Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Billy Ray Walls, III

Jessamine County Sheriff's Department, Kentucky

End of Watch Tuesday, November 13, 2001

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Billy Ray Walls, III

Don't think that anybody has forgotten about you or your family. I think about that day every day and probably always will. Played golf at High point last Fri. as usual played poor. But, a smile came over me when I thought of the last time I played there with you and Sammy. I have a button that I will wear on Aug. 2nd. It was yours. I have shined it every Mon.- Fri. for the last 14 weeks. I will wear it and I will give it to your family. I know you have helped me and I want to honor your memory. Thanks for everything!

Even though we talk every day, I thought I had better put something in print since I haven't left a message on here in a while. We got a new restaruant in Nicholasville called "HEROS". I tried it yesterday. It has good food and good taste. Your picture of you in uniform is hanging on the wall. I will definately give them my business. The lodge is growing, I believe we now have 54 members. We have many plans for this summer. Our auxillary has a domestic violence benefit ball planned for later in the year.
The weather has been crazy all year as you well know. Got to go see your girls, its been a while. Its still hard, but I know you are riding with me every shift I work.
Keep an eye on us...
Love, 775

Tpr. John Ballard
Kentucky Horse Park Police

Hey Baby-
Things are moving forward but I still get stuck in that day. Wondering so much and not knowing anything. Just know what everybody has told me but it doesn't help me.
Kaley is to much like you. She was to get her pictures done Friday and we had to cancel it 'cause she has a black eye and a cut under it. Thinks she can run now. Walking is not fast enough for her. She climbs on everything in sight. I am going grey now. Between the both of you I'm almost grey now. haha
Watch over us like always. I love you MORE!!


Hey Billy, today is one of those "bad" days - seems like there have been more "bad" since November. Joe has one more day of high school and then will enter college and law enforcement if everything goes as planned. I know he thinks about you all often and misses you. I sometimes wonder what goes on inside of his head. I know it bothers him that Kaley is left without her "daddy". I know he will weigh all of the options and then do what he feels is best -- like you, he will follow his heart regardless of the danger. Rest in peace, Billy, we miss you.


Hello Billy it's been a while. Your ceremony in Richmond was one I will remember the rest of my life. I stood in formation with the other guys and couldn't grasp the full effect of it all. When they read Chuck and your names it took me back to that damn lonely road.The scene, the sounds everything. I said my goodbyes in Richmond Friday. I feel better doing it there than in any other place. I will miss you my friend.

Hey Sweetheart
It's been a very long week. Monday was a very hard day. I was at the wall to be you on our two year anniversary. Oh baby we had so many plans I still don't understand. Don't understand what could be the reason that you were taken away from all of us, but littlebit? I hope one day I will be able to somehow understand.
Washington was good for me, I met people in the same shoes as me and saw kids like Kaley. It helps to know that I am not alone. It was amazing to see the officers showing their support to all of us.
Billy I'm still having such a hard time. Help me with all that I'm trying to deal with inside my heart. You are the only one that is closest to me to know everything in my heart and soul.
Love always and forever.

I want to extend my condolences to the family of Deputy Billy Ray Walls. I just found out on Monday May 13, 2002 I lost my dear friend Captain Chuck Morgan. Although I did not have the privilege of Meeting Deputy Walls, the Nicholasville (Ky) Sheriffs Department and the entire Commonwealth of Kentucky lost two outstanding people. Captain Morgan and Deputy Walls are in a far better place because they are now patroling the golden streets of Glory.

I am still at a loss for words over this mindless and senseless tragedy. Two lives were taken much too soon. I will always regret not being able to have met and known the person who gave his life with my friend serving the citizens of Jasmine County and the Commonwealth. We can rest assured knowing the memories of Captain Chuck Morgan and Deputy Billy Ray Walls will never be forgotten.

Jim Brown
Memphis, TN

Jim Brown
Federal Express Corporatioin, Memphis, TN





May 14th, 2002

We made it back from Washington safely. I wish we could have stayed longer, but maybe that will work out next year. Several times during the week we talked with Casey and Kelly about how the last time we road-tripped together you were with us. I doubt that we will ever lose the feeling that you should be with us for stuff like that.

We had a good time on the trip. We must have walked 10 miles on Sunday going from place to place. You would have cracked up when we were eating outside and a bird flew overhead and pooped on Casey. The Wall was incredible, but almost too sad to bear. After seeing the mementos others leave for their friends/family, we decided that next time we will bring you some barbeque sauce or a Woodford Reserve shot. I'd also like to get a scrapbook page done with you, Prissy and Kaley and get a color copy done of it a leave it there. That way others could see how wonderful you are and how much you are missed.

