Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Hey Mike,

I just wanted to take a minute to say hello and let you know how your boys are doing. We just got home from Chicago Saturday night. We were supposed to have come home on Monday of last week but Malik ended up with pneumonia and then to top that off Cullen came down with a cold. Your Mom and Dad took care of Cullen and Guin and I took care of Malik. Everyone was such a tremendous help. That was the first time I actually got to see what family’s all about.
I’m finally making the move to Chicago. Well, not really Chicago. I’m trying to get an apartment in Darien. I’m hoping to have everything done here and be there by the end of next month. I’m just sorry I couldn’t have done this a hell of a lot sooner so the boys could have spent more time with you before you had to leave, but I guess late is better than never. I keep thinking about all the times Guin, you and I talked about me moving there with the kids and how scared I was. My biggest fear was learning how to drive in the snow. How insane is that? I’m extremely excited. The boys will be surrounded by so many people that love them and it will give us all a chance to start fresh. They will be able to teach their baby sister and cousins all the bad things they have learned from their years of daycare and they’ll be able to teach baby Nikki all the wonderful words their Uncle Bob has taught them. It’s going to be great! The hardest part of all of this is waiting until it’s actually finished.

Wish us luck and please continue to watch over us all.

Talk to you soon,


India S. Gordon

August 24, 2005

Dear Michael Patrick,
Your Dad left a reflection on my son's page and I am tring to repay the honor and gratitude back that he gave to us. Matthew is and was the light of our lives as I can tell you are to your family. The Brotherhood of Law Enforcement is in a word amazing. I knew my son loved what he did but I never thought he would lose his life doing it. Mainly because he always said, "Mom, I'll be ok." And I believed him. From now until we are reunited with him in eternity we will honor him and his profession and all that walk the same walk--his Brotherhood in blue. God bless you and your family and your sacrifice for all of us.
Matt's Mom Forever

Linda Rittenhouse
Mother Of Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse E.O.W. 9/16/04

August 23, 2005

Your sacrafice has not been forgotten, Officer Gordon.

Our thoughts and prayers are with your family, friends and co-workers.

Sgt. Glen Biddiscombe, Jr.
Somerville, MA. Aux. Police Department

August 22, 2005


Sunday they had the Ride to Remember for the Chicago Police Memorial fund, 200 people rode in it and was a big success. Your brother Bob had his Harley with Guin on the back. Funniest thing is to see 200 bikers riding through downtown Chicago with all the traffic stopped and the riders all looking like hard ass bikers. Allot of your friends from the 11th Dist. were in the ride as well as other friends from Riverside and other departments. People should only know that most were cops. They say next year it will be bigger and better, think Mom will let me get a Harley? Didn't think so. Today the Illinois Chiefs of Police awarded Guin the Police Cross in your honor. All the medals will never bring you back and its hard for us to attend these functions but we do it in your honor. Keep looking down on the kids and Guin and your Brothers and of course Mom. Hey, she still fights for you as I know you saw the big argument she had at the cemetery with the woman in the office. Thats Mom. We love and miss you so much and there is not a hour that I am awake that I don't think about you. Say hi to Jeff for us, going to light a candle right now for the boys as you are all in my thoughts.

Love Dad


August 16, 2005

Hi Michael,

We went to the Cubs game yesterday and I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we had a really good time and the bad news is that the Cubs lost. We went to the game with the tickets that I won while honoring you. I thought about you alot during that game. Actually, I think about you all the time. I really miss you. I know your watching over all of us Michael and always know that you are loved by so many.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

August 11, 2005

To the family of Michael Gordon...your in our thoughts and prayers...

To Michael (and Jon) please watch over our police families and take care of them.

Good bless.

police officers wife

August 10, 2005


Your two sons will be leaving today and in a few days back to Las Vegas until maybe Christmas. There were times they drove me crazy and they think Grampa is 20 years old like yesterday. I took them to a ball diamond and pitched them league balls instead of the trusty rubber balls. The temperature was 95 and we were the only ones in the park, wonder why. Malik has great hands and can be a great infielder. He was so proud that he didn't make an error and caught all the ground balls that were hit to him. Cullen, well he can bat pretty well but will improve on his fielding with practice. He wore that little glove you bought him last year, said he wanted to use it as you got it for him. They had a pretty active summer. They went swimming a number of times, fishing, miniature golfing and even took in a Cubs game. They kept us on our toes when we had them with us thats for sure. We talked allot about you and they asked me if you were a good baseball player so I went up into the attic and pulled out your trophies, 1st place, 2nd place and even the MVP (Most Valuable Player) trophy. Malik still says he wants to be a Boy Scout and become and Eagle Scout like his father. I told him not many scouts reach that rank but he said he wanted to do it. I told him if he really wanted to and tried hard he could do anything. Malik helped me build a bench on the deck on my birthday. I taught him power tool safety and let him cut a few boards with the chop saw and work with some other power tools. He then asked me that if I can build things like we did, why didn't I become a carpenter instead of a police officer and that if I would have been a carpenter, you would have been a carpenter and you would not have been a cop and would still be here. I told him I often thought of that myself, but your dream was being a Chicago Police Officer (The real police as you call it). Pretty sharp mind for an 8 year old. I stressed how their father is a Hero and will never be forgotten and that you love them so much even though you are not here. Cullen says that you are in all our hearts, I said that was right. They miss you just as much as the rest of us do. Please watch over all the kids, Guin, Mom and your two brothers. I'm glad allot of your freinds stopped in and even others that didn't know you and left reflections. Talk to ya soon.

