Texas Department of Public Safety - Texas Highway Patrol, Texas
End of Watch Monday, August 7, 2000
Reflections for Trooper Randall Wade Vetter
Trooper Vetter,
Today is the seventh anniversary of your EOW. Thank you for serving the state of Texas with the dedication you had. I will be thinking of your family and friends on this day, and know that you will never be forgotten.
Pennsylvania citizen
August 7, 2007
August 7, 2007
Hello there brother. Believe it or not, your tragic day is still being taught to Officers all across America. When I attended our department’s annual in service, your video was shown to remind us how easily our lives can be taken away.
While watching the show, “The Academy” today, your video was shown to a class of police recruits in the Los Angeles area, yes that's right, Los Angeles, California. I hope you and your family knows that your tragic day is saving the lives of Officers everywhere. You will always be honored and will never be forgotten. I just ask that you look over me as I continue my watch and also give me guidance to make it through the process of trying to be a Trooper, just like you.
With respect and love, your Brother in Blue. Say hello to all the other fallen heroes for me.
P.O. Bobby Castilo
Killeen Police Department
July 5, 2007
Rest in Peace, Brother. Your memory will not be forgotten.
New Jersey State Police
June 13, 2007
Rest in peace Troop.
June 11, 2007
After watching this video it brings home the risks people like you on the front line, and correctional officers like me to a lesser extent take for a daily wage.
God bless you and your family - people like you make the worl a better place. God bless to your colleagues and all in the US Police & Correctional Services. Your brother from over the pond.
Sean Paterson - Senior Officer
HM Prison Service - UK
April 12, 2007
Rest in peace, Brother. I am honored to leave a reflection for you.
March 23, 2007
March 18, 2007
R.I.P. Trooper Vetter, you will never be forgotten. Your family and friends will always be in my prayers.
EPSO (Colorado)
March 13, 2007
Randy, We have not forgotten you. It's been 7 years and I was not working for the department at the time, but in time that I have employed here, I have heard your name countless times. Thank you for your service and your life. We love you always, and thank you for truly fufilling our motto, Courtesy-Service-Protection.
Erin Powell, Communications
TX DPS-Conroe
March 9, 2007
Anger ... that is what i feel as i write this.. what a waste of such a good man all because of a seatbelt.. I just saw the uncut video of the incident... why... rest in peace Trooper Vetter... i just cant get over it...god bless you and your family... may the man answer to god on this one...damn him
robert arrington
an american ... and proud
January 29, 2007
To Officer Vetter and everyone else who has made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty,
May you all rest in peace knowing that all over the world, you will be known, remembered and mourned. Despite that many of us have never met, the loss is still heartbreaking.
May your good hearts forever live on in your children and families.
To those who take it upon themselves to protect and serve;
Thank you ever so much!
Best regards,
T Fjeld
ex Norwegian Army officer
January 28, 2007
Our thoughts and prayers to family and fellow officers.
Sgt Powell
US Army
January 18, 2007
I give my condolensnces to the the family of this young man. I seen the actual footage of this incident on a website. When I seen I could not believe what i was seeing it was horrific. I must say that it he was a brave man to face such a cowardly manic. May God give peace to his family.
January 16, 2007
Trooper Vetter, I just watched the videotape of the incident that took your life. I held it together pretty well until the end of the tape when I could hear your fellow officers telling you to hang on and that it was going to be alright. I can only imagine what everybody went through that day...I felt like I was living it as I watched the tape. Perhaps it was not a good idea to watch this video today seeing as, in 3 hours, I will start my shift. HOWEVER, every officer that I talk to today will get the lecture on how you NEVER know who out there is trying to take your life. I can't count how many times I've had an officer tell me "ahhh, she was a 62 year old grandma, she wasn't gonna do anything" and I tell them "you never know!!!" So today I will tell them..."NOBODY is safe, trust no one, and handle EVERYONE you meet as if they are the one that is going to try to take your life." God Bless You, Trooper Vetter...you are a brave man and, looking at the reflections left here, very well loved and very missed.
A 911 Dispatcher
Houston County 911
January 10, 2007
i just saw a 3 minute clip on the incident on the internet. words can describe the feeling. my hats off to the brothers and sister in law enforcement that were at the scene.
brother police officer
January 9, 2007
Trooper Vetter,
God bless you sir for your service. Rest in peace brother.
