Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day Mike. Your two sons are always talking about you and asking me questions. I am always willing to answer their questions about you. Your memory will never die as long as I am here. Love, Dad


June 17, 2006


Been a few weeks since I was here. I stop every day to see if someone has left a reflection. Last week me and Mom released ballons at our Bereaved Parents meeting, sorry for the red but they didn't have any blue. It was a night where there was no wind at all. The balloons went straight up and just kept climbing until we couldn't see them anymore. Think about you all the time, but I guess thats normal. I dream about you allot, sometimes twice a night but then I forget what most of them are about. Some are so vivid and real, I can even smell you in the dreams and yes they are in color and I have touched you and you felt warm. You're always laughing that funny distinct laugh of yours too. I find myself searching for you all the time, asking all the cops if they've seen you but no one ever wants to tell me anything. In one you actually were afraid to walk over a bridge that you and I were both answering an assistance call on and had to cross over it on foot, remember your thing with heights? I was kidding you calling you chicken and you were laughing that laugh. Now that summer is coming on, I think of all those camping trips with you and the scouts and explorers. All the trouble you guys use to get me into all the time. What a group. But, those are great memories that I will cherish til the day I leave this earth, thanks for those memories. Take care, will write again soon. Keep looking down on the family for me and protect all those guys still out on the streets in 11 and those friends that have moved on from 11 too.




June 14, 2006

Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice you made while protecting and serving your community. I salute you. You are a hero. My own dear son died in the line of duty the same year as you. I survive by living one moment at a time and its working. You see, I realize after such a tragedy that all one has is the moment one is in, and slowly but steadily the moments flow by. Hope comes with God's promise that we will spend eternity together in love and peace. You see, Heaven is more than we can ever imagine. I imagine being in Heaven with my son, his daughter, his wife, his sister, our family, and our friends in love and in joy and happiness forever; the way it was when my son was with us here on earth. And God's promise is that I can't even imagine how good its going to be. All I need is patience and His grace to press forward one moment at a time. I thank God for law enforcement officers. They are His warriors protecting and serving us. He gives them the heroes crown of glory because that's how I imagine it. Truely, it is an honor to be the parent of such a hero.

Carol Espinoza, Mother
Officer Isaac Espinoza, SFPD
EOW 4/10/04

May 31, 2006

Happy Memorial Day Michael!!! You are always in my heart and my thoughts. You will never be forgotten.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day Mike,
We all miss you and think of you every hour of every day. I recently ran across something that was written about losing a child it said, "When a parent dies, you lose your past. When a child dies, you lost your future." How true that is. This is your favorite weekend, every war movie ever made is shown over a 3 day period. We all know how you loved to watch war movies. Anyway, wanted to stop in and let you know that we are thinking of you. Say hi to Jeff for me. I know, he's an ex Marine, but we will forgive him for that, he's a vet and a cop. Watch over the loved ones for me.

Love, Dad


May 27, 2006

Hey Mikey, It's been a while since I said hello. Dont ever think I forgot about you. I think of you on the way to work, when I am with my family, and just periodically throughout the day. You are a good man! I look forward to the day when we meet again and we laugh our butts off. You would be very proud of your family and friends and how they are carrying on and that you are very close to everyone's heart. We all love you. Your buddy, JJ

JJ Rodgers

May 23, 2006

Keep an eye on my family bro.

Officer Luis Carrizal

May 20, 2006

Riverside Police Memorial May 20th, 2006

Riverside had their Meorial today. Your name was brought up numerous times and Bill Legg was made Officer of the Year this year. Myself and two others plus the Chief were awarded the Law Enforcement Award for getting your DUI Law (Michael's Law) passed here in Illinois. I was told last night I needed to give a short speech. Well, what better than to use than your epitaph that is written on your marker at the cemetery which gives your whole life. I wanted those that didn't know you personally to know just what kind of man you were. I got half way through my speech and then started to lose it but I made it. Numerous dignitaries were there, including our State Treasurer Judy, who is now running for Governor. Your two sons were there with me. I let them take pictures with my camera, have no idea how they will come out. Just as I was leaving, an elderly woman came up to me who has lived in Riverside for over 50 years and thanked me for giving so much to law enforcement, including my son. I didn't know what to say to her except your welcome. I just wanted to say that you have not been forgotten nor will you ever be. Keep watch over the family for me.




