Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Chief of Police Douglas Alan Shertzer, Sr.

Lititz Borough Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Chief of Police Douglas Alan Shertzer, Sr.

Here it is 6 years since you have been gone. There’s nothing I can say that I haven’t said so many times before. I still think of you every day. I really hate this week because your anniversary date and National Police Week fall in the same week. So many reminders of that horrible day.

Everyone is doing fine. Some birthdays are coming up. Ashlyn will be 9 and Evan will be 8, both on May 25th. .It’s really hard to believe. They were practically babies when you left us .It’s really hard with you not being able to enjoy watching them grow up and they sure are growing up fast. Rylee is playing softball and Evan is playing baseball. I know you would have loved watching them play. When I watch them playing it reminds me of when you used to be an umpire when Christina played softball. There are so many things that happen that remind me of you.

Well I guess I’ll go for now but always remember, you are missed and thought of every day.

Miss you, love you always,

Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr., EOW, 5/11/04

May 10, 2010

Miss you, love you always.

Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr., EOW 5/11/04

April 23, 2010

I've been thinking about you alot lately and just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Birthday.

Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr., EOW 5/11/04

April 23, 2010

Chief, Just wanted to say your not forgotten and thanks for your continous watch over our department.

Lititz Officer

April 12, 2010

My Dearest Family and Friends

Somethings I'd like to say but first of all to let you know that I arrived okay.

I'm writing this from Heaven where I dwell with Our Lord above. where there's no more tears or sadness just eternal Love. Please don't be unhappy because I'm out of sight, remember that I'm with you every morning,noon and Night.

The Day I had to leave you when my Life on earth was through God picked me up and hugged me and He said I welcome you.
It's good to have you back again, You were missed while you were gone. As for your Dearest Family they'll be here later on.
I need you here so badly as part of my big plan. There's so much we have to do to help our Moral Man.
Then God gave me a list of things that He wished for me to do, and foremost on that list of mine is to watch and care for you.
I'll be beside you everyday and through out the years, And when your sad. I'm standing there to wipe away your tears.
When You lie in bed at night the day's chores put to flight God and I are close you in the middle of the night.
When you think of my life on Earth and all the loving years, because your only human they are bound to bring you tears.

Please don't be afraid to cry, it does relieve the pain.

I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned, But if I were to tell you You wouldn't understand.One thing is for certain, though my life on Earth is over I'm closer to you now than I ever was before.

To My many Friends, Trust God knows what is best.I'm still not far away from you I'm just beyond the crest.

So, If you can help somebody who is in sorrow or in pain, then you can say to God at night my day was not in vain.
And now I am contented that with my life. it was worth while,Knowing as I passed along the way I made somebody smile.
If you meet somebody who is down and feeling low just lend a hand and pick him up as on your way you go.
When Your walking down the street and you've got me on your mind just know I'm walking in your footstep only a half a step behind.
And if you feel a gentle breeze or wind upon your face that's me just giving you a great big hug or just a soft embrace.
I will always love you from the land way up above We'll be in touch again soon
PS God sends his Love.


April 6, 2010

So I know it's been awhile and I probably have written this a million times, but each of us hold you close in our hearts. Truthfully I can tell you that with 100% confidence. I'm amazed how I can come here five and a half years after you left us and it still makes me cry like it happened yesterday. So much about life has changed since you last saw all of us, but I know you truely have been here in spirit guiding and protecting like you always did.

You know what brings me here tonight. I almost feel like I come here for you to fix everything. I did it alot with difficult, hard to understand times with Jackson and times when I couldn't understand why your life took the path it did. I'm not coming here for myself and I'm sorry I did so often in the past. Please whatever you can do to ease the worry, pain, and confusion of those that need it most, and you know who they are, make it happen. I want nothing more in life to see everyone happy, healthy, and able to enjoy life. I know you would have wanted the same thing.

I love you Dad! Please do what you can to guide things in the right direction for those you love.

Love to you Always,

Daughter of Chief EOW 5/11/04

January 7, 2010

Here it is, that time of year again. I actually didn’t have such a hard time putting up a tree and decorating this year. I think it was a little easier because Rylee really wanted to help and she was really into it. Both her and Jackson helped to decorate the tree. Rylee found the snowman ornament with your name on it and got really excited. She said that she wanted that ornament to be at the top of the tree.

