Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Patrolman Shane Miller

Tabor City Police Department, North Carolina

End of Watch Saturday, May 15, 2004

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Reflections for Patrolman Shane Miller

Shane, I know that you will welcome those four police officers in heaven, you and Jesus please watch over their families, they are going to need alot of comfort for a l o n g, l o n g time. Your Dad and I will keep them in our daily prayers. We know much to well what those families are going through and will be for months and years to come.

We sure do miss you alot!!! The holidays are here and as you already know they are VERY VERY TOUGH TO GO THROUGH.
You and Jesus PLEASE keep us closer in your care, OK?
We love you and miss you more and more every day.
You know Shane, I have heard so many people say, as time goes by the pain will get easier, well they sure must not have the same feeling that we do. It has been 5 years, 6 months and 16 days and the pain is very very real still.
Until the heavens open their arms and welcome us in!!


Dad & Mom

December 1, 2009

Shane, Just had to stop by again and say, "we miss you alot". There will never be a day in our life that our thoughts will not be of you. We cannot begin to explain our feelings. Webster has not got the words that could even start to tell anyone how we feel. Yes we are (as you would say) very much in the "dumps" with our feelings, sometimes leaving us speechless. CANNOT EXPRESS!!!!!


October 7, 2009

Son here we are in the middle of Sept. Has been Five Years and Four Months since you were taken from us, it does not seem that long ago. As a parent when you lose a child feelings cannot be measured with time. Time does not make or fix anything. We miss you more and more everyday. I know that you would not come back, but Son what I would give for a chance to put my arms around you and tell you again how much we love you and how proud we are of you. We know that Law, Rescue and Fire were your careers, wish you would have had the chance to follow through with your lifelong dream (HIGHWAY PATROL). No doubt in our minds you would have been great, honest and fair.
As always we keep you in our hearts and mind (every day, hour and minute.



September 18, 2009

Well Shane its been a while. Just being able to see lots and lotsa of people REMEMBER YOU.IS A GREAT HONOR TO HAVE YOU IN OUR LIFE,YOU,YOU,YOU touched us and taught us what a family was and should be.You are still remembered in our hearts,souls and our family.Although I havent spoke to you here, you know thatI still talk without saying a word (You know how I respond).You have given US BOTH strength.Mookie is GREAT, growing and very happy. She is beautiful,inside and out b/c I know that you taught her beauty at her early age. I see YOU IN HER.she carries that with great pride as well as I do.I know you watch over her and you also know that she and I have never forgotton U.Thank me 4 being blessed 2 have you in our lives.


August 26, 2009

Shane,I know you were waiting for "Grandma Miller" when she went home to heaven to be with you. Bet she greeted you with that big smile that she always had (unless she was feeling bad) right? Please spend lots of time together and keep watch over us.
Grandma ask us about you just about every time we would go see her, she would say "where is Shane he hasn't been by to see me in awhile, he always came by", needless to say it would break our hearts and we would cry but we didn't want to upset here in her condition. So now she knows why and where you are. Tell her we miss her very much and someday we can have a family reunion like non other before. So again you and Grandma watch over the family. We miss and LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!!

Dad & Mom

August 23, 2009



August 2, 2009

Shane, I have spent alot of time as always thinking about you and how much I miss you and all the things that could have been if only you were here. My thoughts go to where you would be today in your career, also would you have found the right someone, would my grandchildren favor you, would we have a grandson or granddaughter? I truly miss all these Blessing that could have made life complete. I see alot of GrandParents that seem to have so much fun with their grands. All I can do is just imagine what it would be like, why, because you were taken from us. LIFE WILL NEVER EVER BE THE SAME, NEVER!!!!!
So much I could say but it won't change anything.


July 12, 2009

Shane, thought I would return to let you know I sure miss you son!! Alot of things have been going on with us. We,with alot of wonderful friends, have been to several Memorial Services for you and all the others killed in the line of duty. Shane the support that we have in your honor is wonderful.
Some of the Fairbluff Police Officers and their friends made a BEAUTIFUL CAR DOOR in your memory to be placed at the Police Wall and in the Police Museum at Washington, D.C.. Shane it nearly took my breath away, it is sooooo
nice. Your Dad and I can never thank them enough.
We will be printing a script and sending some pictures to the paper.
Just wanted to let you know you will never be forgotten.
There are alot of people who love you dearly and still talk about you. ALWAYS REMEMBER, WE WILL ALL BE TOGETHER IN HEAVEN ONE DAY!!!!!



