Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Well Mike, it's official. As of today, I'm another year older. I wish I could say I'm another year wiser but I guess you can't win 'em all. I hate the fact that I can't bust your bells anymore about how you're older then I am. It's hard to believe how time seems to have just flown by. I could swear it was only last week that we were two crazy kids back at Ft. Bragg with two itty bitty babies. Now I'm wrapping up my twenties with two little men.

The boys are doing well. They're growing like weeds and they're getting ready to start school on the 24th and soccer on the 26th. I signed them up to play in the Darien Youth League and they seem pretty excited. It'll be good for them to get out and play with the other kids. Maybe they'll even learn a thing or two about sportsmanship. I'll have to let you know how that goes.

I've started looking at townhouses out here in Darien. I figured it's time to get away from apartment living. It'll be nice to give the boys a back yard to play in and a place that they can ride their bikes. Not to mention one bathroom with three people just isn't cutting it! I want to make the right choice for all of us but it's so scary. It's such a big step. Please wish me luck.

Well, the 8th is tomorrow and as much as I wish I could celebrate your life opposed to morning your death I know that sometimes things don't work out quite the way you would like them to. So please watch over us all. I'm sure it's going to be an extremely hard day on everyone.

I miss you and I'll talk to you soon-



We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name,
In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone,
For part of us went with you, the day God called you home.
You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide,
And though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.

--Author Unknown

India S. Gordon

August 7, 2006

Dear Mike,

Tuesday it will be two long years since I've seen your crooked smile or heard your voice. I miss getting one of your early morning telephone calls saying "Yeah Mom" then going on to tell me what your shift was like and then asking to talk to your Dad.

We just celebrated your Dad's birthday today (even though he says his birthday's stopped August 8, 2004). I told him we still needed to celebrate for the grandkids. I remember the last time I saw you, you were riding my bike and racing down the street with Malik and Johnny. You had a cigarette dangling from your mouth and your legs were so long they hit the handle bars. Dad regreted not getting you on tape that day because you looked so funny.

Things are so different now, I often wonder if the hurt will lessen - I doubt it. I know how much you wanted Chicago but I wish you could have stayed in Riverside. Who knows if that would have made a difference though as I know being a police officer anywhere now is so dangerous. Your Dad was a policeman for 30 years without any major incidents so I guess I thought my boys would be the same. I remember you always saying how things never went smooth for the Gordon's but always worked out in the end. I guess that wasn't true.

We have kept your name alive with the foundation John started in your name and with "Mike's Law" that Riverside helped get passed.

Please watch over your family and fellow officers.

Love you always and forever.



August 6, 2006

August 8, 2006

The day we all dred arrived, 2 years ago today that phone call came that you were gone. They let me hold your hand for a little while at the hospital and I was able to kiss you goodbye, which I didn't get to do when I last saw you. But you know us guys, thats a mushy thing. You know I love you and I don't have to say that to you or to your brothers. You are always in my thoughts and heart every day. I saw myself on a video we took today and I made the comment of how much I now look like your Grampa. Losing you has probably aged me 10 years over the past 2 years. We all miss you, talk about you all the time and will keep your memory alive. Keep watch over the little ones for me and your two brothers because all parents fear the loss of another child or grandchild and it would be way to much handle. I'll be talking to you soon, we all miss and love you every day. You will never be forgotten.



August 6, 2006

To the family of Officer Michael Gordon - Our hearts ache for you and with you. All we can pray is that God will give you strength and that the precious memories will sustain you.

Family of S.A. Thomas Wyatt, EOW 3/3/04

August 5, 2006

Well Mike, it's two years today that you were here and laughing and telling me war stores as it was my birthday. Never in a million years did I think it would be the last time I would talk to you as you walked out the door and I said "Be Careful Out There." and your answer that you gave everytime I would say it was, "Always." 57 hours later you would be gone. The 5th of August may seem like a bad memory sometimes but then I think of all the good memories that happened on that day 2 years ago. You doing your Pee Wee Herman impression racing the kids on Mom's bike will always be a classic. I just wish I could have caught that on video. It's been a very long 2 years for me, some people say the time flies by and it's the opposite for me. Well, I will be back on the 8th to let you know how things are going. Please keep watch over everyone for me.



