Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Hubert Dean "John-John" Yancey

Scott County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee

End of Watch Friday, November 28, 2003

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Reflections for Sergeant Hubert Dean "John-John" Yancey

May god keep watch over you Sgt Yancey. We will pray for you and your family.

Sgt (Ret)

December 1, 2003

My heart is heavy as I read that we have yet another casualty in the war we as police officers fight daily. So many times citizens seem to forget the sacrifice that police officers and their families make. To the family, friends, and fellow officers of Sgt. Yancey I can feel your pain right now. It was August of this year that the Chief of Police in the small town that I live was gunned down in the line of duty. My prayers and my thoughts are with you right now. Sgt. Yancy, even though I did not know you we had alot in common. You are my brother. You fought the good fight, you kept the faith. Go now and claim your reward in heaven. Those of us left will continue the fight. Your memory will keep us strong.

Patrol Officer Mark Wright
Arab Police Department Arab, Alabama

December 1, 2003

Rest easy Sgt. your in heaven now. May God be with this fine officer's family and co-workers during this tragic time.

Captain Scott Wright
Mount Holly Police Department, NC

December 1, 2003

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because brave men stand ready to do violence on their behalf
-Steve Robinson, Seal Team One, 1971-1973

Rest in peace brother, we have the watch.

First Sergeant J.L. Slaughter
Radford City Department of Police

December 1, 2003

God Bless you Sergeant Yancey.
You shall not be forgotten.
Rest in peace, Brother

Sheriff Steve Brown
Bridgewater Sheriff's Office, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada

December 1, 2003

Rest in peace brother in blue.
The watch is ours now.

God bless your family and your department.
Thanks for your dedication and service.

Pennsylvania State Police

December 1, 2003

SGT. Yancey I never had the pleasure to know you, but you didn't die in vain. Even though you left this world doing what you loved doing, your loss is felt throughout the law enforcement comunity. Your family will be cared for down here, God has bigger plans for you. God have mercy on those who took you from us so soon, for they will feel the full wrath of your brothers and sisters of the badge. Peace be with your soul as St.Peter welcomes home another Peacemaker.


December 1, 2003

Yet another hero has had their life taken too soon. My deepest sympathy to the family, friends and co-workers of Sergeant Yancey. May the Lord give you strength and bless each of you during this time.
Rest in peace for your watch here is over; walk in heavens beat and guide us all to protect and serve others safely.

US Ranger Catroppa
National Park Service Kennesaw GA

December 1, 2003

We extend our deppest sympathies and prayers to john John's family and fellow officers

Lt.Jeff Jones
smyrna police dept

December 1, 2003

There are but two persons who protect the sinful human race from destroying itself. One is God's Holy Spirit. The other is the Peace Officer. Without them, we would all perish at each other's hands.

You were called into this profession and our Lord and Savior has blessed you because:
According to Romans 13.1-5...
God ordains the Peace Officer’s profession.
The Peace Officer is sent by God.
The Peace Officer is vested with God's authority to enforce the law.
A Peace Officer's badge is to be honored by us, because it is honored by God.

You gave the ultimate sacrifice, your life for your fellow man, while serving, defending, and protecting others in your community.

To the family of Deputy Sheriff John John Yancey and the Scott County Sheriff's Department, your extended family of Law Enforcement Officers grieves with you during this time. I pray that God will wrap his loving arms around each of you and comfort you during this most difficult time.

To all my brothers and sisters, please remember the fallen officers we have lost. Remember the men and women who died trying to make this world a safer and better place for us all to live in. Please pray for this officer's family and friends as they struggle with this tragedy.
May God be with you every day, please remember, we are a part of the largest family in the world and when one hurts we all hurt.

Though our badges and uniforms may be different, our mission is the same. Rest in peace with our other fallen Brothers and Sisters. We will continue the fight in your honor.

Florida Deputy Sheriff

December 1, 2003

Our deepest sympathy to the family of Deputy Sheriff Hubert (John John) Yancey … and the Scott County Sheriff's Department, TN… our hearts and prayers are with you all...... Thank you for a job well done John John... rest in peace as you continue your watch from the heavens......your memory will never be forgotten...

God Bless....Be Safe..... and wear your vests...

Vin, Pook and all of us at beyond-the-blue

Vin and Pook- Site Owners

December 1, 2003

God Speed, Brother.

