Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective William "Wally" Rolniak, Jr.

Riverdale Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Wednesday, February 4, 2004

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Reflections for Detective William "Wally" Rolniak, Jr.

happy birthday daddy we love and miss you . love nicole and denise

March 7, 2006

happy birthday kid i love you and i miss you . loveya moejoe

March 7, 2006

Dear Rolniak Family,

I just read the story of your beloved Wally and want you to know my heart aches and breaks for you. We lost our precious son, Matthew, during Hurricane Ivan as it came through our area September 16, 2004. You never forget the events as they unfold from the minute you are told and then your life is never the same again.

Wally has such a beautiful smile......I called Matthew "my smiling eyes". Please know that we honor Detective Rolniak and will not forget his sacrifice, and we add your pain and loss to our own.

With love,
Linda Rittenhouse
Always remembering Matt and his fallen friends.

Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Fallen Officer Matthew Rittenhouse 9/16/04

March 6, 2006

well kid it's almost that time again . I can't believe it it s here already. today is 25 months . i was a nice day . i love you and i miss you so much . trying to get through everyday without you is hard . its seems like it's getting harder and harder everyday . i love ya and miss ya so much love moejoe

March 4, 2006

hey daddy!!!

today was a bad day i msiss you so much!!! ilove you 2

love ya


February 27, 2006

well kid its been a bad weekend. i can't believe that its going to be your third b-day in heaven already it still feels like it was all just yesterday . the pain just keeps getting worse. i love you and i miss you so much . i love you moejoe

February 27, 2006

i love you and i miss you so much i can't take this much longer love moejoe

February 26, 2006

hey daddy!!!

i miss you and love you so much!! i like this picture of you better.i was watching family videos and you were so funny i miss that. but anyways i just wanted to say i miss you and i love you okay xoxox

and i got down braces again

i love you



February 23, 2006

well kid it finally got changed that s the real you i love you and i miss so much love moejoe

February 20, 2006

People still remember you, whether they are police officers or citizens. I was in a hospital today and a nurse was telling me how moved she was at the turn out for your funeral and how tragic it was. You have a new fellow officer from Chicago up there...look out for him. God Bless!!!


February 14, 2006

well kid happy valentines day i love you and i miss you so much . love moejoe

February 14, 2006

well kid you better get your mom better . i miss you its been a long weekend . i love you so much love ya moejoe

February 12, 2006

Just over 2 years Wally, seems like yesterday. We love you. We miss you. We wish you were here.


February 6, 2006

As your family observes the second anniversary of your tragic death, I salute you for your service, your bravery and your heroism. I am very sorry that your family must walk this painful journey because of the immoral actions of a criminal. You, your family and friends are remembered in prayer.

Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04

February 5, 2006


February 5, 2006

Thanks for watching over me. Believe me you, I need all the help I can get. Wally you are truly missed.

rock a it is

February 4, 2006

At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.

Tonight, February 4, 2006 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Detective Wally Rolniak Jr., who died in the line of duty on this date two years ago.

When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.

Det. Rolniak's sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC

February 4, 2006

Wally, You and your family are always on my mind and in mine & Kathi's prayers, but especially today. And even though I'm over a thousand miles away, I share the pain of all of your family and our friends. The "what if" still lingers with the pain. But I know that you are still with me and all those back home, and knowing this makes it just a little less hard to deal with. Our shift today is being devoted to you Wally, please continue watching over us.


February 4, 2006

hey wally!! juss wanted to say heyy! i really cant believe its been 2 whole it seems like forever...but not..i miss u and i still think about you..thanks for everything you taught me. ill think of you at softball! i love u!!

February 4, 2006

well mr. rolniak its been 2 yrs...
its hard not having u here with us...
everyone loves u and misses u so much..
i just wanted to stop by and say hi to my second dad..
softball is going to be starting soon and softball always reminds me of u so its gunna be hard..
bye .. love krista

your other daughter

February 4, 2006

Not a day goes by that I do not think of you and miss you. The hurt will never go away. I miss you partner. I wish it was a bad dream. It hurts just as bad today as it did two years ago. It hurts not to talk to you. You and your family are always in my thoughts. I will never forget you.

Double D

February 4, 2006

Please know that on this second anniversary of your death your sacrifice has not been forgotten. You will always be remembered as a hero.
Your wife and daughters remain in our prayers.

Linda Lamm - LEO wife and sister of
Jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04

February 4, 2006

It still hurts knowing your gone. My life is forever changed, and an empty space in my heart will never be filled. I miss the times together but thank God for having them with you as a friend and partner. May God bless your family. Until we meet again, take care my brother, I miss you.

Ret. Sgt.

February 4, 2006

Hey Wally -
Sitting at work this morning thinking about you. Had to call your PD a few weeks ago - I smiled when they put me on hold and the oldies station was playing! My kids still talk about you singing Partridge Family songs! Thanks for all you did for me and mine (including the miracle I know you had a hand in!)We keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers everyday.

Lisa & kids

February 4, 2006

It will be two years wow .still can't believe it. Still feels like yesterday you were here with us laughing ,playing jokes on everyone.I miss you more each and everyday that passes by. I love you so much it hurts to breath.The smile in your eyes was one of your many thing I loved about you .You are deeply missed by all of us. Your always in our thoughts and prayers. I love you and I miss you love moejoe

January 31, 2006

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