Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Dear Mike,

Happy 33rd Birthday! Although I don't write very often you are always in my thoughts everyday. We are going to Our Lady of Charity for mass and later in the day Malik and Cullen want to have a birthday cake for you.

I miss you sooooo very much.


February 19, 2007

Michael, February 20, 2007

Happy 33rd Birthday son. We will be thinking of you as usual, but even more today as this was the day you were sent to us as a special gift. Please continue to keep watch over the kids. All our Love.


February 19, 2007

Dear Mike,
I know today is not your Birthday, that it is on Tuesday. It's Sunday night,but it takes 24 to 48 hrs. to get a message to your site, so I'm putting this in tonight, to make sure it will be on your site on your Birthday. SO.........HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIKE.. You are being thought of and missed today by a lot of people. Your family I know, most of all, but also those of us,who know you through your parents or this site. I sure hope the young man that started this site knows how much it means to the families who have lost someone. Through this site, it's as if we can come here and really talk to our loved ones. Like myself Mike, there are a lot of people who will be remembering you today and celebrating your life. It was much to short. And the "why" will forever be in our hearts and thoughts.Mike, again, I have to say, I know you are so proud of your Dad. He is so faithful to leave a reflection for every family who had to give up their Hero. I know He is your Hero,because you wanted to do everything He did. the pictures I have seen, when you became an Eagle Scout, joined the Army then went into Law enforcement,just like him. I beleive, you both held each other in the highest esteem. of which you both are so deserving.And having the parents you had, your brother's John and Bobby are fine young men also. The picture of the three of you I have on the memorial CD, is my favorite. You are in the middle, your brothers are still doing everything to keep your memory alive.
Everyone still enjoy all the stories your Dad leaves on this site. I bet your brothers could add a few to them, that even your parent's haven't heard. Like Tracie telling about her brother Darren.She went to his room one night and he wasn't there. The screen was off his window, so she went looking for him. He was in the top of a tree. She ask "what are you doing"?. His answer, "just sitting up here in the tree". We never did hear, why. But they laugh a lot today and tell the stories I never knew before, and some are so funny. So I guess we need to nudge
John and Bobby a little.
I still think your Dad needs to write a book, and I beleive he will some day. He gives comfort to so many who have lost a loved one. He does it for you Mike,because he truly feels the hurt and pain of the parents who have not only lost a child but a friend. So for your Birthday,Mike.
I am saluting your Dad, that is my gift to you,for I feel that is what you would want me to do for you. So..............MR.BOB GORDON,from your son, on His Birthday, I SALUTE YOU,SIR. Thank you for all you do to encourage others. Okay Mike, I did what you told me to, so now from me to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! You are in my heart today,tomorrow,forever. Love, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

February 18, 2007




February 16, 2007

Michael, I did not know you, but am always saddened when a brother passes, especially in such a senseless way. God bless you and your family.

Retired P.O.Maryann Sevening
Retired CPD

February 15, 2007

Hey Mike,

I just wanted to stop by and say Happy Valentine’s Day and let you know how we’re doing.

The boys did really well on their report cards. Malik got A’s and B’s again and Cullen got all S’s. As a special “treat” I took them to Build-a-Bear. They both got Groundhogs and dressed them up like Chicago Blackhawks players. Cullen named his Speedy and Malik names his Wilfred Otis Gordon. I don’t know where he comes up with these names. It’s funny how serious he gets. Remember when we took them to Build-a-Bear in Myrtle Beach when Malik was two and Cullen was a baby? Malik got the Cow and named him Bear. He loves hearing me tell the story. Cullen always asks what he did when we were there, I tell him he just sat in the stroller and drooled. It makes them both laugh.

They are still playing indoor soccer and they really seem to enjoy it. Malik’s team has only lost one game so far but Cullen’s team hasn’t won any. Let’s just say we’ve had some very interesting rides home. You know how well Cullen takes losing.

