Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Happy Birthday Mike. We miss you like hell.

India S. Gordon

February 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Michael. I think about you everyday and you will always be in my heart.


Sheryl Plaermo
Riverside PD

February 20, 2006

Happy Birthday, Michael!!! I don't get a chance to stop by your memorial page to leave a reflection, but you and your family are always on my mind. Mom keeps me up-to-date, as she talks with your parents frequently. I can't imagine the fun you and Jeff are having. Just know that you are always in my thoughts.

Bob, Carol and Family:
I know today is difficult for you. It will be filled with laughter and tears, I'm sure! Try to remember the Birthdays past and the great times you had together. See that crooked little grin and know that Mike is with you always. I will light a candle tonight in memory of Michael.

Tracie Hewitt

Tracie Hewitt
Wife of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt EOW 04/04/04

February 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Michael. We love and miss you.


Mom & Dad


February 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Michael. Today my thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends. You, I am sure,are with God.

Anne (UK)

February 18, 2006


Another CPD officer joined you this week, Ptlm. Solorio, Star 13609. Your mother and I went to the wake, saw a number of officers we knew from when we lost you. It's really hard for us to go to these as we flash back to when we lost you and at that time we were really in shock and it didn't hit home until a little later. We all miss you and think of you every day and always will. Watch over the little ones and the guys still on patrol. We love and miss you. Will stop in again later.

Love Dad


February 17, 2006

Mike, its been a while since I have been here. You are remembered everyday and unfortunately you are joined by another one of us.


February 16, 2006

I just came home from a funeral for another police officer who passed away and all day I couldn't help but think of that summer day that we all put on our dress blues and bid you farewell. Mike, that summer morning in august that we pulled up to jackson and sacramento to see you there has many times played over and over in my head. I still remember thinking that while most people were hitting the hole trying to get some sleep as another rough night came to an end you were still out there doing your job. I remember standing there thinking that I had spoken with you only once. You were what many of us want to be, the real police. Because of you and unfortunately every officer that will come after you I kiss my girls every night that I go to work and I remind my wife how much I love her. Thank you Mike. Always in our hearts. See you someday brother so we can talk some more.


February 16, 2006

I just heard about this site the other day and figured I would check it out for the first time and felt that I needed to write something. As Commanding Officer of Recruit Training, I have been inviting your brother John to speak to the new recruit classes. Every time he comes, he gets choked up when he speaks about you and your dedication to your job and family. I must admit that it chokes up myself and the recruits as well. I had the pleasure of filling in as a visiting W/C in 011 while you were there. I saw the dedication and work ethic that you and your fellow officers brought each and every day. It was a pleaseure to have known you, and I just wanted you to know that you did make a difference, just as your brother John conveys to my recruits. Rest in peace, and watch over us. God bless.

Lt. Ronald Pontecore
Chicago Police Department

February 14, 2006

I had the honor of working a period with Mike in unit 353. Man, were they good times. I have many fond memories of the days we worked.I always looked forward to the days we partnered up, cause I knew we were gonna have fun.You helped teach me how to be the Real police. Super Cop. God bless, brother


February 14, 2006

Dearest family members of Officer Gordon:

Your beloved is standing guard over you, protecting you from above. He is reflecting all your love right back. He will never be forgotten. I am thinking of him and sending my family’s love and respect as you remember his birthday this month.

Carmen Stevenson
Sister of Sergeant Howard Stevenson, EOW January 9, 2005

February 13, 2006

what up? seems like everyday just flies by. things haven't really changed. andy, machine, and everyone else still trying to hide around to get that pinch, including me. you know how i dont run (get it), so we try to walk. taking one day at a time. paco is still scared.
take care and see you soon.


p.o. lara

February 12, 2006

February is here which means your birthday and your daughter Gracie's too. I remember that early morning call almost 2 years ago when you said it was time for her to arrive and we rushed to the hospital. For her only weighing in at 2 lbs, and all possible problems associated with being a preemie, she is doing okay so far. My college ring fit over her foot and up her leg at birth, now you can't get it over her toe. I can't tell you in words how much we all miss you. Every day you are in our thoughts at least once an hour. We tell stories about you or find things around the house of yours. The other day I found one of the center discs off your old Caddy. I remember how much you loved that car. I put the disc in the memory treasure box we have here at the house where things of yours that we find will be passed on to your children. Each article has its own little story. Some of them go back to when you were about 4 or 5 years old. I entered your name on the find a grave web site with your story and pictures. Also have gram and grampa Gordon on there and working on the other grampa. Some day some one will be doing genealogy work and find all our stories there, especially yours. People have been leaving notes and flowers for you already thanking you for both your police and military service. Time for me to run, please keep watch over the family for me, especially the kids, Guin, Mom as they need it the most. Me? Well, I'm holding up and hanging in there and taking one day at a time, thats all I can do. You know us macho cops right? Ha ha, that stereotype sure was proved wrong with me when we lost you. Take care, love and miss you.




January 31, 2006

I have visted the web site your Dad set up for you and read some of the reflections left on both sites. You are truely a hero and loved by many.

To Michael's family, on behalf of my daughter and our family, we wish you peace and love.

We will never forget them.

