Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer James B. Gilbert

Norfolk Police Department, Virginia

End of Watch Friday, September 28, 2001

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer James B. Gilbert

My thoughts are with your loved ones on this 5th anniversary of your tour of duty ending. I know they think of you every day and the tears still flow from their broken hearts. You will never be forgotten by them nor will the Blue Family ever let that happen. Keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You are a true hero and heroes never die. I'd like to share this poem someone sent to me:

Poem by Richard Fife:

No person is ever truly alone.
Those who live no more,
Whom we loved,
Echo still within our thoughts,
Our words, our hearts.
And what they did,
And who they were,
Become a part of all that we are,

Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon, Gold Star Father

September 28, 2006

I tried to do this yesterday but evidently it didn't accept it. I just wanted to let you know that I think of you often but especially on today. It doesn't seem like it has been 5 years since we lost our guys but then again it seems like it has been longer than that in some ways. I know this is a difficult time of year for you as it is me too. I can't believe Logan is already changing schools. I read about your dog...and share your pain. I had to have our dog put to sleep 4 months after Calvin died and that day in the vet's office brought the feelings of Oct. 3 to the front of my mind all over again. I hope to see you soon and pray that you and your family are well.
Love you guys,

Survivor of Calvin E. Taylor

September 28, 2006

James,you are missed so much. Not just today, the day that you went to live with Jesus, but every day. We remember all the good times, watching you,Mike,David,Sarah,Danny,Mark and Joe grow up. Michael's life has truely been changed since you've been gone. He has become a Christian and been baptised. There never comes a day that he doesn't miss you. Hunter is being baptised this Sunday. I'm sure you'll be there watching and smiling with that beautiful smile of yours. Although I know that you are with Jesus, it's difficult not to be selfish and want you back here with us. But then, I remember that you are there with Granny and Popsie,Aunt Sunnie,Uncle Clyde,your Dad,Jason and Paw.Just want you to know that you are missed and loved and we honor and celebrate your life. All my love..Aunt Mary

mary reason ange

September 28, 2006

Thanks for a job well done Officer Gilbert! Please continue to watch over your many family members and friends because from reading some of your reflections, I can tell that they love and miss you dearly! Rest in peace sir!!!

Friend of Chief Dion R Nelson EOW:9/24/05

September 28, 2006

Officer Gilbert, the poem your daughter wrote for you when she was 10 years old broke my heart.I am sure you are keeping your arms around her.G-d Bless you all.

September 28, 2006

God Bless and we will never forget you.


September 27, 2006

I just wanted to let you know that you are on my mind often but especially as tomorrow is almost here. This is such a bad time of year for both of us. I can't believe it's been 5 years ago but then again it seems like forever ago. I hope you and family are doing well. Hopefully I can get up to visit you sometime. I can't believe Logan is as old as she is......she will be grown in no time! I read about your dog....I know how hard that is; I had to have our dog put to sleep 4 months after Calvin was killed and that day in the vets office was so hard. It brought back the feelings of Oct.3, 2001 in the hospital so vividly. Plus Calvin would have been there with me if hadn't spite of everything. Take care of yourself & give me a call when you have a spare minute.
Love you guys!

Survivor of Calvin Taylor

September 27, 2006

I just wanted to let you know that you are on my mind often but especially as tomorrow is almost here. This is such a bad time of year for both of us. I can't believe it's been 5 years ago but then again it seems like forever ago. I hope you and family are doing well. Hopefully I can get up to visit you sometime. I can't believe Logan is as old as she is......she will be grown in no time! I read about your dog....I know how hard that is; I had to have our dog put to sleep 4 months after Calvin was killed and that day in the vets office was so hard. It brought back the feelings of Oct.3, 2001 in the hospital so vividly. Plus Calvin would have been there with me if hadn't spite of everything. Take care of yourself & give me a call when you have a spare minute.
Love you guys!

Survivor of Calvin Taylor

September 27, 2006

Fallen, but NEVER forgotten.