P.O. K.Murphy
Union PD, NJ

November 30, 2003

My heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family and fellow officers of Deputy Yancey.

While I did not have the privilege to have known him, I am certain that he has earned his seat in heaven. Rest in Peace my friend, those of us who remain will cover your post on the thin, blue line.


November 30, 2003

I would like to extend my condolences to Deputy Yancey's family and friends, and to the men and women of the Scott County Sheriff's Department. Rest in Peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Deputy Sheriff
Butte County Sheriff's Office

November 30, 2003

On behalf of the scott county sheriffs dept, I would like to say thanks to all who took the time and replied. It means alot to me, and my dept.

Officer Yancey, or John John as everbody called him was a great officer, and will be truely missed by his fellow officers and the community.

Please keep his family and his partner Drug Agent Marty Carson in your prayers, as he is understandably, terribly shaken at this time.

Once again, thanks for taking the time to pay your respect to a fellow officer who died in the line of duty.

Jeremy Cross
Scott County SO

Deputy Jeremy S. Cross
Scott County Sheriffs Dept

November 30, 2003



November 30, 2003

Rest in peace brother.

Police Officer
Burlington Towsnhip PD NJ

November 30, 2003

May God bless the family of Deputy Sheriff Hubert ( John John ) Yancey.

The Men and Women of the Amtrak Police Department extendes our deepest sympathy to the Scott County Sheriff's Department (TN) and to the family of Deputy Yancey.

God bless!!!

Criminal Investigator
Amtrak Police Department N.Y. & N.J. Division

November 30, 2003

Not only am I a member of John John's family, but I'm a member of the community he served and protected. Three little boys have lost their father. A father and mother have lost their only son. A community has lost a man dedicated to serving them and ridding it of the "bad guys." He died doing the job that he loved and had wanted to do since he was a young boy.

We live in a small town, and I don't think we've lost an officer in the line of duty for several decades. A tragedy like this will surely shake the foundation of our little community, but I know that his death will not be in vain. There are alot of good folks in this town, and when tragedy strikes we pull together.

There is a billboard just down the road featuring a picture of John John's wife, an R.N., who was named Employee of the Year at our local hospital. Above her picture is a caption which says something like "Real Everyday Heroes." Every time I would drive by that billboard I would think about how she truly was a hero, and so was he - how that they both had dedicated their lives to helping people in one way or another.

Please pray for this family - that God will comfort them somehow. Please pray for these 3 small boys who will never see their father again. Please pray that justice will be swiftly served. And let all of us pray that never again will we have to hear the words "Officer down."

John John's cousin, Misty

November 30, 2003

My heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with the Deputy Yancey's family. There are no words that can express the sorrow and loss you feel.

Deputy Yancey I salute you for a job well done and for placing yourself in harms way to protect your community. Take your place in heaven and watch over us all who continue the fight between good and evil.

Cpl. Mary Huggins Orange County Sheriff's Office, Fl
Cousin Pat Maher Federal Way PD EOW: 8/2/03

Cpl. Mary Huggins
Orange County Sheriffs Office, Orlando, FL

November 30, 2003



November 30, 2003

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I know first-hand what you are going through and what you face. My husband was killed 3 years ago - November 27, 2000. Remember all the good times and your 3 children. That is what has gotten me through this far. May God comfort you each day. Tell your children that their father died a HERO.

Shelly Ragsdale, surviving spouse
Officer Alan Ragsdale, Hohenwald Police Dept., EOW 11-27-00

November 30, 2003

To this fine deputies wife, boys, family, friends and coworkers my heart and prayers are with you all. May God be with you in this terrible time of loss. Deputy Yancey -- thank you for a job well done and may you now rest in peace. To the boys of this true hero remember always that your dad IS A HERO.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure, EOW 08/06/02

November 30, 2003

Rest in peace, and thanks for your selfless service. God bless the Yancey family, and may they stay strong and live life to the fullest. I hate to see another hero killed by violent drug offenders... the war on drugs will never be over because we have people like Deputy Yancey who won't give up keeping them off our streets. We will remember the price that he paid for us.

Baltimore, MD

November 30, 2003

Our deepest condolences to the Family, friends, and co-workers of Deputy Yancey.

Newark NJ PD Auto Theft Task Force

November 30, 2003

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