Covington County Sheriff's Office, Alabama
End of Watch Thursday, April 8, 2004
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Michael Brandon Lassiter
Brandon, I miss you so much and think of you everyday. We lost you in April and then your Grandmother Lassiter in July and I felt like the world was coming to an end. You were so young and such a cool kid. I think anout the time when you were young and loved PaPa Lassiters' tractor so much that you decided to crank it up and take it for a drive. PaPa almost had a heart attack when the tractor cranked and we all went running. There you were driving the tractor and had the biggest smile on your face. You were probably about 5 or 6 years old. PaPa never left the key in it anymore.
About a month before you were born, your Father fell in Pensacola at the steam plant and broke his right leg and his left ankle. I remember when you were born and you came to stay with PaPa and Nannie Lassiter until your Mother was better. You always smiled and cooed and were just the best baby. We all hated to see the time for you to go home. Then the years passed and you grew older. You loved those big trucks. Your Dad was so proud of you. Then you decided to be a policeman; and your Dad was still proud of you. He admired your dedication to whatever you undertook. He believed in you and had the strongest love for you. Life sometimes does not always work out as we want it to; but life is what you make of it. You went after what you wanted with everything you had.
Brandon, I love you and miss you so very much. You could always make me smile and feel better about everything. I know you are looking down from Heaven right now on all of us and I hope you know how much we all love you and miss you. We will all be together again someday, so until then I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU.
Aunt Kathy
Kathy Wallace
May 16, 2007
Brandon was dedicated to his duty like no other officer I have seen. He was selfless in his service and always put his fellow man before himself. Being the ever attentive officer/deputy I know he heard the BOLO go out for the vehicle that struck him. There is no doubt that Brandon was performing his duties by moving to intercept that vehicle when the inncident occured. His actions that night and the sacriffice he made may very well have saved the lives of people he was sworn to protect. Kyrie Eliason my Brother and we will keep the watch for you.
John J Floyd
John Floyd
Beat Partner
May 12, 2007
May you rest safe with Our Lord and may your loved ones know that He has allowed you to be their special Angel.You are only gone from their earthly sight and never gone from their hearts.
April 20, 2007
I want to say that I remember keeping you when you were six years old and we went to The Gandy Spring" which had a frightening story behind it. You remembered that story and we spoke of it the night of your accident. Mrs. Lucas was about to pass away and we did not know that nor did I ever think the big handsome man who hugged me twice that night of the accident would be gone shortly after April 8, 2004, began. Brandon, I love you.
I see your companion, Pete whenever I can. He has won my heart with his sensible mind and playful ways. I took him some treats and toys whenever I visited your mother recently. Pete took off with the interactive toy that I took to him. HE is so beautiful. He has good care. Your mother is holding her own and she loves you so very much.
Uncle Charles makes the long trip (long to us because we are
not as able to go as often as we would like) and he seems to want to go and listen to us talk about Pete and you.
Your monument is gorgeous like none I ever saw. I have to give credit to your mother for doing a wonderful job during those first months and years (two) when she was so down in grief that I do not know how she put her thoughts together to design such a perfect tribute in your monument. Watch out for any of us. I hope to see you in Heaven.Oh yes, I did call your mother that night 4-7-04 like you asked me.
Love always,
Aunt Fran
Fran Lucas
April 10, 2007
On the anniversary of his death, we paused to honor and remember Deputy Lassitere and acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice he paid.
Our thoughts and prayers to out to his surviving family members.
May he never be forgotten.
Major D.W. Warren
Montgomery Police Dept. - Montgomery, AL
April 9, 2007
April 8, 2007
Dear Brandon,
I am remembering you on today as everyday. Today marks three years that I had that awful news of the accident.
I learned about the dream that you had wanted to tell me.