May 20, 2006

Police Officer Memorial Day - May 15th

I'm writing this on Mother's Day. Not a very good day for Mom. We were talking about a great memory this morning, the last Mother's Day you were here with us, May 2004. You came walking through the door with an antique typewriter that you had found in an antique store. Mom always wanted one to put out on display. You came walking in and said, "Look what I found." Both you and Mom were so thrilled. Only problem I had with it was you forgot to clean it up and put it on display in the living room. The next day I was out in the garage cleaning out all the old dry leaves that were caught in the bottom. We will never part with that typewriter; and it sits in the spot where you placed it. Monday is National Police Officer Memorial Day. I will be thinking of you all day, but when has that been different. I have the Black Memorial Flag out for you and all the fallen officers as a salute to all of you for your bravery and sacrifice. Every day is a real challenge for me to get through and most people just don't understand unless they walk in my shoes. I would never want any of them to have to go through losing a child or be a member of Gold Star, a group no one wants to have to be a part of. Take care, keep looking down on all the kids and all those that love and miss you.




May 14, 2006

Cook County Memorial

Just got back from the Cook County Memorial dedication in Cermak Park, Lyons. While you were working with Riverside you drove past the spot they will be building this monument hundreds of times. Hopefully, in two years it will be completed and will have your name along with over 620 others killed in the line of duty in Cook County. I met up with other Gold Star Families, members of a group that no one wants to be a part of. We do this to honor all of our fallen officers, even though the pain will always be there in our hearts, we have to keep your memory alive. I had tears in my eyes as I marched in the St Jude Parade last Sunday because people were cheering for us as they know our loss and it was a day to honor all fallen Chicago Officers. I know how much it meant to you to march in that parade. Your brother John marched in your place with the guys from 11. I got caught on video tape which was on the news yelling out as 11 passed, "The Best Are From the West." Your old favorite saying from working the famous West side of Chicago. You had the heart and being a military veteran knew what it was all about. Some police officers have no idea or even care about their fallen brothers and sisters and moan that they have to show up for the parade as part of a yearly inspection of their uniforms. Then there is the majority who know what its all about and want to be there to honor their fallen brothers and sisters. I hope I live long enough to see both the Chicago and Cook County Memorials finished and see your name there. Hey, even working on getting a brick outside Wrigley Field for you. We all love and miss you. Love Dad


May 10, 2006

Hey Mike-

Sorry it's been so long since I've written anything of substance. You know how crazy life can get.

Things are going pretty well here. I took the boys out to the Run to Remember with your Mom and Dad and they had a great time. They waited with your Mom at the finish line for John and me to cross. You should have heard the comments they were making. They are definitely your children and their sarcasm would have made you proud!

We also went to the Darien open house on Saturday. The boys got a chance to play with all the cool SWAT equipment and climb in and out of all the fire trucks, ambulances, and squad cars. You should have seen them with the Kevlar helmets. They could barely move their little heads. It was too funny. Cullen was wearing your button and he took it off and told me he didn't want to wear it anymore. I thought seeing all of the officers was making him sad. Come to find out he was just afraid they were going to ask him for it. What a goof.

We went to the St. Judes march on Sunday and Malik was running around taking pictures. It's very sobering to see such an event through the eyes of a child. Some of the pictures he took brought tears to my eyes. There's one he took that was a close up of your button that baby John was wearing. They really do miss you.

Cullen and Malik are having their field days this week at school. Cullen came in first place for the 1 mile run. His time was 8 minutes and 17 seconds. Not bad for a 1st grader! He will receive a certificate and a ribbon, and his name will be announced on the PA next week. He was very proud of himself. He was wearing one of your memorial bracelets and I told him that you were with him. He just looked up at me and smiled and said, "I know".

Mother's day is coming up on Sunday and I have to admit I'll miss the "Happy Baby's Momma Day" calls I used to get from you every year. No matter what was going on you always called and/or sent me a card. Thank you for that.

