Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza

San Francisco Police Department, California

End of Watch Saturday, April 10, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza

I really thought of you this morning when I heard this song's lyrics...."Jesus take the wheel." I thought of all the hard times your parents and sister have gone through while coping with your loss. I just want them to know that sometimes you just have to let, Jesus take the wheel. Love you.

May 23, 2007

Today is May 15th, National Law Enforcement Memorial Day. I salute you on this day for your bravery, heroism and dedication to law enforcement. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones as I know they miss you each and every day. Their love for you will never end. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

May 15, 2007


STILL, not a day goes by that your name does not run through my head. Thinking of a warrior and the man i want to be, your name constantly comes up. You continue to be a daily reminder of why we do what we do in this line of work. Long hours, mandatory overtime, never seeing your family. Yea, it sucks. But to have the opportunity to make a difference for the better in someone's life makes it all worth while. Like footprints in the sand, you have left a lasting impression in my heart and life. I live ever single day as though it was a cherished gift. It is a gut wrenching shame to me and i almost feel guilty that it takes something so extreme such as the loss of a brother to realize what life is TRULY all about. Someone told me a saying a few months ago, it goes "You cant get back yesterday". I live my life by this now. I dont put off till tomorrow what i can achieve today. I make efforts to Seize the day. Myself, being a very God fearing man knows that God can pull my name out of the hat any second. So i am trying to do it all now and pay my respects to you and all the other fallen brothers and sisters. Thank you for everything you have done for me and my career. Best way to put it is that YOU MOTIVATE ME....

Happy Mothers day to Isaacs Mom, Wife, Grandmother.

Isaac- Chargers are picked to WIN the superbowl. 49er's can watch it from home!!!

Deputy Dunn
San Diego County Sheriff's Dept.

May 12, 2007

HI Isaac,

Well we did it, we graduated another class... Off. Larry Lasater's class, Class 14, graduated last week.......

Throughout the graduation ceremony I had a perfect view of little Cody. The whole time I kept remembering Class 12's graduation and I remembered how you and your family were the INSPIRATION to start the Hall of Warriors. I remembered after your graduation playing with Miss Bella in the hallway and I just started to cry..... I looked at baby Cody and thought of Bella and Jakob Zeppetella and now Wyatt Bessant and I am sorry but it just wanted to make me rage. I would never doubt my faith in the Lord but I look at all these babies who were robbed of their fathers and it just leaves me defeated. It defeats me that parents have lost their pride and joys and that spouses have lost the loves of their lives. I am sorry to bring pain up again, but Isaac I just really needed to vent to you....... It always seems to help to write to you and purge all of these feelings and emmotions. It helps to be allowed to be a human being and cry until I can't cry anymore and then pick myself up and go home and hug my family and be thankful for them and thankful for the profession I have chosen. Thank you for being a friend who listens........

I have thought about the SFPD and I know that tomorrow is going to be so difficult with honoring 2 more fallen brothers. Please know that although I was not able to be at the Memorial this year physically, I will be there in spirit and you will be in my thoughts and prayers all day.

Thanks for letting me talk Brother..... I appreciate it!

R.AKANS #1354

May 3, 2007


I did not get to go to the Peace Officer Memorial again this year and I am saddened. My first trip to the Memorial was the year you were inducted and I was speechless to meet your family and I was in awe of the experience. It was also the year that our academy began its officer dedication and you were the honored officer. I remember distinctly how the white dove released in your name did not just fly away that day, but took a perch in the tree and watched things for a while. At the academy, it's how we like to think of you up there, watching over everyone and keeping an eye on things. We know that you are taking care of those who followed after you. A fellow officer who is in Sacramento honoring his fallen brother from OPD sent me a picture from there today and it hit home that this never gets easier. Trust that you will never be forgotten and know that you have touched a countless number of lives. Take care of our other brothers up there with you, especially Tony Z., Larry L., and Dan B. Your family is always in my prayers, especially tomorrow.

