Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Johnathan "Cole" Martin

Chatsworth Police Department, Georgia

End of Watch Friday, April 25, 2003

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Reflections for Police Officer Johnathan "Cole" Martin

Hey Cole, I have had a heavy heart today. I would give my sole to be able to talk to you today. Delores and Richard got bad news yesterday that he has at the most 4 months left to live. Richard told me he thinks of you often. I can only image what thoughts are going thru his mind. I remember sitting in the hospital and hearing the doctor tell Momma she had maybe 8 months then after the surgery that changed to 6 weeks. I wouldn't let Momma see me cry but I would sit in my bedroom floor and look at the calendar and count the days hoping that this wasn't the day and I would cry. The night you died I remember going to bed and everything was fine and then I woke up to a real life nightmare. No matter how you look at it there is no good way to handle death. All of it is so unfair. When Delores told me how long Richard had for a brief moment I was almost jealous that it wasn't me. I know how selfish that sounds but I had much rather be in Heaven with you and Momma then be here without the two of you. I know it has been almost 9 1/2 years but it still feels horrible. Who ever said it will get better over time didn't know what they were talking about. I love you with all my heart Cole and you are in my mind and heart every single day dear cousin.


September 25, 2012

Love you and miss you!


September 23, 2012

Hello Cole thinking of you always. I just wanted to say I love you so much and I miss you. I wish I could see you and just put my arms around you and hold you. I wonder what you would look like now. I miss you so much. I hate death.


September 21, 2012

Hello old friend .. Not sure what made me stop by and write today, but I always think about ya and miss you, and strive to be as great as you. You're always remembered. I know you're always watchin' over your great family and friends.

Heath H.

September 6, 2012

I have been very sad today Cole....I miss you so very much. After 10 yrs it has finally hit home that I am on my own. I wish more than anything that we could all be together and a family again.

I Love You,


August 19, 2012

I miss you Cole

Sgt. Josh Etheridge
Chatsworth Police Dept

July 24, 2012


Jean Davis

July 17, 2012

I am up at 4am cannot stop thinking about you. Oh how I miss you and love you soooooo much.


July 12, 2012

Not a single day goes by on this earth that you arent remembered.
Happy 30th birthday.

I love you and and always will.

ways love you.


June 4, 2012

I love you more than words can ever express and miss you so very much. I hope that your 30th birthday on Monday is very special for you in Heaven. You have plenty of family there in Heaven to celebrate with you. I wish I could be with you but for now I know Momma will stay close to you. She was very proud the day you were born. You would have thought she just had a grandson she was so happy. She loved your Mother and you so very much. I miss her but I am glad that she is there with you. She wouldn't have been able to bear being here without you. Happy Birthday Cole I love you!


June 2, 2012

Monday June 4 you will be 30 years old my beautiful son. I cannot believe the years that have gone by. I have been told that the 30's are the best years of your life. I would agree because I had you in my 30's. I cannot help but wonder what life would be like if you were here. Would you still have the dream of being a Air Marshall? Would you be married and have children. I always told you I would quit work and keep the grandbabies would that be true I wonder. Would there be a little boy with dark brown eyes and dark brown hair that had a smile that would warm your world. Would his laughter touch my heart and brighten my life the way you did. I know that life would be full and bright and beautiful in a way that it will never be now. My beautiful son who never saw his twenties and will never know what his 30's could have been like. I am so sorry for all of our loss there is such a sadness an empty hole that will forever be there until we see each other again. I want you to know that you were loved beyond the imagination. I loved you with all that I am and your Dad Nan and Nanny Jean, Lynn, Jessie and many others loved you with their heart and soul. You are so sadly missed. Happy 30th birthday my beautiful son.


June 1, 2012

Just got back from Police Week in Washington DC it makes me so proud to see all the respect and honor you receive there. I met other Mothers and Fathers who feel the same as I do. It makes me feel not so alone. I miss you so much and the pain is so hard. There is nothing I would not do to just put my arms around you again.