I let you down in not taking it upon myself to go to your house and insist that you tell me the dream. I would have learned that your squad car radio was not working part or all of the time. I know that Chris Inabinett's mom told me that you and Chris worked on the radio most of the afternoon on April 4, 2004. Debbie Cook told me that you had reported it to her on Tuesday, April 6 before the accident on Wednesday night. IF is a big word and WHY is even more inviting for me to worry about. I know that whoever would not help you by getting you a car with a working radio and valuing your life by telling you of the on-coming vehicle that was traveling out-of-control towards you has a guilty conscience to say the least. I rest good knowing that you were a professional and a decent, caring person who watched out for any of your co-workers while doing your job for the town's people. Thank you, Brandon and thank God for making you the man who was better than most. I know I am your mother, but I know that you believed
deeply in the code of ethics that you took whenever you became a certified law enforcement officer. You had very good qualities while you were here the short time that you lived on Earth.
I am getting better. God let me visit you in a dream in which he let me tell you how much I love you. You leaned down to hug me and said as you did: "I know, Mama." We visited the accident site where Jamie had put a cross up with your name and date of death. I almost yelled saying while pointing to the cross,"Take that down. Let's put a sign up that says,"He never died!" I was overjoyed when I sat up wide awake. I called my cousin, Barbara who has been so encouraging in sharing God's words and teachings. She was very excited about the revelation she feels that I was given in my dream and as an answer to my prayers to God. I feel that you are just fine. I thank you again for all that you did for everyone and for me. You let God use you to give love to others. Referring to the radio and your dream,
we lost your presence here on Earth, but you gained a better home and your work will be rewarded. I failed you in that I did not teach you that God often warns many people of danger. I cannot help but to think that he did warn you.
Your friend, Crystal said that you told her about having a dream that was disturbing, but you did not tell her the details. I think you hoped that it would go away. She told you to pray to the good Lord and you told her that you always prayed especially before you set foot into that patrol car. I thank God that your faith in Him was there.
In as many as four incidents in your life in which I knew that I was wrong in how I treated you, I asked your forgiveness again whenever you were a man who had a mind to understand. I recall your reactions. How sweet and loving you always were to me. I hope that I was as much to you, but the truth is you were better than me in your personal qualities. I love you as I always have and I know that you would be happy to have lived to see your dad quit smoking and swearing. He has quit smoking and seems closer to God.
God does not ever leave us and it is only through His love that we can love and help others. A good example for our family was you, Bran. I feel so honored that you were my son
and a gift to me from God. Children are gifts from our Lord,
and many of us know and realize the blessings brought to us
through our children. I thank all of the loving, caring people who responded to your death with written messages in the Reflections category of the Covington County Sheriff's Memorial to our fallen officers website. Also, nationally there have been many messages of sympathy and love.
This Easter Day is especially meaningful and another blessed insight from God. Jesus gave his life so that we might have life, and I am so very grateful that he did that for me and for all who will surrender to Him. How Great Thou Art.
Love always,
Mother of Michael Brandon Lassiter
April 8, 2007
Just came across this site sort of by accident. Michael was one of the best officers that ever served with me at NBPD. He was a good officer and a great person.
Jerry L. Gilbert, Sr, former Chief
New Brockton Police Dept., New Brockton, AL
March 25, 2007
Man I miss you so much. I still think about you calling me at work at the PD and telling me you were on your way to the jail and that you would stop by and see me. I know that you are looking down over everyone here... but you left too soon. I think about you alot and just wanted to say I miss you Big Sexy Daddy.
former dispatcher and friend
October 30, 2006
Brandon..I dont think there is a day that dont go by that I dont think about you.Never forgotten buddy!!
Cpl Brandon Lisabelle
Evergreen Police Dept. Alabama
October 30, 2006
Brother Brandon, I just read your mothers reflection she posted for you. It made me think of the 23 years I had out there, and the relationship I have with my mama. For all those years I carried a piece of paper in my shirt pocket, a note mama left for me one night before my shift. I had that with me for many years, and until the day I retired. Mrs. Lassiter, thanks for what you wrote to your son, I know from a son's perspective, that he is proud to be called your son, and touched by your words. May God bless and keep. Rest easy now brother, your watch is over on earth...
Sgt. John L. Gulledge Retired
Escambia CO FL SO
October 29, 2006
Rest in Peace, Deputy Lassiter. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.
