Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Jennifer Timathy-Ann Fettig

Detroit Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Monday, February 16, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Jennifer Timathy-Ann Fettig

Thinking of you and remembering you and your family in our prayers as the one year anniversary of your death approaches. God bless; rest peacefully. You have done your job well and your services will forever be appreciated. Never forgotten.

Up North Michigan

February 14, 2005

Ride Along

So you don’t like the ticket I just gave you.
Well, come take a ride with me.
A trip to the scene of an accident.
Where a person now struggles for freedom, and for life.
All because someone was in a hurry, or late for work.

You say you didn’t call me and you don’t need my help.
That this is a family matter and none of my business.
Come take a ride with me.
Where a child now cowers in the nearest corner, or bedroom closet.
They cover their ears and ask god “ please make them stop”.
Still think no one needs my help.

You’ve said all we do is eat donuts and drink coffee.
Come take a ride with me.
On the countless days after taking four calls in an hour.
We think we have time to sit down for dinner.
Only to be call away again.

You think we’re cold and have no heart.
Well, come take a ride with me.
To a place where the pipes now lay to rest.
A brother or sister who gave their life, for someone like you.
A place where tears fall like rain for their family,
For our family, and yes even for you.
Yeah, come take a ride with me.

R. S. B

Deputy Marshal

February 12, 2005

Its been just about a year since you and Matt were murdered. I remember working with you on plt. 3 as your last phase FTO. You were a natural, being able to adapt in any situation, you worked hard to return to #4 when you got transferred to the 1st pct. It was my pleasure to get to know and work with such a joyful person. Until we meet again rest in peace.

P.O. James
Detroit P.D. 4th pct

February 8, 2005

Dear Jenny,
It's been a year since I last heard from you. It doesn't seem that long ago. Just want to let you know that I am thinking of you today and always. I am very proud of you. You are very special to me and always will be. Hope you're enjoying the rich rewards in heaven.
Love & Miss you!

February 8, 2005

Jen, I never knew you but somehow I found myself wanting to know more about you, so I did research on that day you were taken from this earth (which was also my birthday) What a brave woman you were and you make me proud to be in the same line of work. GOD BLESS YOU JEN...

January 24, 2005

Jen, I hope you understand that Mike has to move on with his life. I visit this site often, trying to get to know the wonderful person you were and know why you were so loved. I see why now. He will always love and miss you. I will always be supportive of him and the pain he lives with of losing you. I promise I'll always encourage him to keep your memory alive and incorporate it into our lives. God Bless you and know you will never be forgotten. I'll do my best to take care of him, make him happy and love him until you can be together again someday.

January 19, 2005

You are brave soul, and a shining light. Your job is done, but your memory will live on. You can rest easy now, we will take from here.

Lt. Tom Wallace
Garden City Police Dept, Garden City Mi

January 18, 2005

What's up kid? It's been a long time since I talked to you last. I didn't learn of this until recently when I happened to try to locate you. I miss you terribly and think about you all the time. You are a beautiful soul and I'll love you just the same forever. I'll pray for you and look forward to seeing you again one day.

Former Officer Campbell
Rock Hill PD (SC)

January 14, 2005

You are always on my mind. You are the first person I think of each morning and my last thought each night. It certainly didn't seem much like Christmas without you here. Stay safe until we meet again! I love you Jenny!

Someone Who Misses You

December 27, 2004

Merry Christmas From Heaven

I still hear the songs
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
on a cold wintry nights

I still share your hopes
and all of your cares
I"ll even remind you
to please say your prayers

I just want to tell you
you still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders
above all the crowd

Keep trying each moment
to stay in His grace
I came here before you
to help set your place

You don"t have to be
perfect all of the time
He forgives you the slip
If you continue the climb

To my family and friends
please be thankful today
I"m still close beside you
in a new special way

I love you all dearly
now don"t shed a tear
cause I"m spending my
Christmas with Jesus this year

Poem by John Wm. Mooney Jr.


December 18, 2004

My deepest sympathy to your family. I know the grief they are experiencing and constantly asking the question Why? There will never be an answer. I hope the Blue Family comprised of fellow officers is helping take care of your family. You are a true hero for others to look up too. May God watch over your family and help them through the holiday season.

Robert Gordon, Father of Officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Robert Gordon, Asst. Chief (Retired)
Riverside PD, Illinois

December 14, 2004

As I come out of the Police Academy and into the world of violence that awaits me, I will never forget you Officer Fettig. Though I have never met you, I will always keep you in my memory and I will serve my watch i your honor. Your work here is done and now please keep watch over us as we protect the ones that still remain.

Timothy Woodward
Schoolcraft Police Academy

December 11, 2004

Officer Fettig, thank you for your service to the citizes of Detroit.

I am thinking of your family and praying for them, especially during the holidays.

Nicole, Dispatcher
Canfield, OH

December 5, 2004

A day doesn't go by that I don't think of you.
I miss you and everything we'll never be able to do.
Take care of yourself and stay safe until we meet again.
I Love You Very Much!

I have a blue light on for you & all your fellow fallen officers. You're all heroes to me and always will be.

Someone Who Loves You

November 29, 2004

Thinking of you this Thanksgiving.

