Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza

San Francisco Police Department, California

End of Watch Saturday, April 10, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza

Well Isaac I finally did it. You know what I always wanted to do and we would always talk about it. Well yesterday was the day I got the courage to do it and went for it. I know you helped me through it and now I am happy I finally had the strength to do it after such a long time. Bella and I miss you so much especially this weekend when we were away. All she could do was talk about you and remember the last time we took a trip with you (last October). But I could see the joy she felt in talking about you and remembering you. She loves you so much Baby. I still don't believe it. It's not fair. I miss you. I'm still waiting.


August 21, 2004

I found this Prayer in my uniform jacket the other day. I thought I'd share it with you. This is only a part of it. The Policeman's Prayer to St. Michael:

And when we lay down our night sticks, enroll us in your Heavenly Force, where we will be as proud to guard the thrown of God as we have been to guard the city of men. Amen

I know you are up there doing your job, the job you loved so much, protecting God and those of us down on earth. Thank you for that.

Forever in my heart, I love you so much,Auntie

August 19, 2004


We all miss you.
So many inquiries on this tragedy?
What if you would have taken a left turn right before you reached that block?
What if you would have called in sick that day?
What if you had gotten a flat tire an hour before or had stopped for gas?
Would the outcome have been different?

What if? What if? What if?
I've replayed so many senarios in my mind? and only God can answer as to what if? I know it is all in his plans, but why?

God Speed! Rest in Peace.

August 19, 2004

still thinking about you, you will remain in our hearts for as long as we live. Missing you

August 19, 2004

It hurts a lot to know that you are gone. sometimes I don't know what to do with this pain i try to think about something else but it doesn't always work. Every time I see a police officer I think about you. It helps my pain to express it in this reflections that is why a refer to them a lot. rest in peace

August 19, 2004

Isaac we love you and miss you very much i'm just wondering what are you doing in this very moment. I wish I could see you or just speak to you but i can't. you touched many hearts in this world that it makes it hard for us to go thru a day without thinking about you at least once

August 19, 2004

Ieze, yesterday my aunt was going through her videos of the family and put on the video of Egars b-day party in 2002, everyone was happy laughing and playing the bible pictionary, remember that day.. Ieze, I saw you on the video and could not help my tears from coming down, I saw you smiling and joking around, like always. I was laughing at what you were saying and doing but at the same time crying with a pain in my heart that would not stop. I could not stop Ieze I really miss you. Ieze every night I go to bed and flash backs of all the good times we all had together come to mind and I still cant belive that your actually gone! I start to think of the last time I saw you and talked to you and start to cry. Ieze, yesterday was the first time that I had heard your voice since you left, I was sad at first and could not controll the pain and tears, but after I just thanked God for being able to see you and hear you talk. Everyone is still hearting for you, and under shock. Ieze, we all miss you very much and wish that things could have been diffrent. I see bella everyday and that gives me joy because she is just like you in the funny faces she does and in her attitude. I just want you to know that aunt and I have moved in with nina, she wont be alone,Ieze. I know that you are with her and she wont ever be alone, but I just wanted you to know. Also, Biv's just had little Brianna, she is cute, she has Biv's nose and looks like Noah when he was born. Ieze, I really miss you and pray to God that some day I'll see you again. But for know I will say goodbye.

Love always, Ray

August 18, 2004

Hey Isaac, well you know how the game went this weekend, i'm sure you were watching from heaven and enjoying every minute of it, and your little fingers were just itching to put you niner flag up on our raider territory, ha, ha. You know last year you caugh us off guard but boy were we ready for you this year, it just saddens me to wake up and face reality. I don't know how Renata does it! I see your family picture in my living room, and just can't understand why this happened to you!
We knew what your job was, but never in a million years did it ever cross our minds that anything like this would happen, no, not to you!! You know it is so hard for me when I see your dad,regina, and your mom, because I can only imagine what they are feeling and going through as parents, hey did you know that you could have been my son,thats right, respect your elders, is what I would have told you!!you are only 2 months older than my older daughter, what do you think of that!,We miss your beautiful charismatic smile, all your jokes, your wonderful sense of humor, you know that I never saw you in a bad mood, you were always happy and willing to help others, you know that we try to help Renata and Bella in any way we can, and we are always next door for them, just like you always were for us, always watch over your wife and daughter, there a lot of us down here that miss you every day!

Sonia - neighbor

August 18, 2004

Isaac the very first time i saw you i was impressed with your looks. That day were dressed up and your wife was holding you from your right arm and all i could think is how fortunate she was almost nine months pregnant, her belly was huge but still looked as beatiful as any woman could look, now I know were Isabella gets it from, whatever way the genes wanted to go she would be beatiful and smart like her parents. LOVE YOU GUYS


August 18, 2004

It seem like you been gone for more than 4 months. I can not avoid thinking of you every day. I'm constantly wondering how is your family doing emotionally specially Renata and Isabella. Through this reflections i know they are getting a lot of support and that makes me happy. You guys made a very handsome couple. Very good looking and best of all great personalities.


August 18, 2004


Everybody still thinks about you everyday. All men and women in uniform are brave, and you were one of the best. Sorry I didn't get the chance to tell you enough but THANKS!!!!!

August 17, 2004


As someone who didn't know you, over the months I've been struck by what a rare perfect blend of positive but usually conflicting qualities you are...tough but loving, full of humor but sensitive, busy as a whirlwind but always thinking of others. I'm sure it's easy to be that way in heaven, but not here on earth. How did you do it? I think of you every day many times, and of all the lessons you've given me in love and freedom from fear. You don't need my prayers, but I pray for your wonderful wife and family, and for my chance to meet you in the afterlife.