Mother, daughter, sister, and granddau. of LEO's

September 27, 2006

Through the years I have had the honor and pleasure to work with men and women who have amazed me with their phenomenal acts of bravery. When other ran away, they charged forward. When others reached out for safety, they offered a helping hand. When others cried out, they responded with a soothing voice.
Tragically, many of them died...but in doing so they have taught us all how to live.
With their service and sacrifice they redefined the word “HEROES”

James will not be forgotten.

Norfolk Police Department

September 26, 2006

We want you to know that we have not, and will not forget about you! We (NPD) all still have you in our hearts!

August 25, 2006

Just thinking about you as I do everyday. Want you to know you are loved so very much and missed dearly. For some reason I can't stop thinking of you today. It's just one of those days that sneeks up on you when you try to be strong, it gets the best of you. Sasha passed away on the 19th of June. It was the second saddest day of my life. I know how much you loved her. She was not only a beautiful dog, but a dear friend. I still have not been able to bring her to your grave and give her a final farwell to Heaven yet. It will take some time, but I have comfort knowing she's already there with you now. I know when she passed, you were so happy and overjoyed when she came running into your arms in Heaven. Probably kissing you all over your face. We just could not watch her suffer anymore.

On the other hand, everything is going great for Logan. She's getting ready to start Junior High in all Advanced classes and is getting ready to go away to Nature Camp. Please guide her and protect her as I know you will. She has never been away from me for anymore than 2 days. I hope she can make it for 2 weeks.

Lately, everyone has said how much she looks just like you. It's amazing how much she takes after you James. I know your proud of her!

Your mom and I had alot of tears and some great laughs about you a few weeks ago. I know you were smiling in Heaven too! We still think of the ridiculous things you did that were so darn funny. You always could make anyone laugh. You and your brothers! Ya'll were always up to someting, most of the time it was ya'll pulling a prank on your mom or another family member. You still bring a smile to my face James and you always will. Remember the Poem you gave me...You are my sunshine, well I just found it the other day. You are my sunshine and I will always love you!


Tiffany Gilbert

July 16, 2006


With the recent losses in our area I have thought a lot about you and your family recently. One of my last official Honor Guard functions was to present your wife and your mother the folded flags at your service. That was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do on the job. We could use more guys like you James, you had a lot of friends and everybody I ever spoke to about you talked about what a good man you are. Keep an eye out for us brother until our watch ends. Blessings to you and your family.

Lt. Dave Huffman
Norfolk Police Department

June 1, 2006


-Words from a son of a fallen Chesapeake Va firefighter paramedic killed in the line of duty on 03/18/96:Firefighter Specialist Frank E. Young and John R. Hudgins Jr; final alarm-L.O.D.D. : auto parts store blaze

ALSO IN MY MEMORY: Virginia Beach va officer Rodney F. Pocceshi 2003, Chesapeake virginia officer Michael K. Saffran 2005, Norfolk virginia officers Sheila Herring 2003, Stanley C. Reaves 2005, and Seneca Darden 2006


May 23, 2006

I saw this on your panel during Police Week and thought I'd share it with everyone. Ya dun gud, James. I hope you don't mind...

My darling daughter Logan,

I'm sorry I left so suddenly
and couldn't say goodbye.
Sometimes things happen and
we don't always know why.

I want you to know it's okay
for you to cry once in awhile,
But try not to be sad all the time
'cause in Heaven, I can see you smile.

Heaven is so beautiful and peaceful;
so much that I can't begin to explain.
It's filled with flowers and butterflys,
and no one is ever in any pain.

Yes, my darling, Heaven is as you said,
everyday is wonderful and bright.
There is no hot or cold because
the temperature is always just right.

The sun always shines and
never is there rain or snow.
And over there in the corner
is a big and beautiful rainbow.

You wonder if there are Angels here
and if we're happy or sad or cry.
There are Angels everywhere, my love,
and there are never tears in anyone's eyes.

You shouldn't wonder if
I ever think of you at night.
I never stop thinking of you
and miss you with all my might.

Why I left is hard to explain;
All I know is that it was God's plan.
One day we'll be together again
and then you will understand.