June 17, 2009

Dear Shane,
Hey brother, I'm sitting here at 12:49am thinking of all the fun we had in school and then when we both decided to goto B.L.E.T I was so excited. Those four months were tough but you helped me make it through. I have thought about you on so many occasions as I ride up and down Madison St. in town and think of all the times we would hang out and cruise downtown when you would be off from GP. Brother I know I'm just running on but I miss you and I wish you were here because I could realy use your friendship right know. Please keep checking in on me when you have the time and I hope that as I continue to do the job that we were ment to do just know that your fellow brother and sisters that wear the badge still miss you and for the many of us that call you friend we still love and miss you and speaking for myself I hope that I may be graced with your company when the time comes for me to join you in heaven. Untill the next time brother please keep me a spot up there and wrap your wings around me.
Master Patrolman Robert Worley
(B.L.E.T. class mate/Friend)

Master Patrolman Robert Worley
Whiteville Police Dept.

April 9, 2009

A house is not the same when he who made it a home is gone;
it looks as it has always looked and yet forlorn.
There is an emptiness within, a silence where his laughter was. From now on it is his Dad and I who once had a happy family and home.




April 7, 2009

Shane just a little note to let you know you were topic of conversation today. Son alot of people really miss you so much. I still keep hearing comments of what a wonderful person you were. You know I thank God that you were so kind and caring. You touched alot of peoples lives more than you knew, just by being the great person that you were. Your Dad and I had a tough weekend, as I have said before our life will NEVER be the same. One day we will be reunited with you forever, what a wonderful time that will be. I LOVE YOU SON !!!!!!!!


March 25, 2009

Shane, Thinking of you always and missing you the same!


March 2, 2009

Shane another ocassion has come and gone without you with us. Even tho you had grown up we still had our family tradition on Valentine's Day. We missed you more than you will ever know. Your Dad and I tried to get you an arrangement that we thought you would like. What a wonderful time it would have been if we could have had our family time together, we thought of you and talked about you. Your Dad gave me a BEAUTIFUL DOZEN roses and as usual the yellow rose in the center that meant, This is from Shane and I love you all the way from heaven. Yes, you know I had to cry as usual. Shane today will be Four Years and Nine months since you were taken from us and it only seems like days ago. The hurt and pain is still there no matter where we go or what we do, but one thing is for sure, you are always with us. WE LOVE YOU SON!!!

Always And Forever, (Sunday, Fed. 15, 2009)
YOUR MOM AND DAD (And no one can take that away from us!)


February 15, 2009

Shane, I was just sitting here today as always thinking of you, your mom and dad. I know they miss you so much. I can't imagine and I pray I never will know the hurt darling they have had to face. They are truly good people. I know we are not to question God but when I come to your memorial page it just eats me alive as to why you had to go. The part that gets me the most is knowing how good a person you were to everyone and how you would just give the shirt off your back to anyone in need but had to be the one to go. I sit back and read the paper, look at the news, etc. at those getting busted for selling pills, getting high, telling lies, drinking, and using God as a crutch. It just ticks me off when they are so free to walk around and you a person who would have always been loving to your family, would work, wanted to have something, made dreams into reality, cared about everyone & had to go. I really miss you from the bottom of my heart. I know I didn't get to see you much as we got older and started going in opposite directions but you stayed on my mind alot. Your mom and dad have always been fond people to me, Shane and still today when I see them I have to hug him. I wish I could just go visit them one day and talk but it hurts me and I know it about kills them. I did go one night though and as we were sitting there with them talking I kept catching myself looking around at your pictures & thinking of how we use to be there after going to the Lake. It was a good visit and probaly they knew what was going through my mind but I tried hard to keep it to myself. When we got ready to leave we stopped in the laundry room at the back door and I felt your presence so near. It broke my heart. When we left I told sister I would love to go back one day and just talk but it hit me like a ton of bricks. Maybe I will build the strength to do that. Your parents have always acted like they thought alot of me and my family. Well I better go for now, but please always remember you will always have a special place in my heart and I love you & miss you. Forever Friend


February 3, 2009

Dear Son,
The holidays have come and gone. Most of our time was spent thinking about you and all the good times we had together as a happy family. Alot of tears were shed, our hearts were heavy. Our minds would reflect back on the years we spent with you at Christmas and how you would be so excited on Christmas morning (before daylight) opening all your presents. On New Years Eve we always had to get fireworks, we all enjoyed that and roasting marshmellows and hotdogs on a cloths hanger and telling ghost stories by the fire. Oh what we would give to have the pleasure of doing that again with you, and in time with grandchildren that we would have been blessed with. Shane, your dad and I use to talk about how things would be when you got married and we would have you and your family over for Sunday dinner (every Sunday) and all tne Memories we would make together, we will NEVER have those memories, they were taken away from us May 15, 2004.
Someday we will make beautiful memories together again in Heaven.