I miss you and I'll talk to you soon,


India Gordon

May 10, 2006

Hey Mike,
I marched in St. Jude the other day and I couldn't help but think of you. In fact, everytime I hear "Amazing Grace" it brings me back to the cemetary and it hits all the heart strings at once. You tend to pop into my thoughts from time to time and a smile usually follows. You are sorely missed my friend.
I read a bunch of your reflections that are posted and something your dad wrote seemed odd but sadly true: the faces of 011 have all changed. The faces that knew you and worked side-by-side with you and laughed with you and counted on your humor to get them thru another long night, were gone. Attrition didn't weed out those faces, the loss of you did. Hell, even I beat feet. The ghetto lost its luster when you left and working there became a laborious task vs. the fun we used to have. It all became too real for most to manage and the exodus began.
Mike, the world was a better place with you in it. I guess you can do more good up there looking down on us. Keep up the good work.

B Doyle

May 9, 2006


I know how important the St. Jude parade was to you, so John Jr. and I made our way to Michigan Ave to experience our first. What an awesome tribute! We had the honor of walking with your picture next to John D. and the rest of Dist 011...Almost in your place. Bro, Jr. and I will never forget that. You're always in my thoughts and I miss you terribly.


May 9, 2006

St. Jude Parade

We walked in the St. Jude Parade today downtown. Saw a number of your friends in uniform. Not many of them are left in the 11th Dist. You picture sign was being carried by your friend Tim's brother who is now in the Police Academy. Your two boys were up there marching with me, I tried to explain to them that the 9,000 officers that past us as we stood at the reviewing stand were saluting them in your honor. I think they were really amazed at the number of police officers that passed. Malik is impressed that he got to meet the Superintendant and take a picture with him and that one man is in charge of all these officers that he saw today. I know it's hard for them to understand just how many officers there are working in Chicago and that there are many who can't come to the parade because they are working. Two more memorials for me to attend and May will be over. It's a long and draining month but we will get through it as it's for you. Take care, say hi to Jeff for us. Keep watch over everyone for me.

Love Dad


May 7, 2006

Hi Mike,
It's been awhile since I've written but you are always on our mind and in our hearts. 04-04 was a really sad day for us. Just two years ago on that date we lost Jeff. We know the two of you are keeping watch over all of us. Since we lost the two of you so many of your brothers have joined you there. It seems like it will never stop. I grieve for each family. Just like your mom, dad, brothers and sisters are still grieving for you and missing you so very much, we still have such deep sorrow in our hearts because we miss Jeff so very much. Each memorial service, each honor bestowed upon him, each story told brings back so many wonderful memories and so many tears of grief. This year so many names are being added to the wall in DC, just as yours and Jeff's was added last year. We will be making the trip later this year and perhaps we will meet your parents there. They are wonderful people and I am so sorry I missed them when they came to Asheville. We keep them in our prayers always . They placed a cross on Jeffs grave and each time we go we make sure it is still there and standing tall.Keep watch and give Jeff our love.
Patricia Hewitt
Mother of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt 04-04-04

May 6, 2006


Was down in Springfield for two days this week for the State Memorial Service. Five names from 2005 were added along with a long list of recently discovered. Ran in to many of your friends down there both Suburban and Chicago buddies. Today myself and Mom volunteered some time at the Academy to help them get ready for the 5K Run/Walk to Remember. Ran in to Tim and Andy signing up for the Run. We will probably see them and others tomorrow as we will help again in the morning. Was hard for me to be there as I know you put allot of hours in that building while in the Academy, the longest one they had. People looked at me like I was nuts when I said you were there for 8 months, they said no 6, but I corrected them. Funny how the new cadets would greet me in the hallway calling me Sir, I know you really loved doing that while you were there in training. May is a real busy month for all of us. Still have two more LE Memorials to attend, Cook County's and then Riverside's. We will be skipping D.C. as it would be way too much for us. Well, better get going. Keep watching down on everyone for me. We all miss you and think of you every day. I especially miss those early morning phone calls from you to fill me in on your activity during the night. If I could only have those calls back again, they are now priceless memories.

Love, Dad


May 5, 2006

My LEO has a passion for catching drunks. My friend Jessica Navarette's fiancee, Matt Redding(EOW 10/9/05), had that same passion. Ironically, a drunk killed him in October 2005. It makes me cringe to think of this absolutely senseless loss. It makes me cry. It makes me pray. It almost makes me thankful.