All of the kids are looking forward for Christmas. Rylee has a little Santa that counts down the number of days till Christmas. She is also starting to count down the number of days till her birthday. It’s hard to believe that she will be turning 8 years old in January.

I can’t believe that this will be the 6th Christmas that you have not been here with your family. I often think about all of the many crazy and fun things we used to do. Like going out to KB toys at 4:00 in the morning on Black Friday and standing in line to get those fur real pets for the grand kids. What were we thinking? I guess anything for the grand kids. Also when we went to Bomberger’s store with Shannon on that same Black Friday and you got us laughing so hard that, I don’t need to go into any more detail, we all know what happened. I am finding that remembering all the fun times and crazy things that we did makes it a little bit easier to deal with everything because those were some of the many good memories that I have to hold on to.

Jackson got his glasses and he looks like a little genius. He doesn’t really like them very much. It’s going to take some time for him to get used to them. He is a very strong little boy. He has overcome alot of challenges in his first five years. You would have been so proud of him. I am just so sorry that you never got to see him.

I can’t believe that Jeffrey is going to be 34 years old on Christmas. I know I keep saying that I can’t believe how fast the grandkids are growing up and sometimes don’t stop to realize that so are our kids.

A lot of things have changed over the past 5 years. I hope that 2010 will be a better year for all of our family. Please see what you can do to make that happen. I know you will try.

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas in Heaven this year and know that all of us will be thinking of you.

Miss you, love you always

Sue Shertzer
Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr., EOW 5/11/04

December 22, 2009

Just wanted to wish you a Happy 28th anniversary. I sure do wish you were here to celebrate it with me. Jim and Linda asked me to go out to dinner with them since their anniversary is the day before ours. I’m going to go but it won’t be the same without you there. Never forget that not a day goes by that something or someone reminds me of you.

It’s that time of year again with the holidays coming up that are really hard but I guess I will get through them just as I have for the past 5 years.

Happy Anniversary,

Miss you, love you always

Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr., EOW 5/11/04

November 13, 2009

Hey Dad! Been awhile since I came here, but I still think of you everyday. Thought of you so much this year when we took the kids to Wildwood. We stayed at Bal Harbour where we used to stay growing up. It was pretty much the same as I had remembered it. Once we got to the pools I remembered you teaching me how to doggy paddle across the small part of the figure eight pool. It was nice to be able to tell the kids about you and the times we shared there as a family. Jackson had a little rough time being away from home, so the one afternoon I took him back to the room to nap. About an hour later Rylee and Josh came running up because they wanted us to come out and and see something new she could do in the pool. We went down to see Rylee swim across the pool (the large top of the eight, much more brave than her Mommy at the age) in the deep part. Sounds so simple to some, but I could have just cried. It was very special to me that she had learned to do that the same place you had taught me.

So while we were at the beach Rylee got her hermit crap she named Jersey. Jersey died yesterday and Ry was crushed. She insisted on burying him in the backyard and reading his final eulogy. Josh and I just looked at eachother and didn't know whether to laugh of cry. She is so proper sometimes. Anyway in her letter to Jersey she wrote that since she is now in heaven with Pop Pop she hopes that you will hold her everyday. So make sure you hold that think often! I'm so glad when she thinks of you she thinks of you being in heaven happy. I know that's where you are too!

Lots of love Dad,


August 31, 2009

Yesterday was Jackson,s fifth Birthday. He had a really nice party and had a really good time. He is really making alot of progress. Afer the party Rylee left a balloon go for you again.I hope you got it. Jackson kept saying up,up higher.

Even though you aren't here, you are still remembered.

Miss you, love you always

Sue Shertzer
Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer SR., EOW 5/11/04

July 19, 2009

So, Pat and I just bought a new I'm packing things up from the old house and figured it makes sense to go through some of the boxes to make sure we really need what we're taking...and there it was. The picture of all, me and Grif, with Grif holding the infamous ribbon........I looked for that picture for years and could never come up with it.
Rest assured, when I get time, I'll copy it and send it to Suzie and case they no longer have it....and mine...well, once I remodel the basement in the new house...that picture will definitely go on our "Wall of Fame"'s something Pat and I did at our old house and now the kids want us to make sure we do it at the new house.

Anyway......thought you'd want to know that the "picture" is still out fact, I'm sure you had a hand in my finding it.....thanks.....till next time......


