Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective William "Wally" Rolniak, Jr.

Riverdale Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Wednesday, February 4, 2004

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Reflections for Detective William "Wally" Rolniak, Jr.

They're missing you today!!
Keep watch over them..
God Bless!!

February 4, 2007

The 3rd year anniversary has arrived of your EOW and to some the time has sped past, but to others I know it has dragged by one day at a time, sort of like the movie Ground Hog Day with Bill Murray where each day is a repeat of the day before. My Grand Daughter Grace was born on 2/4/04, a special day for us since she was so sickly and I remember talking with my son Michael at the hospital, how proud he was of his little girl and we discussing what occurred in Riverdale and how glad we were that the individual that brought all the pain and broken hearts to the officers family was deceased and would not be able to hurt anyone again. Little did we know that Michael would be joining Wally 6 months later. I know your pain and your daily struggle. My thoughts are with all of you today and every day as I know how hard those certain days of bad memories can be. He was a true hero and his memory will never die. He will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

February 3, 2007

Hey Wally. Was just thinking about you again. Mixed emotions about this Sunday. It would truly be something if the Bears could pull this one off, just for you, wouldn't it?. I guess it's pretty fitting that the Bears play in a superbowl on the anniversary of such a tragic and life-changing event. Love ya Bra! Tell Tommie we said hello...


February 2, 2007

Well kid it almost 3 years i still can;t believe it . time has gone by so fast but it has also stood still. it still feels like yesterday that this crap happened i miss you my love grows more and more for you .The bears are in the superbowl !!!!!! i pretty sure there going to win that would be totally awesome. just wasnted to say I LOVE YOU and I MISS YOU love ay babe

February 1, 2007

Hey uncle bink

i finally got a chance to come back on here and leave you another message!! sorry i have been so busy!! but im always thinking about you!! i miss you sooo much!!! the bears will go all the way!! i know they will!! i have faith in you to help them out also!! i know you will!! its so weird to call home on holidays and not talk to you!! and even go home on leave to not visit you!! i would do anything to see you again!! i have so many things to ask you and to talk to you about!! well im doing good for the most part!! my deployment got extended yet again :( i cant wait to go home and see everyone again!!! i miss them as much as you do!! well i just wanted to say i love you and i miss you sooo much!!!

god daughter

January 31, 2007

You can shed tears that he is gone,
Or you can smile because he lived,
You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back,
Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left.

Your heart can be empty because you can't see him
Or you can be full of the love that you shared,
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

You can remember him and only that he is gone
Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on,
You can cry and close your mind be empty and turn your
Or you can do what he would want: smile, open your eyes,
love and go on

January 27, 2007

hey coach wally...
i just was thinking about you today... i dont know what made me think of it but i did... and i miss you, i didnt realize how long its been... its so sad... i love you!

January 27, 2007

hey babe nicole is taken her sat today !!!

January 27, 2007

Always remembered and honored for making the supreme sacrifice.

Mother, daughter, sister, and granddau. of LEOs

January 25, 2007

Hey Uncle Wally, I miss you and I love you!!!!!!!!!! i'm about to be 15 now!!!!!!!

stephanie lavadour

January 23, 2007

I remember when me and my brother and sister would come down every year to visit the family and Uncle Wally would always make us Pancakes. We loved them he made them bigger then the plates. We would listen to oldies and go swiming or watch him paly softball with the girls. The last summer we were out there before he died he said that he loved us and would see us next year, but he didn't but I still think of him every day and of my aunt and cousins I love you guys, Rest in Peace Uncle Wally.

stephanie lavadour

January 23, 2007

GOOOOOOOO BEARSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love ya babe

January 22, 2007

Wally, you did it, bears made it, i'll think of you every time they score......miss u, and think of you often

January 21, 2007

I thought about you just now....I miss you just wanted you to know.......


January 21, 2007

Well kid it's suppose to snow so we will see . have not used the snow blower yet . I love you and I miss you just wanted to say hey.

January 20, 2007

hey daddyo i just wanted to say i love you 2

January 16, 2007

Well kid the bears made it another week thank you it was a stressful game i love you and i miss you . love ya

January 14, 2007

well kid another friday night and nothing to do boy what and exciting life i have . You always kept me going i loved that about you. There was never a dull moment when you were around.I can't wait to see you . I Love you and Miss you so much . I love you Babe I talk to pammy the other day it was great to hear from her . She misses Tommy .I know you to are drinking up there (LOL) you havent stopped !!! I miss you and kathy and aunt bun and nanook. I know you have run it gg and you have met alot of other people .Tell eveyone we miss them and that we love them all . I love you love your moejoe

January 12, 2007

Well, kid both of the girls are sick .The Bears play on sunday . I hope they win. I hope they make it to the super bowl .It would be great if they could win . mark and his brothers are going to the superbowl . We had the chance to go but I said nope. Its on your anniversary, and it tradition to have superbowl in your honor . We still talk about our first superbowl party here . Everyone that was here and still comes back we laugh about that all the time. I love you and I miss you so much. There's not a day that goes by that your not in my mind . somedays more than others.I just can't believe we are goin on 3 years on superbowl.It still seem like it was yersterday . I left a message for pammy she wrote back. I hope you two are good. She miss Tommy so much we are all still trying to figure out what were are suppose to learn form this . Well Kid I love you and I miss you soo much > Love ya your moejoe

January 11, 2007

Hey Bink, Just want you to know that there isnt a day that goes by that I dont think about you and wish you were here again.I miss you so much and all your help raising the girls.Please watch over my "munchkin" (corrina) and bring her home safe to me!! Thanks BINK


January 10, 2007

I would like to thank you for all of your words of wisdom. You are right, the kids really keep me going. The holidays are over. They were really tough. Tommy loved christmas. I think he was more of a kid than the little ones. I know Wally and Tom are working together to keep all of us safe here. We will talk soon. Love Pammy and the kids.

January 1, 2007

well babe two and a half hours left of 06.Im home and i miss you .I just want to say happy new again. I love you !! It's raining out it sucks. There hasn't been like any snow yet . I cant believe the bears are losing you must be pretty busy up there . But thats ok . I can't believe its going to be 3 years .I remember our last years together you were so happy . I miss that smile . I love you and I miss you so much love your moejoe

December 31, 2006

Well kid it's been a long day I miss you so much . I just can't believe it's new years eve . A another year gone . I hate this day there are so many now so many memories . I hate the holidays .Nothing is the same .Life without you really sucks .My heart aches so much .I love you and I miss you . We had something so special. I love you and Happy New Year. I know i'll write later I love you and I miss you so flipp'in much Love your moejoe

December 31, 2006

Hey, its just me again! I was just thinking about you all day today! And I just wanted to let you know that I miss you so much! Everything with me is going ok! Could have been better if I could have spent Christmas with the family. Im sure you know how that feels! I get home sick a lot but I'm going to get over that sooner or later! Well I just wanted to stop in and say hello!! I love you so much!!


God Daughter

December 26, 2006

Uncle Wally,

When I was younger I remember coming over all of the time, you took me to my baseball games and you taught me alot about the game. I would come over and for hours we would sit in the back yard as you helped me practice before games. When I was baptized you became my god father. I looked up to you in many ways, to this day I still do. I joined the navy hopeing to make something better of myslef and for that I know you would be proud. If theres one thing i wish for it would be for you to be here again. You are such a great insperation to many. I just wanted to let you know how much I miss you and that I love you so much. You are always with me in my heart.

Love Always and Forever,

Corrina Davis
god daughter (niece)

December 25, 2006

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