Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Saul Gallegos

Chelan County Sheriff's Office, Washington

End of Watch Thursday, June 26, 2003

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Saul Gallegos

My prayers go out to the officer and his family, rest in peace.



Don't grieve for me, for now I am free,
I am following the path GOD laid for me.
I took His hand when I heard Him call,
I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day,
To laugh…to love…to work…to play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way,
For I found peace at the close of the day.

If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
These things I too will miss.

Be not burdened with time of sorrow,
For I wish for you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life’s been full, I savored much,
Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all to brief,
Don't lengthen it now with undo grief.
So lift up your heart and share with me,
GOD wanted me now...He has set me free. live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die


To the family, friends and colleages of Officer Gallegos, May God bless you and keep you strong during this difficult time. And brother, you will not be forgotten.

Special Agent
FBI New York

Scholars ay in the end of times.
A Great battle between Good and Evil will Ensue.
That is why the almighty God.
Takes the bravest of our Brothers and Sisters in blue.

Cpl. James J. Crawford
Lower Providence Twp Police, Montg. Co. PA.

It is the saddest day to hear of the death of a fellow police officer. My heart and prayers go out to your family and friends.

Chief Gary L. Minor, Retired
Brier Police Department

Our hearts and prayers go out to your family. Our family knows all too well your pain and loss. We will keep you in our prayers. John 14:27

mother of fallen Military Police Officer Brian T. Gleason 8/9/2000

Tammy Persin

Dear the Wonderful Gallegos Family,
We have walked in your shoes before you and we prayed all the way. The empty heart hurts so much, and your arms want so bad to hold them. Please know our family encircles your family with prayers.
God Bless
The Family of M.P.O. Steven J. Underwood, Des Moines Washington (EOW 3/7/01)

Quote by Esteban R. Underwood, age 4, "What are they doing up there?".

First, I would like to send my condolences to Maria, the boys, and the rest of Saul's family. I met Saul shortly after he first began working with the City of Chelan. He was always there when someone needed him and was greatly concerned for others. Saul was a giver of himself, which made him unique from the start. He carried this through to the Chelan County Sheriff's Office when he became a Deputy. Saul gained respect throughout the Chelan Valley from the first day he went on duty in Chelan. His respect of others and wanting to help made him very popular.

Thank you Saul for your conviction and determination in bettering our community and providing a safer place for us to live. I am also grateful to be fortunate enough to call you friend.

Thank you Maria for enduring his field of work as I understand being the wife of a Law Enforcement Officer is hard at times. Also, thank you for your supporting him in making our community a better place.

Saul was always there when you needed him. I believe he will still always be there when we need him.

Chris Willoughby

My prayers and deepest condolences are with your Department, and especially
with the friends and family of your fallen hero.
Stay strong, stay focused, and know that Deputy Gallegos
will never be forgotten.
Mike Bradford; Tallahassee Police Dept., Ret.

Invest. Mike Bradford-Ret
Tallahassee Police Dept.

Rest in peace, brother.

To the friends and family of Deputy Saul Gallegos:

I did not know Saul But from reading the reflections from friends and co-workers I can tell what a great person he must have been. Your son's can grow strong with pride knowing that their dad was such a true hero, giving himself for what he believed in. He will be alive in those who knew and worked with him and in the thoughts and prayers of those who continue the fight. His passing will make us a little stronger.

Detective Andy Harbolt
Stevens County Sheriff's Office, Washington State

To the family of Deputy Saul Gallegos and the Chelan County Sheriff's Office:

You have my deepest sympathy for your loss. Please know that Saul will never be forgotten.

To Deputy Saul Gallegos sons:

Always hold your head up and be proud to be a "Cops kid." Your father was an outstanding deputy and served this community to the best of his ability. Be proud of your Dad and all that he stood for. He was an outstanding individual.

God Bless.

Detective Tracy Martin
Wenatchee Police Department

My heart goes out the the family of Deputy Gallegos. May his four young children always know what a hero their father is. May he rest in peace.

Lori Brown
Aunt of Deputy Renee Azure EOW 8/06/02

Rest easy brother.


God bless you brother in blue. Thank you for your dedication. It is so sad that you made the ultimate sacrifice, however, you will never be forgotten. Thank you for protecting us. Rest in peace, and may God comfort your family, friends, and fellow officers.


May God Bless you and keep you forever in his arms. You truly are a hero to us "all." Rest easy brother and know that you, as well as your family and your friends, are in our hearts and in our prayers... You will never be forgotten


I had the pleasure to wait on this kind, sweet man and did not know anything about his family. My heart goes out to them and my prayers are with them. This is so devestating and heartbreaking that words cannot express what so many of us are feeling.

Kristie Loebsack
Apple Cup Cafe

Saul, during the short time I was your FTO you taught me more about your culture and life than I have ever learned. I respect you, your ethics and beliefs. I considered you a friend and was proud to have you as part of our agency.
You will be sorely missed by all. God bless you and your family and give us the strength to carry on your quest.

Corporal Brent Patterson
Chelan County Sheriff's Office

A Servant of God, The State, and The People......You will always be remembered on my beat.


God Speed, Brother.

P.O.K. Murphy
Union PD, NJ

Deputy Gallegos;

I never knew you personally, however I grieve your loss. You had a gift, a very special gift. You risked your life everyday to protect your community. Unfortunately that gift was taken from the world far to soon. To me that is how I view all police officers, everywhere. That is just one of the many gifts a police officer carries, and I am so thankful for that. It is also what makes death in the LE worled hard to deal with sometimes.

To Deputy Gallegos' family, please remember all the lives he saved, the lives touched. Please know that he is in good hands now, god's hands, but I wish he was still in your hands.

10-7 Deputy

D. Morrison
Vancouver, B.C.

Brother Saul, I have been sitting here trying to figure out where to begin. So many things are going through my head. As I have been searching scripture for comfort, I have come across this in Revelation to help me with the pain. Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. This is God's promise to all who enter the kingdom of God. Saul brother, I know you are with him now, because we had talked about our faith in Jesus Christ on one ocassion. I know brother you are in Christs arms now. Your are feeling no pain, no sorrow, and shedding no tears. Sometimes it's hard to comprehend that, but I have faith and trust in God's promise to us that this is so. I hope your family finds comfort in God's promise too.

Saul brother, I will never forget your calming demeanor you had. I admired you so much for that. You were the type of law enforcement officer I aspire to be. I know brother you have a special place in God's kingdom. Patrolling the north beat will never be the same now without you. I know I'll see you in heaven brother and I can already picture your facial expression when it's my time to come home and I see you again.

I love you brother,


Deputy Scott Lawrence
Chelan County SO

With Deepest Sympathy,
I'm sorry that we will meet during this sad occassion. It will be an honor however to provide the escort for Deputy Gallegos, his family, fellow deputies and friends. To his wife and children, I know this is a difficult time for you. I only pray that it will get easier to deal with in time. Be proud of your husband & father for he was a true HERO.
My God be with you & comfort you in the days ahead.

Officer J. D. Elliott
Seattle Police Dept.

Job Well done Deputy Gallegos. You will be missed by all that knew you and all that did not. You may have fallen but God has picked you up and taken you home. You are now God's Deputy and you are still saving and helping all that need it.

Corrections Officer McLain
Yakima County DOC

Rest in peace brother, and may God bless your family with comfort. PLEASE BROTHERS, REMEMBER, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A "ROUTINE TRAFFIC STOP."

Trp. Cardona
South Carlina Highway Patrol

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