Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza

San Francisco Police Department, California

End of Watch Saturday, April 10, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza

I heard your name on the tv the other day and wanted to let your family know we remember.
Our precious son also was added to the wall the same year you were.
I don't know how 20 years have passed but we know that you all have never left our side.

Beautiful sons, precious memories.

We will never forget.

Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/2004

September 27, 2024

Rip Officer

RIP Sir, remember who the DA was at the time when his killer was convicted of 2nd murder. should have been given the death penalty. VP Kamala Harris

September 13, 2024

Good Morning - My name is John Marian. After becoming a technician in the Coast Guard and Raytheon, I was hired by the City and County of San Francisco as a public safety radio tech (1999-2024).

I reflect often about Isaac's life and pray for him and healing for Renata, daughter, the Espinoza family and my friends at the SFPD. Jesus, our Lord and Savior is the source of all healing and I know his loving embrace will envelop, strengthen, and bless you.

I had a chance meeting with Isaac at the then CCSF Radio Shop (901 Rankin St) about a week or so before he was murdered. My friend Gene, a portable tech at the shop introduced Isaac to me after I had just returned from a day in the field. I shook his hand and Isaac went on to thank me and the whole radio shop team for our efforts in supporting SFPD. I instantly liked him and could feel his genuine nature and sincerity. I was struck by his kindness. I thought to myself, "What a nice young man", "What a great guy", I wish there were more people in the world like him. Gene explained to me that Isaac worked in the Bayview and that he was a family man and a great guy.

My chance meeting with Isaac forever changed me and my commitment to Public Safety Law enforcement. As I have learned in life, with God, nothing happens by chance.

May God continue to Bless you and keep you and that Our Lord will grant you every Grace and Blessing.

The Marian Family

John Marian
City and County of San Francisco Radio Shop

July 26, 2024

Wow so sad this happened back in 2004. Not forgotten.

Citizen. Michael Heiner
No relation

July 23, 2024

20 long years today you are gone but never forgotten n always loved by your other family
Rest in the Sweetest peace Issac and keep watching 0ver all of us

Marian caruso
Dear friend

April 10, 2024

Officer Espinoza,
On today, the 20th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of San Francisco. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.

BPA Mike Casey
United States Border Patrol(Retired)

April 10, 2024

It's been 20 years and the memory of that night never fades. Your service and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Rest easy brother.


April 10, 2024

I am speechless when reading this story about Isaac and the senseless reason for his death. I was teaching 8th grade English in Los Angeles on the day Isaac died, and I didn't learn of his death until 2009. But when I did read of Isaac's murder I was greatly disturbed and so I decided to dedicate my future teaching to his memory, that my students would never make the choices Isaac's murderer made to bring him to that point where his finger pressed the trigger of the assault rifle he carried around town on the night he killed Isaac.

James Puccio

October 29, 2023

Gone But Never Forgotten...

Sgt. Sherman W Lee.
Bayview Station Member for Lifeee

April 10, 2023

Officer Espinoza,
My partner and I responded on an SFFD Medic Unit to you and your Partner’s call for assistance that fateful night 19 years ago. We treated you on the scene and transported you to SFGH . You, your Partner and all the other Officers there that night have stayed with me ever since. My condolences go out to your Family, Friends and former colleagues.

Tom O’Brien
San Francisco Fire Department (Retired)

April 10, 2023

Just thinking about you today Isaac. I' am in the police academy and everyday I remember what you did for me when I was a teenager. I appreciate and miss you all the time. Your little cousin Sean Jr.

Sean Guillory Jr.
San Francisco Sheriff's Department - Cousin

November 16, 2022

Happy Birthday Isaac. I miss you everyday. Love you. Until we meet again.
Auntie Maryann

Sergeant Maryann Poni
San Francisco Sheriff Department - Aunt

July 16, 2022

Though we never met, your passing will never be forgotten. I remember I was still in middle school when you passed away. It hit me hard because my uncle was a Lieutenant at Bayview at the time and my family was in SFPD. Sir, I want you and your family to know that your legacy will continue. Being also a Daly City native and Westmoor alumni, you were one of the reasons why I became a police officer.

