Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Happy Thanksgiving Daddy.
We love you and we miss you.
Malik and Cullen

Malik & Cullen Gordon

November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving Mike.

Talk to you soon,

Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling into at night. I miss you like hell.
Edna St. Vincent Millay, Letters, 1952

India S. Gordon

November 24, 2005

Dear Police Officer Gordons Friends, Co-workers and Family~
Please know that the road we walk is never easy. The loss can never be portrayed completely, and the rationale will never be explained. I pray for you all this holiday season and I want to send much support to you as we walk this tumultous journey of grief. It is so helpful to know that we are never walking it alone.

To Mike's Dad (Mr. Bob Gordon)~
Thank you so much for your heartfelt reflection that you left for my husband. It means more than I can express in mere words to know that you are remembering the Sacrifice that has been made, along with your son and so many other fine officers. I see the reflections that you have left for other police survivors' and you are a shining example of what police "family" truly means. Since Bryan was killed right before Christmas, I still can't bring myself to celebrate. The only ritual that I participate in is Project Blue Light. Please know that I will add a light in Michael's honor and loving memory, here in San Diego, California.
God Bless You All~

Juli Verkler
Widow of Ptlm. Bryan S. Verkler EOW 12/13/03

November 22, 2005

Hi Michael,

The other night at work I found myself humming "Amazing Grace" all night and thinking about you. You are in my thoughts everyday and I miss you so much. Please continue to watch over all of us that love you.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

November 21, 2005

to the family of officer mike (especially dad)

thank you so much for the reflection on daniels page. daniel went to join our father in heaven 2 years ago and as time passes so do reflections. as a mother i know that the pain of losing a child does not go away it only changes. we are not the same as we were before. my prayers are with mikes entire family. daniel and mike are in very good company directing traffic in heaven.

mike - thank you for being the man you were.

kathe starks
mother of officer daniel starks
eow 10/25/03

November 20, 2005

The poem is actually the words to a Kenny Chesney song.."Who You'd Be Today". I just thought the general concept of the song reminded me of Officer Gordon and all others who were taken from us too soon. God Bless!

November 15, 2005

Sunny days seem to hurt the most
Wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
See your smile, I see your face
I hear you laughing in the rain
Still can't believe your gone

It ain't fair you died to young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowing, no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder, who you'd be today

Would you see the world
Would you chase your dreams
Settle down with a family
I wonder what would you name your babies
Someday's the sky's so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
And I know it might sound crazy

It ain't fair you died to young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowing, no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder, who you'd be today

Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know, I'll see you again someday

God Bless you Officer Gordon!!

November 13, 2005

To Michael:

On this Veterans Day, I honor your distinquished service to your country.

Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater,
Pittsburg PD eow 4/24/05

November 11, 2005

Dear Gordon Family,

My sincere and deepest condolences for the loss of Michael. I came to his page because his father left a reflection on Josh Blyler's page. I was engaged to Deputy Sheriff Joshua Blyler (EOW: 5.2.04). Every day without Josh is so difficult, as you all know from the grief you continue to experience from losing Michael. I know there aren't any words that can be said to heal the broken hearts. Just know that I understand the pain that comes from losing the person you love most in this world. My heart goes out to you all. Thank you, Bob Gordon, for leaving a reflection on Josh's page. May the Lord bless the Gordon family.

To Police Officer Michael Patrick will forever be remembered. Your memory lives on in the hearts of those who love you and in the hearts of those you touched. Thank you for serving and protecting while you lived on this earth. You will never be forgotten.


Kelly Gillain

November 9, 2005


Had the first Michael P. Gordon Foundation Fundrasier Wednesday night downtown in Chicago, was a great success. Over 200 people were there to support your memory including radio personalities and the Superintendant. Your brothers and Heather and the many volunteers on the committee did a great job. You would have loved all the sports stuff they had for the silent auction, including of course Cubs autographed baseballs, plus the Cubs Skybox, oh yes, and a skybox for the World Champion White Sox too. Your brothers and sisters in blue from 11 were there as well as Riverside, Cicero, Berwyn, Broadview, Brookfield and on and on. Also, have to mention that the Pipers from the Chicago Emerald Society played. Hey, even a Rep from Monster Drinks was there, your favorite all time power booster. Everyone had a great time. But, most important, two True Blue Hero Awards were presented in your name. One to a Chicago officer and the other to a Suburban officer. One of the officers you worked with sent a short little note to your brother John who read it before the award presentations and in part it said:

"Mike and I came on the job together
and worked together in the 011th Dist. and I couldn't think of a more worthy award representative of a more worthy guy. Mike was more than just runnin' and gunnin.' He ate, slept and breathed the police life style. He was first to work each day, hanging out in the locker room prepping his gear as well as his mind. He came ready do go. He seldom ate lunch, or missed an opportunity to get involved. He LOVED being the police and was damned good at it."
These aren't my words Mike, but those of one of your peers. We are all proud of you and can't tell you in words how much we miss you. Every day is a challenge for us, but we go on. People who have not lost a child, as you always would say, "Just Don't Get It." You will always be a part of us as long as we walk this earth. Your name will be kept alive through the Foundation and because of all the close friends who support your memory. We love and miss you. Many thanks to all those that support the Michael P. Gordon Foundation.