May 17, 2012

Thinking of you and your family today, the ninth anniversary of your death. I am holding your family in my heart's embrace. Thanks to your family and friends for sharing their memories and devotion to you through their reflections.

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

April 26, 2012

April 25th always hits like a ton of bricks, no matter what else is going on. I cannot believe it has been 9 whole years. I can't seem to find the words to say what I really want to. I'll just leave it at "Thank you for loving me."


April 25, 2012

Remembering you on this day. I love you and you are always in my heart. I cannot believe it nine years.


April 25, 2012

I think of you every single minute of every single day Cole. I will never forget you as long as I live and I treasure every moment I was able to share with you baby cousin. You brought so much joy and laughter in my life. Thank you for being there when I needed you and holding my hand when I had to say good bye to my Momma. I hope you and Momma are having wonderful days together in Heaven. I hate this life here on earth without the two of you but I will do the best I know how until I can be with you both again. I love you forever and beyond!


April 24, 2012

My husband was killed on the same day as Ofc. Martin. I just wanted you to know I'm remembering your loss as well as my own. I hope the memories of your hero will fill your heart and bring you some comfort during this difficult time.
You don't get over it, you just get through it.
Your don't get by it, because you can't get around it.
It doesn't 'get better'; it just gets different.
Everyday... Grief puts on a new face....

Laura Gibson-Szerokman, Surviving Spouse
of Ofc. Allen W. Gibson, Jr. EOW: 04/25/98

Laura Gibson-Szerokman

April 24, 2012


I will be honored to participate and assist in the Annual GA. Police Memorial Ride in ATL on Saturday, flying your flag, in your memory. It is so hard to believe that tomorrow will mark 9 years since your EOW.

May God Bless you, your extended family and your fellow LEO's.

You are sorely missed, loved and will always be in our hearts and memories.

John Garger- N. GA. Coordinator
GA. C.O.P.S.

April 24, 2012

I cannot stop thinking of you. I sit here listening to some of your music and my heart is breaking. I long to hold you in my arms again and to hear your voice. To see those dark brown eyes and the twinkle in them. I do not know how I am going to get through the next 5 minutes much less more years. Cole I miss you so much. I cannot even describe it. I love you so much. My life is so different and there is this hugh void that never fills up it just stays empty. I wish it had been me.


April 20, 2012

I love you Cole. EOW is coming up and my heart is broken. I think of you always and never ever stop thinking of you.


April 16, 2012

It doesn't seem like almost 9 years should have passed since the night you died. I remember feeling like the next 9 seconds were impossible to survive without you by my side. The events of that night shaped me and my future into something I never could've imagined. I don't know what it all happened the way it did. I am certain of a few things: 1) True love if forgiving, unconditional, and cannot be measured in miles and 2) Life is way too short, especially for "good" people. I can't help but wonder who you'd be if you were still alive today. I'm brought back to our last Easter together and me bringing you a bag of Easter candy as you worked 2nd shift. Seems like every April is terribly hard, even after so many years. Missing you.........


April 7, 2012

Hey Cole, Got some bad news at work today about Larry Smith. He has been sick for about a month now and had a scan today and they found a large mass in his right kidney. He had been so excited because he was going to finally be able to retire soon and now this happens. It just breaks my heart. He always talks about you and how he misses you and always ask about your Mom. He said you always had the best attitude and you were a fine young man. I hope that there is something the doctors can do for him. Seems it is always the ones that are good and work the hardest are the ones that end up suffering the most. Anyways, I miss you and Momma and love you both. Don't forget to pet my babies for me and tell them I love them!


March 28, 2012

Rest in Peace, Officer Martin. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.

Officer 11169

March 24, 2012

Hey Cole: Your nanny Jean is not doing well watch over her and be with her. I love you with all that I am and miss you with all my heart each and every moment of the day.


March 12, 2012

Happy New Year Cole....I hope you, Momma, Sophie, Snoopy and Powder Puff are having a glorious time in Heaven. I love you all!



January 1, 2012

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