Tabor City Police Department, North Carolina
End of Watch Saturday, May 15, 2004
Reflections for Patrolman Shane Miller
hey brother.
it has been a long time since i was on here to leave anything but here i am on august 5 2005, just wanted to let you know that our little brother TRIPP is getting married tomorrow...cant believe he is getting married...i will be there tomorrow and i take you in my heart cause i know you would be there...anyway you are in my heart everyday and night..i will never forget you...your open personality is one that can never be until i see you again ..
see you in a little while..
from one part of your band of brothers
Richie D. Hilburn
August 5, 2005
Just had to talk with you for a little while tonight. I quess this may sound crazy, but I feel like somehow you can hear me when I send you messages. Who knows, maybe you can. As always you have been on my mind seven twenty fours.
Night before last I could see you standing at the bedroom door like you always did when you would come home at night, just to talk with us about something you had on your mind. It was so real that I had to jump out of bed, the most incredible feeling came all over me. If I could have only gave you a big HUG. Shane you can never imagine in a million years how much we miss you. Nothing is the same, life has just changed so much. You just have a feeling of being lost and not knowing where you belong in life. You want so much to change those feelings, but you don't know how. I will promise you this, I will see you again, just as long as The Good Lord will keep me in my right mind, I will serve him and try to live my life in a way that would be pleasing to him. Just don't ever forget, we'll be there when he is ready for us.
Just got to tell you the good news. The TIMOTHY SHANE MILLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP for BLET (Basic Law Enforcement Training) has been signed and ready to be awarded at the next class at SCC. In fact we will be giving two each year. We are all very pleased. You will never ever be forgotten. People still talk of you a lot and miss you so much. Guess I had better go for now, I will surely be back. Oh yes, I know that you knew what BLET meant, HA HA. LOVE YOU DEARLY!!!!!!!!!!
August 4, 2005
You know Shane, I was lying in bed last night, crying, thinking of all the wonderful things we could have done together and I got so angry. I know it's not your fault, but you should be here with me. I know that you would have never left me, not like this, if you could have helped it. This whole scenario is so WRONG. It is wrong for such a young man with his whole life ahead of him to be taken this way. It is so wrong that we have been robbed by some cowardice punk that could not pull over for a blue light. Yes, I am selfish, I want you here, with me, now. It is so unfair that I will never get another 6am wake up call from you, even though I would get up at 5 so I could be ready and we could talk longer. Never knew that did ya? It's unfair that I cry alone, you should be here to hold me. I need you, Shane and I know you would not want me to hurt like this. I just get so mad when I think of all that could have been, not only for me, but for your mom and dad, too. Getting on with "life" has been so difficult. I'm trying so hard to get me together. Me without you doesn't add up to much these days. Some days I'm just numb to everything and others I feel every little emotion imaginable. I'm sorry about unloading on you like this, but I had to vent and you've always been there.
On a better note, now that you've calmed me down, I've got Chloe ready for school. She's excited to be going to WTS. I'm not so sure how I'll do the first day. I've decided to sell the condo. I got an offer I couldn't refuse. This is your deal too. Remember how we talked about buying it together? I really don't have time to take care of it like I should anyway. We have enjoyed the pool this summer though with friends and your mom and dad. It was a riot. I know you were sitting on a cloud laughing your butt off. I've also started another job. I know, but work keeps me out of trouble. And trouble is no fun anymore without you.
I miss you and I love you, always have, always will......
August 4, 2005
I never knew this even existed, if I had of I would of written a long time ago. Where in the world do I start my friend & my brother. The day I got the call from my daddy was the HARDEST day of my life!!! I didn't even want to get ready to live my house to even think about it just HURT, it hurt more than you can ever know. Eventhough, you & I had drifted apart because of me getting married, you still had the special place in my heart & you always will. I regret you never getting to met Dalton & being able to see the joy he & Kevin have brought to my life. That night I had a dream that I was in a place & I was talking to a mom, I hugged her neck & said I'll never be in his wedding, he'll never have childern, it will never be the same again & then that dreadful call from my daddy!!!! Oh no..........that call. It was not true it couldn't be, it's just not right & it never will be, this wasn't suppose to be how it was suppose to end. For nights I woke up dreaming about you, thinking of you & for days I went to see your mom & dad, I love them so dearly they are my SECOND parents & always will be. I can say I haven't seen her in a couple of months, I did go for your birthday & it was WONDERFUL all the people that came & everyone celebrated YOU!!! The tree was really nice, she loves you, your daddy loves, we ALL love & miss you. I'll go for now, but will right you soon!
