Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Lance Corporal Dana Lyle Tate

Beaufort County Sheriff's Office, South Carolina

End of Watch Tuesday, January 8, 2002

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Reflections for Lance Corporal Dana Lyle Tate

Thank you for your service, sir. I recently had an interaction with your son in Columbus, OH, and he told me to look you up. He has a really cool Corvette, and I’m sure you’re proud of him. God bless.

Officer Puccetti #1602
Columbus Division of Police

September 5, 2024

May God and St. Michael watch over you and Corporal Coursen in Heaven. You are not forgotten.

Patrolman Kenneth Collins
South Amherst Police Department

January 8, 2024

21 years my Brother, but I know you are in a much better place. I visited you and AJ at the wall, and unfortunately there to see some other names I know. I felt you and your calm demeanor with me. Miss you guys.

Kelly Cotner
Former Squad Mate

January 8, 2023

Dana would be proud to see how his children and grandchildren are doing. They are a reflection of who he represented. They are Beautiful, kind and loving and share a great sense of humor as he did. He has one son and he has his daddy’s personality. He also likes fast cars. Lol Forever Loved and in our hearts.

Katherine Tate

January 8, 2022

20 years. Seems like yesterday.

Cpl.Kelly L Cotner
Former Squad Mate

January 7, 2022

Rest in peace Lance Corporal Tate.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2019

Just thinking of you and A.J. and the other wonderful Warriors I have had the Honor of serving with. I remember that day every night. Love and miss you both.

Cpl (former) K Cotner S31
BCSO Squadmate

January 8, 2017

Continue to rest in Peace my brother. You and your partner were a great loss to your county. Both of you are true heros who's lives were cut short by a coward.

N.Y.P.D. Lt. Ray Flores (Ret.)

January 8, 2017

I just read a story of an officer shot on a domestic call a similar fighting for her life. It made me think of Dana!

I worked with Dana in the Navy at the clinic on the Naval Base, Charleston SC in sick call he was an amazing person!!! My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. RIPHONE Dana

HM2 Melody Stemple
United States Navy Veteran

December 23, 2016



January 22, 2016

Thank you again My Brother... I am forever grateful....


December 22, 2014

Merry Christmas. I know you are in a better place with a much better group of people. You are one of the most sincere, loving people I have ever met. I have been truly blessed to have known you and AJ. I hope to see you guys if I get there and have a cup. It will be 13 years in just a bit, I want to thanks to both of you for being heroes and for your short time on this earth.


December 21, 2014

Lance Cpl. Dana Tate,
Just wanted to say I still think about you and AJ and miss you guys very much. Thank you Dana for making me the officer I am today. Without your guidance I don't think I would have it made this far in my police career. Still have the tattoo on my back with the BCSO Badge with your and AJ's name on it. It reminds me every day how real the job is out here. I'm now an FTO at a large department and I now get to pass on the things you passed on to me. You will always be here with me. You police heaven now and I will hope to join you one day when GOD tells me my time is up down here.

Field Training Officer Jason Sweeney
Metro Nashville Police Department / Former BCSO

August 6, 2014

What I miss about you, Dad:
Rides with you in your blue corvette, with the salty wind blowing in my face;
Stone Temple Pilots resonating from the speakers to steady your sweaty workout pace;
Late nights up watching horror flicks, the best homemade pizza ever cooking in the oven;
Trying to avoid being the Party Pooper, to stay up I give my eyes a good rubbin;
Most of all, Dad, I miss your hugs, musky cologne, and the pranks that tickled my insides;
I love you, forever proud of you;
One day our paths will surely collide

Your 1st Born, Dayna Kenya Renee

July 28, 2014

Marie and family, I just learned of your tragic loss. Dana was a great guy and he, Spence and I shared some good times back on Sierra. I am not surprised that he died a true hero, and I will always remember him. God bless you all.

Tim Reeg
USS Sierra 1985-1987

January 10, 2014

12 years my friend. Thanks for watching over us. I remember always.

Kelly Cotner Cpl
BCSO (Former)

January 8, 2014

Dana was like a father to me on board the Baker. You took me under you wing and treated me like the father I never had. I always enjoyed the times with Marie and the family and wished there was more of them. You knew deep down how much I loved and respected you and I will never forget all you taught me. God be with you and will see you again one day and we can reflect on all good times and laughs we shared. RIP brother heaven is a better place with you in it.

HN David McGowen
U.S. Navy

June 30, 2013

Dana was a very good friend and shipmate at the Branch Clinic in Charleston. He always had a professional outlook at work and with the Dorechester County Sheriff Office. We had a great time playing jokes on each other - notes he left on my pickup and my payback of sending a pregnant sailor to his office asking him WHY - WHY - WHY. Dana, my heart sank when I saw this posting. You are truly a great American hero and a great mentor for many a corpsman at the clinic. Rest in peace - my friend

Dennis Paul Hunt - HMC USN Retired

September 7, 2012

Your heroism and service is honored today, the 10th anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Your memory will always be honored and revered. I pray for aolace for all those who love and remember you for I know both the pain and pride are forever.

Rest In Peace

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

January 8, 2012

Dana, may you rest in peace brother. you always had a smile on your face no matter what the occasion. It was an honor to be one of your shipmates and friends. God be with you and your family.

Stephen Burnett DCC(SW)USN RETIRED

June 6, 2011

I worked with Dana at the Branch Medical Clinic at the Charleston Naval Base. He was a gifted & caring person and touched many lives. He is now watching over all those he loved & knew. So sad that Another person taken unnecessarily in the prime of their life.

He is missed by all that knew him.

Melody Stemple
I served in the USN with Dana Tate

March 6, 2011

L/CPL Tate,

I was a rookie fresh off of FTO with the Laurens Co. Sheriff's Office (SC) when I attended my first line of duty funeral for a law officer. I was overwhelmed by what I obsereved and the outpouring support for your family. To this day...I still remember Beaufort dispatch putting Alpha 45 out of service...though I never met you, I often think of that day. Rest with peace my brother, the watch is ours.

Officer A.L. Sullivan #35
Snellville Police, GA

December 28, 2010

I remember our days in Charleston when you had that corvette with the spider hanging from the mirror, you loved that car and drag racing. Then our paths crossed again in Beaufort, trips to Darlington when everyone dogged you for being a Gordon fan. I never saw you upset or angry or ever utter a bad word about anyone. You are missed and our prayers go out to you and your family. Rest in peace my friend, see you again some day.


September 16, 2010

Hi, Bro:

Today, one of your "Karaoke Partners" found me on Facebook.

You are most - certainly NOT Forgotten........

Michael B. Parlor

July 3, 2010

Thinking of you and your partner and all of your loved ones on this day. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

January 8, 2010

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