July 1, 2009

Tomorrow is Memorial day, so I just wanted to drop by and give my thanks for serving our community for so many years. You will never be forgotten. RIP Cheif Shertzer


May 24, 2009

Thinking of your family today...Doug and Evan are so strong.

Friend of Family

May 11, 2009

I can’t believe that it has been 5 years since you have been gone. A very long 5 years. Your short time here on earth certainly had an impact on a lot of people. I want you to know that you are loved and missed more and more every day. Some days it’s hard for me to watch people go on with their every day lives and mine just seems to stand still. It just isn’t fair that you are gone.

I just got back from your memorial golf outing and everything went great. We had a great turnout and the weather was perfect. It’s always nice to see old friends and reminisce about the past. One person I really enjoy seeing is Mike Hart. He always comes to all of these outings to show his support. We talked about the good old days when our families went on vacations together. Those definitely were the good old days. He is still the same Mike that can always get you to laugh. I know he really misses you.

Two occasions coming up are Ashlyn’s and Evan’s birthdays on the same day. I remember having Ashlyn’s first birthday party and after cleaning up, we went to the hospital to see Evan. Ashlyn will be eight and Evan will be seven. It’s amazing how quickly they are growing up. Right now Ashlyn is taking gymnastic lessons (which she is really good at ), and I guess Evan will soon be playing baseball.

Rylee started playing softball this year. I am not sure how much she likes it. I sometimes think she would rather be reading a book (she loves to read all the time). Alexis will be starting her horseback riding lessons soon. Something she is really looking forward to. Jackson is doing really well in pre-school. He is learning to do more and more everyday and is quite the ladies man.

These are all the things that you should be here for. Not only are you missing out but so are the Grandkids.

Just remember, you will never be forgotten.

Miss you, love you always

Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr., EOW 5/11/04

May 9, 2009

Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Birthday. The big “50”!! I can only wish you were HERE to celebrate it. You know I would have thrown you a big party even though you wouldn’t have wanted one. I know you always said that birthdays were no big deal but we both know that you really did enjoy them.

I know that you will have a great time celebrating with your Dad and Kenny. I’m sure you will be on one of the many beautiful golf courses up there. I’m pretty sure that is where you spend most of your time. I’m still wondering if you have been able to beat Kenny yet :)

Hope you have a great time and always know that I am missing you.

Until next time

Miss you, love you always,

Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer SR., EOW 5/11/04

April 23, 2009

It’s been awhile since I was last here but I just wanted to stop by and let you know that Christina is going to be celebrating her 30th Birthday this Wednesday, April 8. It’s so hard to believe that she is going to be 30 years old. She has grown to be such a beautiful young lady and such a GREAT mom to Rylee and Jackson. You would be so proud of her. She has been through so much with Jackson and has handled everything with such strength. Sometimes I don’t know how she does it. I am so proud of her.

Easter will be also be here soon and that is always another hard time to get through. I remember having the traditional Easter egg hunt for the grandkids. Then afterwards you would pull them around the field in the trailer hooked up to the tractor. They always looked forward to that. Jackson is the only one that never got to experience any of those things because he wasn’t born yet, but he would have loved it too.

Things have been taking a turn for the better lately. I know you know what I am talking about. I knew sooner or later things would start getting better.

Not much else is going on. Christina is trying to talk me into joining the gym with her. I am seriously considering doing it. It can’t hurt. I just need to motivate myself to do it.

I am still missing you so much, but like I said before that will never change. I just have to try and move on.

Not much else is going on.

Until next time,

Miss you, love you always

Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr., EOW 5/11/04

April 5, 2009

Here it is a New Year. Last year was a really tough year for our family. I know that you already know that. I can only pray that this will be a much better year.

Well, I made it through the Holidays. I just have to face the fact that without you here, every Holiday and special occasion will always be different. Nothing will ever be the same as it was before. EVERYTHING will always be different. I still sit some days and think how unfair it is to have to go through life without you.

The first special occasion of this year will be Rylee’s birthday. I can’t believe that she is going to be 7 years old tomorrow, January 9. I still remember the day she was born and we were sitting in the waiting area. I remember the nurse pushing her out to us and saying here she is, with Josh walking right behind her. She didn’t give him the chance to tell us that it was a girl.

She has grown to be such a special little girl and an excellent big sister for Jackson. She still talks about when the two of you would go for walks and pick up sticks. I can’t believe she was only 2 ½ years old when you died and she still remembers certain things about you. That really makes me happy when she talks about you.

