Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

whats muchacho, been a while but never far. may not always be on your site but always remembering. saw the pics of the upside down funnel yesterday. that was good.

take care see you soon.

p.o. lara

January 9, 2007


Holidays are finally over. Next will be your birthday in another month. There is not a day that goes by that we are not thinking of you. Someone asked you to take care of a little baby that joined you, funny because someone in the family was at a medium and this person said they saw you with a small baby taking care of it. We didn't know who the little baby was.

Grand kids helped me get through Christmas as they were here opening their presents and were really thrilled with most of what they received.

I know people like Mike stories, so here we go. I thought of this one this morning when the guy came up to my window looking for a donation as I sat at the red light in my truck. Back when you were a little boy, living in Cicero on Austin Blvd, we were only about 2 blocks from the commuter train station stop and people would exit the train and walk down Austin Blvd to their homes. Well, Mom looked out the window, there you were in raggy clothes, with an old ivy league hat in your little hand, outstretched to each person that passed you, BEGGING. Mom got hysterical, ran down from the 2nd floor and went out after you. She found you had a quarter already in the hat, evidently it was your quarter and you put it in the hat so that it seemed as if others have given you money when you would tilt the hat to the people as they walked by. I don't think you were out there very long as you only had your quarter in the hat, no one donated. After Mom interrogated you, she found out that you evidently saw this on a tv show at the time, Please Don't Eat the Dasies, and figured you could make some easy money doing it.

Take care Michael, we all love and miss you terribly. Keep watch over all the little ones for me and all those officers still out on patrol guarding over the Thin Blue Line.


January 8, 2007

Hey Mike,
Thinking of you and Jeff and missing you so very much. As I came to the Memorial page and in still trying to leave reflections for families of Fallen Hero's of 2006. I saw where the first Officer of 2007 had been taken from us. Mike, I know that you and Jeff were waiting for him. You know Mike, for you and Jeff, there was no trial to go through for your families. Thank God!!!! It was hard enough just to accept you were gone. I guess the first year, we are all in shock, the second, the wondering WHY.... The third, and after reading about all the others that lay down their lives for us, Well Mike, I beleive that I'm just angry.... I'm angry that you guys gave you Tlife for punks out there that have no respect for an officer, whatsoever. I'm angry that the creeps get a trial. I'm angry that I can't do a thing to bring you and Jeff back,and I can't do a thing to make someone respect what the uniforms you wore stood for. The Trooper was from Tn., and had stopped a car. The guy shot him in the head. I guess it's a good thing I'm not a cop, because if I caught the low life, I don't know that I could get them to the jail safely. Boy Mike, I don't even know if you will get this reflection, they may not print it. But, I hurt for families so bad, you know that I'm pretty easy going Mike. But it seems to be getting so out of hand these days. I was taught to respect the ones in uniform.
Well I guess you are getting tired of hearing me, so I'll go for now. Would you tell Jeff, I love and miss his, as I do you to. But I just don't think I can go to his site right now. And again the tears are rolling down my face in remembrance of all the "FALLEN HERO'S. I love you Mike. Thanks for listening and please keep watch over the rest of us.

Carolyn Moore

January 8, 2007

To The Gordon Family:

I just wanted to let you know that over this holiday season your family and your beloved Michael have been in my thoughts and prayers. Every time I see a blue Christmas light display I think of him and all the others you have given their lives for us.

Mr. Gordon - I have emailed you twice in regards to your Michael and why his loss is so significant to me. Michael passed away less than twelve hours after my Goddaughter was born and we lost her to SIDS December 14, 2004. I remember sitting in the hospital room holding Sinclair and watching the news and hearing about Michael. I shed some tears, which I tend to do when an officer is lost and said a prayer for your family and Michael. The news of your loss stayed with me from that point on. I wanted to thank you Sir for your kind words and support in the replies you sent me. They have helped me more than you could ever know.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you, and Michael please cradle my Sinclair close I know she will be safe with you.


January 6, 2007

After reading some of your many reflections I see what a great guy you were. It is hard on parents to have to let go of their children. I want to thank your dad for leaving a reflection on our son's page. The holiday times will always be hard because we miss you all so much. You all are brave heros who have given the ultimate.... Rest in peace Mike and many lasting memories to your family.

