Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

I was very glad to see the law passed in your honor. God bless you, your family and all at the CPD. Please watch over all of us. REST IN PEACE brother.

Det. Tony Brisinte
Orange Co Sheriff / Orlando

January 4, 2006


I was on a talk radio station in Chicago yesterday talking about your life and "Michael's Law" that went into affect on January 1st concerning drunk drivers. The host referred to you as "Super Cop" she didn't get that one from me but from one of your peers. Now for the good news, I stopped in Riverside today, spoke with allot of your friends there, would you believe they made 141 DUI arrests last year? Not bad for a town with 12 patrol offficers. I also heard the race was on as to who was going to make the first arrest under "Michael's Law" but Chicago PD made one this morning and beat them out. They came close, had some realy tiny girl under arrest for DUI and she destroyed the booking room. I guess those little packages are loaded with dynamite. She stepped up to the breathalyzer and ended up pushing it off the counter onto the floor. She got nailed with the Criminal Damage charge. I believe a new one is going to end up costing her in the neighborhood of $10,000. I also stopped at Scout Headquarters today and they were all talking about you and the first Police Explorer Post you were a member of. If we could only go back to those days. I was sent a short DVD make froma video of you guys acting up when we were all down at the National Explorer Conference in South Carolina. After viewing it, I wonder where the heck I was when all the stuff on the video was going on. Nothing really bad, except the part where you guys scalped the one explorer we had in the post with a tail and there you are standing there holding it in your hand, a 6" tail all braided. Well, better end. Keep watch over the family, say hi to Jeff. I'm sure you two have all kinds of war stories you are exchanging, the good ones you would never tell us about. We think of you every day and miss you.




January 3, 2006

Dear Mike,
Think of you every day. On Christmas my family and I released a blue balloon in your honor. Each member of our family released one in Jeff's honor, each one carrying a personal message attached. We included one for you with a message of love and caring. There were about 30 released and we watched as each one rose toward heaven! The thin blue line went on forever. I know your mom and dad are really going thru alot of pain because we are going thru the same. Watch over them and take special care as they work thru their grief. Heaven has so many of our precious sons and daughters and only God knows the reason why. Keep watch with Jeff and guide us all as we try to make it thru each day without you both. Today I copied over two hundred printed pages of Jeff's reflections and we'll cherish each and every one of them because we know they come from the hearts of all who have placed them there. I've placed each sheet in a sheet protector and placed them in a notebook . Each day I'll update it as I visit his reflection. We'll read them many times over as the weeks turn into months and the months into years. I know your parents and friends feel the same as we do. What a blessing to be able to visit this site. What a comfort to read the words written there. I can so clearly see you and Jeff and you stand watch over us. God bless your parents.
Mother of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt
Buncombe County Sheriff's Dept.
Asheville, NC

January 1, 2006

Happy New Year, brother...I miss you terribly!

John Gordon

January 1, 2006

Hey Mike,

I wanted to take a minute to say Happy New Year and to thank you for everything. Things seem to be going really well for the boys and me and deep down I feel like I have you to thank. Without you on my shoulder who knows where I would have ended up. I just hope I’m making you proud.

Please continue to watch after us all.
We miss you,

"The only way to take the sorrow out of death is to take love out of life."
Author Unknown

India S. Gordon

December 31, 2005

Hi Michael,

Last night a bunch of us celebrated my Birthday and we had a shot of Jamison sitting on the bar until the end of the night in your honor. Every toast that was made included you. At the end of the night, we passed the shot around each of us taking a sip. I know you were with us last night and I know you will always be watching over us. Thank you for sharing my Birthday with me Michael. Happy New Year!!!


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

December 31, 2005

Happy New Year Mike,

It's New Years Eve and you know all the nuts will be out in the city tonight at the stroke of midnight shooting those guns up in the air in your old district and the guys will have to roll on all those shots fired calls and deal with the intoxicated revelers. Keep watch over them and protect them from harm. Me and your two brothers were at Police Headquarters yesterday at a news conference with the CPD Superintendant supporting the Michael Gordon Law that takes affect tonight at midnight concerning drunk drivers. Allot of people helped get it passed, it won't bring you back but it gives law enforcement in our State a little more to go after the bad guys by making it a felony to drive drunk with no license or insurance. Me all miss you and think of you every day. Not an hour goes by that I don't think about you and wonder where you would have ended up in your career as you had such drive, promise and ambition. You loved, ate and slept being the "Real Police." Please watch over the kids, Guin, your brothers and Mom. Don't forget the guys on the West side tonight too. I love and miss you.

Love, Dad


December 31, 2005

Merry Chirstmas Michael! We think of you today and everyday.I never had the pleasure of meeting you but through your reflections I feel like I have. I think of you and Jon Walsh every day, you were both loved by so many! I wish your family happiness and peace in the new year. May you never be forgotten....

joliet police department

December 30, 2005

whats up brother, just because sometimes we get lazy, doesnt mean your not in my thoughts. want you to have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. make you ride with us on new years eve cause were gonna need you on all our shoulders. take care and paco is still scared.


p.o. lara 19429

December 25, 2005


Merry Christmas. Last night the family was toasting you with shots of Jameson, would you believe even your Grandma Puf had one. It seems like we missed you more this year than ever before. We really don't look forward to the holidays without you here but we go through with them for all the kids, especially the little ones. Please keep watch over the family and all those still out on patrol. We all love and miss you beyond words.

Merry Christmas, Love,


December 25, 2005

Mike, Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thanks for watching over us brother.