Love your little sis,
Lifelong Sister
July 30, 2005
Hi Shane. You were highlighted on
the website today so I came to your
page. This is so sad! Even though
I left a reflection over a year ago, it is
still so tragic to read about how you
died. A year isn't nearly enough time
to get over losing you so I hope your
family and friends will be easy on
themselves. But knowing you are with Jesus is the Most Reassuring
Thought we can have. As followers
of Jesus Christ, we can have the
assurance of being with you again
someday and never having to be
separated again. And eternity never
ends. God bless all those who you
love and all those who love you. With
love from one coast of America to the
Lynn Kole
Washington State
July 25, 2005
I know it's been a couple of months since I last wrote and there's a lot of things that have happened since then. Let's see, on July 2, the Shane Miller Memorial Team did well in the Firefighters Competition in Southport. Everyone was there cheering them on. (Michael even showed up!) We had a great time and theyh did us proud. Can you believe most of them did the Bucket Brigade barefooted? It was hilarious! They brought home 3 awards and 2nd place overall. They showed the greatest sportsmanship there. (You know all about that!) Now we're all getting ready for the Yam Festival competition. We know they'll do great there too.
We've also been spending a lot of time with your mom and dad. Once again, I say, they are great people. As I write, your mom is gone with CBW. We enjoy being with them. Your mom and I were talking about you yesterday and, as usual, we laughed, got sad, but then knew that you wouldn't want that, so we perked up. I just want you to know what an inspiration you have been to so many people. As CBW and I were on call this weekend, there are so many things out there that remind everyone of you.
Well, I guess I'll write again later. Keep watch over us. WE LOVE YOU!
July 25, 2005
Shane, another 15th, another tear, another memory of you. You are always on my mind and forever in my heart. I still don't understand, still can't comprehend, and I am still not believing all of this. You'd think I'd get a grip, right? It's hard to come to terms with something you can't control. Even though you are not physically here, YOU LIVE. Your name is mentioned often and tears are still shed by so many. I miss you so very much. You know Shanes don't come along but ever so often. Paths cross for a reason. I'm glad I found you, glad you found me.....
July 15, 2005
Here I sit in one of your favorite places, you know where that is. I miss you more than webster has words to define. Life is just not the same without you, sometimes I find myself wondering if I am losing my mind. As I have heard, yes, sleep is very over rated. Days become months, months become years and things still only seem like yesterday. How can anyone continue to exist much less live having gone through such a tragedy? I sit and think about the evening of May 14, 2004, you were getting dressed in you uniform, as always everything had to be in place and perfect, no wrinkles anywhere. You fit your profile perfect. You know, I haven't told you this , but when I hugged you and told you I loved you that evening, I wanted to say, please don't go Shane, because something just did not feel right to me. I remember turning and walking away, crying and thinking , this may be the last time I see Him. Oh God if I only knew what was waiting down the road I would have held on and never have let you go. I know that Law enforcement was a dream that you had for a long time, but I was terrified, not because I thought you could not take care of yourself, I knew better than that. I have so many questions. <<< I miss you so much>>>
I know that there is a God and I pray to Him every day, sometimes all day. I depend on Him alot. Prayer helps, you know why? Because through those prayers I have been given a blessing of hearing you whisper to me and even felt your presence, then is when I feel the most calming experience that I have ever felt. Also God has spoke to me and said, "Shane is alright, he is here with me, all you have to do is prepare to meet him." I have always heard people talk about how they could hear God and their loved ones speaking to them and would think to myself, can they really hear their loved ones? Now I know the answer to that question.
Until God calls me home so I can see you again, My love is with you always!!!!
July 11, 2005
Shane, Well, I finally made it here to say something. As you can see you are very missed and very loved by so many. The words " Shane Miller" will go a long ways. Ya know, it seems like most of the time when someones looses their life their bodies and their names are buried but you my friend your spirit and your name will live on forever. I just want to tell you this. You stood with pride, you stood with integrity, you stood with the symbol of heroism and hero that you are. I know that you are watching over all of us and the things we do. I pray everyday that we all will have faith and trust in God, God is a good God. He has a plan for us all. But we have to live our lives the way He would want us to. See you in heaven one day my friend.
June 22, 2005
"There are some things in life that we don't want to happen, but have to accept--people we can't live without, but have to let go."
