July 27, 2005

Thought I'd drop in and say hi. Notice I didn't say, I was thinking about you. Don't have to tell you that because I think of you every day, most of the day on and off. I've been trying to work with the boys teaching them baseball, my problem is they think I'm 20 years old and grampa can only do it for a little while. I bought them new baseball gloves, bigger than what you got them last year. I really did it to save the first gloves you bought them for later on. Whether they appreciate it or not, they will be available for them. Malik says he wants to be an Eagle Scout like you. I brought out the Scout manual and showed him how hard it is and that not many scouts make it, he said he would try. Guin came over with Gracie today, she is getting so big and for a preemie she sure is smart. No one believes she only weighed 2 lbs at birth when they see her. Keep watching over her, Guin and the boys for me. Also, your two brothers and Mom. I took the boys to Chicago PD Hqtrs to show them your star in the glass case. They couldn't believe there were so many, about 444 of them. Not hard to find yours as yours is the brightest and shinniest in your section. Thats probably because you were always polishing it. I had to laugh, when I got down there the boys were in the back seat and asked me what smelled, ever try to explain to someone what the ghetto smells like?, especially to a 6 and 8 year old. They couldn't believe that people actually lived in some of those buildings. I told them how their Dad worked near there and the area is very dangerous. As long as I am alive, I will never let them forget that you are a true hero. Well, better end for now, will be back on the 5th and 8th of August to pay you a visit. One of these nights I want to go down to the district with some coffee for the guys, not many of them left there, but I know its hard to find good coffee around the 11th District. Take care, love you and miss you.

Love, Dad


July 27, 2005

I thought of you, Larry, Jeff Hewitt, and Larry Cox especially today when I awoke to the news of another young officer being brutally murdered in San Leandro. Another family whose lives have been torn apart as their loved ones were senselessly taken from them. There are too many of us on this painful journey, but it does help to know that we are not alone. None of you are forgotten and all of you are loved. Phyllis Loya, Mother of Larry Lasater, Pittsburg P.D.

Phyllis Loya, Mother of fallen officer

July 26, 2005

mike, ive seen everybody here and talking with you and about you everytime we get together, but where's your ex-partner, has he even visited you. take care and remember us as we remember you

a partner, a friend, a cop


July 25, 2005

Hi Michael,
Aug 8th is coming up so quickly for all of us who are missing you so terribly. I visit your web page everyday just to see your great smile and to let you know that I am missing you so much. Please continue to watch over all of us who love you, especially your incredible family.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

July 25, 2005


I'm glad your close friends have not forgotten you. It makes me feel good to see they leave reflections and even the friend of yours from your District that I ran into at the cemetery paying you a visit. The one year mark is getting closer. To some people it may seem like yesterday this all began but to me if feels like a lifetime as each day I awake and miss your call early in the morning and asking me "What Ya Doin?" I remember all those stories we use to tell you guys back when you and the Cicero group were in scouts about the Indian Chief who sat beside the river bank waiting for his two sons to return from a canoe trip which they never did. They found the Chief in a sitting position dead of a broken heart. I just received a DVD the other day of you when you were 18 messing around with all the guys down at the Police Explorer National Conference in South Carolina. At the end you were holding the tail of hair you cut off the one explorer we had that use to hide it under his hat. I was the only leader down there with you guys, God, I must have been sleeping to miss all the roudy rough housing that showed up on the DVD that someone took a video. Another good memory for us that we will add to our cherished videos. WIll talk to you agin soon and thanks to all the friends that haven't forgotten you and the strangers that didn't know you and visit your site, thank you. You will never be forgotten.

Love Dad


July 23, 2005



P.O. LARA 19429

July 23, 2005

mike its almost a year and its still hard to believe that you just a second ahead of us, but thats an eternity down here and thats too bad for us. just know that a bunch of us are still crying for you and raising our glasses to heaven everytime we get together. take care.

your friend always

P.O. LARA 19429

July 22, 2005

Mrs. Gordon,
I left a reflection earlier, but I did not realize the poem did not transfer to the message, so here it is..
Your in my thoughts...

A Dads Poem

Her hair was up in a pony tail,
her favorite dress tied with a bow.
Today was Daddy's Day at school,
and she couldn't wait to go.

But her mommy tried to tell her,
that she probably should stay home.
Why the kids might not understand,
if she went to school alone.

But she was not afraid;
she knew just what to say.
What to tell her classmates
of why he wasn't there today.

But still her mother worried,
for her to face this day alone.
And that was why once again,
she tried to keep her daughter home.

But the little girl went to school
eager to tell them all.
About a dad she never sees
a dad who never calls.

There were daddies along the wall in back,
for everyone to meet.
Children squirming impatiently,
anxious in their seats

One by one the teacher called
a student from the class.
To introduce their daddy,
as seconds slowly passed.