After soccer is over they’re going to play baseball. I think the season starts in April. I’ve started picking up little things here and there so I don’t have to go out and buy their equipment all at once. You should see them sliding around the living room in their baseball pants. It’s too funny. They are upset that I’m not going to let them play football. But I just can’t do it. Malik is big enough but it’s Cullen that worries me. He’s so skinny and his arm is already messed up. One wrong hit and he’ll be back in a cast or need surgery. I tried to talk them into flag football. I thought they could at least learn the fundamentals- but they weren’t having it. I guess they think they’ve learned all they need to know about football from their video games.

After this school year we’re going to take a rest from scouting. I don’t think the program is very developed and they’re really not getting much from it. Your Dad told me you didn’t get into scouting until you were old enough to be a Boy Scout and that’s not for another few years for them. So I think we’ll try it again later. Malik’s still determined to become an Eagle Scout like you were. He even has one of your old scouting books.

Well, that’s about it for now. Please continue to watch over us all.

I miss you and I’ll talk to you soon,

BTW- As much as it hurt my Mom to see your grave- she thought your marker truly was fit for a hero.

India S. Gordon

February 14, 2007


Happy Valentines Day.


February 14, 2007

To Michael and the Gordon family,

I have been thinking of him since I first heard the news. I was reminded and enlightened to see a great orginazation was honoring his memory again last year with the Taser Foundation and a charity ride they sponsored.

I was unable to make it last year, but this year I am going in my personal tribute to Mike.

Officer Kris Ford
Longmont Police Dept

February 14, 2007


We have a blizzard taking place right now. Was out once trying to clean up some snow and of course, snuck off to Dunkin Donuts for a cup of coffee. I was suppose to give a talk to about 70 police officers in Joliet this morning but had to cancel because of the storm. Was really looking forward to it, but the weather was really bad and was suppose to be even worse in Joliet. So, all day I've been on the computer surfing here and there. I came across a site that had some police poems on it and naturally they had the "Last Inspection" which you read at my retirement. I remember that night because there was something wrong with the PA system and we kept getting feedback as you read it. Plus, my video camera ran out of tape, but I was fortunate to have you paying tribute to me along with your two brothers, I will cherish the tape forever. I also found another poem which really hit home with me and I'd like to share it with you and anyone else that may be interested. I may have changed a few words in it but here it is:

As the Sun rises to greet a new day, I pray Lord you will show me the way to live life with happiness and glee, and remember the love that's inside of me.

The love I shared with my last born son. His life was over, before it ever begun. Three young children he left behind. As a hero he died; he was one of a kind.

It's true that everyone will die someday. But why did my son have to die that way? First time in his uniform, I will not forget, the day he vowed to serve and protect.

My dear Lord, this is what I beg of you. Please watch over my Angel in Blue.

Keep watch over the little ones and the next time I return I'll write a Michael Story. Hey, if anyone has one, be free to add it to these reflection pages. Love and miss you Mike beyond words. Also, I hope you were there to greet the Chicago Officer that was murdered in your district as he arrived home.


February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day Mike,
A lot of us would offer you our hearts,but you took them with you. What part of our hearts you left behind, loves and misses you very much. You and Jeff watch out for those cupids and where they shoot those arrows, we sure dont' want them making any mistakes. Mike, you will never be forgotten, you will forever remain one of our greatest Hero's.
Carolyn Moore, Mother-in-law of Jeffrey T. Hewitt EOW 04-04-04

Carolyn Moore

February 12, 2007

Hi Mike,
Wanted you to know I was thinking of you as I do every day. Boy have I had a bad case of the flu. Been in the bed all week.Just now begining to feel better.
Seems like everyone who gets it, can't get over it. Your birthday is just around the corner, then Jeffs. I will always be amazed how the lives of you guys were so much alike. You an MP in the Army served in Bosnia, Jeff an MP in the Marines and served in Desert Storm. I know you both stood for the freedom of our Country and fought on foreign land. Only to be taken away from us here in the US. I will never understand, I will never understand how this country got into such a mess. I know your parents taught their children to respect others, just as I tried to mine. But I see so many young people today who have no respect at all. What happened? Here in N.C., you see stickers on cars that say my child is an A student in whatever school they go to. Then a car will pass that has a sticker that says "My kid can beat up your A student", what kind of parent is that. Where will there children end up. I know from experience Mike, that some parents can do the best they can, and still a child can get into trouble, but I know I always tried to teach my children to do right by others. Although the problems may arise,like your Mom and Dad, we tried. You and Jeff and all the other Hero's, did you give your lives in vain? Is our country getting any better? And I don't know if anyone can straighten it out. I just feel like it is coming to an end,just as the Bible says. When I read the books of Daniel and Revelations, I see it all coming to pass on TV. Now why in the world,did I go this way? Blessed are the peacemakers:for they shall be called the children of God. Matt:5-9. Thats why I know you are now with God, his children, all you Hero's, you tried to bring peace for all of us. The good and the bad, just as Jesus went to the cross for all man kind. Thank you Mike, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. We will meet someday, someday soon.
Until then know how much I love and miss you. Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