It seems that all of our Grandkids are growing up too fast. Sometimes I wish they could just stay little forever but that isn’t an option. I truly am enjoying them very much and get upset that you aren’t able to do the same.

I hope you and Kenny enjoyed your Christmas in Heaven. I hope the golfing is going well. I’m just wondering if you have been able to beat him yet :)

I’m going to go for now. Until next time,

Miss you, love you always

Sue Shertzer
Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr., EOW 5/11/04

January 8, 2009

I want to wish you a Happy New Year and let you know I will be thinking about you tonight, just like I do every night.

Love you, miss you always

Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr., EOW 5/11/04

December 30, 2008

Rylee looked out the window tonight and said to her Grandma and I "Look at the beautiful sky my Pop-Pop painted for me." Then she said "Now he has my Uncle Mike to help him, that must be why it's extra pretty." I honestly wouldn't have even noticed had she not pointed it out. The sunset was incredible, and I do believe you both are responsible for bringing such beauty to our day. If you could have done it for anyone I know you would have done it for Rylee. Thanks for that!

I miss you Dad! I honestly thought that nothing could really touch me emotionally like your loss, but I guess life teaches you that you never know what to expect. It's still taking me sometime to cope with a recent loss, but I'm praying that time will heal the wounds like most other things. I know that having you to talk to would speed the healing process up. I miss your friendship and your ability to hug me and make me feel like everything will be okay. I know it will. It would really just be great to hear it from you.

We all miss you and want to to know how much we love you!

Love you Dad,

P.S. I made your old Christmas dinner menu tonight for dinner. I have to admit you would have been darn proud to have seen that!

Christina Diffenderfer

December 28, 2008

Well, here it is another Christmas without you. For some reason, this Christmas has been the most difficult since you have been gone. I can’t pinpoint why but it is. I really needed to push myself to put up a tree this year. If it wasn’t for the Grandkids, I probably wouldn’t have put one up at all.

All of our kids and Grandkids will be here on Christmas day like always. They are all pretty excited about Christmas. I’m not quite sure how many of them still believe in Santa. I’m pretty sure Lexi doesn’t . I’m not sure about the rest of them. I just wish you could be here to celebrate with us. You have missed out on so many things these past four and a half years it just isn’t fair.

I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and to let you know that you are missed and loved by all of us. I hope you enjoy your Christmas in Heaven.

Miss you and love you always,

Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr., EOW 5/11/04

December 23, 2008

I just found out today that your good friend Kenny Miller passed away on Sunday. I know that you were there to welcome him when he arrived.

I remember when Kenny was so upset that he could not make your last Memorial golf outing because he was so ill. I kept telling him that it was okay, but he was really disappointed that he wasn’t able to make it. If I remember correctly, he was actually on his way there, but had to turn around and go home. He has been struggling for a few years but now he is at peace.

I am guessing that by now the two of you have gotten a few rounds of golf in and are back in competition again. I’m sure the golf courses in heaven are beautiful, even more beautiful then the ones in Myrtle Beach.

I’ll let you go now. I’m sure the two of you have a lot of catching up to do.

Miss you and love you always,

Sue Shertzer
Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr., EOW 5/11/04

December 9, 2008

I wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy 27th Anniversary. I was just thinking the other day how on our 10 year anniversary you surprised me the night before and told me we were leaving the next day for a cruise. You really caught me off guard .I never suspected anything. I had one night to pack and get ready by 4:00 the next morning. We had such a great time on that cruise I will never forget it. There are so many memories that pop into my head all the time that I will never forget. Memories that I don’t have you here with me to reminisce with. I think about you all the time and I miss you so much!

This is always a hard time of the year with the holidays fast approaching. Holidays have not been the same since you’ve been gone. The only thing that keeps me going are our grandkids. They are already making their lists especially Alexis. She told me on Sunday that all she wants for Christmas is a horse. A REAL ONE!! She’s only 10. I told her I don’t think that is going to happen. Maybe riding lessons but not a horse.

This past year has been a really tough year for our family. So many things have happened. I know you are aware of everything. I can only hope the year coming up will be a better one. I am asking for your help to guide all of us through these tough times and help us make the right decisions and help things get better.

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with things that I don’t know where to turn. Everything was so much easier when you were still here. You always had a solution for everything. I need for you to help me be a stronger person. I can only wish that I could be as strong a person as you were.

Please continue to watch over all of us.