August 5, 2006

Dearest Family of Officer Michael Patrick,

As your EOW date approaches I think of you, knowing the pain and disbelief and ache of being without your precious Michael on this earth is stronger than ever. Every feeling, every experience is now viewed through the shield of our precious son's love and life being totally wrapped around our hearts and souls.

With deepest honor I remember you and hold you all in my heart.

Thank you Dad Gordon for the love and support you give to the rest of us.

Linda Rittenhouse
Matt's Mom Forever

Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Matthew Rittenhouse E.O.W. 9?16/04

August 5, 2006

Hi Mike,

One of my friends / deputies was run down by a speeder yesterday and past away just a few hours ago. Please meet him and show him the way. Thank god a Chicago Officer was there when the car ran him down. He was off duty and on vacation with his family. He chased the car down and detained the passengers. The driver bailed and was captured a few hours later. Please take care of Mike Callin. Thank you, I know you guys will get along great. THANKS

Det Tony Brisinte
Orange County SO Orlando

August 2, 2006

Mike, I can't believe you have been tragically taken away from your family for almost 2yrs now. Know that the comfort of friends and family are still with you and miss you deeply. Your memories and spirit still live in your families hearts. "The meaning of life is to find meaning" and you obviously accomplished this task early in life why most still have a hard time finding their purpose. I didn't get to know you long enough but you've impacted it greatly. Your missed deeply....
Dawn Koerner

Dawn Koerner

August 2, 2006

Michael , I never had the pleasure of meeting you but I think of you everyday. My husband had the honor of riding in your memory this past Sunday. He proudly rode with a magnet honoring you that your father placed on his motorcycle. Thank you for making this world safer. You will never be forgotten.


July 31, 2006

Area 4 2nd Annual Ride to Remember

Today was the Motorcycle Ride for the Police Memorial, it was really awesome. This year there were almost 500 Motorcycles in the run. They left your building where you use to work in the 11th District (Area 4) and rode to the Lake front where the future site of the memorial is located behind Soldiers Field. I peeked in on the memorial construction site, its just about finished and will be dedicated in September. They say it will be the best in the Nation once it's finished, all of you deserve it for the price you all paid. You know we will be there for you just as we were down there today in an effort to never let you be fogotten. Ran in to some of your old work buddies there too and close friends of yours riding in your memory. The two year mark is coming up in about 9 days, sure not looking forward to that day. Sometimes I wonder how we made it this long as we miss you terribly. We take one day at a time, thats about all we can do. Keep watch over everyone for me as you know allot of us are still having a really hard time. We miss you and love you, be back soon.

Love, Dad


July 30, 2006

I never had the pleasure of meeting you but I can't seem to ever forget about you or our own officer Jon Walsh. You both are so similar to me and every time I get to this site I can;t help but cry and think of your family. I wish your children and family all the love in the world, watch over your fellow officers. Know that even those who don;t know you have been touched and you will never be forgotten!
With love....

joliet police department

July 28, 2006

To the wife, children, parents and extended family of Police Officer Gordon I offer my sincere condolences. It is never easy to accept the loss of someone so young who was called back home much too soon. There are no words - I pray that his family will be blessed by God and receive all the graces necessary to cope with this tragic loss. May God's perpetual light shine upon Officer Gordon and may he rest in His eternal peace for making the ultimate sacrifice.

To Mr. Gordon I extend my appreciation for the reflection you left for my NYS Trooper brother. I have now been on both sides of loss. My brother Sal was a very decent human being and I had promised that if I ever had a son I would name him after his uncle. I did just that. My son was also very much like my brother and had his finest traits. I recently lost my son and now I not only know my parents pain in losing a son, but I know yours too. My dad was very much like you - he carried my brother in his soul until the day he passed at the age of ninety-two.
I read your reflections for your son and I know how deep your love for him is and that is how deep the grief is too.
You have lost someone very precious, a gift from God, as we all did. My own son also had a lop-sided smile and my brother was wearing a seatbelt to no avail - some things in common.
I know God has a plan, but I am sure you and I will someday ask Him to explain Himself -- we were robbed of our joy and that is a tough hand to be dealt. I hope you find peace in the memories of your son. If you are so inclined, my son is on a site or I am now both a member of a survivor family and victim family.
Thank you again for remembering my brother and I will keep Michael and your family in my prayers. God bless you.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of Tpr. S.J.Embarrato eow 7/6/61

