Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon


We never met, but our families were joined the day you died. your family and mine have shed tears together several times since your death.

We can say you will "Never Be Forgotten". We met your family at your wake. We talked that night, and we have talked on other nights. We have been together quite a few times since then making sure you and our other loved ones will "Never Be Forgotten"

On our family car there is a blue ribbon with your name on it. Your mother gave it to us. When people ask about it, We tell them about you and your sacrifice, while protecting the citizens of Chicago.

I lost my father when I was eight, he also was killed while on duty with the Chicago Police Department, also by a drunken driver.

It has been 46 years since he died, but his memory lives on, a lot of times by people who he never met, these people share my memory of his sacrifice.

I know your family knows it, but we are there for them, whenever they may need us.

Mel & Pat Gossmeyer

Melvin L. Gossmeyer, Jr. Family Survivor
Son of Melvin L. Gossmeyer, Sr - E.O.W. July 17, 1960

August 16, 2006

Michael, This past weekend I was able to get a blue ribbon magnet that was made in your memory. I put it on my car. My kids asked what it means and who you are. I told them the truth - that you made the ultimate sacrifice protecting people like us so that we can be safe. You will never be forgotten.


August 14, 2006

Mr. Gordon your son is a true HERO, and will never be forgotten in Gods role call nor his fellow officers. I know your pain will never end. Michael chose a noble calling from God. His brief service is sad for mortals to understand. Thank you for your kind words to Sandy. In closing I like to believe, God needed rose's for his garden and he chose Michael and Sandy. You WILL see your son again. God Bless,(Keep the faith my friend).

Patrol Sgt. Luther B. Rogers (Ret)
South Houston PD/Harris Co. Pct.8

August 14, 2006

To the Gordon family,
You are in my thoughts and prayers this month as you mark the second anniversary of the end of Michael's watch. I stopped by Michael's name at the wall in DC during Police Week this year and remembered the handsome young man with the crooked smile whose family loves him dearly. As I paused to honor him, I said a prayer for all of you. May God bless you as you continue to remember and honor your very special son.

Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04

August 14, 2006


Been thinking about you all day, but when has that changed? Me and Mom drove through the old neighborhood in Cicero and drove past the old house on 59th Ct where you spent most of your teenage years running those streets with your brothers. Neighborhood has changed but the house really hasn't. Still painted the same color, same windows, even has the porch swing attached on the back porch, that has to be at least 18 years that swing has been up. When I drove down the alley, tears started welling up in my eyes as the garage roof that you, me and your two brothers put on is still there. Boy, I remember that day, nails flying all over the place, even a hammer coming down off the roof and almost hitting me on the head. I still can see you, being 6'5" trying to sit on that steep roof on your rear end slowly inching your way up the roof nailing between those long legs. I do have pictures of you guys roofing. I guess we weren't roofers but I have to admit, it came out pretty good and after 15 years every shingle is still there. Thats just one memory of the many memories we have of you that we will cherish forever. Too bad we didn't have that on video. The other night I was playing a video from 1998, Ft. Bragg, out at the jump zone where you took me to watch the guys jump. You were having Malik yell, "Swing Away, Swing Away," and in that little baby voice of his he was doing it. Now it seems he's all grown up. He loves working out in my garage building things at the work bench. Cullen, well, he loves sports and watches the sports channel all the time. He knows baseball inside and out, who is on which team etc., puts me to shame. He's even up on all the recent trades. Thats your clone, as I moved the couch today to steam clean and there were things hidden under it just like you use to do when you were his age. Funny, he put the small GI Joe men under there, your men that we saved from your childhood that all the kids still play with. It's hard to believe sometimes that you are not here anymore. Last week I needed to cut the grass and my knee is acting up so I was out there sitting on the deck thinking, maybe I can call John, no he was at work, then your brother Bob and thought no, he's at work, "Hey, what about Mike, he's working Mids, maybe he can come over." That one fleeting moment you were still here and then I came back to reality and the tears came. Well, time for me to go, you take care and please watch over everyone for me. I can't tell you in words how much we all miss you and the holes that have been left in all of our hearts. We will never let you be forgotten.