God Bless You Jennifer

November 25, 2004

Law enforcement officers are, indeed, a special breed of people. Ask anyone on the street and they will tell you that they would not have our jobs for anything in the world. It takes something special to do what we do and at the same time be able to even contemplate retirement. We try to be optimists. Unfortunately, there are a few of us who will never make that date with retirement. By the very nature of our job, we are at risk everyday of losing our lives, either at the hand of some deranged individual or in some other situation that we, by virtue of our occupation, may be unable to avoid. Some people have recognized the hazardous duties we involve ourselves in, the risks we take, and the pride we take in accomplishing that job. There is National Law Enforcement Week, dedicated to us who gladly accept the responsibility of protecting the citizens in our respective jurisdictions. National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Day is dedicated to those who gave their lives in the line of duty. These are but a two examples of remembrances specifically for law enforcement personnel. Remembrances that come but once a year. We should remind fellow officers of another type of remembrance, one that will last a lifetime. Sooner or later, a doctor will pronounce us dead. It is inevitable. Regardless of whatever happens, death is the end we will all have to face.
Author Unknown

Jim Moore
New Orleans P.D. Retired

November 20, 2004

Hey Jennifer
I know that you know about the phone call I got last Thursday afternoon about Justin giving his life for our country you have really been on my mind since then, I think about you daily, but I have been really thinking about you and Matt more often through the day. I know you guys were there when Justin made his entrance to the glorious place that you live in now. Today was Justin's showing and it brought back so much from your funeral seeing the casket with the flag over it with his picture above it. I want to thank you all from Police officers like you and Matt to Marines like Justin you all made the ultimate for us to keep us safe and thank you so much. Please show Justin the ropes up there. He is a great kid and a great addition up there. I know that you heard my talk I had with you driving home from the funeral home today. I miss you guys so much. I just don't understand why God had to take you guys away from us so soon. I don't cry and feel sorry for you guys cause I know the great place that your in now I cry and feel sorry for myself and all of us that have been left behind. But I know one day we will all meet again. Please keep watching over your family and us and tell Justin to keep an eye on His Mom and Dad and sister and brother tell him to send them signs as I know you do the same with your family. I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN. Keep watching over me as I go to work Helping and saving peoples lives. Save me a spot up there with you!


November 20, 2004

I'm the type of person that she would be looking for and I'm still sorry for her loss. I was only a teenage troublemaker but you still get to know the police officers that surround you. Sometimes I think it's a good thing to get in a little bit of trouble when you're 18 or else you'd never understand the people that are there to serve and protect. Most take it for granted. Being put in jail overnight for a silly offense is called justice and cannot be confused with revenge. Another example of an angel above trying to keep order for when I hope to get there in a long time. I'll see her in 60+ years. She had the courage in knowing the risks involved with keeping me safe and I thank her for that. I'll think of it as her looking at me from above making sure I don't cause anymore trouble. It was fun to be mischievous but she taught me something. Her sacrifice achieved the ultimate objective and I hope the family takes pride in her for that. She really is an angel.

Alexander Chorkawyj
Private Citizen

November 8, 2004

My heart felt prayers go out to you Jennifer and your family. Rest in peace and may the lord be with you.

Lieutenant Tom Wallace
Garden City Police

November 2, 2004

So young, so beautiful, and so full of life. You had so much going for you and were willing to give it all for your love of your fellow man. You will always be remembered with kindness and prayers.

May your wings fly you high. Now you can release the surly bonds of earth and reach out and touch the face of God.

To Jennifer's family members --- When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of the storm is a golden light. Jennifer is in that light now and is praying for us and protecting all of us while holding the hand of God.

We will meet someday, dear one. We love you. Thank you for everything.

Grandma & Grandpa Hinkle
Parents of a Deputy Sheriff

October 30, 2004

May you rest in peace. You will not be forgotten. Forever in my thoughts and prayers.

Garden City Mi

October 22, 2004

Ofc. Fettig and Family,

I have visited this memorial often but have found it hard to find the words I was looking for. It is such a shame that we live in a world of cowards like the one who took your life. He couldn't have known how much his cowardly act would affect as many people as it has and to the level it does. You mean so much to all of us in your law enforcement family. We carry the burden of your loss in the most personal of ways. The brotherhood of all of us is something that death can not take away. You were my sister in blue and I Honor you. To your family, please know, we are here for you. One of my friends was just killed in the line of duty 10/14/04. This has been the most trying time of my life and I have never questioned things more than now. During the funeral procession there was an elderly woman standing outside holding on to her walker. What made this so special is that it was probably 50 degrees out and it was pouring down rain. She had nothing to cover her from the rain yet stood there to honor my friend. That scene repeated for the miles that we drove to the cemetery. Young people, business men, military veterans, E.M.S and firefighters all stood there refusing to take shelter from the rain. God Bless you Ofc. Fettig and your sisters and brothers who give us cause to stand out in the rain. You give us hope that Heroes still walk among us. You complete God's hand of hope and peace on this earth. I remember you and your sacrifice and will do so until we meet again. "Poi si torno' all' eterna fontana."

Ontario Police

October 21, 2004

God bless friends and families.

Director Anthony M. Scott Sr.
TFC Youth Boot Camp

October 2, 2004

Rest in peace. I am also an officer and it is times like this that really makes one think.. We should all live every day like its our last.. From reading the other reflections this fine officer/person did just that. Thank you for your service. Female officers everywhere will always remember your sacrifice.

louisville metro

October 1, 2004

My heart goes out to your families. We lost my nephew, Blaine Co. Montana Deputy Joshua T. Rutherford; EOW: 29 May 2003... I cannot express enough how sad it is for all of us. I hope and pray that you know your loved one gave her life for all of us. God bless and may you hearts be filled with comfort from our Heavenly Father.

FOrmer Dispatcher, Kathleen Goodman
North Bend, Oregon PD

September 28, 2004

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