JB #375

May 3, 2007


Bless your family and friends for finding the strength to face that sick @!#% for the last three years and for writing letters to Judge Yaggy requesting life w/out parole. Sicko cried all the way to S.Q. and showed his true colors as a coward! I don't like to address him by name because he doesn't have one! Its all numbers now!

Anyways, we're honoring Birco and Tuvera on Thursday, see you there. Love and miss you brother in now.

SFPD, Bayview MIDS

May 1, 2007

My dear beloved son: Its been one week since the sentencing in our case. I am grateful for Court closure and for the maximum sentence allowable, Life in Prison Without Parole.

I saw a white convertible today and I imagined you in it. I could vividly see your handsome face, happy eyes and big joyful smile. I could feel the excitement of you. I felt warm and full of love for you and from you. Without Court on my mind I'm thinking of you more and I have more memories of you. I am thankful for our time on earth together and the joy you brought to me. Because you are not here and I am your mother, I will mourn for you until the day I die regardless of happy memories and happy days to come. Until we meet again.


April 28, 2007

Isaac, I cannot morn anymore for you. I miss you horribly, but I cannot morn anymore. From this day forward I will put a smile on my face when I think of you and I will remember all the times we had. I will talk about you and remember you that way, as though your were still here with us. I know this is the way to keep you alive, by telling stories of what you did, how you grew up, all your accomplishments. For so long I have thought that pictures were a way of keeping you close to me, but I now know Words will keep you alive. I love you.

April 24, 2007

i just got back from vacation and and i called your mom the first thinh and got the great news and that animal will never see the light of day. you got your justice and he will rot in a cell forever and that is worst then death because he will know every day and night what freedom he has lost and never be free to feel the love of fsmily and friends like you have. your memorial was beautiful as always. your siste said the most beautiful poem and mike was there with his whole family . you are alwayts missed issac,and i hope your family can heal a little but i know its impossible beacause you still arent here you are one of a kind and loved very much. as we get older in life i realize life will always be missing something very important and that is your presence with us. marian

April 24, 2007

You would of been so proud of Your mothers and fathers courage and strength which is obviously where you got yours from and so did your beautiful sister. Her words Iz were spoken in a way that said everything anyone could of said to the X degree, honestly, heartfelt and in a way that if we could of, pierced that killers heart in two the exact way he did ours. He showed no remorse, cuz that is what he is made of, the fibers of a devil, and as Regina put it, the devil is sheeps clothing. Right On Regina! He will pay for his actions, in the worst kind of way, in a cell with other animals of his kind.

The verdict was hard to endure but at least now the family can stop being in limbo and begin to heal, one day at a time. We will never be the same, a piece of as died with you is what your mother said and that is so true.

You always walked with God and he has been there and guided us all and embraced our fears and gave us the courage to get through this, especially your mom. I love you and always will, you are missed daily and will for the rest of our days on this earth.

My mom told me that bella's letter mentioned that he should get life, and she said something like 365 days, she's too cute but beautiful and smart like her daddy would expect her to be.

You were and will always be, one of the Finest Men who walked on this earth. Say hi to my popo and those that went before us.

Love you.

Big Cousin

April 23, 2007

"Life without parole" When I heard that statement I was releaved to know the one responsible for your death would never be free, closure, by no means the pain in our hearts
is as fresh as it was that tragic day 04.10.04. I pray for healing for your parents and sister that they will be able to continue there lives as you would want them too, full of life, joy and love with their families with the everlasting hope through Jesus Christ our Savior we will see you again. We love and miss you every single day of our lives, you will never be FORGOTTEN... always remembered.

April 21, 2007

Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. Whether it be walking into Bayview Station, into our old academy class, or just driving around town. You are there. That's why I never walk the streets in fear or with hesitation. I know you're watching over us Zak. Your dedication to work and love for your family and friends lives in all of us.
Today Hill was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. I know man, but this is San Franciso. They felt this is the best they could do for San Francisco's FINEST. Don't worry man, He'll never have the chance to harm any of us anymore. Because of you, we will keep doing the best we can offer to help everyone in this City. You always said, "people out there need us". That resounds in my head and inspires me to keep the fight going. You, Renata and Bella are always in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for looking out for us Zak...Until we meet again bro........
JM 184th

San Francisco Police Dept.