God be with your family, friends, and department... your children, your parents... It is obvious just seeing these pages that you are so loved and missed. Thank you for your sacrifice. I'm so sorry your life was taken because of ignorance and selfishness.

To all of Michael's loved ones, please know NONE of us will ever forget. I send a prayer out to you as I kiss the man I love goodbye. I say a prayer for you and a prayer of thanks whenever he locks up another drunk. I admire how you've carried on Michael's legacy in these pages. I'm sorry for your loss.

Praying always,
LEO Fiancee and friend of Peter Grignon EOW 3/23/05
Louisville, KY

May 5, 2006

I remember you when you were a Police Explorer. You were a great kid and turned into a great man!!
Everyone misses you so very much!!


Patty DiCastro-Gajdzinski

May 5, 2006


We have your daughter little Grace with us spending the night. Boy, what a handful. She is like a tough little Tom Boy. She likes to box, where did that come from? For some reason she likes to hit me on my bald head with things. Last time it was a small plastic baseball bat, today it was a little toy metal frying pan. I can not get over how much she looks like you when you were 2 years old. I can remember when you were her age I use to take you every where with me. You practically lived at the Police Department with me on my off time. I have allot of good memories, thats all we have now are yesterdays as all our tomorrows with you were taken away from us. May is coming and it will be a rough month for us with all the Memorials. I will be attending at least 3 and also myself and Mom will March in your honor with other Chicago Gold Star family members in the St Jude Parade. Your two sons were here tonight. Your brother Bob had them all worked up like he usually does. They were playing running bases, I'm sure they are all tired out and will sleep well tonight. He's teaching Cullen to ride a bike without training wheels. That kid is a real hard head, says he doesn't want to learn. I said that as a kid he has to as thats going to be his only transportation for awhile unless he wants to walk everywhere or ride up to meet the big kids with training wheels on his bike. He did really well tonight and soon he'll be on his own without them. Malik is getting big. He loves working with my tools out in the garage building things. I quiz him on tool names and he knows the answer to most of them. Wish I knew the answers to his 3rd grade math. You would think, me a college grad, could breeze through the new math = NOT. Well, you take care. Thinking of you every single day, most of the day. Sure doesn't get any easier as time goes on. Love and miss you. I'll be back soon.




April 19, 2006

Happy Easter Daddy.
We love you and miss you very much.

Malik and Cullen

Malik & Cullen Gordon

April 16, 2006

Happy Easter Mike,
We will all be thinking of you today. We miss you terribly and always will. Love, Dad


April 15, 2006

Hi Mike,

Roof top was a great success and the Cubs even beat the Cards. Little cool but the sun was out and all your friends were there to help support your Foundation. Today I just got back from giving a talk to a Basic DUI Class way out in the Boonies, McHenry, IL. I didn't mind the trip as it was done by me in your name for young police officers who will be writing DUI's. After the class one older Officer came up to me, he had a son in 11 who is now in Area 5 and told me how sorry he was for my loss and wanted to know if he could donate to your foundation, I said sure, he handed me a $100 bill. I was floored and didn't know what to say except thank you and that the donation will be distributed to a number of charities that we support in your name. I spoke to them as a Father, Police Officer and lastly as a Victim. It was hard but I made it through the talk and told them that if they have children, to hug them every night before they leave for work as you never know if you will be coming back. I then said like I always said to you as you left, "Be Careful Out There." Your answer to me was "Always." More or less these 30 officers answered me the same way. You take care, keep watch over everyone for me including all the kids. You know how much we all miss you and will every day of our lives. You will never be forgotten.




April 11, 2006

yo dude, had the second outing at cubs and it was damn good except for those cubs winning. but dont give up hope they'll start to lose soon, sorry i know you like the cubs, but come on. just wanted to say whats up and everyone looked good. had to do an early day baby girl was waiting at home. she going to high school soon. take care see you soon.


p.o. lara 19429

April 11, 2006

Hi Michael,

We all gathered today to honor you. All the people that love you and some that just knew of you came together to remember what an incredible role you played in all of our lives. Thankfully, the Cubs contributed and won for us today. You will always be in our hearts Michael and you will never be fogotten. I Miss You!!


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

April 8, 2006

Had a great time at the rooftop. Keep an eye out on your brothers & sisters in 11th., hope to be there soon. God bless you and your family.


April 8, 2006

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