Linda Archuleta..... Mom
Daniel Archuleta EOW 9-12-04

January 4, 2007

Hey Mike,

I got to go out with some of your old friends last week, an 8 hour ride-along in Riverside. Not much has changed over there, as I probably rode up and down 1st Ave. 50 times like we used to do. It was a good time, and I could tell that the people in that department miss you more than you could ever realize. Walking in the front door of the station and seeing your picture framed with a blue light next to it made me smile since your face was one of the first faces I saw over there. Keep an eye on those guys and on your family. Maybe next time I sign this I'll be able to put "Officer" in front of my name too...maybe I could use some help with that. Miss you Mike.

Brian Greenenwald

January 3, 2007

I want to thank your father for the thoughtful words he left on my fathers memorial page. It is so nice to see so many people still remember and are outraged by the injustice. To your family I'm sorry for your loss. My father was killed when I was 2 and not a day goes by that I don't think of him. I wonder what he would have thought of all his grandchildren. But I have all these wonderful stories about him that I hold in my heart. The only upside is that your children have the best guardian angel ever.
Their father is watching over them and protecting them from above. May God bless your family.

Kathleen (birch)Gomez
daughter of a fallen office
William Birch, EOW 9/4/1966

Kathleen (Birch) Gomez
daughter of William T. Birch eow Sept. 4,1966

January 2, 2007


January 2, 2007

Thinking of you and your family this day.

Maryland Citizen

January 1, 2007

Dear Mike, Well, here we are on the brink of 2007. So hard to beleive it's going on four years since you and Jeff went to your final place of rest. When I read the Bible, and it tells me the streets are of pure gold, the walls are of Jasper, the gates made of pearl. How awsome it must be. No more heartaches,pain or tears. That the river of life is crystal clear,and the tree of life stands beside it. Mike, so many loved ones that went before you and Jeff, you have seen now. And as I scan the ODMP pages and read of Officer killed back in the eighteen hundreds. You guys must have a great time, each of you telling your stories.The Texas Rangers that were killed by the indians. Or just telling each other about your families,or the times you arrested this criminal or that one. Each of you, protecting the rest of us. Mike as 2006 slips away,know that I will be thinking of you in the New Year. Keep watching over the rest of us. All of you will forever be our Hero's, forever alive in our thoughts and memories. Forever loved and missed. So Happy New Year,Mike, we'll see you soon. Carolyn Moore mother-in-law of Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt EOW 04-04-04

Carolyn Moore

December 31, 2006

Dear Michael Patrick and Family,

What a feeling of comfort came over me when I logged on today and saw once again Daddy Gordon had been on Matt's site. Remembering, sharing words of comfort, reassuring us that my son is not you are not also. I treasure each reflection that you leave because you truly KNOW and UNDERSTAND. As Matthew never leaves out thoughts or hearts for a second I know Micheal's life and love and very presence is with you constantly. That does not lessen the ache to see their beautiful, precious faces again and hold them and be held.

Our thoughts and hearts are bound to you with love and thankfulness for Michael and Matthew and all those that stand with them.

Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Officer Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04

December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas and God bless - miss you. Still owe you that Chipotle burito! Hope they have a good burito spot up in heaven.


December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas Dad!

Santa brought me some new video games and an electric scooter. It's awesome! I went on it today and it went really fast. I also got a model car from the fast and the furious. Mom made a really good Christmas dinner today.
We went to your grave on Christmas Eve.
The other day we went to the 11th district with John and we got to go on a tour. We even got to see where they put the bad people. Everyone that you used to work with was really nice.

I love you and I miss you.

Your loving son,

Malik Gordon

December 25, 2006

I miss you very much. I hope you are having a fantastic Christmas up in heaven.
Santa brought me Willie Gault's autograph and Mighty Helmet Racers.
I hope you like the tweety bird and the Cubs ornament that me and Malik and Mommy put on your grave.
I love you really much.

Cullen A. Gordon

December 25, 2006

Your dad's reflection on Peter's page means a lot to everyone I know. I'm sorry they had to celebrate Christmas without you, too. Guin is so strong, and your dad carries on your legacy beautifully. I know the Christmas party in Heaven must have been insane

LEO fiancee and friend of Peter Grignon EOW 3/23/05

December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Michael.


December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Michael!! Love you and miss you!!


Sheryl Palermo
Riverside PD

December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Mike.