Officer 11169
October 22, 2006
I didn't know that there was a website to remember my best friend or I would have already been on it. Brandon, you were the best friend anyone could have asked for. I always think about that time you and I went riding together on March and you were so wobbly we both almost fell off. I also think of the first time you came over and you refered to my lil ferret as a "hairy lizard." Times like that make me laugh so much but after the laughter subsides, tears begin to fall. You were always there whenever I needed to talk no matter what time it might have been. I love you so much and I think about you everyday. You'll forever be in my heart darlin', Manda
Amanda Hattaway
September 17, 2006
Too many times I pushed you away! Everytime it broke my heart; but with me living in Colorado, it was too hard to ask you to leave your home to be here with me! Although you told me you'd follow me anywhere, I didn't want you to regret moving away from your family. For 12-years, we went back and forth in our relationship. I remember you sent me two-dozen red roses the first weekend I left for Arizona. When I finally got to Alaska, you still wanted to be with me!
The morning Sandy called to let me know what happened, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe you were gone and I couldn't tell you "I Love You" anymore. I miss those late night calls! I'd call you at work or you'd call me and we would talk for hours about wanting to be together and missing each other! Everytime I look at the few picture I have of you and I together, it makes me think of the last summer we made amends and began to talk daily! You traded shifts with someone at the station just to go out with me. Although we knew I would only be in town visiting for a little over a week, you made sure you visited everyday! WOW!! How that summer changed our relationship! It's amazing the things that can happen in a few days to a heart! Before I left that time, I gave you an Emerson Drive CD that had our song on it (Fall Into Me!). Now everytime I hear that song, I just say, "Hi Sweetie, I love you too! And I miis you greatly." If you only knew how often I think of you, I think you would be very surprised.
Remember when you use to say no one would miss you when you were gone? Well Sweetie, I think this website and all the newspaper articles of how your friends, family, acquaintances and loved ones talk about you! It's wonderful! Thanks for coming to be with me when Mommy had her open heart surgery. It's amazing, you are the only man I've dated that Jonathan would cling too. He still ask about you! We saw a cop one day and he said, "Mommy, how did Brandon die again?" He remembers you quite often and will ask questions everytime about you being in heaven with Jesus, what happened, and many other things. I'm so proud to say that we loved each other and I hate that we never made a life together as husband and wife. My thoughts think of how we used to spend hours planning it but never were able to get it together! I guess God has his own plans. But I thank God for the many memories I do have to remember you.
Could you please let Johnny know we miss and love him very much, also! I'm sure he was waiting at the gates for you with open arms. I bet y'all are enjoying catching up on old times. I wrote poems for you! I think of you often and I write to you. I hope my life never gets so bad that I forget how special you really were to me. Regardless of the times we argued, I still loved you and always will.
My Love Always,
Your Kimmie
Kim Brown
June 2, 2006
I can still see your smile and still hear your laugh.
Your forever in my heart and always in my prayers.
Happy Birthday Big Sexy.
May 8, 2006
You and your family are remembered prayerfully this month as the second anniversary of your tragic death passes. May they be comforted by the knowledge that you are not forgotten and the memory of your dedication and courage will live on forever.
Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04
April 16, 2006
April 9, 2006
Thinking of you and your families on
the 2nd anniversary of your EOW. If
you can't be here than you might as
well be with Jesus. It's a much safer
Lynn Kole
Washington State
April 9, 2006
Last night while I was trying to sleep,
My son's voice I did hear
I opened my eyes and looked around
but he did not appear.
He said Mom you've got to listen,
you got to understand
God did'nt take me from you, Mom
He only took my hand.
When I called out in pain that night
the instant that I died,
He reached down and took my hand,
and pulled me to his side.
My search is really over now,
I've found happiness within,
all the answers to my empty dreams
and all that might have been.
I love and miss you so
and I'll always be nearby,
my body's gone forever.
But my spirit will never die!
And so you must go on now,
live one day at a time.
Just understand-
God did not take me from you,
He only took my hand.
I am truly touched by the reflections left by you Mrs. Lassiter. I wish there was something, anything, I could say that would ease your pain. Your son was very obviously the apple of your eye and the bright light in your each and every day. You once wrote that you were so lucky to have been blessed with Bran as a son. Truth is, He was the blessed have such a wonderful mother and father.