At last the teacher called her name,
every child turned to stare.
Each of them was searching,
a man who wasn't there.

"Where's her daddy at?"
she heard a boy call out.
"She probably doesn't have one,"
another student dared to shout.

And from somewhere near the back,
she heard a daddy say,
"Looks like another deadbeat dad,
too busy to waste his day."

The words did not offend her,
as she smiled up at her Mom.
And looked back at her teacher,
who told her to go on.
And with hands behind her back,
slowly she began to speak.
And out from the mouth of a child,
came words incredibly unique.

"My Daddy couldn't be here,
because he lives so far away.
But I know he wishes he could be,
since this is such a special day.
And though you cannot meet him,
I wanted you to know.
All about my daddy,
and how much he loves me so.

He loved to tell me stories
he taught me to ride my bike.
He surprised me with pink roses,
and taught me to fly a kite.

We used to share fudge sundaes,
and ice cream in a cone.
And though you cannot see him.
I'm not standing here alone.

"Cause my daddy's always with me,
even though we are apart
I know because he told me,
he'll forever be in my heart"

With that, her little hand reached up,
and lay across her chest.
Feeling her own heartbeat,
beneath her favorite dress.

And from somewhere here in the crowd of dads,
her mother stood in tears.
Proudly watching her daughter,
who was wise beyond her years.

For she stood up for the love
of a man not in her life.
Doing what was best for her,
doing what was right.

And when she dropped her hand back down,
staring straight into the crowd.
She finished with a voice so soft,
but its message clear and loud.

"I love my daddy very much,
he's my shining star.
And if he could, he'd be here,
but heaven's just too far
You see he was a policeman
and died just this past year.
When gunfire hit the streets
and taught the community to fear.

But sometimes when I close my eyes,
it's like he never went away"
And then she closed her eyes,
and saw him there that day.
And to her mothers amazement,
she witnessed with surprise.
A room full of daddies and children,
all starting to close their eyes.

Who knows what they saw before them,
who knows what they felt inside.
Perhaps for merely a second,
they saw him at her side.
"I know you're with me Daddy,"
to the silence she called out.
And what happened next made believers,
of those once filled with doubt.

Not one in that room could explain it,
for each of their eyes had been closed.
But there on the desk beside her,
was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose.

And a child was blessed, if only for a moment,
by the love of her shining star.
And given the gift of believing,
that heaven is never too far.


Wife of an Indianapolis Police Officer

July 22, 2005

I didnt read the reflection very good or i would have saw the one responsible has paid the ultimate price. So many times the drunk or impaired driver lives after taking our hero's or loved ones away. I am sure he has had to stand before the man and explain what he has done. Sorry for my error.

Cpl Gary Mintz, Director Traffic Enf.
Henderson County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina

July 21, 2005

I try to read reflections sent to these fallen hero's because how special they are. I just dont know how the families can go on. I know everyone says it gets easier but how can it. I think of the familes often but by Gods grace i hope i never have to find out or leave my wife and kids to find out how to carry on. Officer Gordon i read you were friends with Sgt Jeff Hewitt EOW 4-4-04 with whom's agency i work the next county over. I hope the EVIL coward pays the ultimate for his crime and dont get a "dont do it again" speech and set free. Please know you will NEVER be forgotten. The city of Chicago and a greaful Nation will be forever in your debt.

Cpl Gary Mintz, Director Traffic Enf.
Henderson County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina

July 21, 2005

To Officer Gordon's family and friends:

I come to this website daily, to check in our friend Officer Bob Stanze EOW 8/08/00. When I saw that Mike died on the same day I felt an immediate connection to you all. It will be five years this August. Each day is still tough and sometimes a struggle to get through. We all do the best we can. Bob left behind his wife, 18 month old son and twins on the way. It brings us joy and sadness to watch these children grow up. We are so happy to have a part of their Dad with us always, but breaks our heart that they will never know or remember his hugs and kisses. I hope you know that people who never met you or your son keep him and his family in our thoughts and prayers. This year, when we get together on the 8th for our "Bob" day we will also think of Mike and his family. We will always remember.

Friend of Officer Bob Stanze EOW 8/08/00

July 16, 2005


I was just sitting here putting together a scrapbook of Marcus' awards and certificates and stuff from work. And before I knew it, I was looking back at the articles and mass cards and buttons with your sweet face on them. Almost a year and it just still seems so hard to believe. There truly is no sense to all of this, you were just taken too soon. And while I put together this album with letters, awards and the rest, I can't help but feel like it could just be filled with the articles about you. Because you meant more than the rest of that stuff, your life taught more to all of us than any course or class and unlike medals that tarnish and wear away, you will be cherished and shine on forever.

Guin, hang tough little girl.



Lauren Yanez
Wife of RPD Police Officer Marcus Yanez

July 10, 2005

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