When I read this quote by an unknown author, I thought of you. It is still very hard to come to this page daily and see your name here among so many. I've come to the conclusion that you're not coming back (although I still look for your truck) and there will never be another like you. It's been a long 13 months. I want you to know that I saw sunshine in your eyes and just knew you could have hung the moon if you put your mind to it. I miss you, Shane. Every part of me wants to see you, or just talk to you. A glimpse or a whisper would be fine. It's so hard, even in the line of work we do, to realize that in the blink of an eye we can lose our world, all the hope we have, our dreams.
I had dinner last night with Robyn. You know, you really know how to pick friends. She is a great person and she and I have forged a wonderful friendship. Chloe and I are going to see her in Statesville very shortly. I need to get away, clear my head sort of thing.
I hope I soon finish with my clinicals. It's been a tough road, but I can see the end in sight. I'm not sure if I'll stay here. Not really sure what I'm gonna do at this point, I'll figure it out along the way. If you see my path before I do, guide my footsteps. You're view has got to be better than mine.
There is a corner in my heart that has been set aside for you, even before this happened. It will always be there. That corner will always beat strong for you, your memory, and all you have meant to me. I love you, that part of me always will...
June 15, 2005
He was a brave and caring man
Who was always willing to lend a hand.
For Fire, Rescue and Law Enforcement was his one true love.
He was surely sent from Heaven above
He was always willing to take a stand
His Mom and Dad were his biggest fans.
For on one dreadful May night,
he took his last farewell flight
He left on Golden Wings and we could hear the Angels sing
For another Angel has come home
In our hearts he will forever roam.
Now he's gone to be with God
He has finished his earthly job
For every sunset that we see
Remember that's where he will be
And if you ever get to feeling blue
Remember he's watching over you.
We'll have the Memorial Team to keep us going
His memory will forever keep growing.
So keep the love for him inside
Jenelle Dawson
Wife of Chris Dawson, Tabor City Fire Dept.
June 2, 2005
My thoughts & prayers were with your family, friends and loved ones on 5/15/05, and again on 5/19/05, when my department & other local agencies gathered to commemerate our fallen officers.
As somber of an affair as it was, it was also a time to reflect. As I "reflected", a grin came to my face thinking about us GOOFY kids being "big, bad, T.C.P.D. Explorers" Were we cool or what? LOL
I know God has made you a special angel to watch out for the rest of us here on Earth. Thanks & keep up the good work.
"Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they will be called children of God." Matthew 5:9
Ptm. Karla Mann Kelly
Knox Co. Sheriff's Office
May 30, 2005
I see that CBW has already let you know what a time we had this past weekend. Sorry I didn't get to write to you on the one year anniversary, but we really celebrated your life and the lives of the other officers that we killed serving the public. I know you were with us. As we sat at the candlelight vigil on Friday night, it seemed that the wind blew at just the right times during the ceremony. I looked over at CBW and told her that you were there and knew what was happening. It was a true honor. But it's like Shane said, no one fathoms the cost of this past weekend unless they were there. Not the monetary cost, but the cost that so many of you had to pay to be honored like that. I just wish people would recognize the work that you all do daily, not just when you are killed or injured in the line of duty. However, it was tremendous and everyone felt that it paid a tribute that was well-deserved. Your mom and dad did great and you would have been proud of Rocky. I don't think we could have had a better group of people to travel with and I know that you had a hand in putting us all together.
You know what decisions are being made now by some of your friends. I hope that you can be an example to them. I pray that I am able to support any decisions that those peope make.
Keep watch over us. I'll talk to you again soon! We miss and love you.
May 18, 2005
WOW, one word sums it up, Shane. I can honestly say the only thing that would have made this trip better would have been you. Although your spirit was surrounding us, we needed someone to put our arms around. We had each other, but I really wanted you. Completely awe struck, yes, that pretty much describes it. The respect we were shown, the respect that was paid to you, the lights, sirens, officers from everywhere, amazing. You would have loved it. I was right, Beaverdam goes to Hollywood. I can only imagine what it would have been like with you there. I found myself feeling really sad for other families and their situations. Today one year ago, we celebrated your life and said our "see ya laters". I sat through the service not knowing just how I fit into your world. You always seemed to quiet my fears about everything else going on around me and even now, you have let me know through others how much you really cared. I will never say goodbye, Shane. Police Week has been an experience that I will never forget. Plans are all ready being made for the trip next year. I imagine there will be a trip before 2006. We will keep your memory alive through our dedication and love for you. You know this isn't getting much easier, I still miss you more than words can express. Even though you always said you had the worst luck of anyone, you and I are lucky. You because, not many people live the life you did in such a short time. Me, because I spent 6 months of my life in awe of you. I still can't believe a lot of what has gone on around me, but it feels right. Keep us safe, watch out for your mom and dad, until next time.....