February 11, 2007

Mr. Gordon,
Thank you so much for your kind words you left on my husband's page. I've seen your reflections on other officer's pages and I just wanted you to know that your remembrance and support to other survivors is truly appreciated. I'm sure your son is proud of the gift you give to others.

Denise Scarbrough, Surving Spouse
Sgt. Michael A. Scarbrough EOW 2/9/05

February 8, 2007

Dear Dad Gordon,
Thank you so much for leaving a reflection of kind words for my brother and our family. No doubt the Lord lead you there so I could come to your son's reflection. I have read about the tragic lost of your son in the line of duty.
I am so, so sorry!! I am deeply sadden that this has happen to you, your family, friends and co-workers.
I truly wish I could have met Michael and had a chance to know him and his family. My heart hurts that he only had a short time with his daughter.
It was and is bittersweet news about Michael's Law and how it has came about. I believe that it is a great honor and most worthy law you have made happen. It would be honor to be able to hear you speak on this as well.
I know that small towns as well as big cities high schools really need to hear about this Law and subject.
I am proud of you and your family for all that they have did and are doing by protecting the public and by keeping up the fight for justice.
Thank you also for all the stories that you have shared and please continue to do so as I feel that I am part of your family by being able to read them. My mom was from Illinois as well as other family members live there.
True honor and intergerity is and was bestowed on you and your family and it shines brightly. Know that truly Michael is watching over all. I will keep you and your family in my prayers always.

My brother and yours!
Ofc. Charles Clark
E.O.W 4-03-03

Charlie's sis, Lora

February 6, 2007

Officer Gordon, you will never be forgotten. R.I.P. My family will keep you and your family in our prayers. Thank you for serving the citizens of Chicago.

Deputy Reed
EPSO (Colorado)

February 5, 2007

Officer Gordon,
I found ODMP a couple of months ago when an officer's life from Colorado Springs was taken. Since finding this website, I have been drawn to it every day, reading reflections, writing some reflections and learning more and more about bravery, courage and sacrifice.

I'm just the average citizen who is astounded at how many officers and all involved in law enforcement have given their lives to make the world safer. It never occurred to me that being in your line of work puts you so close to danger every minute of your life, both on and off the clock. So, how does one begin to thank you for selecting a career that is dangerously unpredictable? How do we thank your family who stands behinds you, reluctantly letting you go out the door every day to do a job you are so passionate about, wondering if you will return safely?
There are no words to adequately express the average citizen's gratitude.

As I have perused reflections across this website, I kept coming across your dad's name. What I am so struck by is the kind of father you have. His messages to others are thoughtful and compassionate -- two qualities I am sure were instilled in you. Through his own grief, he is able to reach out to others and let them know they are not forgotten.

Officer Gordon, I don't know how to even thank you or your family for your sacrifice. While I am not related to anyone in law enforcement, my respect for all who have chosen this work is profound. I am truly sorry for the loss your family has suffered.

Mr. Gordon, thank you for sharing your eloquent writings about your son, and for allowing average people like myself to say "thank you".

just a citizen in Pennsylvania

February 4, 2007


Bad day today. Maybe because it's your little girl's 3rd birthday and it breaks my heart that you can not be here for her. I would trade places with you in a heartbeat if I could. I remember that panic phone call from you 3 years ago and Mom answered and you were all worked up and wanted us at the hospital as soon as possible. That little girl came into this world a fighter as she was born at 24 weeks. We didn't know if she was going to make it but she did. You were so proud of her. Also, she was the first female born into the family with the Gordon name in 50 years. We all just kept having boys. You were only able to spend 6 months with her and she will not remember you but we will keep your memory alive with stories, pictures and videos of you. We will let her know how much of a hero her Daddy was and will be forever.