April 21, 2007

Isaac, the man that took your life was sentenced today, the ordeal has come to an end, your family can now have closure. My prayers are with all your family. We were on vacation on your anniversary, but you were very much on our minds, went to church to say a prayer for you and your family. Miss you


April 21, 2007

Hey Isaac,

Thank you so much for being there with me this week and especially today. I felt your arms wrapped around me as I waited to be there for you. I wanted so much to be there for everyone and at one point I thought that wasn’t going to be possible. Yet, I prayed and thought about you and thought what you would do in the situation that I was in this morning. I stayed calm; realizing what lies ahead was in gods hands and with your guidance, faith was going to have to bring me to you.

Guess what, faith did just that. Today I prayed and hoped that I would be able to be there for you at the end of this difficult and long drawn out period Thank you for staying strong for all of us. Thank you for sharing with us some really wonderful times. Thanks for always smiling and thanks for loving me. Thanks Isaac for being my cousin. I am truly blessed and so grateful for having known such a wonderful person like you.

You are truly missed,

April 20, 2007

Zac, it is the evening of the sentecing verdict and kim and i are here in connecticut with our son parker (16 months old) upstairs in his crib. i got your star number tattooed on the third anniversary of the shooting and it is just about healed now. i wish i could be out there with the guys on this day. its tough being so far away, especially on a day like this. we read the article in the chronile and saw the pictures. we think of you and your family alot and i hope renata and isabella are o.k. i know the department is taking good care of them for you. i really miss you brother, it hurts to see the pictures but i still smile when i remember our time together, from the acadamy to southern, and then to potrero where the real police work happens. i am proud to have had the privilage of being your friend and i am a better person for it. you will always be with me....


April 20, 2007

Today, justice was served. The judges voice cracked with emotion while she told the killer of how he devastated your family by taking you away from us and as she told him he will never be allowed out on the streets again to hurt another family. She sentence your killer to Life in Prison. He will never be allowed on the streets again and this makes me very happy.


April 20, 2007

Today they sentenced your killer. I'm gald that they gave him life in prison without the possibility of parole. But I still don't think it is fair that he gets to live and breathe when you don't.

I didn't realize how much I really miss you until I saw your picture on the news today.

I never stop thinking about you.

Your "Little Carmen"

April 20, 2007


Well tomorrow is the sentencing and I will be going to court. It's still real hard for me as for all of your family. I just wanted to stop bye to say that I love you and no matter what happends the Lord will give us justice. Even if your physical body was taken from us, nothing could ever take you from our hearts. nothing. I miss you and every single day I look at your picture and remember everything good that you were.

I miss you!


April 19, 2007

I have been thinking of you and your family. Especially Renatta and your beautiful daughter. I remember three years ago standing by my husbands side and watching the news of your death on tv. We were both silent in sadness until my husband said, "that is awful I feel so bad for his family..." and I stood in silence knowing that it could of been my husband. Then just five days later my husband Officer Stephan Gray was also shot and killed in the line of duty. I feel forever connected with you and your family because of what I have just shared. I pray for your family and know that you are missed everyday. I just wanted to let you know that you are on my mind. Renatta, I wonder how you are often. When our children struggle and are so sad for their daddy I think of you and Isabella since Cami and bella are the exact same age. I hope that you have found some peace.

My best to you and your family...
Michelle Gray
EOW 4-15-04

michelle gray

April 17, 2007



Sergeant Sherman W. Lee
Bayview Station-Third Watch

April 16, 2007

Can't believe it's been 3 years man..... Time is now of no concern except in relation to when we will all be together again. The best of everything to your family members, and thanks again.......