May 17, 2005
YOU WERE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 16, 2005
At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.
Tonight, May 15, 2005 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Patrolman Timothy Shane Miller who died in the line of duty on this date one year ago.
When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.
Patrolman Miller's sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC
May 16, 2005
May 14, 2005
hey sweetie, it has been a has gone by so fast.shane i miss you even more today. the day of your birthday i cried so much as everyou put dirt to the tree, and your mama looked at me and said shane happy. i know that you,but it's not fair. the many many people that love and miss you so much. we would like to have you here. but i know that you are always with us. I LOVE YOU!!! SHORTY
May 14, 2005
In memory as your one year anniversary approaches:
On angels ...
"The wings ain't anything but a uniform that's all. When they are in the field so to speak, they always wear them."
- Taken from Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
... you're not forgotten.
April 13, 2005
May 13, 2005
Shane, I'm sitting here still in disbelief. I cried all the way to work this morning. Yesterday your mom, dad and myself went to High Point for NC Peace Officer's Memorial Day. Dudley did a wonderful job. I know you were proud of him. It was the most remarkable service yet. It was so different. The church was beautiful and huge. It was somehow connected to what used to be a mall. Anyway, your mom and I decided that any church with a mall had to be as close to Heaven as we could get. I'm sure you know that a lot of us are DC bound this year. I can only imagine what that will be like. We're gonna cry a lot and laugh a lot and miss you even more. I won't have access to a computer until we return, so I wanted to acknowledge your 1 year anniversary in Heaven early. This year has been lots of things for me. A year to reflect on the many great times you and I have had, a year of loneliness although everyone has been right here for me, a year of learning about my limits, and a year of realizing life is too short, some things just don't matter, and you better accomplish your goals early. We always had fun no matter where we went, regardless of what we were doing. I want to thank you for leaving your footprints on my heart. Thank you for allowing me to be me with you. Shane, you will never know the impact you've had on my life. Look out for us in Washington, you know most of us are from Beaverdam, and well, I guess that says it all right there. You and I always talked about traveling together to different places. I always thought my first trip out of NC/SC would be with you. Then again, I guess you will be there.....I miss you more with every tear.....
May 11, 2005
I just wanted to write to you and wish you a belated happy 28th birthday and to let you know you're doing a
" damn good job " watching over us.
I miss you like hell, but I know I will see you again one day, and then we can pick up where we left off at. I'm sure we'll have alot to talk about.
So in the meantime, happy birthday angel and keep watching over us like you always do. See ya again one day.
Love ya always,Lil Bro!!
May 5, 2005
Sorry I didn't visit earlier to wish you a happy birthday. You know how it is in this business, we know that the day isn't over until you've slept. Well, we haven't slept yet. Your good friends and family were together most of the day today, remembering you, celebrating your life with your mom and dad, and laughing and crying at times. We all planted a tree in your honor and memory in your parents' yard. Everyone there got a chance to take part in the planting. It was wonderful, but we know that you already know that. We got to meet a lot of your friends that we had heard you and your parents talk about tonight too. You were truly in the midst. As your mom said as we left a few minutes ago, you would have been happy with today.
So, to end, I hope you have a happy birthday. I know that you are in a wonderful place to be celebrating. Keep watch over us as we continue on...
May 1, 2005
Happy Birthday, Shane. I never thought I would be wishing you Happy Birthday like this. I felt so bad last year when we spent the afternoon of your birthday together and I had not had a chance to get you a present, with my mom being in the hospital. Even though I apologized over and over, you said it was OK. And it was, as long as we were together. All afternoon together, I will never forget it. We even ran a call together that day. All that wreck investigation stuff was so foreign to me. Thanks for the lesson and thank you for spending your day with me. Had I known it would be the last one, I might would have done things differently. I would have told you my heart, although I always feel actions speak so much louder than words. Family ands friends are all going to get together this afternoon in honor of you at your mom and dad's. Join us, we are celebrating you. I'm so glad God allowed us to have you even though it was for such a short time. I'm sure we'll see your candles tonight burning brightly. Make a wish.....
April 30, 2005
We all miss you, love you and you will ALWAYS, ALWAYS BE IN OUR HEARTS. Your memory is kept alive by all of remembering each of our special times we have with you.You are talked about alot, we laugh together, cry together and get angry together as well.Thank you for introducing me to your circle of friends, they are my family with out a doubt, they are a blessing to have in my life, with out them I dont know where I'd be right now.Thank you.
April 29, 2005
durina keefer
April 28, 2005