August 12, 2006


The Men and Women of the Northeastern Il. Univ. Police dept



August 10, 2006

To the father of Officer Michael PAtrick Gordon:
I just got done reading you poem that you left on my brother's website. Thank you! It brought tears to my eyes. I am so sorry for your loss. I know your second anniversary just passed also. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Andrea Zimmerman Lomas
Sister of Trooper Bertram Zimmerman III fo NJSP

August 10, 2006



August 10, 2006

Yesterday was the second anniversary of Michael's tragic death, and I wanted to honor and remember him today.
I know that day was hard for all those who loved Michael, but then everyday is hard for gold star families.

I was trying to explain to one of my friends that I would never be happy again because I feel happiness is like a state of mind and an attitude, but to me there is a difference between joy and happiness. I feel joy when I am with my grandchildren, my son James, and my daughters-in-law ...I feel joy when enjoying the blessing of friendship...but how can I ever feel happy without my beloved lost child with me. When I read some of your reflections, I can feel the toll Michael's loss has had on you. That emptiness can never be filled.

Bob, please know that when you reach out to so many families the way you do, that it has such an impact. The best compliment I have received in months was when a sister of a fallen officer told me that she admired me because I reminded her of Bob Gordon. Many miles may separate families geographically but the heart has no distance between survivors.

Through Michael's heroism and the profound sense of duty with which he lived his life, he made an immeasurable difference. May his spirit continue to soar and may his memory continue to inspire.

Phyllis L. Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, PPD
eow 4/24/05

August 9, 2006

Dear Bob, Carol and Family,
Yesterday marked the anniversary of such a tragic day. My heart was heavy with thoughts of you all day. I know that you must have spent the day remembering all of the wonderful times with Michael. I also know that he was watching down on you and sending some extra love to give you comfort. I look at pictures of Michael and of Jeff, and can't help to think of how senseless the loss is. However, I also can't dissmiss how blessed we have been to call you our "Friends". You are amazing people and have offered so much love and strength to us. I will personally always cherish you and Michael.

Taylor sends his love and many thanks for the T-shirt. The great thing about having a teenager is that he and I wear the same size I'm sure I will be sneaking it out of his closet from time to time. Thank you so much for thinking of him.

Please know that we are praying for you always. I can't wait until we can all visit again.

Much Love,
Tacie, Taylor and Carolyn

Tracie Hewitt
Wife of Sgt. Jeff Hewitt EOW 04/04/04

August 9, 2006



August 9, 2006

To Officer Michael Gordon: Please know that you will never be forgotten. You are a True Hero. I never had the pleasure of meeting you but I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you & your family today. Your father left a reflection on my brothers website the other day and also shared a poem he just received that day. Every time I visit my brothers website I read the poem he left. Please look over your family, as I know they will need your strength to get through not only this day but also everyday.

To The Gordon Family: My thoughts & prayers are with you on this sad day. I unfortunately know all to well the pain you feel. I lost my brother NJ State Trooper Bertram Zimmerman III on February 5, 2004. Just 6 months ago I had to face the same thing your family is facing today. The second anniversary of the day my brother was taken from me. I wish there was something I could say that would make it easier or make the pain go away but I know that’s not possible. Just know that Michael is looking down on you today and everyday. Use his strength to get through each day. He is your Guardian Angel and will guide you through anything.

Jamie Manos
Sister of NJ State Trooper Bertram Zimmerman III

Jamie Manos
Surviving Sister Of NJ State Trooper Bertram Zimmerman - EOW 2/5/04

August 8, 2006

Time Passes...

Time passes but the pain stays.
We remember the good times spent,
We tell the stories that make us smile
and laugh. We hold on to every memory
and still the time passes..

We cry and even get mad, we ask the same
question everyday,"WHY"?? but there is no
answer. And still the time passes..

We will never forget and the pain will stay
with us, and still the time passes...

