Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Clinton Earl Walker

Prattville Police Department, Alabama

End of Watch Wednesday, January 14, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Clinton Earl Walker

Thinking of you and your family today.

Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

October 10, 2024

Officer Walker.
On today, the 20th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice-not just for your Community but for our Country as well when you served with the USMC. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.

Semper Fi Devil Dog!

BPA Mike Casey
United States Border Patrol(Retired)

January 14, 2024

Miss you so much. Happy Birthday in Heaven. Never forgotten. I love you and will see you again one day.

April Henderson

December 30, 2021

Unfortunately at the time this awesome officer was laid to rest I was in the hospital. I was a cashier at a station in downtown Prattville and he used to always check on me to make sure I was okay. The last time I saw him was the day prior to his death. He was always upbeat and joking. In fact, that last day I saw him he got a call on his radio and he said"you want to see me speed out on two wheels" and he took off out of the parking lot to answer someone in need of his assistance. The next day when I returned to work, another employee told me what had happened and I didn't believe him at first. One thing that helps me remember this awesome friend is a tattoo of Mr. Peanut because that's what he always called me. Super guy who left this world way too early!! RIP Clint.

Melissa Melendy

October 3, 2021

Rest in peace Officer Walker.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2020

Today I thought about you as so many times before. You are never forgotten in my mind. I always enjoyed your visits when you came to Gilmore Ford where I worked, usally for a part for your truck or just to chit chat. Such a big strong man with so many dreams. I still pray for your family and it was a honor to know you.


June 20, 2019

Can't believe it's been 15 years brother. You are not forgotten. All our love.


January 14, 2019

Still missing you as much today as everyday. You will never be forgotten as long as I have a breath in me. Love you always and forever and ever as long as I live....


December 7, 2018

Rest In Peace Brother in Blue. Thank you and your family for your sacrifice and service for this country.

Officer Mike Robinson (Ret)
Upland Police Dept. CA

January 14, 2018

Test well Clint.

Sgt Rick Van Krevelen ret
Enid Police dept Enid Okla

January 13, 2018

I miss you every minute of everyday. And think of you even more. Love, Love, Love you, till we are together again.


April 1, 2017

I met your mom and dad. Look forward to hearing more about you .

Brenda Craft Mother of Raymond Chandler Praying for Peace in your heart.

December 13, 2016

Miss you so very much. We'll never forget. Love you.


January 14, 2016

That's is so HORRIBLE the loss of an OFFICER in a training exercise. My CONDOLENCE to the family, fellow Officers and friends of OFFICER CLINTON EARL WALKER. Praying for comfort for the Officer that fired the shot.

Reserve Deputy Melvin F.Larmon
Coosa County Sheriff Office

January 14, 2016

Sure missing you

Someone who loves you still

August 16, 2015

it has been many years since your watch ended.
your parents are well and helping others who experienced a loved ones end of watch.

Kathy Alvarez, retired dispatch,
Hialeah PD, secretary SoFLCOPS

January 14, 2015

Happy Birthday, it's hard to believe you would be 37 today, you know I'll always remember you as 26. Hope you have a great Birthday in Heaven. Loving and missing you everyday.


December 30, 2014

As I dusted and straightened all the various items on the table in the living room getting ready for the family Christmas dinner I touched your picture and smiled at you knowing you and Matt are friends as you are so much alike. Big, beautiful, precious sons that are and always will be loved and missed beyond earthly words. How we all long to be back in the hug that only a son can give.

Sending much love to you and your family.

Linda Rittenhouse
Matt's mom

December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas my Angel...


December 26, 2014

Well I guess you know how much I miss you, just can't help but come here, I just wish I could hear your voice......
I just wish I could hug you.....
I feel you a lot of time, whenever I need you and that's all the time... Ten years is a heck of long time, but I still love you and miss you with every breath... We will be attending out ninth year of Parent's Retreat we missed two years for one reason or another..... Love you the most!!!!Love you to the Moon and back!!!

Clint's Mom

October 18, 2014

We never met but you too carried a badge upon your chest and risked it all to protect others.......this makes us brothers. I mourn your loss brother.

"My Brother"

Although I never met him, I knew him.
He was idealistic and believed he could make a difference.
He was immensely proud of the uniform and the badge and what
they represent.
He felt privileged to be of service to his department, his
community and to his country.

He was a cop.

Although I never met him, I knew him.
He was friendly, courteous, and polite, yet firm.
He laughed and joked, but was serious when necessary.
He was competent, trained, and professional.

He was a cop.

Although I never met him, I knew him.
He had a strong sense of right and wrong and became
frustrated when true justice became sidetracked.
He felt the sharp criticism that goes with the job, but he
never wavered.
He stood by and for his fellow officers.

He was a cop.

Although I never met him, I knew him.
He longed for his family during the long hours.
He worried about them during his shifts and the lonely
weekends, holidays and midnights when they were apart.
He felt guilty about the lost time, but knew his calling
and prayed they would understand.

He was a cop.

Although I never met him, I knew him.
He was a good son, a loving husband, and a devoted father.
He was dedicated to the profession and cared about the
people he served.
He wanted to do the best job that he could and strived to
be the best he could be.
He was a good citizen and a good neighbor.

He was a cop.

Yes, I did know him.
He was a cop, he was my Brother.

Sgt. J O'Toole
Louisville Metro Police

January 15, 2014

It has been 10 years.. You will never be forgotten... Memorial was held for you today. Wish I could have been there. I love your Mom and Dad so much, they are so proud of you and they miss you dearly.

Matthew Thompson
EOW 2-12-2004
Mobile, AL Police Dept

Lee Ann Thompson
Surviving Spouse

January 14, 2014

Happy 36th Birthday


December 30, 2013

Just thinking about you today, yesterday the day before that.... there's not to many days that goes by that I don't think about you. I found the penny's yesterday. Know you had a great Christmas in Heaven, we just missed you here. We put blue lights up again this year just not as many as years passed, but we always keep the blue candles in the window. Love you sooooo much and miss you even more.....


December 25, 2013

Clint and I were friends on duty and off duty. We car-pooled together when we both lived in Montgomery. We were in many violent situations together, but I would never had thought that he would end his watch the way he did. It will soon be ten years. It still seems like yesterday he was riding in my car. Once I accidently hit him in the jaw while taking down a violent suspect. I noticed the swelling later and told Clint I was sorry. He smiled and said he would take a blow to the jaw anytime as long as he could ride with me. I'll never forget my friend, Clint.

Cpl. Thomas Tousignant
Prattville Police Department

November 13, 2013

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