Love Dad


August 10, 2005

Mikey, As tears roll down my face I still struggle with what happened. I keep your picture above my desk so I can talk to you from time to time. As everone says you will and cannot be forgotten. We all love and miss you.

JJ Rodgers

August 9, 2005

My heartfelt wishes to the family and loved ones of Officer Gordon, that you may know that many are thinking of you and mourning your loss. I know you just passed the one year anniversary and, as all days have been since his passing, that day was extremely difficult too. One month, one year, five years, it will never be easy for us. My brother was murdered seven months ago today. I still feel like I am walking in a thick dream of unreality. I find solace in you, our extended family. I share your heartbreak. I am so sorry for your loss.

Sister of Howard Stevenson, EOW 1/9/05

August 9, 2005


I took the easy way out this year and got out of town for the "anniversary." However, thoughts of you were never far from my mind. Every time I saw a police car or saw Alec taunting his big brother John, I couldn't help but think of you and how lucky we all were to have you as a part of our lives.

Alec knows you from the picture we all wear around our necks. He was looking at the pendant today and I asked him if he could give Uncle Mike a kiss. I could almost hear your laugh every time that little boy picked up the chain to kiss it.

John Jr. is too smart for his own good and asks questions about you constantly. He found a penny today and asked me if I thought it was from Uncle Mike. That boy knows how to tug at the heart strings.

John's memory is unbelieveable as well. He was playing with Cullen a few weeks ago and out of the blue tries to pull Cullen's pants down. Thinking I have a weirdo for a son I start yelling at him and lecturing him. When I ask him why he did it he tells me it was because he saw Uncle Mike do it to Uncle Bob. I'm hoping he remembers more about you than just that.

I don't know how or when it started, but every time you and I would say goodbye to each other we would hug and say "love you bra." I'm pretty sure it started as a joke, but I'm glad it stuck. I was able to hug and kiss you goodbye that last time. The last time I would ever see or speak to you. No regrets. "Love you, bra!"

John Gordon

August 9, 2005

God Bless will never be forgotten. We had Mass today and finished the day off in good spirits at Ira's in your honor. Keep watching over are doing a fine job so far.

PO Camarillo
Chicago Police Department -011

August 8, 2005

Well Michael I'm not so happy that I have to write on this page given the circumstances. 1 year ago you were taken from us, either those who knew you or knew of you. I will light a candle for your memory today and leave it burning in your memory. May you rest in eternity and give the safety and guidance to your fellow brothers. We all miss you and I'm quite positive thier is not a day that passes without a thought of you in it.
Airborne...All They Way

Deputy R. Wright
King County Sheriffs Dept, WA

August 8, 2005

Mike, we all really miss you. Many celebrated your life today at Ira's. It was a fine tribute to you and your family. Take care brother and thanks watching over all of us from above...

Officer Andy Cuomo # 5853
Chicago Police Department

August 8, 2005

Michael: I wanted to acknowledge and honor your anniversary date today. You will always be our hero now and forever, and your courage, valor, dedication, and joy of life will always be remembered. I know that this day is especially sad for all your family members, and each and every one of them are in the prayers of our entire family. I read a reflection by another police survivor that referred to the first anniversary date as being the first birthday in Heaven. That is a nice image, and I know that you are with all your brothers and sisters in blue and that you are looking after us as you see us all struggling with missing each of you. When our fallen officers die, it isn't just that hero or heroine that dies, but a part of us dies too. Pride is forever and we are proud of you and your honorable brethen. Rest in Peace, dear Michael.
Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater,
Pittsburg P.D. eow 4/24/05

phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer

August 8, 2005

August 8th


The day has finally reached the one year mark. I have not been looking forward to this date and it seems so long ago that we last talked. Today we had a mass for you and a number of guys were there from the 11th District and others were there from Riverside. Mom had the priest after mass come to the back of the church where he said a special prayer for you and all the police personnel there and he then blessed all of them. We then went to the cemetery and others had been out there before us leaving flowers, one friend of yours from the academy left a beautiful statue of a little boy dressed as a police officer. I also heard that at the location of the accident a number of your friends were there and at the time of your death 5 squads pulled up with lights and sirens as a salute to you. Allot of people still remember you and always will, we love and miss you so much. I'll be back soon.