August 17, 2004



August 16, 2004

Couldn't help but think of you as I sat at candelstick park watching the action, it was cold and windy. 49ers vs. Raiders. What a battle, all you heard was NINERS and then someone would answer back RAIDERS. The whole game! It was exciting, exhilirating and a rush. It was a terrific game, to the very last moment, however the Raider Nation Pulled out by 3 points and won the game. I know you enjoyed watching from up above.

August 16, 2004

At least once a day, every day, I think about you. One little touching memory of you, your little head bobbing up and down when you smiled and laughed, and I cry and say, "Why was it you!? You're the good guy!" I wish I knew you better, I guess that's why I spend more time getting to know everyone better now. That's why I spend a second longer to speak with someone. People are so selfish with their time, but you never were, I've learned that from your family and friends. I'm scared Isaac, I don't know if we could ever handle anything else like this happen ever again...Please continue to watch over us. I remember praying to God before I go to sleep, but now, it seems as if I pray to you before I sleep...I trust you Isaac.


August 15, 2004

isaac today the 49ers amd the RAIDERRSSS playy. ohhh no. i wish you were here. we would have been having a big battle field here on cuesta drive with the flags. hahah do you remember that?. we shall see who wins. i hope its the 49ers today though. j ust for you isaac. i miss you. byeee


August 14, 2004

Hey Isaac, remember last year when the 49ers played the Raiders, well its today!! I did not know who the niners were playing but my husband did, but did not want to tell me. Renata looked so cute with her niner jersey and her beanie, we did not put out our flag, my husband did not want to!, but Renata as you can see put out your flag! We know you are watching from heaven, you are missed every day of our lives.

August 14, 2004

Hello Isaac...I just wanted to let you know that there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think of you. There have been several times when I have been on-duty and had to take a double look at someone because they reminded me of you. I know you are with us. I went to the Medal of Valor awards ceremony last night. Several officers and Lts. from Bayview were there to support Barry and Luis. Isaac we carry you in our hearts at every function and even though we know you are with us spiritually, we sure do miss seeing you. We've all shed so many tears for you and to this day still do. Please continue to bless all of us with your spirit and guiding light...We miss and love you...Annie

Ofcr. Annie Valenzuela
SFPD/Bayview Station

August 13, 2004

isaac. you got your car back today. when i got home from work. me and my mom were turning the corner from the house. you know where you never made your stops & where you and my mom almost crashed. haha. well yess we were comming down the street and our hearts dropped and we go " ahh isaacs home". man without your car it was like you were completely gone. i miss you though issac. i bet your the coolest angel up there huh. i know your watching over us and i know when your listening to me when i talk. i just know. i miss you isaac. and i love you so much. watch over us. love you byeee!


August 13, 2004

I miss you. Sometimes I pray to God and ask him, "will I ever see Isaac as an angel? right here? right now?" I hope someday god will answer my prayers.

Bella, your father is an amazing man and Im sure your mama will agree. Your father lives in you. God Bless you and your mama.

a kid who admires you. You're my Hero.

August 12, 2004

Hi Baby, Well this weekend was a hard weekend. The Softball tournament was great. Unfortunately Bayview did not take it this year but they will next year. SFPD Blue won the tournament I was so happy to see all of your friends there. All the teams played hard and honor for you. Thank you for being there. I am so proud and honored to be a part of the SFPD and law enforcement family. They have been by my side never leaving me alone. That gives me strength. The games were all wonderful but everyone missed you there and I thought about you every minute I saw those men and women playing softball out there. Bella had a really good time she enjoyed herself being on the field. She will be playing softball someday just like you. She told me she wanted to play like her papi. We miss you. I miss you so much. I love you.


August 11, 2004's been months and the only comfort is to go on this website to read what is said about you. You knew so many people, it's weird how friends in my life new you too? i didn't know we had you in common? I want to tell you "hey Isaac, I know some people that know you", but I can't. I just keep seeing your face at the "R" Ranch. You were always a cutie. I miss you. I miss talking to you. I miss the funny things you would say. Damn, I hate that you are gone.

August 11, 2004

I didn't expect to see you in my dreams, but I saw you last night. It was a family gathering and we were all sitting in a circle. You were sitting next to your mom and regina as I said goodbye to everyone. But I specifically looked at you, and I said, "Man, Issac, I haven't seen you in you a while. Were have you been?" You started to tell me (but you never completely told me), and then you said, you would walk me to my car. Again, making sure I was safe! I woke up and tears just came down. Thank you for being you. Please continue to watch over us. I miss you Eyz! Adele


August 10, 2004

Isaac we miss you and love you, sometimes it feels like I'm in a bad dream, and I will wake up and see you outside!!. Rest in Peace
Sonia- neighbor

August 10, 2004

Issac theres not one day that goes by that I dont miss you. It is still really hard for me. I mean I know your gone but the truth is ...I dont want to accept it. I want you to come back home. I want you to be with Renata and Bella and your family.We all miss you here. I miss seeing you everyday and telling me to stop speeding down Cuesta. I miss you waking me up on the weekends. I even miss you picking on me. Issac why cant I feel at ease with this. Why? Why did you have to leave us. Isaac rememeber that you are always in everyones hearts and you were such a great person... We miss you!!!


August 10, 2004

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