Well, I promised a Michael Story the last time I was here, so here goes.
We owned a 1981, Chev. Monte Carlo, which more or less was your Mom's car and she loved it. To this day she still talks about that car. I drove my beater to and from work and would only drive that Monte if I was with your mother. Rarely did I drive in it alone. Her number one rule to me if I ever drove it without her was, "NO SMOKING IN MY CAR." Well, one day she came storming into the house screaming and yelling at me that I ruined her front seat. I had no idea what she was talking about. The interior of the car had dark red velour cloth seats and the front seat was a split back seat meaning there was an armrest in the middle of the seat that would fold up or down and was shared by both the driver and the front passenger. She lifted up the arm rest and there was a cigarette burn that ran from the front area under this arm rest and all the way to the back of the seat. Apparently a lit cigarette had dropped on the seat and rolled down the seat from the front to the back. For years I denied to your mother that I did it, she never believed me until finally many years later the truth came out. You and your brother Bob, wanted to take some girl home late one night. Evidently it was after curfew and Mom was asleep, I may have been at work. You both snuck the car out of the garage and the 3 of you sat in the front seat. A cigarette was dropped in the front, rolled down the seat burning the cloth. To hide it you put the arm rest down. It worked for awhile until Mom found it. After awhile she even had me believing I did it. You guys kept quiet for close to 20 years and finally confessed. I remember you telling the story with that funny laugh and that crooked smile.

Take care, watch over the kids and Mom and your brothers. We all love and miss.


February 4, 2007

Hello Sweet Irish Rose,
Thought I had forgotten you, well I just never will. I keep all of you hero's very much alive in my heart. Your ST. PATRICK"S day will soon be here, and I know you will be looking down on the green river that day. They say I am crazy and maybe I am Mike, but I had rather be crazy in remembering you Hero's, than to be sane and forget you. That will never be. As long as I do have my mind. Mike, it hurts me to see people today, just think of themselves, when you and Jeff laid down your lives for people like that. Every officer out there is risking their lives for us, and I get angry when I see those uniforms taken so for granted, or hear of another officer down. And then to top that, the pay is nothing. They should be paid more than any VIP out there. The way I see it, they should pass a law in congress, that the police officers, highway patrolman,fireman should get raises and hugh ones. Well I doubt they would ever elect me to an office with feelings like that. But they sure don't mind voting themselves a six figure raise, do they? Democrats and Republicans. I not sure I trust any of them, at least I would be honest and fair. Also thrown out in just two day's. I will stand and pledge that flag, repeat those ten comandments, pray where I want to, and out loud if I want to. Mike, think about it, they take the prayers out of our schools, the ten comandments from our court house,then hand a man in prison a Bible....maybe they would't be in prison, had they not taken these things away from them, at least some.
Well haven't I just sounded off to you. But Mike, if I wasn't so old and had my health back, I would be right in the middle of it all, trying to fix what has been broken. Like your Dad, they would hear my voice. Who knows, maybe someday I can, by way of the computer. So you and Jeff lend a little help from upstairs will you?
I think your Dad should write a book,it would be a best seller. He has expreienced so much himself,then working with others with broken hearts from loosing a child or loved one.
Well I giess I've ranted enough,so I will get back to you and Jeff soon. Love and miss you, Carolyn

Carolyn Moore

January 30, 2007


Your son Cullen had a 2nd grade recital tonight which me and Mom went too. Your other son Malik was the spot light man for the show, he did a great job too. Watching Cullen ham it up on stage was like traveling back in time when you were his age up there on that stage at Lincoln School in Cicero. Cullen looks just like you reincarnated. He had a spot to salute our military personnel, he was a Marine, he tried trading with the kid who was for the Army but he wouldn't trade him. I was the guest speaker at a DUI class today. I travel around doing talks of what its like being a victim, but also as a father and a police officers view, hopefully it wakes up a few people. It gives me a chance to push "Michael's Law," which some have come up to me at the break and tell me they have used it but now it means more to them as they know how the law was passed, why and in whose name. Keep watch over your brother Bob, as you know he's changed departments and you know how he's in the old neighborhood now on patrol. You know how violent it can get in the hood. Next time I'll have a Michael Story to write. You will be surprised how many people know me as the story teller when I meet them and follow your site, made me feel good that they look forward to them. Give me a few days and I'll be back with one. Keep watching over the little ones for me.