July 26, 2006

Bob Gordon...
We appreciate your kind words for our daughter Melissa (EOW 8/1/02) Our heart goes out to you as a family that has lost a loved one in police work. While they choose this field of endeavor knowing its inherent risks, one never truly prepares themselves for that "knock on the door" or that "dreaded phone call".

It has been four years for us, less for you, but our thoughts are with you and our deceased children every day of our lives; for the rest of our lives.

Our only consolation is they were performing their work in the betterment of our society. It parallels our military personell who our losing their lives daily in defense of our country.

Let us all who have lost a son, daughter, husband wife or relative in law enforcement "stand tall" knowing they put their lives on the line for all of us.

Steve & Carole Schmidt
Parents of Melissa J. Schmidt
EOW 8/1/2002

July 24, 2006

Officer Gordon as your EOW, the hardest day of your families lives approaches I write to your family to let them know they are not alone and that we all know the pain, the extreme hurt and heart ache they are going through, not just today, but everyday. However, may your special angel and mine hold you all in their arms and comfort you on this very difficult day, and to your son... thank you Officer Gordon for your dedication, sacrifice and unfortunately the ultimate your life to serve and protect us all, without great men and women like yourself we could not live our lives as we do. You are all in my heart and prayers, God bless you. You will not be forgotten sir.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02

July 20, 2006


It's been a few weeks since I've left a reflection. Of course I could do it every single day. Your two sons were over today, I promised I'd take them fishing next week. They wanted to go today but I had to explain to them that you need more than just a fishing pole to go fishing. Besides, I have to buy a license. The 2nd anniversary date is fast approaching, as is my birthday which is the last day I saw and talked to you. Neither of those days are good ones for me. I came across this poem and it seemed so true:

In the hallways of my memories and in the canyons of my heart, Michael I will always remember you

In the soft snows of winter and the hot spells of summer, Michael I will always remember you

In the dawn of spring and the dawn of fall, Michael I will always remember you

On birthdays, anniversaries and ordinary days, Michael I will always remember you

When I am lonely and tempted to be bitter, Michael I will always remember you

When I am discouraged and confused, Michael I will always remember you

When good news is too good to keep to myself, Michael I will always remember you

I will remember the gifts you gave; I will remember the gift of love, Michael I will always remember you

I will alwayrs Remember You My Son

Keep watch over us all Mike, be back soon.

Love Dad


July 17, 2006

Dear Mike,

I just wanted to drop a few lines and say Hello my friend. It's been a lond time since i've talked to you, yet it seemes like it was yesterday! There are some things in particular that i do want to talk to you about. You would be so proud of your sons. They have been though alot of changes in the past year but yet they held their heads up so high. Also, remember our past conversations(about Malik and Cullen), I am doing my best to uphold them. They will never be without a Father, whether it's with you or myself. They will always be my sons too! You will never have to worry about that. They have grown so much. You'll always be in their hearts as well as mine. Take care Mike!


Rodger Gatdula

July 13, 2006

Officer Gordon - Your dad actually brought me to your reflections page. I was checking up on the recent reflections left for my uncle, and he left such a heartfelt message that I decided to visit and read up on all of the wonderful memories your loved ones have of you. Reading some of these messages just breaks my heart because the deep rooted pain is so evident in the words presented. Reading about your dad's dreams sent chills down my spine. I don't have dreams daily about my uncle, but I have had two that still stand out very vividly. With each dream, I was taken back to that rainy February afternoon and all the pain resurfaces. It takes me days to get over. But I seem to have found solace reading what your dad wrote about you visiting him in his dreams -- I've often pondered if that's possible, and seeing that just brought me much comfort.

