Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza

San Francisco Police Department, California

End of Watch Saturday, April 10, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza

As always,
thinking of you,
loving you,
missing you.


July 5, 2014

The girls have graduated Kristen's Alyssa and Isabella amazing the years gone by thought of always with love


June 13, 2014

Hello Brother,

Today your daughter graduates from the 8th grade. Wow, how time goes by so fast. It was only yesterday when we gathered at the hospital to wait for her arrival. She is so beautiful and graceful, and such a reflection of you. I miss you everyday. Not a day goes by without me thinking of you. Always wondering what life would be like, always missing you. I know your smile will be shining bright on her tonight.

Your sister, Regina

May 23, 2014

10 years ago your life was taken away but still 10 years have passed and you have not been forgotten. I never had the opportunity of meeting you but after reading about you I will always have a place in my heart. R.I.P Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza

Student Gisela Mendoza
Mission Hills High School

May 9, 2014

Hey Isaac, I can't believe it's been ten years! Your the first person I think of Easter morning. Miss you brother!

Sergeant Ian Furminger

April 20, 2014

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones. A decade has passed since you were called away and I know those that love you dearly that it has felt like a lifetime since they saw your smile, heard your voice, felt your warm touch. Continue to watch over all of your loved ones.

"Grief never ends...But it changes.
It's a passage, not a place to stay.
Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor
lack of faith...It is the price of love."
Author Unknown

Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

April 11, 2014

Hi Zak...please know that you are thought of often, and will live in our hearts forever. Bless you my brother, we miss that smile, we miss you... 10 years.

Sgt. PB

April 11, 2014

Some years are harder than others. This year is very hard. I miss you so much, it is painful.

SFSD, retired

April 10, 2014

Hard to believe its been ten years. A lot has changed and a lot is still the same. We will gather as we have for the last ten years to celebrate the time we had together and the future that lays ahead...

Sgt. Sherman W. Lee (Retired)
S.F.P.D-Bayview Station

April 10, 2014

Cousin Isaac ~ 10 years have passed and it feels like it was just yesterday. We all miss you and you will always be in our hearts. Cousin Bino misses you too.

Love Cousin Dolores

April 9, 2014

We still miss you so much in our lives and you have never been forgotten
Life goes on but never the same as a big part of our lives was taken
RIP dear Issac
Love Marian and family

Marian Caruso

April 9, 2014

Almost April 10 and I can feel the pain of losing you that horrible night. I will never forget, I miss you so much still. You are forever in my heart.

Auntie Maryann
SFSD, Retired

April 8, 2014

You are always in our hearts and memories. Yesterday we had a great time with the family and like usual you were part of our conversation. I wish you could be here to see Bella turn into a beautiful young lady. She reminds me of you each time she laughes, makes a silly face and when she jokes around. I can see how my sister misses you and I wish you could of had more time on earth. But for whatever reason, God decided to take you home. I know we will get to see you again somedan. It will soon be 10 years since u were taken but it still feels like it was yesterday.

sister in law

March 17, 2014

This is crazy! It's about to be TEN years since you were taken from us. I still miss you everyday. We all are getting grey hairs, wrinkles, and back pains. You, my friend will always be 29........ I hate that you are not here and can share with us your stories in that animated way you told them. I am blessed to have known you so well. Till then.

Sgt. G. Newbeck

February 28, 2014

I never met Isaac, in fact I was only in the academy when he was taken.

Somehow, someway, he inspired me and my fellow graduates. I think of you all often, pray for you, and hope you know that he is watching over all of you everyday. Isaac has touched and inspired people that he never met, who work in a far away place, and through that I hope you all know that his legacy lives on and many of us still have you all in our hearts.

May God bless you all.

Ofc Jordan

February 15, 2014

We miss you Uncle Isaac.
From Aiyana


February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day, Son.
I love you!!


February 14, 2014

Thinking of you and your family during the holiday season

Sgt. Sherman Lee
Bayview Mids

December 8, 2013

Remembering you at Christmas and through these holidays. I miss you soooo much. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you.

Sgt. Maryann Poni
San Francisco Sheriffs Department

December 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Isaac!


July 16, 2013

Thinking of you and all your loved ones this week as we honor all our law enforcement heroes.

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

May 16, 2013

Last month I was given an assignment in my college class about an End of Watch Officer. Before the professor even explained the details I knew I was going to speak about you. I still remember the night I saw your story on the news. Your picture always stuck with me. I am honored to have been able to speak to the class about your life and career.
You're not forgotten.

Cliff C.
Mountain View, CA

May 6, 2013

Thank You! You're still remembered!

God Bless you and your family!

Ray V

April 14, 2013

Thinking of you and your family on this anniversary week. I know you have been missed each and every day by all those that love you.

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

April 11, 2013

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today. I know the pain is still in the hearts of those that love you dearly and that is because of their love for you. Continue to keep watch over all of them. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

April 10, 2013

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