You will forever be in my heart


August 8, 2006

To the Gordon Family -- I have remembered your loved one in prayer today, on this the second anniversary of his being called home.
The anniversaries, birthdays and holidays never get any easier -- nor do the days. We just learn to accept the things we wish we could change and count them as "tests of our faith" given to us by God. I know because I have counted so many since 1961 -- and now I have added a more recent counting.
All I can offer is for you to recall how he lived and not how he was taken -- how much joy and laughter he brought and how much he was and is loved and remembered by all those whose lives he touched.
May we all keep our loved ones in our hearts, memories, thoughts and prayers -- and never let them be forgotten by their children, nephews and nieces.
Michael, I pray that you are in the company of family that has gone before you and are at peace in heaven.
Mr. Gordon, I will always remember your son, because of you and your kindness. God bless you and your family as you get through each day.

Keep the faith! We will all be reunited someday.

Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. S. J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61

August 8, 2006


It's been 2 years since we received the call early Sunday morning that would change our lives forever. I think about you every day and miss you terribly. You will forever be in my heart and will never be forgotten. Please continue to watch over your family and all of us that love and miss you.


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

August 8, 2006

My cousin, Carolyn Moore,in Asheville has told me a lot about your family and your loss. We talked about it this morning and since she does not have internet access, I told her I would send a message. Our thoughts and prayers are with you today. She will try to be in contact with you later today. My prayers are with you at the loss of your son, I also have lost a son. Anniversaries are a time of reflection, and to know that one day we will be with our children in God's heavenly home.

Norma Schultz

August 8, 2006

To the family of Officer Gordon,

Thinking of you all and sending a silent prayer that you find peace and comfort on this day.

Thank you for your kind words on my son-in-law's memorial site.

Vicki & Carmen Petrelli

Vicki Petrelli
MIL of NJ Trp. Zimmerman, EOW 2/05/04)

August 8, 2006

Michael, It's been two years since you were taken from us and there's not a day that goes by that someone doesn't talk about you or looks at your picture which sits at RPD front desk or tells a special story involving you or in my case when someone asks about the RPD pin that I wear. I proudly tell them you were a man among men. You wore both your uniforms with honor and showed it everyone. You loved being a policeman, always trying to make this world better. I always wear the pin and the funeral button with honor to you. You will not be forgotten. Please watch over all your family and friends as we think of you on this difficult day.

Sgt Frank Lara
Riverside PD

August 8, 2006

My prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family on this the second anniversary of your death. The compassion and help your family shows and gives to others in similar situations through this web site and fund raisers will guarantee you will be forever remembered.

Brother in Blue

August 8, 2006

Once again, remembering the Gordon family on this sad day, the second anniversary of Mike's death.

August 8, 2006


I was searching through famous quotes and came across one that I thought was fitting. Especially, since it was made by a hero of yours. Know that you are never far from my thoughts, and no matter how difficult it is at times I continue to do what I can to keep your name alive. Love you, bro.

It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.
-George S. Patton

John Gordon

August 8, 2006

Thinking of you Michael,your four children, your wife, your family and friends. You are not forgotten. I will be thinking of you and praying for you all. Please watch over us.

CPD Wife

August 8, 2006

To Michael's family:

Please know that he will never be forgotten. Our family prays for you every day.


August 7, 2006

Remembering you on this the second anniversary of your tragic death. God bless you Michael and may he bring comfort to your family.


August 7, 2006

I've left a reflection here for you before, but as it draws closer to the day you were taken from everyone, I find myself thinking of you and Peter more. It's been about a year and a half since Peter was taken from us. And though I know you are both having a blast in Heaven, it still hurts for us down here. I'm saying extra prayers that God will hold your family a little tighter on the 8th. I know it will be hard for them as March 23rd this year was hard for us.

Everyday is hard, but the "anniversaries" are always harder, if that makes sense. I can tell by the reflections left for you that you came from a good family and unfortunately left a great family behind on Earth to carry on your legacy. You and Peter probably have a lot to talk about. You seem alike. God bless you Mike. I'll never forget your sacrifice

LEO Fiancee and friend of Peter Grignon EOW 3/23/05

August 7, 2006

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