Tom Freismuth
Former Oceanside Police Department Transport Officer
January 5, 2007
You will not be forgoten. God bless your family.
December 12, 2006
My thoughts are with the Vetter family on this 6th anniversary of Randall's EOW. This did not have to happen but because of one deranged individual lives have been destroyed forever. A wife without her husband and a child without his father. I know we ask the question why, which will never be answered. Even if we did get an answer it would not bring back our loved ones. Trooper Vetter, keep watch over your loved ones, ease their pain by visiting them in their dreams to let them know you are close and watching over them. You are a true hero and heroes never die, you will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon, Gold Star Father
August 7, 2006
I just viewed the videotape of that horrible event. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry your life ended so tragically. May you rest in peace.
Detective Aimee Bischoff
Louisville Metro Police Department
May 24, 2006
Mrs. Vetter
I never got the chance to tell you how proud Randy was of you and your baby. I met Randy while he was stationed in Brownsville. I would always tell him how I admired his height. About a week before he was shot I remember talking to him while he waited to be interviewed for a spot in the C.L.E. Division. All he could talk about that day was you and your baby. Know that the day he was shot we were in McAllen and we immediate stopped what we were doing and put him in prayer. We prayed for Randy and all his family. He love you so and I know that he is looking down from Heaven and keeping watch over you and all your family. God Bless you today and everyday.
Sergeant M. Pena
Texas Department of Public Safety
May 11, 2006
Dear Mrs. Vetter,
I have never met you, but you must be a very special woman. Because Randy was such a very special man.
I was a friend of Randy's. We graduated the same year. My strongest memory of Randy is from back in '93. He and I went shooting clays at his Dad's. I remember his old green car with the spotlight. His love for "shooting from the hip", and his dreams of working in law enforcement. It is what he always wanted to do. I was so glad to hear he became a state trooper. The role fit him so well.
He was such a sweet, gentle giant of a man. He loved life and his friends. No one every had an unkind word to say about Randy. He had such high morals, such a strong sense of justice. He was a great friend and a great dancer.
When I first heard of the tragedy I broke down and cried. I am crying again. Every so often, for unknown reasons he flashes back to me. His spirit is so strong. I only knew him a short time, but I miss him terribly. I am certain he was a wonderful husband to you and would have been the worlds' best father to your son. The tragedy of this is that he was taken so soon, so young. You and the rest of the world is missing out on all that could have been with Randy in it just a little longer.
I share your grief. I grieve still. I am so very sorry.
May God bless you both.
March 30, 2006
I am currently studying Administration of Justice at a local College last week we were shown a video of this unfortunate incident. Upon my research I later find out that his wife and 8 month old (which is now 6?) was affected as well. Hearing these stories help us become more aware of how fragile life may be especially on the force. I am deeply sorry for Vetter's family's loss. He seemed to be a very kind hearted man.
Danielle Rodrick
Mendocino Colllege
February 21, 2006
Policeman's 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,
His comforting hand reduces fear to naught;
He makes me walk through streets of crime,
But He gives me courage and peace of mind.
He leads me by still waters in the path I trod,
And He says in Romans I'm a "minister of God,"
He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul,
For His name's sake He keeps me whole.
When I walk through death's valley, right up to the door,
I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more;
For Thou art with me every step of the way,
As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.
He prepares a table, especially for me,
As I work daily among life's enemies;
He gives me authority to uphold the law,
And He anoints my position in the midst of it all.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
Each day of my life through eternity;
As I long to hear Him say, "Well done...,"
When I lay down my life, my badge, and my gun.
Author Unknown
P.O. Chris Welby
Bridgeton, Mo. PD
February 17, 2006
Dear Mrs. Vetter,
I am so sorry for your loss. I went to high school with Randy. He was a senior and I was a freshman, but we were both in the CHS marching band. A lot of seniors were rude and bossy, but Randy was always a joy to be around. He was a very kind and funny person. And so very, very brave. I know that he is watching over you and your son. I hope you are doing well. I just wanted you to know that Randy touched a lot of people's lives and he will never be forgotten.
An old classmate
February 6, 2006