Until that time, my precious little girl,
you must live, love, laugh and shine bright.
For you are my shining star, my Angel.
Give your mother my love and hug her tight.

And whenever you feel a breeze on your cheek,
it's just me kissing you goodnight, too.
I'm so very proud of you, my sweet little girl.
I miss you so much and I love you too.

All my love,

May 17, 2006

James. I usually talk to you in my thoughts and prayers and even out loud. However, I just wanted to let you know that me and Mom will be there to honor you and all the rest of the heros on Sat. I love you and believe you will be there with us too. See you on Saturday and talk to you soon. God bless my brother.



May 12, 2006

James, soon we will all gather in DC for National Police Week. Amazing how we dedicate a block of time to remember our fallen heroes when, really, some of them are never far from our thoughts? You're one of those, James. Rest in peace, Hero. You will always live in our hearts and our memories.

May 2, 2006

Hey James I am thinking about you all the time,just wanted to tell you that I started my new position at work and it is a great opportunity for me and my family, I am still in school working on my certification for hvac. Everyone is doing as well as we are going to do, but we are making it through just fine. We all miss you soooooo much. I wish I could have you back with us ,I wish you never had to go, it feels as if everything that happened to you just happened yesterday. You are a awesome police officer and you gave your life to keep us safe and you did a hell of a job doing it. You have always made me proud to be your brother, and I have always looked up to you ,and still do. You represent everything I wish I could be, but the fact is you are in a league all of your own when it comes to being like you, no one will ever be like you,you are one of a kind,and I love you forever. You may be gone from this earth but you are like the wind " we can't see it blow ,but we can feel it". I want to end this on a funny note, remember when Dad was showing you how to work the riding lawn mower when we were little and he thought he had it all figured out,but when he put that thing in gear without holding the brake down that mower jerked really hard almost throwing dad off the back,and he ran smack into that tree by the patio, and the mower was just grinding the hell out of those gears, I thought you and I were going to pee our pants we were laughing soo hard! I know you are up there right now with dad laughing about it now! " WE HAD SOME REALLY GOOD TIMES " I love you I love you to Dad, cheers to all the great memories we have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo

David W. Gilbert
Brother of a heroe 0177

April 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Baby! Can't beleive your 33 today, you were too young to be taken from us so soon! It's a difficult day today, knowing it's your birthday and we'd be celebrating like we used to. I went to your grave this morning on my way to work and it was very quiet and peaceful. My emotions got the best of me though and I had to leave. Logan wrote you a nice card and gave me a smiley face balloon to leave for you. I know your shining down on all of us as your celebrating with your grandfather and father. Please know that I am thinking of you and your are always in my heart and constantly on my mind. I will always love you James. Until next time......XOXO

Tiffany Gilbert

April 5, 2006

James it has been 5 years since you have left us, tomorrow is your birthday and we all miss you very much we all love you so very much ,and wish you were here everyday. You were always such a wonderful person to everyone and you have left an everlasting impression on everyone's life! James you do not have to worry about us at all we know now what really happened to you because of a couple of sources we have,we now know the truth. We will never have you back ,and we have learned to live with that painful fact,but we will always have great memories of your smiling face! I love you brother with all of my heart ,and I wish you a happy birthday, your nephew James Benjamin Gilbert will carry on your name with a proud respect for his uncle because he will be reminded everyday of why he has such a special name. I have never told anyone what you told me a long time ago ,and I still remain to keep that with me to my grave no one will ever know what we had talked about ,that is the one thing no one can ever take away from me. Well brother happy birthday ,and save me a seat next to you and God when I come knocking I will be coming with a lot of love to give you,and God! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

April 4, 2006

James, it has been almost five years and my son Logan is the age your daughter Logan was when you left this earth. I remember how much you loved your family and can not imagine how much they must miss you. You left an unwavering impression on all that had the honor to know and work with you. Although I still grieve as I write this, nothing but good memories pass through my mind. You pushed me to be the best in the academy, on the street and still today. You are a true hero.