January 25, 2007

Dear Mr. Gordon,
Thank you for your words of comfort and support left on my Daddy's page. I have visited Mike's page before and today am struck by a few similarities: My husband, who was also shot and nearly died in the same incident that took my Dad's life, was an MP in the Army, and loved it! He learned a lot of survival skills there that helped save him that fateful night. We have 5 children, Mike had 4. My husband and Dad worked for the same Sheriff's Office, and my brother is now going through basic law enforcement training, with plans to work at that office. My oldest son is only 15, but has been on track to become a NC State Trooper since he was 5! With his build, character and determination, I have no doubt he will succeed. My middle son, the one who was witness to the shooting at 11 yrs old, is now in a private Military School with plans to become a Naval Aviator! All the men in my life are in uniforms!!! I'm very proud of them as I'm sure you are of your boys, but I can't help but be worried and pray fervently that I never see their names on this site or the wall in DC. No parent would want that and I'm so sorry that is your reality. Please know that I pray for Mike's family and that someone in North Carolina cares. Maybe we will meet at the wall sometime; I'm there every May.
God bless you all, and thank you again for your support. We couldn't get through these times without each other!

Lori Johnson Rowley, wife of NC LEO
Daughter of Sgt. James Johnson, EOW 11/11/04, FCSO, NC

January 24, 2007

Hi Mike,
You know it breaks my heart everytime I come to your site to leave a reflection, when I see your picture. That crooked little smile and tears come to my eyes. For your family, I hurt. And I hurt that I never got the chance to meet you in person.

Then, I read one of the stories your Dad has left about you and then the tears go and the smile comes to my face,and soon I'm laughing out loud. I can just imagine the look on your face, when you were told you were sitting on a box of grenades. Military or not, I don't think I would have stayed on that box. But you would Mike, because you were faithful to the Army and faithful to the Chicago Police Dept.. Mike, everyone who knew you and those who just heard about you, love you. Not just for being a Fallen Hero,but for being the man you were. The MAN that still had that little kid part of him. The Man that will forever be alive in our hearts and memories. Thanks,Mike for all the good you left behind. The beautiful Parents, Brothers, and Children, through them we will forever have a part of you. You are forever in our heart. Love, Carolyn
P.S. Tell Jeff I love and miss him, will you?

Carolyn Moore

January 20, 2007

I love reading your stories. You a hero to all your family and friends. You touched a lot of people even me. You have a family of heroes. You will never be forgotten. Thank you for your sacrifice. I hope your family got through the holiday's okay. Your dad says your birthday will be here soon. That is a day to celebrate.

Sharon Atkins, Identical Twin Sister of Norfolk Officer Sheila Herring EOW 01-16-2003