Last night we went to the Vigil. I think we thought more about May 13th being your anniversary and 6th months from November 13th, than about anything else. We did remember to remind Kelly that it was the 2 year anniversary of her falling and showing her underpants to your family. We didn't ever get to see Prissy. I hope that she found healing with others that were walking in her shoes.

We miss you horribly Billy.

Officer Tracy R. Day
FCPS Dept. of Law Enforcement

May 13, 2002

Dear Billy,

Two years today since your wedding day--and what a day that was!! We all had happy jitters all day long, but everything worked out beautifully: You didn't pass out, Prissy made it down the aisle, I managed to hit all the high notes, and Marcy took her first deep breath in months! And what a reception--we all had a great time! That happy day will remain one of our favorite memories throughout our lives.

Six months today since you left us. Seems impossible. You're so much on our minds EVERY day, but even moreso this week as you're being honored, locally and nationally, for your outstanding service to the Jessamine County community--for which we thank you, again. It's still so hard to believe that you're really gone. When Prissy handed me the button with your picture on it last week, it took my breath away. The events of November 13th continue to seem like a nightmare from which we cannot awaken.

Aunt Nettie arrived at the Gates about 48 hours ago; I hope you had the opportunity to be there to greet her. Please tell her how much I love and miss her, and take some time to get to know her; she's a gem. You two will get along famously.

May you rest peacefully in the arms of God, Billy. We miss you.

Our love,

Susan and Louis Prater

Hey, Billy, been a while, I know you were there the other night at FOP, Your wife continues to amaze me...They all leave for DC next weekend, I wish I could go, but I don't have enough time in,,,I know you will be there with your wife, she has your spirit and strength, Billy...
Isaiah 40:31

JV Jackson
FCPS Divisiion Of Law Enforcement Lexington, Kentucky

Billy, almost 6 months and it seems like only yesterday and yet so long's hard to explain. I'm sure you already know you are being honored in several places over the next few days but in our hearts you are honored 24/7. Rest in peace, my friend.

Dear Billy,
This is your cousin Brittany, I wanted to write you, because I feel sad that you are gone. When I went to your funeral, I was so shocked, because I didn't think that this would happen to you. I thought that I wouldn't cry but when I got to the casket I just started to cry, and I thought that I could have started a new river. I wish that we could take all this back, and have you back here, it seems that it was only yesterday that we were playing vollyball at the family reunion, and you won I think. I hope that you are watching over your wife and baby.

love you,
your cousin,
brittany jones

cousin, brittany

It has been awhile since I have wrote to you and I am sorry for that, but I guess reality has set in and it is very hard for me. I want to wish you a happy belated Birthday and I know how happy you were to see Kaley on her 1st Birthday. I can't even imagine the pain that Prissy went through Sunday, but once again she has made us all so proud because of her strength. Your mom has been so very strong too and has been there for Prissy and Kaley but you know what they say.... the apple does not fall to far from the tree. You have a wonderful family and they all love you so very much. Please watch over all of us next week and continue to give us your strength because it is going to be very tough. We love you and miss you deeply my friend. Love Debbie

Debbie Stevens

Hey baby----Sorry but I couldn't do it on the 3rd...You know I came and saw you and talked to you about it. I guess birthday's will always be hard....

But today was Kaley's 1st big day.....She had a BLAST..Alot of people came around 70 or so. All the family, friends and some from S.O. Let me tell ya, it was really hard to keep a smile on my face and no tears for people to see. I wanted it to be a good day. And it was warm the sun was shinnig, no rain in sight. But my heart can't help but be heavy and hurt so very much. It was littlebit's 1st birthday. WE were to do this together...WE were going to show her everything...WE... It's just not right to do this alone.
She is so you and looking more like me everyday. She now runs not walks. Thinks that she is talking good and will explain it all to you..haha..

I love you always

May 5, 2002

Hi, Billy -

We just came from Kaley's first birthday party at Marcy's--she'll NEVER get all the gifts opened!!! Bet you enjoyed watching it all. So many of your friends and family were there; the fact that you were not was palpable and heartbreaking. It's hard to believe that just one short year ago, Kaley was (almost) your birthday present. What a difference 12 months makes . . .

Kaley looks more like you every day; it's really amazing! We wish you a belated 'Happy Birthday' too. We're all thinking of you and still missing you terribly. You should have been with us today . . . . but, of course, you were.