Loving you always,

Sue Shertzer
Widow, Chief Douglas Shertzer Sr.. EOW 5/11/04

November 12, 2008

It's been awhile since I've been here, but after these past few years I found other ways to feel close to you. It would definitely be better if all of this never happened, but that's reality.

Lots of changes once again. All of which makes me wish everytime that you could be here whether it's good or bad. I think we're all trying to figure out in our own ways how to go on without you, and we're doing the best we can. The hardest times for me are little things like school lunches with Rylee when other grandparents are there. Mostly just the little moments with the kids I wish you could have taken it.

The kids are great. Rylee is the big first grader with a busy social life. Honestly, she has been an absolute dream to raise and watch. Now that she's in school all day it makes me so thankful that I got to be at home with her the years leading up to school. Those are memories that I am so thankful for with her and Jackson that are just priceless as a Mom. She's a great kid and a real sweet heart. It's fun watching her become her own person. She loves school and just loves her teachers and friends there too! She ran a little fun run a few weeks ago and I couldn't have been more proud of her. She was pretty close to the front for about 1/2 of the race until she realized one of her friends was last. She ran back three times to her to make sure she was okay. To us her decision made her look like more than the winner of the race. She asked to sign up for Softball this week so that was pretty neat too! Josh is volunteering to coach so this should be good! I'll keep you posted!

Jacks is a busy little guy who has a lot to say! He's so cute! Literally his mouth does not stop from the time he gets up in the morning! Yesterday he woke up just giggling like crazy and singing his ABC's. I'm so thankful for him. It has been just like watching a total miracle right in front of our eyes. Things are definely still a challenge for him, but he really gives mostly everything all he's got. One of the biggest obstacles has been his refusal to do anything he doesn't want to do. He has a mind of his own. He's made his way several times to the thinking chair at school by telling his teachers "No, I don't want to" or "You do it yourself", but it's something that we're all working on with him. Very strong willed to say the least. Some days are still better than others, but I know that Jackson has alot to offer this world and that God has a great plan for him. Mostly I just pray that God gives me the strength to help him live out that plan and keeps him safe.

Josh is great! He and his good friend have started their own business last month. The kids and I are so proud of him and you would have been too! I know you were a major influnence in his life and that he still strives to make you proud. It's sometimes still to hard to talk about with him, but I know you would have been very proud of the man he has become. Business has been great and it's just neat to watch all these years of hard work finally come together for him.

So I'll wrap it up. Jackson is up in bed chanting "Mommy, Hello? Where are you?" Continue to watch over all of us Dad. Some of us could use a little more strength than others to deal with what life brings. No need to get into all of that you know who they are and what they need. Just make it happen.

I love you!


October 19, 2008

My friend......I just came back from Myrtle vacation......Matt, Tim and Alex and the grandkids were was a really nice time.
While down there I reflected on the times our families shared vacations. Crabs in a bowl, mini-golf with them blood sucking mosquitoes, watching (hearing) Dougie react to the crabs running across his feet, you and Grif goosing me and how the people around us reacted.......gosh those were the days weren't they? I honestly caught myself laughing to myself one day down there....just thinking about those crazy days...honest.
So, as today is my first day back from vacation, I decided to look at this page again..(I do it more than you might think)........and I just wanted to say that I hope when my day comes that I will have left such a mark on this world and with my family as you have with yours.
You've been gone for over 4 years and you can still make me laugh...and for that I just wanted to say thanks.....old friend.


Mike Hart
Forever Friend

June 30, 2008

Dear family,

It has been nearly two years since I last wrote. In no way does that signify that you have not been thought of. These days I do not see as much of you as I once did, but after seeing Jackson today I can't help but write a little something just to let you know how much your little man has just blessed my life and career path.

As my job does not allow me to go into detail for others, there is no medical explanation for what we saw today. I know we both know that it was nothing short of a miracle. You would be the last to take the credit, but you need to be told that you should be honored for never giving up on your son or God. Just to take one look at your eyes swelling with tears, but holding them back not to take away from your boy was incredible. Not to mention big sisters eyes as big as saucers to see her brother perform the way he did with a huge smile on her face. Just incredible. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you.

Chief Shertzer,
Your legacy lives on in those that you loved. Thank you so much for bringing the them my way in the path of life. I'm sure they know you share these special moments with them, just with a better view!

Carol Bateman MSN,RN

Carol Bateman

June 9, 2008

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