Chicago Police Department 011 District

December 25, 2006

Hi Mike,You didn't think for one moment I had forgotten you, did you? Just read the reflection your Dad left,I love to read the stories he writes about you,John and Bobby when you guys were little. I hope he doesn't mind my reading them. Because maybe sometime, they are just for you. Mike, can you beleive it's 3:30 in the morning, not just any morning, Christmas morning and also your Mom's birthday. But you already know that. I am wondering what all you Hero's are doing in Heaven today. Celebrating the birth of our Lord. You know Mike, when I read the story in the Bible, how Jesus was born in a stable, lived only thirty three years, then died on the cross that we might have ever lasting life. Our first Hero. You have seen Him, you, Jeff and all the other Fallen Hero's, because I know in my heart God has a special place for each of you, that lay down your life for us. Mike, I hope you know how many times I look at the pictures of you and Jeff and wish you were still here with us. You are loved and missed so dearly by those you left behind. The Holiday's just aren't the same, without you and Jeff. Yes, there are the days when the tears get mixed with the laughter. Like your Dad said, when everyone gets together, the sweet memories are shared at the table. It't like the one thing I can hear Jeff say about the food, "That right there is good stuff". Boy, did he love to eat. No matter what side of town he was working, he would always manage to get to where the food was. It's beginning to snow here and the wind is getting up and gee do I hate cold. Dont't know if I could take the "Windy City" in the winter. I do so, hope to go see your parents this year. Mike, I think so much of your Mom and Dad. They are such special people, and no matter who it is, they take time to listen. How precious they are. Mike, keep watch over all of us. You and Jeff,okay? We are all sending our love to you, especially today,but also every other day of the year. I'll be back soon,until then remember you are loved and missed very much, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

December 25, 2006

Hey Mike...Just thinking about you and wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.

P.O. Mark Kochan
CPD - Formerly of 011th District 1st Watch

December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Michael. We LOVE you. Never forgotten

Brothers in blue

December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Michael,

Really bad day today as this is our 3rd Christmas without you and holidays are always tough. It seems like an eternity has passed since we last heard your voice and your very distinct laugh or saw your smile and listened to your great stories about the hood. We all have great memories and no matter how many times we hear a Michael Story, we don't mind hearing them again.
If friends who visit your site know of any stories, it would be great to have them write them down for everyone to read. The ones in good taste that is, remember, I was a cop for over 30 years too and have some great stories that I could never put in print, but would tell them to people in a group. I will share one story about Christmas when you and your brothers were small. Me and Mom would purhcase Christmas gifts for you and your brothers and would attempt to hide them before Christmas. Well, that never worked because you would go on one of your search missions and end up finding them no matter how creative I was in finding what I thought were great hiding places. The only time me and Mom won was when we gave them to Mike our next door neighbor in Cicero who put them in his basement until Christmas Eve. I know that drove you and your brothers crazy as you couldn't find anything and began to believe us that you guys were bad and nothing was coming for Christmas. If we could only turn back the clock. I hope Gram Gordon is making you her famous Italian salad that you would taste test along with your brother to let her know if it needed more oil or vinegar.
Keep watch over everyone for me, especially the little ones. Don't forget those guys in the 11th District, those that are left or wherever they went. Also, a special watch is needed for Karla, she is headed for Ft. Bragg for Training and then to Iraq, stand at her side as much as you can to watch over her. Miss and love you.


December 24, 2006

To Michael's family: May you find peace this holiday season and remember all the good times with Michael fondly. I know the holidays are hard, no matter how many years have passed since the EOW. Hold your memories near and dear to your heart, as Michael will forever be a part of you.

With him being another "Michael Patrick" like my Mickey, I have no doubt they have met in heaven and are keeping a watchful eye on us all.

Stacy Cullinane Smith
Surviving Spouse of Ptl Mickey Cullinane, EOW 8/26/92
Sea Isle City NJ Police Department AND
Proud Wife of a Montgomery County, MD Police Officer

December 24, 2006

Not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts and at least once a day something reminds me of a funny story about you and i just have to tell who ever is by me, i'm sure everyone has heard every story at least twice by now..
I just wanted to stop by and wish you a Merry Christmas. I miss you so very much.. Truddles, oodles, noodles trundles,bundles!!!
I Wish I Had A Million Dollars, Hot Dog!!!!!!

December 23, 2006

I served in the Chicago Division of the FBI and have two former FBI coworkers who are now Chicago Police Officers. One of them had entered the FBI Academy to become an Agent but decided early on in the process to return to the Chicago PD. They both represent CPD, well, as did Ofc. Gordon.

As we pause to remember the birth of A Saviour, let us remember the life and service of this saviour. Our Saviour made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may live. This saviour sacrificed daily so that we might live. Our Saviour lives. This saviour, too, shall live again. Rest In Peace.

D. Paul, Special Agent

December 22, 2006

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