Sharon Atkins

January 19, 2007

Hi Michael,

We all miss you every day. Sometimes I think this whole ordeal gets worse as we go along and not better as people say it will. I can only speak for myself. Probably the best days I can think of is when we use to work together in Riverside. I find out after you left some of the things you did and the guys hid from me. Nothing really bad or earth shaking, but you stood your ground and for that I give you credit. Right after we lost you I had the opportunity to speak with your Army sergeant who you and I talked about the last time I saw you. You were looking for him and unfortunately you didn't get the chance to talk with him again. I did, by telephone a short while after you were killed. He didn't hear about it. I remember back when you introduced me to him at Ft. Bragg, NC. He drove up with that big Lincoln with the Master Jump Wings license plate on the front and he got out and was calling me "Sir" and I gave him the present I brought for him and you. A 30 pack each of Old Style Beer. He was originally from Wisconsin and you couldn't get the beer in NC so you were both so thankful for it. Anyway, when I was able to talk to him after your death, I thanked him for watching over you in Bosnia when you were both there with the first Peace Keeping Force and things were really rough. I asked him for a story about you, and he did remember one and I don't ever remember you telling us about it but here it is:
Your base camp received a frantic message from the Russian sector, they were under attack and needed help so you unit scrambled. You got into your Humvee which has a 3 man team. Driver, Gunner and Medic. You were the gunner. Sgt Kalk jumped in along with a number of other soldiers to get to the fire fight. Well, some Corporal came running out of a building carrying a large wooden box and flagged your Humvee down, Sgt. Kalk took the box which you said wouldn't fit in the back so he stood the box upright and told you to sit on it and then they had enough room to let the Corporal also jump in. Racing down those bumpy bombed out roads, you were trying to keep you balance sitting on the box and you finally asked Sgt Kalk what was in the box, and he answered you, "GRENADES." Which is exactly what the box was, a case of granades. Sgt Kalk said he wished he had a camera of the expression you had on your face when he told you. I can imagine. If he ever reads this site, I want to say thanks to him for watching over you and all him men and bringing all of you back to us safe, even if it was only for a little while longer. Thank you Sgt. Kalk. Take care Mike, loved and miss you. Keep watch over the little ones for me.


January 16, 2007

Dear Gordon family , I just wanted to say that I was thinking about all of you guys. As the baby turn's three in a few weeks.Its just weird how the time seem to fly by. But still feel the pain that we feel..I can only imagine how big the baby is.Just thought we'd drop a line . The Rolniak family eow 2 4 04. God Bless you all

January 12, 2007

Dear Mike,
Wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you. But like I told Jeff, I think my eyes are on the pictures of you guys,that sit on the TV more than the TV. Yep!!I still wonder why....always will. I loved the story your Dad wrote about you begging. After seeing pictures of you when you were little, I can just see you doing that. And I can imagine your Mom when she saw you. I love the stories your Mom tells me and the ones your Dad writes. I have to tell you again Mike, your Dad beats all I ever saw. And your Mom. No matter who calls them, with whatever, they take the time to listen. How blessed you all were to have each other. I guess you and Jeff were standing at the door when another Hero entered Heaven yesterday. He was from NC. It hurts so bad to hear that another Officer had to go home. My heart aches for their families, as I know what they are going through. That pain never heals. The only thing I know is that we will all be together again someday.
Well Mike continue to keep watch over your family, and all of us down here in NC, will you? Love you and miss you Mike, don't ever forget it...Love to you and your family, Carolyn : Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt EOW 04-04-04

Carolyn Moore

January 12, 2007

Hi Mr. Gordon!
I just checked Bill McEntee's site and see you left another reflection on his page. I'm sure his family appreciates the blue Christmas light you displayed in Bill's honor.

There's a home, not far from ours, that has a blue light shining amongst many colored Christmas lights. Whenever I drive by, I always wonder if the blue light is in honor of a Hero they've lost. And, thoughts of the Gordon family always cross my mind. I know that probably sounds strange, since I've never met you or anyone in your family. But, because I check your son's website regularly, it feels like I'm getting to know you. Mike was as lucky to have you for a father as you were to have him for a son.

The reflections from Cullen, Malik and India break my heart. It's funny how the boys want to leave all kinds of things on their daddy's gravesite. I had to chuckle about the Xbox game one of them tried to convince their mom to leave "for Mike"!

I got chills when I read about the medium a family member held. They saw Mike with a small child, but didn't know who the baby was - until a reflection was posted about the baby girl who died around the same time as Mike. It's amazing the way in which God works! I'm certain your son is looking over her.

I know the holidays have been especially difficult for you and your family. I wish something could be done to ease the pain. You've done an excellent job of keeping Mike's memory alive and "introducing" him to those of us that never had the opportunity to meet him. I enjoy reading your stories about him......especially the last one about him BEGGING outside the train station for money -until your wife/his mom found him and brought him home!

I hope 2007 is less painful for you than the last few years have been. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Kelly Cox Bievenue

Kelly Cox Bievenue
MO citizen

January 10, 2007

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