Friend of Mark Sawyers EOW 6-5-04
Sterling Heights PD (Michigan)
April 8, 2006
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. We will never forget you. Keep watch over all of us down here, we know we have a lot of guardian Angels that keep a special watch on us.
You are a true hero. Say Hi to Clint for me. Tell him I love and miss him...
Connie Barker
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04
April 6, 2006
Officer Lassiter, you were called away from duty 2 years ago. I know those 2 years may seem a short period of time for some people, but for your family members it has been a day to day nightmare. All caused by an individual who had no regard for his actions and what it could cause. My son Michael, also a police officer, was killed by a drunk driver while he was on patrol in 2004 and I know the hardship your family has undergone as I walk in their shoes. You have not been forgotten and are a true hero. Keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
April 6, 2006
Just a note to let everyone know how special Brandon was to me. Whenever I needed a smile put on my face he always made that happen. Brandon is the reason I madea decision to turn my life around. In Feb.of 1998 he came through Anauach,Texas and brought me home from there when we had gotten into some trouble and we had no way home. BUT like always my "SUPER ANGEL TRUCKER" came to rescue me like he ALWAYS did. And all the wat home Brandon talked to me about my life and the way it was going and he wanted me to do so much with my life. He asked me to make him proud as a friend and someone who I tought was a brother to me. Brandon NEVER left me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. I always know that i can STILL go to Brandon whenever I need him and I know that he is STILL looking on down on me and he is still caring for me and many others that were in his "friend and family" circle. I love you Brandon and thanks for being there always. Your forever trucking buddy,"REDNECK BITCH"...Patterson Trucking
March 12, 2006
I know first hand how the family feels. I lost my brother ( He was a police officer in Elba) and I just want to let the family know how sorry I am and you are in my prayers. This website really helps me. When I am feeling really sad and I read every thing people has wrote about Greg you cant help but to cry and smile at the same time. It always helps to know you are not forgotten! So may God bless you and you go on with your life, and may Brandon look down on you all and give you a ray of sunshine to warm your heart! He will always be with you!!
God bless,
February 28, 2006
Rest in peace Brother Lassiter.
Kevin R Turley
February 23, 2006
Hey Phat Daddy! I don't know where to start with a reflection on your life, but I can honestly say I thank you for the good you brought into my life and I forgive you for anything else. It has been a long hard road moving to your hometown for you, and I just want you to know your mother is well taken care of. I still stop sometimes and say hello and give her a big hug for you... which of course "petie" is never far behind her. He always recognizes me and has that look in his eye like "where's my daddy". After 2years of my life with you, I'd have to say more than anything you have made me stronger. I'll never forget our trucking adventures to S. Florida with you on the radio keeping all the other truckers laughin... that was the best! You always told me when I would act tired that I could sleep while you drove, but I never told you that I didn't want to miss a minute of something you loved and enjoyed so much. I wanted to be a part of every aspect of your life.
I know my family never really told you how they felt about u, but it was obvious that you made their daughter happy and that meant more than anything. Reading my mom's entry brought tears to my eyes and made me remember the good times we had together. Although your body is no longer on this earth, your heart and soul will remain in every life and every law enforcement officer you've ever met, that is evident. Thanks to all of you who have held Brandon's name in such high reguard with memorial services, newspaper articles, letters to his mother, and most of all for holding me together.
Chief ----you were like another father figure in his life and mine thanks for everything!
C.I., P.W., T.S., W.I., K.W., J.D., E.I., and G.J. Your names are some he respected and talked of often... you were truly the brothers he never had.
I'll never forget you, because you'll always be in my heart.
Holly H.
Loving friend & girlfriend of Bran
February 21, 2006
Sir, Though we never met I feel like I have gotten to know you. I had the pleasure of meeting your mom at the memorial. She is a special lady. I have some things to send her but I have not been able to find the words to put in a letter. I'll get it done soon. God Speed,Hpd 174
Police Officer
Hamilton, Ohio PD
February 21, 2006