November 4, 2005

Hey Mike, I just stopped by to see what other good things people have had to say about you. The truth is of course, that no matter how many good things they say, there's always going to be thousands more that could be added. I hope life on the other side of the clouds is treating you well and continue to look down on Guin, your kids, your brothers and your mom and dad. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and the ultimate sacrifice you gave. God bless you Mike and keep up the good watch.

Brian Greenenwald

November 3, 2005

Hey Mike,
It’s been a little while since I’ve given you an update but things have been a kind of hectic. I’m sure you’d understand.
Let’s see, where I should begin?
I made my deadline. The boys and I made it out here before the end of September. Fifteen days before the end of September to be exact. They started school and I found a job all within our first week of being here. Mostly all of our household goods made it here in one piece and we love our apartment as much as anyone can love an apartment.
I bought the boys another kitten. Fiona needed a friend. The boys and I named her Fillmore "Flash" Gordon. She’s cute, but a pain. Go figure.
Malik loves the fact that she sleeps with him. I do too to be honest with you. She has stinky kitty breath!!! They are a perfect match.
The boys are enjoying the fact that they are so close to Grandma and Grandpa. Malik swears that the only person that can help him study for school is Grandpa. He says Grandma and I don’t do it right.
I do have some disappointing news for you. Cullen is now a White Sox fan!!! I knew how upsetting this news would be for you and I tried to talk him out of it but he just wouldn’t listen. Sorry, but how ‘bout those Sox? Did I mention they won the World Series? I’m not quite sure how the Cubs did this last season, I’ll have to look into it and get back to you. All I do know is they lost, A LOT! You know what they say `Wait 'till next year'.

Please continue to watch after us all.

Talk to you soon,

Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling into at night. I miss you like hell.
Edna St. Vincent Millay, Letters, 1952

India S. Gordon

October 28, 2005

For Michael's dad,

I just learned of the loss of your son. I'm sure he was a brave soul, and it seems as though you had a close relationship with him.

I am sorry for your loss, and my prayers are with you.

Detective Eric Johnston, El Monte PD (CA)
Son of a slain Police Officer

October 27, 2005

Dear Gordon Family,
Just wanted to let you know you are still in my thoughts and prayers. We will never forget the sacrifice that was made.

Love and Prayers,
Tracie & Taylor

Tracie Hewitt
Wife of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt EOW 04/04/04

October 26, 2005


You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. You are still and always be apart of our daily conversations. On Nov 2nd, your family, friends, brothers and sisters in blue will be getting together to honor you and 2 other "True Blue" officers. I know you will be with us Michael, as you always are. Keep your family and all that love you safe.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

October 24, 2005

"Sons are a heritage from the Lord...A reward from Him."

Psalm 127:3

Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Officer Matthew Rittenhouse

October 20, 2005

I just wanted to say hi I met your dad at the memorial and go by it about two three days week and say hi I will always rememberd what you did

Mary cocke
uspp civilian animal caretaker

October 16, 2005

Dear Son,

Today is your nephew Johnny's 5th Birthday, you know who some of us will be thinking about on and off while we are there - You of course. I've been told to move on with my life by people and that you would want me to stop grieving. As you would say, "They just don't get it." I have gone on with my life the best I can. People just don't know or understand what it's like to lose a child. How long will I grieve? For as long as you are gone, thats how long. Me and Mom put a glass pumpkin out at the cemetery for you half filled with the candy you liked, "Mike & Ike's". The jar is now about 1/4 full, so people have been eating it. The jar has an air tight top so it stays dry and fresh. Got the area all around you cleaned up at the cemetery, but then again yours looks like Arlington Cemetery, neat, trim, clean. Thats the least we can do for you. Allot of people come out to visit, even the grounds keepers know me now and appraise me as to who comes out. They've been great to us, the grounds keepers that is. Well, time to head off to the party, we all miss and love you so much. Keep watch over the little ones for me.