The coming week is going to be very difficult for us all, but we're thrilled you're being appropriately honored. Rest easy, Good and Faithful Servant.

Melody and Susan
Jessamine County

May 3rd

Happy Birthday Billy. We miss you.

Officers David and Tracy Day

Happy 29th Birthday Billy. I miss you. We all do. Did you have a nice party upstairs? I felt you today. I was playing NCAA 1997, Kentucky vs. Florida. I was the Cats of course, and Florida did an onside kick with 20 seconds left in the game, got the ball and kicked a field goal to send the game into O.T. I looked up at your picture and you were giving me the grin. You know, the heh heh heh grin. Thanks for coming down and spending some time with me on your birthday. It meant a whole lot, a whole lot! I'm gonna stay up til midnight with you tonight. I think I'll pull out some newspaper articles I haven't looked at since you know when. We all miss you so much. Happy Birthday bubba. I love you.

Chris Walls

Billy, I just wanted to let you know that you are truly missed by everyone. When I see Kaley though I see you. I see that smirk you would always give, its in her. I see that gorgeous smile she has it reminds me so much of you.Yes it's May, the flowers are blooming, Derby is just around the corner, as is Kaley's Big number 1 birthday. Also your Wedding Anniversary. I know that you are alright because you have told me so so many times. Its just hard for us down here, trying to hold on, and so very hard to let go. I find myself keep looking for you or waiting for you to call to say you are coming over. I also find myself of thinking about you everytime I see a officer in uniform. How proud you looked, and how proud I am of you.

We miss you with each passing day but know that God's plan is a bigger plan than Life itself. Its just so hard for some to let go.

Happy Belated Birthday!
Love always,
Aunt Karen

Karen Parido
Billy's Aunt

My dear Billy I thank GOD every day that you were in my life . You will never be forgotten and always be MY HERO. I wish that I could give you a big birthday hug and play a little station. I went saw your and prissy new house I could feel your presence as I stood in the basement . I know you will always look over them
I know you are very proud. GOD BLESS YOU BILL

jeff parido
bills uncle

Hey bubba. You know they are going to honor you all over the country in a week. Next Monday in D.C. and Friday in Richmond. It's gonna be tough on everybody, but I'm sure you already know that. You, Phillip and Kaley all have a birthday coming up real soon. I want so bad to call you and say "Hey old man, what do you want for your birthday?" I still have your cell number programmed in my phone just in case. Phil is going to be 18. Billy, help him. Come into his heart and tell him everything is gonna be o.k. He needs to know that. He doesn't even want to have his birthday party without having you there. And of course you know that lil' spitting image of you is almost a year old. Last time I saw her, she was starting to walk and talk. If not already, I know she'll be saying dadda really soon. Bill, you picked a great one in Prissy. The way that she has been coping is amazing. The only thing she will ever do that might upset you will be to spoil Kaley rotten. I guess if that's the worst thing, then that's alright. You know somebody told me the other day that when the hair on your neck and arms stand up, that someones spirit is with you. I know that is true because that happens when I think about you. Go spend some time with Chris Beach too, I know he needs to feel you around him. Help us all out in the next two weeks brother, cause it's gonna get really hard. I'm gonna go so I don't keep rambling. I Love You and I'll talk to you soon.

Chris Walls


I just wanted you to know that you are still with us every day. David and I talk about you all the time. We laugh, reminisce, and mostly just plain miss you.

Officer Tracy R. Day
FCPS Dept. of Law Enforcement

Hi, I dont know your husband or your family Im alot of miles away from you, but I found this site when our township lost a police officer. I have read many reflections on many officers, but I have to say this one really sticks with me, for I beleive my daughter is about the same age as your precious daughter, and I feel for you so much, IM SO SO Sorry for your tremendous loss, and I will pray that your family, and your officers, and community to give you the strength to live each day. I am so sorry and your memorial is beautiful and I enjoy reading it.

Kim Garvey
Upper Darby Pennsylvania

Hey billy, I guess you are up there patrolling the streets to heaven. I'm sure its great. Hope you close to the gates because unfortunately another brother has been taken from us and is now patrolling those streets up there with you. You are missed a great deal here. I hear prissy and the little one are doing great, Just remember they will always have a family looking out for them. Take care and please look over us all and keep us safe until we have to make our journey to those purly gates. take care my friend. To prissy and the little one, Lots of huggs and you're in my prayers.

Ofc. Darrell J ones
Lexington Metro Police

Hey Billy, I guess you met Capt. Hood at the gates of heaven, funeral for him is Friday, keep the watch,,,

Isaiah 40:31

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