Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Steven Phillips

Westminster Police Department, California

End of Watch Thursday, January 29, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Steven Phillips

Please know that you remain in our thoughts and prayers as the third anniversary of your EOW approaches. Your will forever be remembered as a hero.

Linda Lamm - LEO wife and sister of
Jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04

January 13, 2007

We will always remember Steve. It is still hard to believe he is not with us but thinking about him brings a smile to my face. Thanks for the memories brother.

Sgt. Darrick Vincent
Westminster PD

December 6, 2006

Tomorrow is the day of your Memorial Ride, Steve. It's one more occasion to remind us of what a dedicated Officer you were, and how honored all of us were to have served with you. I am sorry to say that I won't be on the ride this year as I sold my bike and haven't yet gotten another, but I'll be with them in spirit and thinking of you.

Your Friend,

Sgt. Donald E. Kerr, Retired
Westminster PD

June 4, 2006

Thinking of you and your loved ones on this day. Thank you for your service and dedication. You are a hero!

Friend of Nick Sloan EOW 1/30/04

January 29, 2006

It has been 2 years since you left us
and time has not diminished your
sacrifice. I am so sorry you never got
to enjoy your retirement. My thoughts
are with your wife, your family and your department.
Lynn Kole
Washington State

January 29, 2006

Remembering you today.

January 29, 2006

Remembering you on this your second anniversary. R.I.P.


January 29, 2006

You adn your family are in my thoughts and prayers as the second anniversary of your tragic death is observed. May you rest in the peace of your loving Creator.

Mary Kay Balchunas
Mother of Jay Balchunas, EOW 11/5/04

January 28, 2006

Please know that we remember and honor your sacrifice as the second anniversary of your tragic accident approaches. Rest in peace, hero.

Linda Lamm - LEO wife and sister of
Jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04

January 28, 2006

It will be 2 years that you were called away. I'm sure many tears have fallen by those that love you and they keep asking why as you had so much left here for you to do. You dedicated your life to the law enforcement community and for that I thank you. You set an example for all officers to follow. Keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon

January 20, 2006

Brother Phillips,

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

You’re Brothers in Blue

Untouchables Law Enforcement Motorcycle

December 2, 2005

My good buddy Ron Ives was killed on 09/01/04 while on duty as a motor officer in Rancho Cucamonga. I remember talking to him before he died and your death came up as conversation about concerns in riding a motor. Ron said that when he was instructing a motor class he took the entire class to the scene of your crash to address safety concerns and pay homage to you. Rest in peace and say hi to Ron for me.

SBSD Deputy

September 21, 2005

At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer.

Today, January 29, 2005 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Police Officer Steven Phillips who died in the line of duty on this date one year ago.

When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.

Officer Phillips’ sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC

January 29, 2005

Thinking of you on the one year anniversary of your death. My prayers are for you and your surviving family.


January 29, 2005

A year has almost gone by and it seems that we have grown closer as a family. I know that the thoughts I have are fewer and I feel guilty not to have more thoughts of Steve. Yet, as I look back my prayers are for Sandy. It has been a great help to have his memorial braclet on the desk, to look at it and then ask God to give You (Sandy) comfort and a wonderful memory of Steve. May this year be filled with more joyous memories and less thoughts of lonelyness.

God Bless You and
All the Family at WPD

Chaplain Robert Benoun
Westminster PD

January 28, 2005

Just wanted you to know that we will never forget you, Officer Phillips, you are a true hero. To the family, you are in my prayers I know the next couple of days will be just as hard as the rest of them without Steven. You will miss him everyday, but we will never forget him.
We are thinking of you...

Connie Barker
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04

January 27, 2005

To the family of Officer Phillips,
I lost my nephew 9/12/04 in the line of duty, in Kern County, CA. It was then I became aware of this website. You are in my prayers. It's an awesome job, one that at sometimes seems thankless. But, I'm sure, like my newpew Dan Archuleta, it was his calling. My heart goes out to you. With sincere gratitude, Patsy

Patsy Martin

November 21, 2004

To the family of Steven Phillips. My brother-in-law was with WPD for many years. We just on Sept 12th lost our son in the line of duty. He was a Deputy with Kern Co. We live in a neighboring city and prayed for your family. My heart and prayers are with you all.

Linda Archuleta

November 8, 2004

We all come to this page because we are part of one big family - a family that loves together, prays together and grieves together.

Our son recently lost his partner, and until that fateful day, we were not aware of this site. Now we check it daily. We want you to know that our prayers and thoughts are for you and your loved ones. We grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family.

God bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great nation.

Here is a special prayer for you:

Give eternal rest to them, O Lord,
Whose souls have taken flight.
And lead them to a better world
Where there is peace and light.
Grant them eternal freedom
From conflict, war, and care,
And fulfill for them Thy prophecy,
There shall be no night there.

Pray for us from above. We love you, son.

Grandma & Grandpa Hinkle
Parents of a Deputy Sheriff

October 1, 2004

Rest in Peace!

Police Officer Matt Lyons
Oceanside Police Dept.

September 14, 2004

Rest easy my Brother, my prayers are with you, your family, friends and your department. Swing that leg high Motor Man.

Motor Ofc. C.H. Spurlin @237
Gwinnett County Police, Georgia

May 13, 2004

To the Phillips family, friends, and the Westminster Police Department. You have lost a beautiful soul, but heaven has one more shining star. Our thoughts and prays are with you all. Thanks Officer Phillips for all you have done for your brothers and sisters; rest in peace.

Patrol Officer
Prince George's County, Maryland

April 13, 2004

I stop by this website often after the death of two dear friends with the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003).

We all grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family.

These are senseless tragedies that never seem to stop. God Bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great Nation.

...Gone, but never Forgotten....

Marti (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)

April 4, 2004

I met Steve briefly in 1990 when on a ride-along in his unit courtesy of the Westminster Police. I was shocked and saddened to hear of his death, my condolences to his family and his fellow officers.

Doug Williamson
Former New Zealand Officer

April 1, 2004

i do not know this man, but im a suvivor of a fallen officer of atlanta ga. David Land. with true honor and respect of motorcycle officers, i am so sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers and thoughts are with the family- no matter how far away- our team is so close. I have a daughter to raise alone now- but our guys are up in heaven with a better patrol division.. peace to all of you..

Lauren Land

April 1, 2004

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