Love, Dad


October 16, 2005

Dear Dad Gordon,
I check into Michael Patrick's page often and I always see the reflections you leave so faithfully for other families, us included, and I hope
you know what strength and comfort you give with your words. I read the legacy of law enforcement that is in your family and marvel at it. Matthew's great-grandfather was an officer in Washington D.C. but had to retire with a medical disability before Matthew was even born, there are also a couple of distant relatives that are in law enforcement that he never really knew but he always said he was going to be a policeman. It's like it was truly in his blood. He so loved it. I miss hearing his stories and seeing him in his uniform. I just miss him.
Thank you for being so strong in your promise to never forget any of these precious ones we have had to give up here.
Linda Rittenhouse
Matt's Mom
Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

October 10, 2005

We re not related by blood, but are brothers in blue. In your military and police service, you upheld honor and gave this country what perhaps some take for granted, but not all. A soldier and police officer, you were cut from a very fine cloth. May your father, brothers, wife, family, friends, co-workers know that the pain of your absence is understood. May God Bless you, and may Micheal's spirit be there to protect and comfort you as you look forward to the day you will all meet again in Heavens's Roll Call room.

Maryland Police Lt

October 6, 2005

Today was one of the hardest yet. The whole day I've just though about what we were doing exactly 3 years ago. How handsome you looked in your tuxedo. I remember how nervous you seemed at the beginning of the day... but by the time we were at the reception you looked happier than I had ever seen you. Gosh it was a perfect wedding darling, everything about it was wonderful. I'm so grateful for all of those memories.

I wish I were spending the day with you, celebrating instead of being alone morning the years I won't have with you. I keep trying to tell myself to just be happy with the time I DID have with you, but sometimes it's so hard to stay strong. The kids keep me going and when even that's not quite enough our family and both blood and blue have help get me over the rough spots.

I miss you sweetheart.

Guin Gordon

October 2, 2005

To Mike and his family:

I am glad to see that Mike's sons have moved closer to his grandparents. I know that they treasure the moments they have with the kids, even if they are exhausting.

Today I was looking at some of my Larry's childhood momentoes, and thinking about how I can share those with Cody as he gets old enough to understand the drawings, poems, etc that his Dad made when he was a little guy. I bet the Gordon family is like ours... when we saved them, we never realized it would be one way of teaching our grandchildren about their fathers and keeping that memory shining brightly. With the bodies of our lost children gone, we have to keep their soul and spirit with us and most importantly, share it with the children.
My heart breaks at the thought of all these children who have been left without their father or mother. May God and our angels in blue watch over all of us.

October 2, 2005


It's been over a month since I left a reflection to you. I usually stop every day to see if someone has visited your site to leave a message. Today would have been your 3rd Wedding Anniversary. How happy everyone was 3 years ago today in Vegas at your Gangster style wedding to Guin and of all places, at the Flamingo Hotel. Your two sons are now living about a mile away from us, they keep us really busy when they are here. They miss you as much as we do and when they are with me I try and tell them a story about you when you were young or show them something you made or a report you did for school. We are keeping your memory alive and you know we will never forget you. You have been gone for almost 14 months, to me it seems so long ago but your wedding seems like just yesterday, figure that one out. Every day we think of you as you can not drive down the street without passing a squad car or seeing a Jeep Wrangler, how you loved that Jeep. I have a new project at the cemetery. Your monument and area around it is kept like Arlington Cemetery and those around you are very shabby. Well, each time I go out there I try and clean up at least two grave sites around yours. I've completed about 20 so far and I don't mind because most are military veterans or their family members. I've gotten everyone around you and am branching off. Your mother, like usual, makes more work for me by finding some really run down ones and points them out to me. Well, I'm headed out to the cemetery for a visit with you and to clean up a few more sites. We all love and miss you terribly. And like it says on the plaque the Chicago FOP gave us says: "Always in our hearts, always in our words, forever young, forever blue. Our Guardian Angel." Hey, been thinking of getting another tattoo, maybe a portrait of you and I'm getting some grief on it because they say what if I get all wrinkly with age, your face will age, ha ha. Take care son, love and miss you.




October 1, 2005


P.O. LARA 19429

September 27, 2005

Michael -
I have come across alot of postings done by your father on other officer's odmp pages. I had to come to your page today and see who you were and who and what you represented. I lost my Fiancee almost two years ago, and I was saddened as I read your page. Another wonderful life that was taken and it is so sad to comprehend sometimes. I am orignally from the Chicago aread and although I never met you - I thank you for the job you did in protecting the city. Only God knows why you were taken and while that doesn't provide any comfort - I know you have met Daniel and he is showing you around.

May your family and friends take comfort in knowing you are safe.

My thought are with the Gordon Family -
Jessica Ruhl
Fiancee of Police Officer Dan Starks
EOW 10.25.03
Ft Myers PD - Florida

September 16, 2005

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