Although I never had the opportunity to meet you or your family and friends you left behind, there is one thing that ties us and everyone else that reads together - we all know the pain firsthand. For that, please know that I keep all those you left behind in my prayers. Heaven help all those who have to live through such a heart-wrenching experience. Please tell my Uncle Mark hello for me! He's got a funny little chuckle too (c:

Angela Tucker
Niece of Deputy Mark Tucker, WCSO (NC) EOW 2/12/2004

July 13, 2006

I have read in your reflections that you were proud of your Irish roots so I found this Gaelic blessing for you.

Deep peace of the running waves to you;
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you;
Deep peace of the silent hills to you;
Deep peace of the flowing air to you;
Deep peace of the shining stars to you;
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you.

July 13, 2006

I have never visited your site before.I have kind of resisted against coming here even though I read many of the comforting posts your dad has left on other sites.I actually came by accident today although perhaps it was no accident.I don't know you yet but know I will when we all get to meet everyone in heaven. May you Rest in Peace.And Mr Gordon, those are not dreams, Michael really is with you.G-d's Blessings on you all.

July 9, 2006


long time brother, but were still hitting it.
been good lately, hopefully it will continue thru summer.

take care c u soon
el cochinito, abe

p.o. lara

July 1, 2006

I am ashamed that it has taken me this long to leave a reflection on odmp. I guess I am afraid to visit these pages sometimes. So many times I wanted to email your family from your fathers site but just didn't have the right words to say.

Your tragic accident affected me, the terrible reality of the job that I try so hard not to think about. Seeing the miles of cars in the funeral prossesion changed my life. Made me appreciate my husband more. Made me stop whatever it was that I was doing to tell him I love him before he walks out that door.
This year because of you I volunteered at the Run to Remember and met many of the Gold Star families. I want to do something, whatever I can for families of heros like you. I left there with so many feelings. When I got in the car to leave that day, I sat there for a moment and cried at the stories I had heard. You are not forgotten Michael Gordon. I never had the honor of knowing you while you were alive. Neither did my husband.I wanted to leave this for you tonight, to let you know that you have forever changed our lives and impacted us positively. I will continue to pray for you, your children, your family and loved ones. Thank you for being a hero.

Chicago Police Wife

June 29, 2006


Attended a Bereaved Parents of the USA Conference in St. Louis last weekend. Met allot of wonderful people, all of whom have lost children. It's not the way one wants to meet other people, but they understand where other people could never imagine the pain unless they lose a child. Went to a number of workshops, one titled, "Whispers of Death." I thought it was the best one I attended as it explained those feeling I had before you were killed that I didn't tell you about when I last saw you. I was carrying around this guilt that if I would have told you I could have prevented all of what took place. But as the woman who ran the workshop said, if it wasn't on that day, it would have been on another. Then I explained the dream I recently had about you and the distinct smell that I had in the dream and even present for a few seconds after I woke up. They told me whether I want to believe it or not, you payed a visit to me. Things seem worse than the first year for us. We will never get over losing you, just have to learn to go on each day without you here. I miss those early morning phone calls from you and the many stories. I was in full swing in St. Louis with story telling, stayed downstairs in the lobby talking to people and had them all laughing and with tears in their eyes. Gee, wonder where you inherited that story telling ability from? Love and miss you. Please watch over all the kids for me and the whole family. You are always in out thoughts and will be there as long as we are here on this earth. Talk to ya soon.




June 28, 2006

Happy Father's Day Mike.

We missed you today but then again we missed you yesterday, and the day before that, and the day get the point.

We were all over at your Mom and Dad's for a cook out. It was really nice. Cullen started having a hard time with you not being there but on days like these I guess that's to be expected. The boys got to hang out with all of their cousins and Gracie so they had a lot of fun. No matter what though, things will never be the same without you.

I miss you and I'll talk to you soon,

India S. Gordon

June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day Michael!! Please continue to watch over your family and especially your children. This will be a hard day for them. Michael, could you please watch over my Grandmother also. She passed away on Friday and was so afraid. Please take care of her for me. You are forever in my heart and prayers.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

June 18, 2006

Mr. Gordon, we conducted another DUI detail in PA a few weeks back. We arrested 14 people for DUI. All of the arrests were in honor of your sons ultimate sacrifice. My thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow on Father's Day.

Pa Officer who cares

June 17, 2006

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