GC Sargeant

April 12, 2007


It has been a long time since I have sat down to write you and remind you here, as I do daily in prayer, how much you are missed and how so many of us carry on each day in your honor and memory. I have tried to write so many times but can never find the right words each time I try. I usually have no loss for words in any given situation but when it comes to you and your family, the depth of the heart can sometimes not be tapped appropriately to allow me to say all that I would like to. I guess what I am often left with then, is the hope that as your family knows me, they know how I feel and how truly honored and committed I am to them and your memory.

You would be amazed at how your legacy at the academy has grown and how many lives you have touched and altered in so many ways. Starting with you and "your" class, we created an academy and a new caliber of officer to work the streets that has been unprecedented. You have been such a pivotal part of that. I think that the most recent count is of the 23 that graduated from Class 12, 18 of them are now working cops. That is phenominal and no other class or period of this academy can touch that. And those 18 have you in their hearts and atop their shoulders with your brilliant blue wings as their angel each day and night they go 10-8.

Please continue to guide and inspire all of us in our daily endeavors and in our continued fight for justice in our time on this earth. Your family are the most amazingly strong people I have ever met and I think of them daily.

I almost cried the other day from an unexpected gesture that my 5 year-old daughter, Emily, did. She had a great week in school and got a special certificate that she was so proud of, so I took her out to get some ice cream, just her and I. She had gotten a balloon from the lady in the shop and was so excited because she really loves balloons. As we sat on a bench outside and were talking and laughing about something, she suddenly got a different smile on her face and turned and looked up and to the north and then looked back at me and said, "Daddy, I think that I would like to give this balloon to fly to Bella." It was like a hammer hitting my heart because it was so touching and I couldn't even say anything because it was so random and completely from her heart. I managed to nod to her a "yes" and with that she stood up on the bench, stretched her arm out and while looking straight up at it, let it go. We both watched the bright orange balloon for about two minutes as it slowly disappeared in the sky and then she gave me a big hug and said, "I think Bella will like that one." It took all my power not to break down right there and I was so incredibly proud of her for the gesture and for thinking of Bella at that moment. I knew too, that you were smiling down from heaven at that moment knowing that there we were, in San Diego, touched by and thinking of you and your family. She still names you all in her prayers at night; "Isaac, Renata, Bella, Regina, Mr. and Mrs. Espinoza and the SFPD" !!

I just wanted to share that story with you and remind you how you are always a part of us.

On April 10th one life was lost and thousands were changed.

God bless you and your family and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Officer Damian Jackson
Escondido PD

April 11, 2007

I kept thinking April. 10th....I will never forget you. I can't believe it's been 3 years.

April 11, 2007

Your sister, Regina, thanked everyone and then read the following lyric from the CD "He Was" (thanks Jo Ann)at your 3rd Year Anniversary Memorial at Bayview Station, April 10, 2007. Your family and friends were there to honor you. You are loved and you are missed. Mom

He Was...
Not a badge on a uniform, not a flashing blue light,
Not a faceless nameless officer, not a siren in the night,
He Was...
He was his mother's precous baby, he was his father's loving son
He was his sister's favorite brother, he was a friend to everyone.
He had a life that had a meaning, he had a future with his wife,
he had a child whom he lived for, he had a job that took his life.
Not a badge on a uniform, not a flashing blue light,
Not a faceless nameless officer, not a siren in the night,
He Was...
He never called himself a hero, just an ordinary man
But there were things that he believed in, and a need to take a stand
So he lived each day with courage and he prayed each night for strength
And his life must now be measured by its depth, not by it length
Not a badge on a uniform, not a flashing blue light,
Not a faceless nameless officer, not a siren in the night
He Was...
He was his mother's precious baby, he was his father's loving son
He was his sister's favorite brother, and a friend to everyone.

Recorded at Gator Hole Studio, Nashville, TN
Performed by Shelly Rann
2004 Sandie Thurston & Frank B. Jones

April 11, 2007

My prays go out to the Espinoza family on this date 04/10/07 and every day.

Not there yet but, soon. i'll talk to you tomorrow.

"Isaac Would..."


April 9, 2007

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