Police Officer II John N.
Los Angeles Police Department

April 11, 2022

I’ve never met you but you were under my uncles command at the time at Bayview. I was in middle school when I heard the news and being from a family of SFPD it hurt me. As a Daly City native and Westmoor alumni myself, I just want to let you and your family know that your legacy will continue and it was a major impact for me to join the police department.

Police Officer II John N.
Los Angeles Police Department

April 11, 2022

The Crew came together last night. It was good to see your Family and celebrate your life.
Hard to believe it's been 18 years.

Never Forgotten...

Sgt. Sherman W Lee -Retired
Bayview Station Member for Life

April 11, 2022

Another year has passed and remembering getting called back to interviewing Citizens in the area of the shooting and finding out that it was you who had been shot. It was hard spending every day with your Family because I could see the pain in their faces. They were so nice to me, and the team. We wish we could have made it better for them during the long Trial. God Bless you and I know you're watching from above.

Sgt/Insp Richard Alves Ret.

April 11, 2022

Isaac. Miss you everyday my friend. As I continue on with this career I often think what and where you would be if you stayed with us. Your old partner is now a Captain. You would probably be one too. I see quotes every once in a while that often remind me of you. One in particular as I am showing signs of ageing : “Do not regret growing older, it is a privilege denied to many.” As I look at my wrinkles and grey hair. You never made it to your 30th birthday. Thank you for being such a good friend!

Lieutenant Gerry Newbeck
San Francisco Police Department

March 31, 2022

Isaac, I never met you but I know your wife, daughter and some of your family. Just by knowing these people I can tell that you were a great, great man. Rest in peace, friend.

David Lechuga
Family Friend

September 23, 2021

Happy Heavenly birthday tomorrow Issac n you are always in our hearts n mind n always missed
Always Marian n family

Marian caruso
Family friend

July 16, 2021

Your light, laughter and love prevailed throughout the classroom . You brought joy and challenged me to make our assignments speak to the needs of every single student. You are forever in my heart, Isaac, and your family remains in my fervent prayers. You paid the ultimate price in an effort to secure peace and tranquility for San Francisco. Your courage to be undeniably yourself shone at Westmoor High School; your valor to be unabashedly heroic will forever be remembered on Newhall Street and throughout San Francisco and the Bay Area. With Love, Dr. Margaret J. Matson Norris (English Teacher (retired), Westmoor High School)

Dr. Margaret J. Matson Norris

June 10, 2021

In Honor And Respect, Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza, Sir, Thank You For Your Years Of Dedicated Service To Law Enforcement... You Made The Ultimate Sacrifice On That Very Tragic Day... You Are Honored And Remembered, Sir... May Peace, Blessings And Strength Always Be With Your Family... May You Rest In Eternal Peace, Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza...

Gail Mercado

April 10, 2021

My Son:
I miss you everyday
Am grateful for every moment we shared
Still have a hard time believing you are not here
I've wanted to say hello on this page but lacked the courage
So many memories with you and so many changes now
Our family and friends love you and always will
Its a joy to hear their stories of precious moments with you
I am learning everyday how much you meant to them
Sometimes its as though you are still here
Until we meet again
You are always in my heart
I love you,


April 10, 2021

17 years today Issac you are gone and you are still missed n loved my myself no my family
So many losses since you but you are never forgotten on our lives n I just saw your dad at my grandbabies
Funeral . She was precious n only 33 days old so maybe you can protect her Rest in Sweetest peace my boy

Marian caruso
Family friend

April 10, 2021

On this 17th Anniversary, the people of San Francisco remain forever grateful. Thank you Isaac, along with your family, for the sacrifice given.


April 10, 2021

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9

Chris Di Gerolamo
Federal Air Marshal Service

January 18, 2021

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