Mom & Dad


January 5, 2009

God bless you and your family.I never knew you but we are neighboring cities. My prayers go out to your friends and family.

Ptl Stevens
Loris Police Department

December 30, 2008

Shane I got down my year books the other day and you had took up 2 pages in my 7th and 8th grade year book.You said the sweetest things and all I could do was cry and laugh.I had forgotten you had wrote in them.I was feeling down and when I read all you had wrote It uplifted me. I will never forget those times and especially when you got out of your truck in town at the stop light and sang to me. That was so funny but sweet.Oh and I watched my pageant video that had you in a tuxedo as a escort.You were handsome as always.Thanks for all the childhood memories.Until we meet again.........


December 29, 2008

Hello Shane,
I have had so many trials lately.It has brought me closer with God.My Faith is stronger than ever and I am where I need to be spiritually.Shane I think of you all the time.I see your mama and dad from time to time.You are missed so much.Please watch over me through this hard time and I know one day I will see you again.You are in my heart for ever!! More so than some people ever knew. Lots of love.


December 29, 2008

It is the time of year when the scholarship committee starts to plan for the Shane Miller Memorial BLET Scholarship Dinner. It is again as with many many times that we think of you and how you committed yourself to the four hats you wore, Fireman, EMT, Police Officer and a very good friend to alot of people. So as we get together please watch over the awsume Committee and the wonderful family and friends that we have helping us each year. Your Dad and I don't know what we would do without them.
We all LOVE AND MISS YOU!!!!!!!

Dad and Mom


October 30, 2008

We still think of you daily. All is well and Braydon Shane is growing too fast. We're approaching the BLET Scholarship fundraiser and know that it will be a success even though we've changed some "traditions." Keep smiling down on us! Until we meet in heaven...


October 26, 2008

Officer Miller,
As a former officer I want to thank you for your service. Although I never met you it is obvious that you were a special person from what I've read here. Although we will never understand, God had other plans for you.

To the parents of Officer Miller,
My heart goes out to you. You can rest assured that your son will never be forgotten. It takes a special kind of person to be a police officer and your son was that special person. To touch people that have never even seen him, that's special. From one former officer from N.C. I am proud of your son's service.

Former LEO

October 22, 2008




October 4, 2008

Shane, As days go by I still and will always think of you and how we had such good times together. I miss you so much. Shane if only I could see you and hear your voice.
Life is so hard living without you. Your Dad and I have lost the most precious thing that God ever gave us and THAT WAS YOU, WHY-----------------------? Yes, I'm asking Why. Everbody tells me I'm not suppose to question what God does, honestly God did not take you from us, people hurt people, not God. God loves us, he want hurt us!
I know there is a better place for us and in Gods time we will see you again, but in the meantime life as your Dad and I have to deal with on a daily basic IS TOUGH, VERY TOUGH. Anyone who has been through the lose of a child can truly know what it feels like.
Just watch over us and you and JESUS take care of us daily is my prayer.



September 17, 2008

Officer Miller,

I was going through this site, why I don't really know, while working an off-duty job. I've read alot of the memories and letters written to you and it has made me think, you never know when or how it is going to happen.

From what I have read you were a great Son, Friend, role model, and Public Servant.

Although I never had the chance to meet you, you are my brother in blue. For some reason I feel like I have met you, I too was an explorer and have finally reached my life long dream of being a Police Officer. I know that you are watching over all us down here doing what we love to do.

"This is my shield.
I bear it before me into battle,
but it is not mine alone.
It protects my brother on my left.
It protects my city.
I will never let my brother
out of its shadow
nor my city out of its shelter.
I will die with my shield before me
facing the enemy."

Thank you for your service, we've got the watch from here!

Officer Turner

August 11, 2008



August 3, 2008

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