Andrew Cuomo
Chicago Police Department

December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas Michael. I miss you everyday. Please continue to watch over all that love and miss you. You are always in my heart.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

December 24, 2005

Dear Michael Patrick,
We are remembering you this day and your family. I know you are as proud of your daddy as he is of you. He is such a source of comfort to all of us and so faithful to leave a note. We decorated blue trees at our business and the police department in honor of all of you who gave all for us. We send our love and gratitude.

Matt's Mom
Linda Rittenhouse

December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve 2005. Hope you and all the other police officers are having a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year while watching down on yout families. Please continue to watch down on your wonderful family so they can make it through another year. You meant so much to them. God bless. Take Care

Kristen Npd
Naperville Police

December 24, 2005

Dear Mr. Gordon,
Thank you for your thoughtful reflection on my son Jay's memorial page. It touched my heart to read your kind words and to know that others remember Jay.
We light blue lights in our windows every night in honor of Jay, Michael and all of their colleagues who now rest with God. Michael was a courageous hero who died much too soon. We shall not forget him.
May this Christmas bring you and your family moments of peace and time to share precious memories of Michael.
Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04

December 23, 2005

Officer Gordon..wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR! hope you & the other fallen heros have a great time celebrating our Lord's birth..

please be with your family so that they maybe able to make it through yet another holiday season without their beloved son - husband - father & cousin..

Mr. Gordon..i would just like to say that i believe loosing a child is worse than loosing a keep grieving for him as long as it takes you..never mind what other people say..while i haven't expierenced what your family is going through..stay strong & know that Michael is with each & every one of you..


girlfriend of a dpd
detroit, mi

December 23, 2005

To The Family, friends and extended family of Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon
Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers this holiday season.

To Dad Gordon,
I have read several of your enteries to your son, they have touched my heart and I have shed several tears for you and yours. One of the reflections you made mention that people have said to you that you need to move on and all.
I lost a son almost 10 years ago, (ten years in june of 2006). He was not an officer he was a baby,,, I grieve for him everyday, somedays are easier than others but I still grieve. Always in my hearts and sole,, You take your time,
from what I have read you are going on, but always including him in what you do. Know that Michael's badge has grown some Wings and he is walking the Heavenly beat.Keep you, your family and his extended family safe. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers this holiday season and always..
Laura Morgan St.Johns Co.So.
[email protected]

Laura L Morgan
St johns co so , St Augustine Fl

December 15, 2005

Thank you for your service, I hope that your friends and family will find peace with time, Rest in peace, A hero never dies.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called the sons of God"


December 10, 2005

Mike & family,
I've left other reflections here for you and your family and I wanted to leave another one. I am now 1/2 way through the Chicago Police Academy and some of my instructors are guys that work in your district. When I see their name tag with the district# on their uniform shirts I always think about P.O. Mike Gordon. I always say a prayer when I do my integrated exercises at the academy and look for guidance on doing the right thing and being the caliber officer that you were. I heard a lot about you and I wanted you and your family to know that you will never be forgotten and us guys at the academy keep you in our thoughts and look forward to doing the job that you did so well.

In my prayers and along with our recruit class,

CPD Class 05-3C

CPD Recruit class 05-3C

December 7, 2005

As the holidays season approaches your family is in my prayers. My family has placed a candle in are window with a blue bulb in remembrance of your loved one Michael. God Bless..Dunow family

Tco Kristen
Naperville Police

December 7, 2005

I love you Dad and wish you were still alive, but time passes and God needs you. I am being good in school. I have been sick but am getting better.

Love Cullen


December 2, 2005

Dear Gordon family and friends, I visit this site every day praying that there will not be another name added to the roll call. Yet the list goes on and we all wonder why. Why should such wonderful public servants, friends,loved ones, and family members who do so much unnoticed, be taken from us. Why are the good taken when so many bad are left behind. I'm not sure there any acceptable answers to those question but I do know without our fallen heroes we could not have the freedom we have or the lives we and others enjoy. I know that they would not want us to give up or turn our backs. We will let everyone know that there are real heroes who have given their all protecting those will never understand the true meaning of courage.

Mike was a true hero, a loving member of a devoted family, a partner that was always there for his department and a man that knew what it meant to be a true LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. Our family will honor you always, thank you for your service, courage and most of all your honor.

Son of G. Truman Wortham
EOW 7/15/73

Assistant Chief Carl Wortham Retired
Sand Springs Okla Police Department

November 28, 2005


November 28, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving Mike. We missed you and of course we told some Mike stories at the table. I never knew the time you got knocked off your bike when you were little and had it stolen was because your older brother made you go to the store to get him baseball stickers. I stopped at the cemetery today and don't know if you were sending me a sign or not. Was very quiet and out of the tree line came a Buck with a good sized rack, stood and watched me for a few minutes and it walked back into the trees. Deer are not unusual to see but a male with a rack like this one had sure is. Yesterday when I was going to pull out of the driveway a Jeep, exactly like yours, same color and everything was coming down the street, for a moment it felt like you coming to visit like you would do after court but it passed by the house and kept going. I have all the blue lights out on the outside of the house in your honor and all those who have paid the ultimate price while on patrol. Also, it is a salute to those still on patrol. Well, I'll let you go. You know we miss you terribly and always will. We will never forget you.

Love, Dad


November 24, 2005

I would like to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving and a safe Holiday Season. You and yours are NOT forgotten.


November 24, 2005

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