Love, Dad


August 8, 2005

Officer Gordon..1 year ago today you paid the ultimate - your family - friends & co-workers are in my thoughts & prayers..please watch over them & your fellow brothers/sisters in blue..

p.s..if you need a good laugh up there in you go..when i was living in IL (mooseheart to be exact), i had only been there 3 months when i got my first speeding ticket..the officer told me that i either had to give him the money for the ticket or give him my driver's license..well, i didn't know what to do (in MI we just get the ticket & mail a check to the court), so i told him to keep my license, not knowing that i would have to wait 10 days to pay the fine..i was headed back to MI for a i did what any other law abiding citizen would do..i drove to MI without a license :) being careful not to speed or bring any attention to myself while that i look back at is kinda funny's all good though (i still have my IL license too!)


girlfriend of a leo

August 8, 2005

Officer Gordon..1 year ago today you paid the ultimate - your family - friends & co-workers are in my thoughts & prayers..please watch over them & your fellow brothers/sisters in blue..

p.s..if you need a good laugh up there in you go..when i was living in IL (mooseheart to be exact), i had only been there 3 months when i got my first speeding ticket..the officer told me that i either had to give him the money for the ticket or give him my driver's license..well, i didn't know what to do (in MI we just get the ticket & mail a check to the court), so i told him to keep my license, not knowing that i would have to wait 10 days to pay the fine..i was headed back to MI for a i did what any other law abiding citizen would do..i drove to MI without a license :) being careful not to speed or bring any attention to myself while that i look back at is kinda funny's all good though (i still have my IL license too!)


girlfriend of a leo

August 8, 2005

Just to let you know we are thinking of you on the first anniversary of your son Michael's E.O.W. 8-8-04.

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

God Bless,
Al and Laurie Streicher
Parents of Stark Co. Sheriff's Deputy
Adam V. Streicher E.O.W. 3-22-02

August 8, 2005


We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name,
In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone,
For part of us went with you, the day God called you home.
You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide,
And though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.

--Author Unknown

I miss you Mike.
Nothing will ever be the same without you.

India S. Gordon

August 8, 2005

The Gordon family is in my thoughts and prayers on this sad day.

August 8, 2005

Mike, although I only met you once, it feels like I’ve known you for some time just by listening to all the stories about you from your fellow brothers and sisters from the 011th district. As one of your father’s former students, I remember him talking about you in class from time to time as well. I hope to join the ranks of your fellow brothers and sisters someday, and hopefully head to the great 011th as well – ‘cause “the best are from the west”, and them boys and girls are the best the CPD has to offer. Until then, keep watch over your family, and all your brothers and sisters in blue who love and miss you, and will never forget you. God bless.

Juan J. Macias

Juan J. Macias

August 8, 2005

You are in my thoughts every day and especially today my thoughts are filled with such mixed emotions. The tears that I shed for you today are with great sadness. I miss you so very much. Please continue to watch over your family and all of us who love you. I be back to chat with you in a few days. I'm going to the cubs game on the 10th in your honor. I let you know how we do.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

August 8, 2005

After reading these reflections I can get an idea of the kind of man you were. Thank you for your service and dedication. I will keep your family and loved ones in my thoughts as they go through this hard time. Help them by giving them strength to get through the day. You are having your first anniversary in heaven with all of the other officers.

Friend of Officer Nick Sloan

August 8, 2005

I just wanted you to know that we will be thinking of you and praying for you as Mike's 1yr approaches. We just had Nick's on January 30th. My father is still with the St. Louis Police Department. I guess it is true that it runs in the family. It sound like Mike and Nick were alot alike. Nick always wanted to be a policeman.

Even though I never met you or Mike, after this happens it seems like we are all in the same "family" that no one else can truly understand what this is like.

Just remember in the coming days that there are several people in Missouri thinking and praying for you.

Kelly Brown
PO Nick Sloan's sister EOW1-30-04

August 7, 2005

Dear Michel,
As I leave this reflection my heart is filled with grief for the pain and sorrow I know your parents are feeling. Just one year ago on the 8th of Aug. they lost you and their lives changed forever. Your parents are wonderful people. We met them in D.C. during the memorial services in May and we shared our grief. As we light a candle for Jeff we will also light a candle for you. Nothing can bring either one of you back but we can keep you both close in our hearts by honoring you in everything we do. We lost Jeff on 04-04-04 and it seems like it was just yesterday. Watch over your parents as they try to make it thru tomorrow. Let them feel your love as it surrounds them and help them find the strength they need to face all of the tomorrows to come. We grieve each day for Jeff and we pray each day for strength. Walk with Jeff and all of your other fallen brothers. You are all missed and loved so very much.
Parents of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt,
Buncombe County Sheriff's Dept., N.C.

August 7, 2005

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