Lieutenant Robert Conroy
Monroe County Sheriff's Dept. Wisconsin

February 9, 2006

Ya know every once in a while I get on the page and read about James. I read tiffany's reflections and think " what a love she had for him". It is truly amazing. My wife has read alot of these reflections and feels the same way tiffany does. Especially the one when she tells that animal to burn in hell. My heart breaks everytime I visit this web site, but as a police officer it keeps my mind focused on the reality of being injured in the line of duty. Yet as I read about the love this woman had for james, I know that my wife has that same love and it keeps my senses keen, and hopefully keeps me safe. Thank you Mrs. Gilbert you have helped me be a better police officer and you help me to stay safe. You, your family and the memory of Officer James Gilbert will always be honored by every police officer, and you and yours will always be in my prayers.

Local police officer (JW)
Portsmouth police

January 18, 2006

Today i filled out my paperwork to participate in the Police Unity Tour for the first time on 5/10/06 and i thought about you. I think you probably remember me from 12/31/99. I was involved in a shooting that left me wounded from a shotgun blast to the face. As you know your mother was there that day and was held for questioning as a witness as i was transported by ambualance from the scene. A few days later i recieved a letter from her letting me know that she was thinking about me and thanking me for protecting her from danger that night. The letter meant a lot to me, because she mentioned that her son was a Norfolk Police officer and that she did'nt want you to be one anymore. When we heard about your death, I did'nt realize it was the same person that had been mentioned in my letter, because your mothers last name is different and that is the last name i remembered. When i went to your funeral and fellow Chesapeake officer walked up to me and stated that your mother was wondering if i was there and she wanted to speak to me. I asked the officer, "Why" and he stated "She said something about being there the day you were shot". My heart immediately fell into my stomach and i could barely breath. One police officers mother in the world sent me a letter after my incident, and now her son has been killed in much the same fashion that i was almost killed. At that point i started to recall the things your mom wrote in that letter and started to wonder what i would say when i saw her. Finally i approached the limosine and the window rolled down. There sat Tiffany and your mom and several other people. I introduced myself and told them i was sorry for their loss. Your mom looked at me and simply stated, "Thank You for what you do". I smiled and shook her hand a walked away before my emotions got the best of me. I have'nt seen or spoken to her since then, but she has sent me an occasional letter to let me know she is thinking of all your Brother in Blue. When i set out on my bike to make that 250 mile ride from Chesapeake to D.C. this year, i will be riding for all of the men and women killed in the line of duty, but you will be my guide. We will never forget the sacrifice you made for your city, state and country. God only recruits the best, and you are exactly that.

Police Officer Bryan P. Cilento
Chesapeake Police Department

December 7, 2005

I am going to school here in Norfolk but I live in Boston, after seeing the passing of Officer Reaves I read your story. You are a true hero, bless your family and rest in peace.

MC - ODU Rugby

November 14, 2005

I saw a note written by Tiffany and had to come to this site. I've been here before. Your picture seems clear to me and I wonder if it is because I have seen it at the wall in D.C.

I'm talking to James right now to ask him to help Tiffany find the strength she needs to get through the anguish and try to find happiness. I know that no husband would want their loved one to feel so alone. They would want someone there to protect their wife.

So James, send Tiffany a friend. Tiffany, you have to let yourself be happy and remember that you are still on earth and need to live your life.

When my brother died, I cried everyday for 7 months. Depression consumed me. No one wanted to talk to me about his death. I would talk to you. I know that people like to talk about their life with the one they miss. But it was me who had to decide to stop hurting myself and to start being happy for what I have.

We will never understand why things happen the way they do. You are not alone. Look to the C.O.P.S. programs to help with your pain.

We truly feel like a piece of heart goes away when someone dies. That emptiness will never fill because it was full of that person. But we can fill the rest of our heart with joy.

It sounds like you have an amazing daughter. You sound like you are doing a great job raising her.

Don't keep up a front for people. Work through it all and once you do, you will be able to move forward. It does get easier.

God bless you.

Gina Pocceschi Boyle
Sister of VA Beach Fallen Officer Rodney Pocceschi (EOW 6/23/03)

November 14, 2005

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