Carmen Petrelli
Retired Phila PD
FIL of NJSP Trooper Bert Zimmerman III eow 02-05-04

Carmen Petrelli
Retired Phila PD

January 27, 2006

Rest In Peace Mike, I wear my seatbelt 100% of the time because of you now. I've been on the job for 2 years now, the first police funeral I went to was yours, the second was a NILES police officer also killed in a car crash. I hope there are no more funerals, God Bless your family.

Police Officer Matthew Paulish
University of Illinois Chicago

January 21, 2006

Ofc. Michael Patrick Gordon

Sir, I come to this page always hoping to not find another brother added. In this life however there is a need for special people, Heroes, to be willing to go where few will. Your life is honored in sacrafice and service. Your family is honored in your leagcy of good things. Know that your brothers in Ohio will continue to honor your sacrafice by continuing the fight that you fought. God bless your brothers and your dad for walking this thin blue line with us. We all pray that our lives will one day echo the resounding bravery and honor yours has, Sir.....
"Poi si 'torno 'all eterna fontana."

Ontario Police

January 17, 2006

Just wanted to thank you Bob for leaving a reflection for Clint and my family. I seem to be on this site, probally more than I should, but all of these men and woman that have given their lives, I feel the need to learn about all of them. And I never will forget them.
Michael you have quite the family of LEO's, keep watch over them, I know they miss you. We will never forget you. Thank you for your service, I will be looking up, cause I know all of you are looking down.

Connie Barker
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04

January 17, 2006

You are still a hero not only to your family and the community but also to the people who never knew you. It takes pride, courage, dedication and most important the willingness to give your life for your brothers and sisters. I thank your father also for his service to the community. I just want to say I love and appreciate both of you. Michael for your sacrifice and Dad for making sure his sacrifice will never ever be forgotten!!!

Sharon Atkins, Identical Twin Sis of
Hero Sheila Herring Norfolk Police
EOW 1-16-2003

Sharon Atkins

January 16, 2006

"Michael's Law"


I stopped in Riverside today, they advised me that there were two arrests under your new law. Chicago PD made the first and Riverside made the second. Now all we have to do is get everyone else in the State on the ball. Chief K and Tom are going to work on that one for you. Hey, come on Illinois officers, if you stop in here and read this reflection, check out Illinois Vehicle Code, section (DUI Statute)
11-501 (c)(d), plus you grab their vehicle and if you win it through the forfeiture hearing, its yours to sell for your city or keep for your use.
If these DUI drivers run into marked squad cars, the general public doesn't have a chance out there. Officers across this country are being killed every year by these drivers who should not be out there. Was in the station talking old war stories with the older guys. Funny, once a cop it always seems you just can't get it out of your system. Some even slip and tell me some of your war stories from Riverside. Take care, watch over the family for me. We miss you and talk about you every day.

Love, Dad


January 13, 2006

To the family of Officer Gordon,

Thank you for your kind words and hearing those words from others who have gone through the same thing mean the most. You will be in our prayers and perhaps we will meet in Washington or at a retreat in St. Louis. Both were helpful in healing even though we will never be completely healed.

Faith Sawyers
mother of Officer Mark Sawyers EOW 6-04

January 13, 2006


Was going through some things and came across an old Fathers Day card you sent me from Bosnia when you were stationed there. The card said, "Dad, someday I hope to be as good a cop/detective as you are". I may have spent over 30 years in law enforcement and you, counting your military police career, spent 9. Son, you were a better cop than me. Each day is a real challenge for your mother and me but we get through it. We wear your picture button and people ask us who you are and we are proud to tell them all about you and always will. Keep watch over your family, especially the kids. We love and miss you.



January 11, 2006

Dear family of Officer Gordon,

I wanted to let you know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers as you begin another New Year without your beloved Michael.

And to Mike's dad, Bob - I read your reflections on so many officer's sites and I want you to know that your son is also not forgotten. Nor is the sacrifice he made.

To Mike's wife - I share your agony. My husband was killed in the line of duty 9 months ago, leaving me to raise two children on my own. This is a very, very painful journey that I never expected to take. I am comforted when I come to the ODMP and read about families - like yours - who have found the strength and courage to continue on. It gives me hope. Michael and Jesse are walking Heaven's streets of gold and are eternally safe in the arms of the angels. We will see them again some day.

I'm looking forward to meeting your family in Washington in May, when Michael, Jesse and all the other heroes who gave their lives in the line of duty are honored.

Thank you, Officer Gordon, for your service and sacrifice. May God bless you and may you rest in peace, Blue Angel.

Carin E. Sollman
widow of Officer Jesse E. Sollman, EOW 3/25/05

January 10, 2006

Going on in my 14th yr. o the job and i never wore my seatbelt on or off duty, since your trajedy I wear it all the time in yor honor and rememberance.May God Bless You and Your Family. Never Forgotten

Chiacgo Police

January 6, 2006




January 6, 2006

I didn't know you personally, but we shared - and continue to share - the same uniform. I actually spoke of you tonight over some coffee while we bs'd at the White Hen. How I was ashamed to say that it took the loss of a fellow brother to make me conscious about always wearing my seat belt. You will never be forgotten. May God watch over your family always.


January 6, 2006

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